Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 96 Meeting Trafalgar D. Water Chris!

Chapter 96 Meeting Trafalgar D. Water Chris!

Creating Manga Of One Piece On Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

(For those who wanted to support me to continue this great book and enjoy the advanced chapters)

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After leaving Toki under Kikunojo's exclusive protection, Rob returned to the Kingdom of Drum in order to follow up on the condition of the injured and unlucky women.

Rob has agreed with Toki to wait for him at the Kuri art store, once she had finished her works in Wano, and he had also recommended Kikunojo, Kin'emon, and the others to take special care of Toki, so he wasn't too worried about her.

After receiving the reassuring news from Olvia regarding the stable condition of the fifteen women who were being treated by Doctor Kureha, Rob breathed a sigh of relief and moved on to his next target.

Flivance Island!

Yes, a visit to this dreary place with a beautiful facade was again on his schedule a long time ago.

He had a dispute with the royal family to resolve, but the most important thing was that he wanted to meet Trafalgar D. Water Chris.

It's time to hurry up and help this dead city in order to find a way out to survive.

[Destination - Art Store 'Flivance']

The teleportation room in the art store 'Drum Kingdom' glowed, and Rob disappeared from the scene afterward.

The next moment, he appeared in a similar room.

Rob walked out of his personal section and was greeted by a good number of people visiting the store, after all, it wasn't the day a manga volume was published or an event of some sort, it was a non-commercial time of the day.

But even so, there were so many people, that made Rob happy.

These people recognized him and caused such a stir, after all, that Rob would come over and over to Flevance, so much so that some thought Rob was always in their city.

It was a common misunderstanding among every city that had an art store.

"Hello, Rob san!"

"We missed you, store owner!"

"Hurry up and let us know Nami's condition!"

"We want other chapters!"

"What happened after Aizen escaped from the Soul Society?"

"We want to know!"


Rob greeted these people with a smile as he walked out of the art store.

As for the people who wanted spoilers, Rob didn't enjoy spoiling up stories for the readers, so he shrugged them off.

Rob walked the white streets of Flivance, and the city would have been so beautiful if there had been no dreadful tragedy behind its beautiful facade.

Rob received greetings again from the people on the street so he wasn't stingy in greeting them either.

This time Rob goes straight to the big hospital in the city, where he wants to find the person he's looking for.


Rob sat in the office of Trafalgar D. Chris while carefully examining the young man in front of him.

This person was, after all, a member of the notorious D clan!

So Rob thought he had something special.

But no matter how closely he observed, he didn't find anything special about this man.

He was a young man of 23 years old, even his appearance looked ordinary, he was like any doctor you would find in any hospital you went to.

"Then...Mister Rob, why are you looking for me?"

In fact, even Trafalgar D. Chris was tense about this man's sudden visit.

After all, who doesn't know Rob? Before he was the author of the famous One Piece manga, he was a pirate with a bounty close to a billion!

He also obtained an entire kingdom by absolute authority, in the new nation of Lnveel, Rob was above the prime minister, he was like a National Guard.

This is just a small amount of his authority, after all, Rob is known for being the Trade Emperor! The number of his stores spread around the four seas is estimated at 21, this is only what has been discovered so far and what is publicly known.

It was a frightening number that showed the wealth and power of this man.

Plus everyone knew that Rob had managed to defeat the Admiral, someone with such strength and authority would come to visit him, who was just a little doctor, naturally, even Kings would be tense let alone him.

"You don't have to be so nervous, I didn't come looking for you with bad intentions."

When Rob noticed that the other party was tense, he hastened to make him relax, for, after all, he didn't come to visit him out of malice or out of evil.

"Excuse me… but in front of someone like you even Kings would feel pressured, you might not know this, but the aura around you made my back cold from sweat, I'm just an ordinary doctor you know."

He was already just an ordinary doctor and wasn't a fighter with any kind of strength.

"Oh? I'm really sorry if I caused you any kind of stress, I had a battle recently, so maybe my body is still unconsciously on guard…"

Rob canceled out any tension in his body causing the frightening aura that had been surrounding him to disappear the whole time, he was moving from one place to another the whole time, so his body was on standby the whole time… Or maybe not?

This was a habit that followed him from his previous world, its symptoms became more severe in this world of One Piece and he couldn't get rid of it easily, because this is related to the subconscious, he was chased all the time in his previous life, and he didn't complete half a year since he moved to this world, so these habits will remain negativity with him for some time naturally.

"Ah, I see, that makes sense since if you were in a fight."


"Mister Chris, you are the most famous doctor in this country, so you will naturally be the most familiar with the health of your countrymen, right?"

A deep frown appeared on Trafalgar D. Chris's face when he heard Rob's words, he had a conclusion in his heart but he was in no hurry to reveal things.

"Huh? The answer of this question would be, yes, naturally…"

"When I came here for the first time, I felt that this place is unnatural, there is some secret under this smiling facade, I don't randomly choose the cities in which I open my projects."

The tense smile on Doctor Chris's face froze when he heard this, but Rob still spoke.

"At first, it was just a feeling, but that unnatural feeling made me research this issue, and what I discovered was shocking...No, it was actually scary."

Doctor Chris was no longer smiling in any way, but looked rather helpless, and asked a question he already knew the answer to.

"What… have you discovered, Mister Rob?"

"I discovered that this city..."

Rob paused for a while, looking deeply into Chris's eyes before continuing.

"... dying."


Doctor Chris let out a long sigh as if he was removing an entire eon of sighs in one sigh.

It was a helpless sigh.

Rob really felt pity for this man.

"How did you find out?"

Rob's use of a hypnosis-like manner of speech, his manipulation of words, his control of his voice, the timing of the right words, and his use of his aura, in the beginning, were all known in psychology to disable the listener.

The listener will have no choice but to follow what you have to say.

"It's very easy, anyone who is competent and knows a little science, if he looks into lead amber he will find how harmful it is to the human body in the long run."

"Inhaling its dust will certainly cause pulmonary constriction, and it also has carcinogenic properties that reduce the life expectancy, this substance is dangerous."

Trafalgar D. Chris no longer has anything to say, this man in front of him already knew everything.

"Then since you know all this, are you planning to blackmail the royal family? Why did you come to look for me?"

"Why should I even blackmail them? They are doomed. I have come looking for you because I want to help you save this city, have you thought wrong of me?"


At this moment Trafalgar D. Chris felt was deeply shocked, his mind couldn't comprehend what he was hearing.

"I have clients who are reading my books in this city, how can I let them die so early."


Rob left satisfied completely after speaking to Doctor Chris, this man was so emotional that he cried so hard when Rob gave him a helping hand.

Even Rob was touched by how responsible this man was as a doctor, the members of the D clan were truly mysterious individuals.

This man was giving everything he had to save this country's people.

So Rob didn't hesitate to help him.

He gave a drop of his blood after extracting the immortal attribute from it due to the system, only the healing properties remained in his blood.

Rob's system has this ability, as long as it's something about the host's body he can do whatever he wants, it was an auxiliary function in the art publishing system.

Rob lied about the source of the drop of blood, telling Doctor Chris that it was a drop of blood from an extinct mythical beast, and he believed him immediately.

He also suggested that he work with Doctor Kureha to create an effective treatment from that drop of blood.

Trafalgar D. Chris didn't refuse and gladly accepted although he does not know who Doctor Kureha was, he will have an idol in the near future.

Rob had already spoken to Doctor Kureha about the matter and how serious it was, and she agreed.

Here Rob has done his part to save the people of this country perfectly.

But his role doesn't end here yet.

This time Rob appeared in the royal palace, exactly in the king's room which looked as vast as a palace itself.

The king with a swollen belly and golden bracelets was living bliss with his women on the bed, but when Rob appeared, feeling as if a mountain was pressing on him, the women (his harem) quickly left the room.

Very quickly, he woke up from heaven to find himself at the door of hell.

"You... Merchant Rob... What do you want from me?"

He almost pissed himself in terror when he saw the smile of mockery on the face of the man who had terrified him for months now.

"I learned about the amber lead."

The king felt as if thunder was exploding in his mind when he heard this, so he knew that his affairs had come to an end.

"I'll give you 10 days to get you and your family out of this kingdom and appoint Trafalgar D. Water Chris as your successor, if you don't, I'll pull you out by force, and believe me. You wouldn't feel good at that time."


The titles of the next three chapters! (?Spoiler?)







Chapter 97: Arrancar Arc(Part 1) The New Bleach Arc! The emergence of Bleach techniques in the pirates' world!

Chapter 98: Navy Fleet Knocking on the Doors of Little Garden!

Chapter 99: Destructive Battle! Two admirals vs two giants!


BlackStar_BH Note:

When I started writing longer chapters, the stones became fewer and fewer... ?


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