Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 810 A Kingdom Free of Trash?

Chapter 810 A Kingdom Free of Trash?



Chapter Events:


[After being chased out of Gray Terminal, Ace's friend Sabo joined them in their new hideout.]

"Luffy! We'll leave you behind if you can't keep up!" shouted Sabo with urgency.

"I'm coming!!" yelled Luffy, sprinting after them.

"You brats! We're housing you, so you better pull your weight!!!" Dadan hollered angrily after them.

[Ace, Sabo, and Luffy—these three rebellious boys…]

[Fought against the wild beasts of the mountains, the ruffians from the town, the villains of the dump, and the pirates in the cove, day and night, until their names became known even in the central city of the kingdom.]

"Dogura! Magura! Where exactly is… Goa?"

Dadan asked, finally showing some curiosity about the place she had never paid much attention to before.

"Well, Mount Corbo, the dump, and Foosha Village all belong to the Kingdom of Goa, didn't you know?"

"I had a feeling…"

"Wow, Boss! It's rare to see you reading a newspaper. Is today the day it rains spears?"

Dadan noticed an unusual headline in the paper.

"It seems some visitors are coming to the kingdom. They're making a big deal out of it, but are they really that important?"

"These Tenryuubito…"


Pangaea Castle in Marijoa:

Inside the highest authority hall of the World Government, the Five Elders were once again in session.

Before the age of manga, their meetings were usually about governmental policies or preparations for important matters. However, with the emergence of the One Piece manga, things changed…

The main topic of their discussions had become the manga itself, with government policies relegated to the remaining time.

"A Celestial Dragon is visiting the Kingdom of Goa?"

"Hmm, strange… I sense danger…"

"Even we, the Celestial Dragons, have started to dread our appearances in the manga… how amusing."

"That's because every appearance thus far has been a disaster."

"After each Celestial Dragon's appearance, the world wishes to tear them apart and feed them to sea monsters."

"When will a Celestial Dragon appear who earns the sympathy of ordinary readers?"

"Impossible. That will never happen."

"The faces of the Celestial Dragons are simply not made for sympathy."

As soon as they learned that a Celestial Dragon was set to visit Luffy's hometown, the Five Elders were alarmed and began discussing the matter seriously.

In the main garden of the castle, Imu was also watching scenes from the manga, intrigued by the unfolding events.

"Sabo? I didn't expect there to be a third brother."

"Let's see what happens next~ Fufu."

Far in the depths of the sea, Fish-Man Island:

Inside the art store, Fisher Tiger, Jimbei, Arlong, Hatchan, and most of the Fishmen from Fish-Man Street were gathered together.

"It's amusing to see those three living together, training together, and having fun together."

"Hahaha! They even hunt crocodiles together."

"That's funny! Hahaha! I bet Luffy gets swallowed by the crocodiles every time."

"It must be tiring for Ace and Sabo to pull him out of a crocodile's belly each time."

"Do crocodiles taste good?" Hatchan asked, drooling at the thought.

"You should try making takoyaki from their meat. I've heard you've started learning to make takoyaki recently, and that your takoyaki is delicious," Tiger praised the young Hatchan.

Upon hearing that, Hatchan's eyes lit up as he immediately pulled out a bag full of takoyaki he had made that morning.

"Try it for yourself, big brother! Nyuu~"



[This land is called the Kingdom of Goa.]

[It is said to be the most beautiful land in all of East Blue, utterly free of all trash.]

With the appearance of Gray Terminal, filled with trash on the outskirts of the city, one could now understand why it was named the "beautiful land free of trash."

[In this country, all that is deemed unnecessary is meticulously sorted out; it could be called a prime example of a perfectly segregated society.]

[Foosha Village, where Luffy was born, though often overlooked… is also part of this kingdom.]


"What a kingdom surrounded by trash on all sides."

In another part of the art store, King Neptune was reading the details of the Goa Kingdom with great displeasure.

"To purify the area where the nobles live, they created mountains of trash just outside the city walls, leaving people to rot there and live among the garbage."

"What a despicable king rules this kingdom?!"

"He doesn't deserve to call himself the King of Goa, but rather the King of Garbage."

King Neptune had no idea he was about to get even angrier later on.

Goa Kingdom, the Royal Palace:

Inside the royal palace, the King of Goa, a man in his thirties with a black beard and dark hair, looked at the manga with a sorrowful expression.

"So now it's my turn to become a laughingstock along with my kingdom… That day has finally come, hasn't it, Sir Rob?" the king sighed heavily.

At that moment, memories of that day a few years ago began to flood back. It was the day when Rob had come to the Kingdom of Goa to open his art store.

Angered by the sight of the accumulated trash outside the city walls and the rotting bodies of those who had died among the garbage, Rob had stormed the royal palace and grabbed the King of Goa by the throat, nearly killing him.

"The idea of separating the trash from the city and creating Gray Terminal was yours, wasn't it? Why didn't you think of cleaning the garbage out of your head and the heads of the nobles living beside you first?"

"Don't blame me when the world discovers just how filthy your home is and you become a joke."

Those were Rob's words to him back then, and now they echoed like thunder in his mind.

"Sigh~ I've worked hard to correct my mistakes all these years to avoid seeing this day… but it seems what is fated cannot be avoided."

The King of Goa resigned himself to his fate and continued reading the manga… where the stench of his kingdom's filth and hypocrisy was already beginning to waft through its chapters.

Especially with the news of the Celestial Dragon's visit.

As the King of Goa, he could already foresee what would happen.

Formerly Gray Terminal, now lush green meadows thanks to the presence of the art store.

Rob had deliberately opened his art store in the midst of the garbage, forcing the king and nobles to remove the mountains of trash and treat the area as a sacred paradise… and that's exactly what happened. Within a few short years, the main city inside the walls had been neglected, and Gray Terminal had transformed into a beautiful green city thanks to the art store.

However, the scenes from the manga brought back memories for the former trash scavengers, memories of what this place had been like just four years ago.

Most of them sighed bitterly as they recalled their lives before the art store… It had been hell.

"Is that me?!"

Outlook III's eyes widened as he saw a particular character in the manga who looked like an older version of himself.

"Dear…?" Even his wife was shocked when she saw it, covering her mouth in disbelief.

"Why are you so surprised, dear? We are high-ranking nobles of the Goa Kingdom! It's only natural we appear in the manga!"

"Hahahaha! I bet I'll be a famous and beloved character in the manga!!!"

Outlook III took a picture of the scene of his appearance in the manga, behind him Ace, Luffy, and Sabo were running away after robbing a house.

He immediately uploaded it to a post on his global forum account, captioning it:

#FirstAppearance of the Noble Sir Outlook III in the Manga, Yoohoo!

#A Photo with the Trio Luffy, Sabo, and Ace!

His post quickly gained a lot of reactions, likes, and even comments.

At first, the comments were pleasant and kind, but after a few minutes, some people began cursing him and his wife's entire lineage.

He and his wife fell into endless confusion.


Upcoming chapter titles (spoilers):


Chapter 791: Sabo's Blood Family

Chapter 792: Each of Their Dreams. Luffy's Mysterious Dream…?

Chapter 793: The Three Sake Cups. A New Miracle.



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