Count’s Youngest Son is a Warlock

Chapter 197: He who digs a pit for others falls into it himself

Chapter 197: He who digs a pit for others falls into it himself

Ten years ago, at the age of fifteen, Owen already recognized the Neubra Kingdom as an enemy of the Empire.

In the Empire, adulthood began at twenty, still a few years away for Owen.

“Did you hear this from Lord Kell? Did he say such a thing?”

Ketlan’s words quickened.

“Yes. I have never lied. If Your Majesty wishes, I can bring Lord J.L. Kell here.”


Feeling dizzy, Ketlan held his head and let out a deep breath.

“Your Majesty, if I may dare say, be cautious of the Fourth Prince.”

The once-great ruler known for his benevolence would be reduced to trash in two years, all thanks to the Fourth Prince.

The moment he ascended to the throne as Crown Prince, he would strip Ketlan of his power and authority he held, eliminating his siblings, and throwing the Empire into turmoil.

For the sake of Cronia, the worst-case scenario must be prevented.

Ketlan lowered his hands and focused his gaze.

He looked at Lucion, not as a father but as an emperor.

“Do you believe the Fourth Prince will move against me?”

“After ten years of keeping his head down and stealing the Empire’s secrets, why would he hesitate to target Your Majesty next?” Hamel’s words rang with certainty.

It was only a matter of time before the Fourth Prince, having obtained one thing after another, would draw his sword against the crown now resting above his own head.

“Thank you,” Ketlan expressed his gratitude to Lucion once more, this time as an emperor.

[I never realized the weight of being an emperor.]

Russell let out a long breath and shook his head. 

If Lucion were to come for his life, he would gladly die, but he could never bring himself to kill Lucion.

[For me… I could never do it. How could I even make such a decision?]

Bethel frowned deeply.

The fact that Ketlan could make any decision at all was commendable.

“Beyond the issue with the Fourth Prince, there is another matter I must bring to Your Majesty’s attention.”

Observing Ketlan’s hesitation, Lucion did not delay any further.

When a person is composed, they can question everything endlessly. However, once doubt sets in, that composure often falters, giving way to emotion.

“You are the first to unsettle my heart in this way,” Ketlan confessed, a hint of tension in his expression.

“Very well. Please proceed,” Ketlan granted Lucion permission to continue, taking a deep breath to steady himself.

“Your Majesty may have heard about the creation of an undying soldier in the eastern part of the Empire, led by Marquis Twilo Sprikado.”

“I’ve heard that.”

“The materials used for the black magic were none other than from the Sea of Death.”

“W-What did you say?”

“Do not conceal the incident at the Sea of Death during the Eastern Festival. Rather, use the saint as a pretext to monitor people heading towards the sea and block their path to the Sea of Death.”

The issue of the Sea of Death was not something he could solve on his own.

He needed the Empire’s help without fail.

He had to use the incident to naturally prevent the Hand of the Void from utilizing the Sea of Death any further.

“No matter what the priests may say, the Sea of Death is indeed a source of corruption, Your Majesty,” Lucion stated firmly.

Ketlan momentarily held his breath at Lucion’s words before releasing his clenched fist and speaking up.

“You suggest the Sea of Death is corruption? Then why can the power of the Divine Beast not purify it?”

“Light can slow its progress. But only a warlock can stop the Corruption.”

Lucion saw no need to elaborate further. 

The current priority was to emphasize the significance of the Warlock’s power.

“I didn’t expect to get my karma back like this.”

Ketlan wore a grim expression as he struggled to conceal his clenched fist.

The Sea of Death, which had never crossed its borders before, recently broke through for the first time.

While he had to prepare for the possibility of such occurrences happening again, the temple still didn’t understand the reason behind it.

Discovering that the Sea of Death was indeed corruption and that only warlocks could counter it meant that the banished warlocks were now indispensable.

“Hamel,” Ketlan began cautiously, feeling his resolve waver.

“If we consider your points in reverse, wouldn’t it also imply that warlocks are the ones triggering this corruption?”

“I have never defended those people. Similarly, following Your Majesty’s reasoning, would we then need to eliminate all individuals responsible for causing problems—those who initiate wars, those who steal? Warlocks are also people, so should we eradicate all root causes?”

“I’m sorry. I went too far.”

Ketlan soon acknowledged that he had been overly emotional. 

He was shaken by the situation regarding the Fourth Prince and further disturbed by the truth contained within the Sea of Death.

He would bestow all types of merit on the warlock in front of him, such as a title or treasure, but he should never treat him this way.

“Your Majesty. I only wish to protect my family and my people. The reason I share the truth with you is that you are the Emperor of the Empire,” Lucion stated.

“Would you be willing to reveal yourself so I may offer protection?” Ketlan asked apologetically.

Lucion wiggled his fingers thoughtfully. 

The Emperor was someone who could offer him protection, but that also meant the Emperor could take everything away from him.

“Please show me your trust, Your Majesty.”

“What can I do to earn your trust?” Ketlan inquired sincerely.

“I am not alone.”

Lucion pretended to compromise. 

He decided that today he would reveal the organization he had created, hoping that it could truly protect him. 

However, from Ketlan’s perspective, this could look different altogether. 

For the first time, he was sharing information that wasn’t just about his own name.

“I am a member of an organization called Ale.”

“I see. It makes sense now. I didn’t think it was something you could handle on your own. I’m glad you told me,” Ketlan said, his expression softening into a gentle smile.

Now, Lucion could grasp what kind of trust he was asking from him, evident by the expression on Ketlan’s face.

“I would like Your Majesty to guarantee the independence of the organization I belong to,” 

Lucion boldly demanded the autonomy he had long wished for.

Just uttering those words made his heart race with anxiety.

Guaranteeing independence—he knew better than anyone how terrifying that could be. 

Ketlan was all too aware of the implications behind such a statement.


The red thread that had briefly appeared and disappeared, connecting the ground and himself, suddenly tightened as it revealed its form.


Only now did Lucion realize what the red thread was.

It was the tie linking him to his identity as a warlock.



His heart pounded fiercely.

If the ones who directly caused his death in the novel were Heint and Carson, the cause that led to that point was the priest of Nevast, raised by none other than the Empire.

He hadn’t understood it before, but he did now.

‘Nevast targeted the Empire, utilizing me to fulfill its schemes. The Fourth Prince, aligning with the Neubra Kingdom, abandoned Cronia.’

But now things have changed.

Before the Fourth Prince could take action, Ketlan already found out.

Eol, the High Priest of Nevast, slipped away despite revealing his warlock status.

‘Cut it off. Whatever it is, cut it off now!’

Lucion tightly gripped his thigh upon seeing the red thread on the verge of snapping.

This was undeniably an opportunity that he had to see through to the end.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Ketlan spoke.

“Then, before we finalize the contract, let me add one thing.”

“Please, go ahead,” Lucion replied, swallowing hard.

No matter how much he tried to hide it, he was nervous.

“I would like a clause added that the organization Ale will not turn against the Empire.”

“Your Majesty, the organization Ale has no desire to make the Empire its enemy. However, compared to the great might of the Empire, we are too weak. If the Empire were to attack the organization first, I would not be able to just stand by and watch.”

Lucion carefully navigated this sensitive issue with soft words. 

Ketlan smiled.

“I may have spoken hastily. Under the stipulation of ‘no defamation or direct/indirect aggression,’ I agree to the clause stating that ‘the Empire and organization Ale will maintain amicable relations.’ Does this meet your requirements?”

With that, the red thread was severed.

Lucion bit his lip firmly, holding back overwhelming emotions.

The thread had been cut.

The severed thread reassured him that his actions were not in error, and that he would no longer face expulsion from the empire as a warlock.

—Lucion? Are you crying?

Ratta, who had been playfully chasing her tail in the shadows, observed Lucion with her tail in her grasp.

Bethel and Russell looked at Lucion in unison.

But the mask hid his emotions.

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Lucion said, rising from his seat and bowing his head to Ketlan.

It couldn’t have been more perfect.

He had what he wanted.

Finally, it was over.

There was now no cause for the Empire to turn against him.

As a warlock, he no longer had a reason to be at odds with the Empire.

“Is there anything more you wish to add?” Ketlan asked.

“More… to add?”

Lucion felt dazed, and Ketlan burst into laughter.

“You’re quite an odd person. Experienced yet naive.”

“My wish is granted. Is it acceptable to desire more?”

“You have saved the Empire. Such a debt cannot be repaid with mere words. As Emperor, and as a person, I am deeply indebted to you. I would like to grant you most of what you wish.”

From their first meeting, the sincerity and kindness reflected in Ketlan’s eyes had been genuine.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have bothered to acknowledge Lucion’s flaws.

He seemed to know instinctively what Lucion might ask for.

Taking a deep breath, Lucion calmed himself.

The independence of the organization had been secured, even before the contract was formalized.

So now, the next step was clear.


If it was exposed that he was a warlock, he needed to make sure it didn’t reach Cronia.

The Emperor had the power to do that.

“In that case, Your Majesty, please protect those around me from being torn apart, from being pointed fingers at because of my existence.”

Most importantly, he desired that Cronia would not be destroyed as a result of his actions.

“I don’t need jewels or money.”

He hoped that his father would not die because of him.

“That is my only wish.”

He wished for his brother to not abandon the name ‘Carson’ because of him.

He prayed that the Emperor of the Tesla Empire would look after them.


Ketlan was momentarily at a loss for words.

It sounded more like a last request than a plea.

He couldn’t see Hamel’s expression behind the mask, but he could sense his despair.

It seemed as if he was clutching to a cliff’s edge, hoping for the safety of others around him rather than himself.

Throughout his rule, Ketlan had encountered many who pleaded with fervor.

Yet Hamel was different.

His plea was genuine.

“I need you. Even if you are not my subject, I have no intention of abandoning you.”

Unintentionally, Ketlan’s voice quivered with emotion

If the nobles had the information that Hamel had, they would have shamelessly traded for power and titles.

If his children had had that information, wouldn’t they arrogantly negotiate over the position of crown prince?

But Hamel was different.

He asked for the independence of the organization.

He pleaded for protection for those around him.

‘What kind of deal is this?’

Ketlan felt a sigh escaping him.

Hamel had merely laid out what he needed.

To prevent that organization from being exploited by the nobility, its independence must be acknowledged.

How many people hate warlocks? Hamel, along with those around him, needed to be protected.

How could he, the Emperor himself, fail to do so, especially when Hamel had disclosed the enemies of the Empire, those lurking in the shadows, gnawing away at it away from the light?

“If you wish, I would like to announce your existence to the world. This is a sincere promise I make in my name.”

“Thank you… Your Majesty.”

Lucion replied, flustered.

He had not anticipated Ketlan to go to such lengths.

No, it seemed like he was a little angry.

[Of course he’s upset. It’s only natural to feel that way.]

Russell nodded as if he understood something.

[I would be upset too.]

Bethel also nodded in agreement.

But Lucion found it difficult to understand what exactly they were empathizing with.


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Even though I am the Emperor, you must stand firm in my presence; you need not feel so intimidated.”


“If you have requests, ask for it boldly. That is within your capacity. You can ask for more from me.”

“I assure you, what I desire is exactly what I just communicated to Your Majesty.”

Lucion spoke sincerely.

He had already obtained what he required, whether it be wealth or anything else.

Further greed would only invite trouble.

“…Hah. You are the first person to frustrate me to this extent and still be alive. Why do you refuse what I offer when it is extended to you?”

“Well, that’s…”

“Very well. I will handle it myself. Don’t worry.”


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