Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen

Chapter 220 - Far In The Future

Chapter 220 - Far In The Future

The second stop of the journey is in the south of Kyre. Here live some relatives of Alexander.

As far as I understood, they're the parents of Samuel Grahm's wife. Which is unsettling.

If there are family bonds between the Grahms and the Lord of Kyre, I can't expect support from his family. No big deal, but still worrying.

Alexander seems to believe his cousin wholeheartedly, so I have to be the rational one this time. I can sense if something is wrong.

Before visiting their residence, we tour the nearby town. We pretend to be an ordinary couple. Clothed with the best material and the demeanour typical of nobles, but without the escort that the Lord of Kyre should bring with him.

It reminds me of the times I snuggled out of the Palace and visited the harbour in Polis. Except that I'm not alone, this time.

Maybe, tonight I'll dream about the times I did that with Alexander by my side.

?Let's go shopping,? he says, dragging me by hand towards the centre.

In the principal square, it's market day. It's crowded, and people are talking loud to hear each other over the chatter.

The vendors are shouting their prices; the customers are analysing the goods with a keen eye.

As if drawn by an invisible force, my Duke walks to a stand with books. His eyes shine at the sea of books. He observes the sea of covers for a minute before opening a few to check the situation with the pages.

He likes books. Starting a printing house was a wise decision, after all.

I can't spoil him with presents, as he is the one providing me with money. But I can give him the first copies of every book I decide to produce.

?What kind of book do you like?? I inquire, looking at the tomes with him.

My tone is neutral as if I'm helping him search for something to his taste. He won't figure out that I'm actually planning far in the future.

?Any kind,? Alexander replies, analysing the first pages of a thick booklet. ?Folk literature is indeed interesting. I like their tales. They're different from anything you can find on ordinary books.?

I guess it is different.

?Are you going to buy some books today??

?Depends on the price,? my Duke chuckles.

?Not the title??

?Titles aren't all that representative of a book, don't you think??


?They're just a quick way to refer to a book. But they're not always accurate. Especially those from folk tales. People like to read stories, not tractates.?

?I understand.? So, my Duke would like to read more stories...

?Adventure books are really something, Thea,? he continues while I take note of his every word in my mind. ?If it's written well, you feel like you're the one doing all that amazing stuff!?

Hasn't his life been adventurous enough, by the way?

?Don't you prefer a slice of life type of story??

?Boring,? he mutters, moving his eyes on the words in front of him. He puts the book back in place and analyses the next one. There's already a small stack in front of him, with four or five books.

Is he still looking for more?

?Is a normal life boring to you??

?No, but I'm not interested in other people's normal lives. I prefer living it with my wife.?

?And what about your wife? Does she agree with you?? I ask, tilting my head. ?What if she wants adventures??

?What kind of adventures?? he mutters, straightening his back as if attacked. He turns to me and analyses my features, trying to figure out the hidden meaning of my words.

I just wanted to hint to him that I would like to explore the world with him. Not now, of course. But one day, when our children have grown up and don't need us anymore, we might travel around the world together.

Oh, I can go alone if he's that lazy and hates adventures.

?We can go together on a diplomatic mission, one day,? I try.

Hearing how I included him in my adventures, Alexander sighs, relieved.

?Only when we solve our pressing problems, of course!? I add. ?Not now. We can travel together to celebrate ten years of marriage.?

?Ten years...? he whispers, imagining all the tantrums, the arguments, the following pacifying, and the conversations we're going to have in ten years. ?That would be awesome.?

?Then, for the twentieth anniversary, we might as well travel by boat,? I continue, amused by his expression.

?Twenty,? he repeats in a daze.

?If we live enough to celebrate thirty years of marriage, we can even visit Polis. It wouldn't be such a big deal, right? I'll make sure to become completely useless by then.?

There won't be any chance that I try something in Polis. I just want to see my city again. If I have to wait years, I will. But I need a tiny ray of hope. Just a word would be enough.

?You want to visit Polis,? Alexander realises. He returns serious and thinks for a while. ?Fine,? he nods. ?We can go there.?

My smile melts his heart, and I hug him as tightly as my belly lets me.

?You're the best husband in the world,? I say with a chuckle. ?The best I've ever had.?

?Isn't it the man from your dreams?? he murmurs, remembering my tantrums and all the times I reminded him that I'm not Queen Theodora.

?The past is the past,? I exclaim, and we walk in the city some more after buying the books.

I can't find a solution to this problem of our dual personalities. I can't be like Queen Theodora, but also Alexander is different from the man that married her.

They're another couple completely. We do share part of our past with them, but we're on a different path.

We have different choices and different understandings of our role in life.

We're walking hand in hand, looking at each other more often than at the surroundings. The noise of the crowd doesn't bother us one bit, and the stares from young maidens, envious of our love, aren't as annoying as they were in the past.

Alexander's smile tells me that he's understood that I'm just trying to change the topic and avoid answering.

He knows me better than I know him, still. But I'm improving, aren't I? Thanks to the dreams, I can understand him as much as his emotions let me. I know what he desired, what he felt and how he reacted deep in his heart.

?Let's focus on the future,? I continue.

?Let's do that,? he nods. ?I'll arrange everything tonight, I promise.?

Isn't it a bit early, though? There's time for it!

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