Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 133

Chapter 133

Ah, Ive been apprehended, Raciel chuckled.

Raciels laughter was met with a bewildered gaze from Javillon. His expression instantly conveyed an understanding of the current situation.

The Saint officer You You were the crown prince of Magentano Raciel AdriaMagentano? Javillons cheeks quivered, clearly taken aback. Even the corners of his eyes trembled.

Facing Javillon, it felt awkward to witness such a dramatic reaction. It was reminiscent of a clich morning drama scene, as if he had been abruptly thrust into one.

The disguise magic has worn off, Raciel thought, his gaze shifting swiftly to his hand. While he had been posing as Officer Rihan, he had grown accustomed to the plump back of his hand, but now it had vanished.

In its place, a fragile and pale, bony hand was visible.

The truth was undeniable.

The impact he had just received from Javillon, a blow that would typically have rendered him unconscious, had been absorbed by the disguise magic.

Similar to bubble wrap shielding a valuable package, it had soaked up the impact, burst, and vanished.

Consequently, his disguise had faded, revealing his true self.

Whats my next move? Should I make a run for it, or can I leverage my true identity in this situation?

He deliberated swiftly. Being the crown prince of Magentano would that carry any weight with Javillon at this moment?

He couldnt be certain.

Javillon, this guy is unpredictable.

Ideally, things would resolve amicably, and he could retreat without any trouble. However, he held little hope for such an outcome.

In the worst-case scenario, he might be taken hostage.

That would jeopardize the precarious balance in Anbouazs civil war. The rebels could gain the upper hand. The Magentano royal family might refrain from intervening, which would be the direst outcome. Moreover, it would incur the emperors displeasure.

It would be a colossal inconvenience, viewed as a catastrophe by the emperor. He definitely wanted to avoid that.

The decision was clear.

Lets make an escape.

He resolved to act before Javillon had a chance to recover. With that intention, he sprang to his feet.

But then

Ding dong!

[Absorbed the Swordmasters full force blow without losing consciousness.]


An unexpected message appeared.

In the midst of this urgency, what was this nonsense? It felt as bothersome as a spam call about a loan during a busy moment.

However, upon reading the subsequent message, he had to reconsider.

[Ordinarily, an average persons body cannot withstand a Swordmasters blow. Nevertheless, thanks to the disguise magic, you successfully endured this blow without harm. Its undoubtedly a stroke of luck, but it counts as a valuable experience.]

[The Asrahan Core Technique engraved in your heart has actively analyzed and learned from this unique experience.]

[From the analysis and learning, the Asrahan Core Technique offers a new method for absorbing substantial external impacts and mitigating physical damage.]

[A new Asrahan Core Technique option HP Conversion is now accessible.]


HP Conversion?

A spark of immediate interest ignited within him. He promptly examined the options details.

[Exclusive Skill Option : HP Conversion When activated, you can convert the HP accrued from donations from your organs into your actual life force. You can determine the amount of HP for conversion at will, and the efficiency of HP conversion into life force will improve with the growth of the Asrahan Core Technique. (Current conversion rate = HP 10: Life Force 1), (Your current life force: 210/300)]

This is incredible.

Absolutely incredible.

Upon comprehending the option, Raciel realized its significance.

He swiftly grasped the implications of this newfound option and how it could be employed in the future. It could also impact the current situation significantly.


All of it.

Became crystal clear.

How to navigate through this situation moving forward, what advantageous choices were at his disposal, and the possibilities he now possessed.

The options available for choice, and the most efficient and proactive way to combine themall of it became unmistakably clear. It was no longer a vague, murky image but a plan more precise than any blueprint, a picture so sharp it felt like it exceeded UHD and reached 8K quality.


There was no longer a need to flee from Javillon. Perhaps today, right here, he might even be able to triumph over Javillon.

A peculiar confidence welled up within him, giving rise to self-assurance.

Perhaps thats why.

Even when Javillons biting voice resounded harshly, he didnt flinch.

Unlike before, his shoulders remained relaxed. Instead, he managed to maintain a composed demeanor.

Why did you deceive me? Javillon demanded.

He looked up.

Javillons distorted face was in view, glaring with eyes that resembled those of a demon.

His entire body trembled, indicating more than simple anger. He was consumed by rage with every fiber of his being.

Saint officer, no, Crown Prince of Magentano. Why? Why did you approach me in that manner?

Tell me. Why did you deceive me? Was it merely to mock me? To ridicule my intention of considering you a close friend and wanting to keep you by my side? Was that the extent of it?

Upon closer examination, Javillons eyes seemed to glisten with moisture.

Is he choked up? Initially dismissed as a misunderstanding, it now appeared genuine. It seemed that he genuinely cared for him.

Thus, he must have felt betrayed. His anger might have grown in proportion to the warmth he had felt, now blazing into raging flames.

But Raciel had no intention of playing along.

With a casual chuckle, he responded, adding fuel to the fire.

Goodwill, my foot. Whats a rebel from a mere kingdom to me, the crown prince? Keeping me by your side as a friend? Are you out of your mind?


Snap out of it. Do you still see me as Officer Rihan?

You said you wouldnt let me go, even if you had to sever my legs to keep me by your side forever? Geez. Its absurd. Youre obsessed. Its a mental disorder.


Was Javillon taken aback by Raciels audacity? Or was he simply dumbfounded? Javillons mouth hung open.

Nevertheless, it was apparent that his anger was steadily intensifying.

In other words, the tactic was succeeding. The situation was unfolding precisely as Raciel had envisioned.

So, he pushed a little further.

Enough with the excuses. Are you going to keep clinging?


Will you make a bigger fool of yourself here?

What do you mean

Back off while Im asking nicely. Dont act close when youre not even on my level. Dont pretend to know me. Try not to even boast about having had a conversation with me.

Listen without getting upset. Im saying this because I genuinely care.

Javillons fierce expression gradually turned cold. His gaze settled into an eerie calm.

This was to be expected. Advice that follows a request not to get upset has a peculiar way of infuriating people.

Meaning, Javillon was reacting exactly as planned, provocation and all.

Hes uncontrollable to begin with. Theyve already crossed a line. Neither of them has a way out.

In such situations, its better to elicit a predictable reaction.

You really

Javillons cold response came as expected, sending shivers down the spine.

I hoped it wouldnt come to this.


He drew his sword. A menacing aura emanated from him.

The intent to kill was unmistakable in his eyes.

Staring straight into those eyes, Raciel asked,

So, can you handle the consequences?

Of course.

Step by step, Javillon approached with an emotionless, composed demeanor.

Would anyone from the kingdoms fortress recognize your face at this distance? I dont think so.

Princess Adeline? The kingdoms guards? If theyre wiped out, there will be no witnesses.

So, your fate wont change, even if youre the crown prince of Magentano.

Are you planning to sever my legs?


The empire will search desperately for you, but I have confidence.

What confidence?

Confidence in keeping you hidden by my side until the end. And if things go awry, confidence in toppling not only this kingdom but the empire as well.

At least Javillons words werent mere bluster. Raciel knew that because he had actually carried out those words in the novel Devil Sword Emperor.

But that wasnt the most crucial matter at this moment.

Youre mad. Truly mad. Are you seriously considering such an act?

He took a feigned step back, responding to Javillon with a slightly dismayed expression, hoping to deceive him.

And Javillon fell for it.

Why? You think I cant do it?

As he displayed a hint of weakness, Javillons aggression intensified.

He began to wear a visibly sinister expression, eyes like a predator that had detected its preys vulnerability. His body language marked Raciel as the clear target.

The tip of his sword dipped slightly toward the ground, his muscles relaxing entirely. It was a clear sign of an imminent attack. Raciel had a premonition, and it became a reality.

Javillons sword moved like lightning.



A sudden, low slash with no preparatory motiona clean preemptive strike befitting a Swordmaster.

However, Raciel wasnt caught off guard. He had anticipated and purposely led to this situation.

He even smirked. Swiftly, he moved his hand, discreetly extracting an item and presenting it forward while verbally provoking Javillon.

And he activated the Asrahan Core Technique, infusing it with mana.

Zzzz Zing-!

The shield, Perennial Snow, responded to the mana and expanded. A translucent barrier of cold air blocked the path ahead. Simultaneously, Raciel mentally commanded.



[Asrahan Core Technique skill option : Impenetrable activated.]

[Impenetrable is activated. For the next 5 minutes, the sturdy endurance of the mana circle will protect your nervous system. You will be able to withstand any shock without losing consciousness until the option ends.]

[Time left for Impenetrable effect: 4 minutes 59 seconds]


He felt his entire nervous system become as unyielding as a rock.

Was it before coming to Anbouaz? Suddenly, he recollected the days when he had treated Princess Adelines gallstone.

The days when he had to endure 500 shockwaves to eliminate her gallstone.

He acquired the Impenetrable option at the end of that ordeal. So now, for the next 5 minutes, he wouldnt have to worry about fainting.

I can do it!

Earlier, he had managed to withstand Javillons attack without losing consciousness, thanks to the disguise magic. But now? He would rely on the Impenetrable option.

Raciel clenched his teeth.

He prepared himself for the impending shock.

Just as he had done in his previous life.

He leaned on the Perennial Snow cold shield, making it solid. At that moment, Javillons slash collided with the Perennial Snow.



For a moment, everything went white.

Stars filled his vision.

The shock was more intense than he had anticipated, pushing him back.

But he didnt black out. The Impenetrable option protected his nervous system during the powerful impact, preventing him from losing consciousness.

However, he was not unharmed.


He struggled to catch his breath.

At the same time, a red message appeared before his eyes.


[Your current Life Points: 130 / 300]

Just one blow.

A significant portion of his life points had been depleted by that single attack. Nonetheless, Raciels smirk widened. He immediately activated another option.

HP Conversion!


[Asrahan Core Technique skill option : HP Conversion activated.]

[Current conversion rate = HP 10: Life Points 1]

[Please set the amount of HP to be used for the conversion.]

[Your current HP: 7,400]


He exclaimed.

The response was immediate.

[1,700 HP will be converted.]

[170 Life Points will be replenished.]

[Your current Life Points: 300 / 300]


A refreshing sensation, as if applying a healing balm all over his body. An invigorating feeling, as if carbonated water was poured into every pore.

The dizziness vanished instantly. His trembling legs regained stability. His blurred vision cleared up in no time.

As expected.

It unfolded as he had calculated. The envisioned scenario was accurate. Today, perhaps genuinely, he might be able to capture him. He was confident. He raised his head, and Javillon, who had just struck him, came into view. Raciel greeted Javillon with a cheeky smile.

Couldnt knock me out again? I was worried because youre a Swordmaster, but after taking the hit, its no big deal, is it?


Javillons sword tip wavered slightly.

But this was just the beginning.

(To be Continued)

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