Crimson Instinct

Chapter 240: A parent's feelings

Chapter 240: A parent's feelings

*Bai Li*

I grinned. "I knew it. My Xin Lei is the best!"

"Hey, and what about your friends?"

I looked up to see all coming in.

Lin Zihao complained. "You got some quality time with your girlfriend. Now spare us your attention too."

Suddenly, a man glared at him, who was walking behind him, and I felt a familiar sensation on my back.

Ah, so he is Xin Zhen...No wonder he is giving the death glares. I can see some siblings' similarities too.

Besides him stood an older version of Xin Zhen, who was sighing and nudging him to calm down.

Undoubtedly, he was Xin Nianzu. The father son almost looked like carbon copies.

I smiled. "Hey, Goofy. Do I see you a little aged than five years back? You are growing old so fast."

Xin Lei chuckled.

Lin Zihao fumed at first, but then I noticed him and Su Weiyuan looking at me seriously. Major General joined them too in the staring contest.

"Hey, you all. Don't stare at me like that. You are creeping me out."

"Shut up."

I sighed. "I know you are worried about me, and it's unbelievable. Trust me. I was in your position just a few minutes ago."

"Unbelievable and awesome! No matter how many times Long Hu said the same thing, we just couldn't believe it. Soooooooo you can see us now. Congratulations!"

Su Weiyuan smiled and patted my shoulder. "Whatever happened last night was dangerous, but I am glad it affected you for good."

Major General laughed. "Well, at least one - no, two good things came out of it!"

The woman on the other side of Xin Zhen clapped. I figured she was Shi Ruiling.

"Yes! One blast brought Xin Lei's voice and Bai Li's sight too! How cool is that? It's just like how it's in the movies, hoho."

Xin Lei grinned.

"Then I guess we must thank my dear sister for pressing the button," A woman snickered as she stood at the back with a man, "At least she did one praiseworthy thing before she got her throat slashed."

Of course, I recognized her voice. 

Zhang Xiulan. Zhu Yusheng.

"Congratulations, you two," she smiled at us, and Zhu Yusheng nodded.

"Big bro! You got us so worried!"

A teenager came to my side and hugged me. "You really scared us all, especially sis Xin Lei."

I smiled. "Chu Jie. How are you, buddy?"

He sniffled and wiped his tears. "I am fine. We were already out of the building. But you were stuck inside! That was dangerous big bro! You shouldn't be so reckless!"

"Yes, hit him, Chu Jie," Xin Lei nodded. "Hit him hard. The idiot deserves it."


I sighed and ruffled his head. "Well, I am all fit and fine now, so let's not recall the past. We should always see what's ahead of us."

"Sage Bai Li at his work," Lin Zihao laughed.

My brow twitched.

I said, "By the way, did you finally meet your parents? They must be worried sick."

"Ah" Chu Jie's tone got a little down, and he lowered his head.

I raised a brow at Su Weiyuan.

"Well, his parents are here, but he doesn't want to meet them more like he is scared."

I looked at Chu Jie. "Why so?"

Chu Jie pursed his lips. "That I lied to them about the study thing and went to Andingzhen on my own to meet the girl and got kidnapped. They will surely beat me up for being so stupid. I am scared of their scolding"

Before I could say anything, Xin Nianzu came forward and patted his head. "Trust me. They are not going to scold you because they will be too busy crying and hugging you."

"No... you don't know my parents. They are very strict. I-I don't want to face them"

"I know your parents because I am a parent too. I know what they are thinking right now. I know what they must be wanting right now. They just want to see you and hug you right now. Nothing else."

Chu Jie bit his lip. He still didn't seem too sure.

I smiled. "It's alright. We will be there with you when you meet them. But you have to face them. And you got to face your mistake too that you ran away from home. You cannot run away from your mistakes, though I understand that it was partly because your parents put pressure on you."

He slowly nodded.

"We will talk to them too. There are certain things you need to understand as their child, and they need to understand as your parents."



Xin Nianzu patted my shoulder. "Good to see you alive and kicking."


"Heh! But he made my sister cry. I won't let my sister be with a man who makes her cry. I think they should break up," Xin Zhen snorted.

My mouth twitched.

I guess he will never accept me.

"Big bro!" Xin Lei protested. "We will never break up. You are so mean."

I nodded hard. "Plus, I just saved myself from a breakup. Xin Lei has finally forgiven me, so I don't want to go through that again."

Shi Ruiling giggled. "Ignore him. He will never admit it, but he was worried about his brother-in-law too. He stood in front of your surgery room the entire time."

Xin Nianzu laughed. "Of course, how can I forget it? He couldn't bear to see you in that state."

"I did not!" He growled. "And just who are you calling my brother-in-law? I haven't accepted him yet!"

We all just rolled our eyes.

I asked. "Where is Liao Huifang and Luo Zhiqiang?"

Xin Zhen said, "They are still at the site. The IB is recovering all the dead bodies. Liao Huifang stayed there to help him. They said they would come to meet you soon."

I nodded.

"And Cocoa?"

They shared a silent glance. "We tried to bring him in, but he resisted coming with us. Even we were shocked to see that. I thought he would be the first one to jump in the ward. He is still standing outside."

I kept quiet.

"I will go and meet him."

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