Creating Heavenly Laws

Chapter 222

Chapter 222

On the high platform, the gazes of several figures all fell on Lin Yuan.

They were all ninth-rank evolvers, or more accurately, manifestations of the consciousness of ninth-rank evolvers.

At the same time, their consciousness split into millions of threads, presiding over numerous virtual worlds that had been opened up, monitoring the insights of numerous evolvers.

Among the countless pathways contained within that body, some were too bizarre, even capable of affecting the true bodies in the outside world. Therefore, it required constant attention from evolvers of at least the pinnacle of the eighth rank, or even the ninth rank.

In case any evolver deviated from the correct path and lost control of themselves, these ninth-rank evolvers could intervene.

In theory, this body from a deceased strongest being from beyond the realm should not have been revealed so quickly. It contained many hidden dangers and traps, and some genius evolvers might have fallen into them.

Even though there was a virtual world to isolate it, the memories and consciousness were unavoidable.

But there was no other way.

Those who controlled this body were not just from human civilization.

There were also other alien races, including several peak clans like the Insect Clan.

If the ninth-rank evolvers did not take action, and if these peak clans happened to gain control of this powerful evolutionary pathway, it could affect the balance of power on the battlefield.

A single strongest being could easily disrupt the balance maintained by the current major peak clans.

At that time, how much benefit the Human Civilization Alliance would have to give up to maintain the new balance, no one knew.

"That kid, hasn't he practiced any of the insights he's gained so far?"

The first man was somewhat surprised. It had been one or two months since they began their insights, and basically every evolver had been practicing for some time.

Once they started practicing the insights they had gained, their aura would begin to change, moving towards that body.

But Lin Yuan, so far, had not changed his aura. His strength had remained at the level of a first-rank evolver.

"I know that kid."

"He's a disciple of Red Kun, and he reached the seventh rank before he was a hundred years old. His talent is quite remarkable."

Another figure next to him spoke up; he was also observing Lin Yuan.

"To reach the seventh rank before a hundred years old, without relying on physique or bloodline, is impressive," another figure chimed in.

Those who became ninth-rank evolvers were also peerless geniuses in their younger years, so they knew how difficult it was to reach the seventh rank before a hundred years old solely on one's own merit.

Compared to those special species in the depths of space, humanity was still too weak.

This weakness was comprehensive.

Of course, the reason human civilization could develop to its current state was due to its numerical advantage. Under a vast population base, there would always be some monstrous talents emerging.

Comparable to those special species.

"A talent like this couldn't possibly fail to comprehend a pathway. Perhaps he's sensed the hidden dangers and is unwilling to practice?"

The last figure speculated.

They did not doubt Lin Yuan's insight, so they believed it must be his unwillingness to practice.

"If he's unwilling to practice, why stay here? To temper his will?"

"That's possible. For such a talent, living too short and seeing too little, the will has always been a weakness. Tempering it would be good."

"It's true. This kid, he's actually able to resist practicing the insights he's gained."

The figures exchanged soft words.

After comprehending a certain pathway from within that body, the evolvers would face irresistible temptations. Subconsciously, they believed that practicing this pathway would lead to a magnificent future.

This was also a latent ability from that body.

This ability had been greatly weakened. If facing the body itself instead of a projection in the virtual world, even a ninth-rank evolver would not be able to control themselves.

Compared to other evolvers immersed in practice, Lin Yuan's life was more difficult. When other evolvers began practicing, the spiritual pressure they bore would decrease or even stop.

But Lin Yuan was constantly under spiritual pressure from the suppression of his will.

Not only suppression, Lin Yuan must continuously comprehend more pathways and integrate them into the pathway of martial evolution.

Whispers echoed in Lin Yuan's ears, emanating from that body, constantly resonating in his consciousness, vibrating his soul with each word.

Lin Yuan could feel the shaking of his own consciousness, and it was this continuous shaking that made his willpower stronger.

This strengthening was slow, but at least Lin Yuan could feel it.

Previously, Lin Yuan couldn't even perceive the strengthening of his willpower. Being able to perceive it now was already quite exaggerated.


As time passed, Lin Yuan's willpower seemed to break through some kind of restraint, and the whispers in his ears suddenly disappeared.

"My willpower has undergone a transformation?"

A smile appeared on Lin Yuan's face. Previously, resisting the suppression of his willpower had been quite difficult, but now it suddenly became easier.

It could only be due to this reason.

"But this force suppressing my willpower is constantly increasing. As long as I don't stop comprehending and start practicing a certain evolutionary pathway, the suppression will become stronger and stronger."

"It's like..."

Lin Yuan squinted his eyes slightly.

"It's forcing me to practice a certain evolutionary pathway."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

"But I won't."

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly.

During this period, he comprehended a total of one hundred and thirty-seven evolutionary pathways, completely analyzed these one hundred and thirty-seven pathways, and selectively absorbed insights that were beneficial to himself.

These one hundred and thirty-seven evolutionary pathways greatly improved Lin Yuan's progress on the core spatial model, and he had already comprehended three core spatial models.

His martial evolution pathway also became more refined.

"Let's take a break first."

After experiencing a mental transformation, Lin Yuan felt exhausted. He simply disconnected his consciousness from the virtual world and returned to reality.

"The cosmic treasures have arrived?"

Lin Yuan received the message and immediately got up.

Not long ago, Lin Yuan purchased several cosmic treasures to stabilize the world within his body.

The internal world opened up by evolvers was not a one-time effort; it required continuous investment later on.

This investment included some cosmic treasures. Certain special cosmic treasures contained the origin power of certain rules, defending the internal world and perfecting the world's rules.

The battles between eighth-rank evolvers mainly involved collisions of world power. Without considering talents, secret techniques, or insights into rules, whoever had more abundant and powerful world power would have the advantage.

Lin Yuan walked out of the hall and looked up at the sky.

Before long, a spaceship descended.

A staff member carrying a briefcase walked up to Lin Yuan.

"These are your items. Shuntong Group is at your service."

The staff member was respectful, verifying Lin Yuan's information and identity before handing over the briefcase.

Lin Yuan took the briefcase and returned to the hall.

"Cosmic treasures."

Lin Yuan had purchased three cosmic treasures in total.

They were 'Primordial Fire,' 'Essence of Earth,' and 'Invisible Wind.'

All were eight-star cosmic treasures, and together they cost sixteen thousand universe crystals, averaging about five to six thousand universe crystals each.

One universe crystal was equivalent to one hundred million universe coins, or one trillion civilization coins.

In other words, each cosmic treasure was worth five to six thousand trillion civilization coins. Such a huge asset was worth a star domain.

And Lin Yuan's ability to purchase these three cosmic treasures was entirely due to his privilege as a Level 7 Citizen. Even if one had the money, they wouldn't be able to buy them with a slightly lower citizen level.

"I hope they won't disappoint me."

Lin Yuan looked at the three cosmic treasures in front of him. To purchase them, Lin Yuan's wealth had decreased by a quarter.


Lin Yuan's mind moved.

His consciousness entered the internal world.

The three cosmic treasures also appeared here.


The glass bottles containing the three cosmic treasures shattered.

First was the 'Primordial Fire,' rising up and forming a sun directly in the sky, filling the entire world with warm and bright light.

Then came the 'Essence of Earth,' which directly merged into the ground. Vaguely, Lin Yuan felt that the entire world had become much denser.

Finally, the 'Invisible Wind' disappeared directly into the air, blowing gently.

"Not bad."

Lin Yuan nodded slightly.

If the previous internal world had been bare, it was now barely 'alive.'

"The world power has also increased significantly."

A smile appeared on Lin Yuan's face.

"The next time I encounter suitable cosmic treasures, I'll buy them again."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Not every cosmic treasure was suitable for integration into the internal world. It depended on the specific situation of one's internal world.

The three cosmic treasures Lin Yuan selected were all very suitable for his internal world.

Time passed.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a year had passed.

Most of the time, Lin Yuan was comprehending the body and enduring the suppression of his will, as well as analyzing one evolutionary pathway after another.

"The one thousand three hundred and twenty-fifth core spatial model."

Lin Yuan felt pleased.

Half a year ago, just after the sixth transmigration, Lin Yuan's understanding of the core spatial model had stopped at one thousand two hundred types.

Now, in such a short time, he had comprehended more than a hundred additional core spatial models. The evolutionary pathways within that body had undoubtedly been extremely helpful to Lin Yuan.

"In addition to the core spatial models, I've also comprehended many core life models."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

The evolutionary pathways within that body covered everything, and Lin Yuan benefited greatly from thoroughly analyzing each one.


Lin Yuan seemed to sense something.

He disconnected his consciousness from the virtual world and delved into the depths of his mind.

"I've already accumulated a strand of Breaking Boundary Source Power?"

Lin Yuan looked towards the majestic and grandiose Gate of the Myriad Realms. At this moment, the edge of this light gate had been completely illuminated.

This meant that a complete strand of Breaking Boundary Source Power had already been accumulated, and Lin Yuan could transmigrate at any time.

"Let's wait a little longer."

"Transmigrating between worlds doesn't necessarily provide such good conditions for tempering the will."

Lin Yuan contemplated for a moment and decided not to transmigrate now.

With a substandard spiritual will index, he couldn't reach the eighth rank. Even if he transmigrated, the improvement in strength would be limited, especially in the comprehension of spatial rules. If he stopped analyzing the evolutionary pathways within that body and forcefully comprehended subsequent core spatial models at the seventh rank, even Lin Yuan felt it would be difficult.

It would be a case of working twice as hard for half the result.

Instead of that, it would be better to pause the transmigration for now and focus on tempering his willpower. This way, he could reach ten thousand points of spiritual willpower sooner, break through the eighth rank, and then consider it again.

Anyway, the Breaking Boundary Source Power won't be wasted; it will only accumulate until Lin Yuan uses it in the future.

Lin Yuan never forgot his purpose: to become stronger. If transmigration can make him stronger, then he'll transmigrate. If pausing transmigration can make him stronger, then he'll pause transmigration for now.

Time passed.

In the blink of an eye, another two years had passed.

During these two years, Lin Yuan mainly focused on tempering his willpower, with analyzing the evolutionary pathways within that body coming second.

Because as time went on, the suppressing force on his willpower would become stronger, affecting Lin Yuan's comprehension efficiency.


Lin Yuan stopped observing the body under the sky and sighed slightly.

He only felt the suppressing force on his willpower when observing the body. As time passed, this suppressing force would become stronger. But when he stopped observing, the suppressing force on his willpower would disappear.

"Over these years, my willpower has transformed three times."

Lin Yuan silently thought.

The first time was two years ago.

The second time was one year and two months ago.

The third time was a few days ago.

After these three transformations, Lin Yuan felt that his willpower index should have greatly improved.

"Let's go test how much my willpower index has increased now."

Lin Yuan disconnected his consciousness from the virtual world and returned to reality.

"Let's rest for a while first."

Lin Yuan didn't immediately test his willpower.

The willpower index was not fixed; it would fluctuate with the evolver's state.

Now that Lin Yuan had just finished comprehending the body, his mind was somewhat tired. Testing now might lead to some errors and wouldn't be very accurate.

Only when in a perfect mental state could the willpower index be measured accurately.

Half a day later.

Lin Yuan had rested enough.

All aspects of him had recovered to their peak.

He then connected his consciousness to the virtual world once again.

Entering his personal space.

"Wisdom Goddess, I apply for a test of my willpower index."

Lin Yuan applied to the Wisdom Goddess.

The willpower index of an evolver was ethereal and could only be accurately measured if one of the three Goddesses allocated some computing power.

"Respected Level 7 Citizen Lin Yuan, without using any physical or soul power, only relying on your own spiritual consciousness, impact the surroundings."

The solemn and cold voice of the Wisdom Goddess came.

Upon hearing this, Lin Yuan immediately complied.


A terrifying pressure of willpower spread out in all directions.

After a moment.

The measurement of the willpower index was completed.

"How much?"

An expectant look appeared on Lin Yuan's face as he checked the result.

"The willpower index is 9234."

A sense of joy welled up in Lin Yuan's heart.


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