Collide Gamer

Chapter 88 – How to not get violently murdered by a dragon

Chapter 88 – How to not get violently murdered by a dragon

The Fire of Destruction rose from the rusty chest and stretched. The obsidian scales clicked and clacked as she did, revealing more of the lava-like glow between. John had the first look at her hands. The scales covered her arms in a spikey surface, ending in very sharp looking claws of coal black.

Nathalia let out a yawn and a sulphuric yellow cloud left her mouth. “I must have slept for a while for my fire to need rekindling,” she muttered and beat her chest a couple of times. When next she yawned, there was a small cascade of fire, streaming harmlessly up from her lips.

Her voice was raspy and on the deep side for a woman. It possessed a natural sultriness and a hint of vocal fry. It would have been enticing had her power not been so terrifying. Obsidian clad feet hit the ground with a sharp scratching sound. Her eyes scanned the room, barely stopping at the three people next to her. It felt like she was noticing them as much as a human would take stock of an individual tree in a landscape.

“Where have I ended up this time?” she thought out loud, tilting her head back slightly. John began to realize how tall she was. Taller than him, by a hand width, and that was ignoring the horns. Her wild orange mane cascaded as she rolled her neck. “It reeks of Gaia.”

The heat her body radiated had reached a point where it was warming up the entire room. John felt like he was standing next to a heater. Despite the terrible situation he was (probably) in, John couldn’t help but note the gap between the scales that covered her crotch and her thighs.

‘Not the time to stare at the sexy dragon’s thighs.’ John mustered his courage and cleared his throat. “May I make the request that you don’t kill us?”

“…” No answer but the redheaded dragon’s eyes snapped to him and it made him feel… various things. Primarily her direct attention was making it hard to breathe.

“Now my food wants to speak to me, what insolence, does nobody know who I am?”

“You are Nathalia, the Fire of Destruction.” John said, hoping that would endear him in some way.

-56 HP.

His back hit the wall. Hard. It hurt worse than the bullet he had been hit by days earlier and probably was comparable to getting run into by a car. John had no idea what had just happened, but he knew there was a claw on his throat. It seared his flesh. It crushed his windpipe. He struggled. The tall woman held him against the wall. His feet kicked the air. His HP bar gradually decreased. The pain was terrible.

Nathalia’s face twisted into a grin. “Interesting.”

The heat reduced to being merely uncomfortable, stopping his HP decrease. He was left at 43 HP. Lowered just enough that he could stand without getting choked to death, the Gamer quickly turned his head and coughed away from the dragoness. His life was quite literally in her hands. Behind the redhead, Aclysia was still completely frozen, while Rave stared wide-eyed.

“You answer my questions then, little human,” her voice took a different tone, dangerous still but also patient. The look in her eyes made it clear that this patience was thin. “Where are we?”

“T-the United States of America,” John gave a broad answer.

Nathalia furrowed her eyebrows, only presenting her next question after some contemplation, “…where is that supposed to be?”

“Ehm, North America, Northern Hemisphere?” John was confused and dared to ask, “What year did you start your slumber?”

“You think I would know of your ridiculous system to count time?”

“Well, you do seem to speak our language.” The pain on his throat flared up again as Nathalia pulled back her lips and growled. Her teeth were much sharper than those of most humans, the canines more pronounced.

“I speak Draconian, you measly mortal. Thank Romulus for blessing you humans with the gift to understand us,” she lectured him. “I would never stoop so low to learn whatever one of your tongues you speak.” John wished he would get information like that in less threatening situations. His HP ticked down to 39 before the pain stopped. “The last event I recall of your realm is the fall of Constantinople at the hand of the Sultanate.”

Oh, well, that was only roughly 600 years ago. “You are on the other side of the planet.” John cut the explanation short. That may not be the most accurate estimate but Nathalia let him go and John dropped to the floor rubbing his throat.

Nathalia grabbed his face and forced him to expose his neck. “You suffered no burns…what is your name?”

“John Newman,” he said. He was going to play this as low risk as he could and that meant not presenting any lies that could possibly be detected. The dragoness turned from him and stared at Rave, who looked like she was torn between being frozen in terror and attacking Nathalia to help him. Aclysia’s eyes remained locked on the inside of the now empty chest.

“Mhm, I guess this is your girlfriend from the way she almost has enough courage to attack me. Cute.” Nathalia sashayed towards the pink-haired woman, swinging the perfect curves of her scale-covered ass with every step. She brushed over Rave’s cheek in passing. Then walking up to Aclysia she said, “This one is interesting. She is part dragon, but infinitely weaker than the weakest of my kin. A golem? Of Akkadian style? Did you make her, John Newman?”

“Yes,” he confirmed.

Nathalia put her hand on Aclysia’s chin and inspected her. The head of the maid turned without resistance. “It seems my presence has caused her to pass out. Just adorable.”

She circled back around Rave. “It would be a shame to eat you. Humans are far from my favourite meal.” Nathalia licked her lips. “It’s been too long though and I need something inside me.” Her clawed hands grabbed Rave by the shoulders. The maw parted wide. Those sharp teeth would be able to rend flesh, raw or not. Rave tried to struggle but there was nothing she could do.

“WAIT!” John shouted.

Nathalia’s mouth closed with an audible clack. She stared expectantly, one eyebrow raised. Simultaneously, Rave squirmed under the heated grasp of the Fire of Destruction.

 “I know you have another desire besides hunger!” John declared and for once he was angling at sex because of a reason other than his own Libido.

Nathalia sized him up once, then grinned and let go of Rave. The claws left behind burned imprints on her shoulders. “You must know a little bit about me, I’ll give you credit for that much,” she strutted back over to him. “You’re not a particularly impressive specimen. Still, letting you try won’t waste any more of my time than sleeping already has. Very well.”

Nathalia extended her hand to the side. Orange magic gathered beyond her fingertips. Clenching her fingers, she concentrated it into one spot. A part of the nearby floor began to glow. For a moment, the dragoness seemed confused, then she shook her head, as if discarding something annoying. She raised up her hand and the glowing piece of the floor rose with it. Once it cooled, a rectangular stone platform was left behind, about the height of John’s hips.

“Let’s hear what you think about this.” Nathalia rolled her head slowly, until her gaze fell on Rave again. “What would you rather: be eaten or watch me ruin your boyfriend forever?” she chuckled to herself.

“Ya can try!” Rave found her voice again. She hated being challenged, even if it was by a ten-thousand-year-old dragon of death and destruction. Which she didn’t know, but she must have guessed that they had no chance of getting out of this otherwise. “Let’s see ya ‘ruin’ my man.”

Nathalia chuckled and turned away. With long, swinging strides, she made her way to the stone table and elegantly seated herself upon it. With her claws, she gestured for him to come hither. Because he had no other choice, and because his dick at this point overtook part of the thinking function, he did.

“I fear I am a bit stiff after sleeping for so long,” the dragoness sighed and lied down on her chest, “Show your attentiveness, mortal.”

John was a bit dumbfounded by the request but mumbled, “If that’s what you want.”

He had gained a bit of confidence in his massaging skills over the past weeks. This was different from giving Rave a backrub though. Everything was on the line here. He either pleased this dragoness or this was the end of him. A desperate wish to be the best possible manifested in a window popping up.

His hands, instead of just going through the motions, suddenly understood the stiff muscle tissue underneath and how to pressure it in order to loosen it up. Nathalia softly gasped in reaction to his changed approach. “Mhm, and here I thought I already needed to change my mind,” she purred as his hand relieved ancient pressure from her lower back.

His hands slowly made their way upwards, along her spine, massaging the parts not covered by the obsidian scales. He stayed as far away from the sharp looking cover as he could; his HP pool was low enough as it was. As he applied soft force to the muscles in her left shoulder, the scales started to shrink away. As his hands kept probing and rubbing her soft and smooth skin, more and more of the hard scales vanished. It was an interesting sight. The warmth in the room was gradually less because of her and more because of the heat creeping up from his loins.

The ability to stay calm under pressure was one John was quite thankful for. He wouldn’t have guessed it would come in so handy when he had to perform a sexual service on an ancient dragoness. A little bit more of his newfound massaging knowledge surfaced and he concentrated on the redhead’s shoulders and upper back. Even though she was far above any human, she gasped at the deliberate attention to the muscles responsible for carrying her sizable breasts.

Since his work obviously had the intended effect, John allowed himself a moment to marvel at what he was doing. The light-brown skin of the dragoness seemed to glow from within under his hands and indeed it felt like her body temperature was several degrees higher than a normal human’s.

Where the scales vanished, normal skin appeared. The lava was pulled under her surface, its temperature tamed into something not harmful to him. Each revealed bit of skin gave John new places to massage and thus opportunities to lure more of the soft gasps from Nathalia’s lips. Guided by the vanishing scales, his hands travelled all over her body. Until the ones covering her butt vanished.

He gulped, he knew what he had bargained for but now it seemed to get serious. “Don’t hesitate or I might remember my other cravings,” Nathalia reminded him with a throaty giggle.

‘Here goes nothing’ John thought and glided his hands over her cheeks. They were as soft as he had dreamt. Despite being here to pleasure her, he couldn’t help but dig his fingers into that plush backside. She had even more size to her rump than Aclysia, although that could be owed to her being taller overall, rather than being even more bottom heavy. The hourglass figure her curves drew was luscious, more worthy of a succubus than a dragon.

“Mhm, I feel you enjoy this.” Nathalia purred as John kept kneading her ass with all the love he had for the female backside. Twin hills of Mediterranean brown, getting reshaped and jiggling under his grasp. He let go, ran his hands around the sides, and just watched in fascination as the abundant meat shifted. Entranced, John only remembered his duty when Nathalia raised her voice. “Enough of that!” Swiftly, he drew his hands back. Nathalia turned onto her back. “Continue here,” she said, softer, and gestured at herself. From the large breasts down the athletic stomach, to the crotch covered in obsidian.

Starting with her bare midriff, he rubbed the hardened muscles up and down, adding circular movements of his fingertips where necessary. The motions pushed back the stress and scales alike until the only scales remaining on her torso were those on her nipples and her pussy. The former was revealed first, showing dark brown nipples with a pinkish tint. Nathalia stared at him with heated passion. A challenge. Did he dare? He did.

Like with her ass, the softness of her tits was amazing but he felt something beyond the soft perfection of her big breasts. The heat, so much closer to her heart. Each drum drove the magma-like blood through veins. It was like he was on the verge of a crater and a pool of burning bliss was just one step, one dive, away.

The last bit of volcanic glass vanished from her crotch and John slowly let one hand travel down, keeping his eye contact with the dragoness the whole time. Her stare seared into his soul and stoked the flames of his lust. Two fingers circled her clit, again with newfound expertise. ‘I have a Skill for all aspects of sex now,’ John thought. He felt a perverted rush at the realization.

“Lower!” Nathalia half pleaded and half commanded. John was happy to oblige and travelled down to her brownish red pussy lips. Rubbing along the length of her slit with skilled movements, for a few minutes he brought the dragoness ever closer to release. She snapped at the slow treatment. “TEASE ME NO LONGER!” she roared, slamming a fist on the table. A chunk of it splintered off.

As calm as his Wisdom allowed him to be, which was very calm, John complied. A long, relieved sigh went through Nathalia’s shuddering body as two of his fingers pushed into her wet cunt. In and out of her, they danced. She was unbelievably hot, hotter even than Aclysia when her Inner Flame reached its zenith, shortly before orgasm. They worked similarly in that regard, it appeared.

“Yes… yesssss! AAAAHHHH!” The dragoness' back arched off the platform. Claws cut trenches into the solid rock, as if it was sand. Screaming loudly, she pressed against his fingers. He kept massaging her insides at a steady pace, prolonging the orgasm for as long as possible. With a Libido of 130 her sensitivity must have been insane and the sheer depth and lengths of her bliss only proved this.

John had no more possibility to marvel at her sinful body. Suddenly, he was pulled downwards into a heated kiss. Nathalia’s tongue was quick to invade his mouth and from it fire spread through his body. His senses went into overdrive and he greedily met her with his own tongue as he dug a hand into her orange hair.

Nathalia swung her hips off the table and set a claw between his collarbones. With incredible precision, she pulled the finger downwards, cutting only the fabric of his shirt. His skin only experienced a mild tingling. With his trousers she was more delicate, opting to open them the traditional way after fidgeting a bit, not understanding the wonder that was a zipper.

Once his pants were down, Nathalia gave him a once over again. “Not bad,” she said in regards to his cock. “Scrawny, however.” She pushed him softly, forcing him to take a step backwards. That gave her just enough time to turn around and bend over the table, presenting her round ass to the now naked John. She sent her long hair flying with a strong movement of her neck and then grinned over her shoulder. “Take me.”

No need to be told that twice. John grabbed her by the wide hips and he aligned his cock with her cunt. She was dripping wet and only became more so with every passing second. Love fluids were running down her thick thighs in steady trickles. She really was a nymphomaniac force of nature.

Slowly, he pushed inside. Her walls were quivering from the initial penetration alone and John lost himself in the mind melting heat that surrounded him. It only got stronger as he pushed deeper. The Blessing she had given him added its own degree of intensity.

“Oh, yes!” Nathalia groaned, claws clasping around the edge of the table. “Fuck me John!”

“Your wish is my command,” John returned, as he slowly pulled out. She wanted to be fucked? He would give her as much as he could. Immediately after the next plunge, he started to take the dragoness hard.

Her pussy was out of this world, both literally and figuratively. It was tight enough to make each thrust the most heavenly torture and yet loose enough to make the movements easy, wet enough for him to push into her with enough lubrication but not so overly drenched that the pleasuring friction was lost.

Again  and again he pushed inside, moaning as he did, and each time he was sheathed balls deep inside her. Nathalia’s back bent into a low curve. She screamed and screamed at the ceiling. Incoherent grunts and otherworldly syllables echoed off the walls. To say she had a hair trigger was understating it. From the moment his cock had touched her labia, the dragoness had been cumming her brains out.

The quick, rhythmic thrust made her ass ripple. He coaxed from her several long moans. He wasn’t meant to last but he had to. Not to satisfy her, the thought of survival had long since wandered into the back of his mind, just to taste more of this Abyssal pleasure. He had no other words to describe it. It was the very height of what he could have imagined.

Still, he kept hammering into her, running on willpower alone. Her screams and moans, gasps and screams, they were his fuel as he kept going and going. He buried himself inside her, the whole length of his dick all the way to the base, always following the melody of their hips clashing. He was a slave to the pleasure of her writhing walls. The infrequent contractions around his dick betrayed her repeated orgasms.

One of these thrusts was too much. At the edge, John stopped, trying to hold on for a little longer. Nathalia must have felt it and, despite her many spasms, she demandingly thrust back at him.

“FILL!” His shaft throbbed ecstatically, “ME!” His seed boiled, wanting to escape its tight confinement, “UP!” Intensely, his seed exploded into her. Spurt for spurt of white seed, tainting the insides of the dragoness’ deepest, most private parts.

The Gamer grit his teeth and suddenly started thrusting again. He wanted more and he would take more. Even as he was cumming inside her, even as the ends of his oversensitive nerves tingled, he only cared about pounding her hard. Animalistic urges kept him moving. A second orgasm was building right after the first. The kind of multi-orgasmic pleasure he didn’t think he could achieve.

Nathalia screamed ever louder, in disbelief and passion, as he fucked her with reckless abandon. He slammed into her one last time, letting the second orgasm renew the intensity with which he was pumping his cum into her clenching cunt. A release of hot pussy juices gushed against his legs. Each time he pumped his seed into her, she squirted for him. The convulsion of her luscious curves was powerful. Even after she had wrung the last drop from him, she remained a quivering mess.

“Oh for…..oh….in my name….this is….” She gasped and slowly found her breath again. A little shove made John pull out, watching from two steps away as Nathalia’s spasms slowly ebbed away. The double load he had pumped into her trickled from her agape cunt.

For as long as the view remained, he enjoyed it. Even a nymphomaniac with 10’000 years of experience was a trembling mess after he was through with her. To say he got an ego boost out of it would have been a vast understatement.

Regardless, all good things had to come to an end. The scales spread up her limbs again, then covered her sides and her naughty bits, until she was just as covered as before. Little as it was, the layer between her extremely sensitive sex and the air seemed enough to allow her to calm.

“Hah,” she exhaled a final time before regaining her composure. “Wow, you are the second mortal to ever make me squirt, John… and on your first attempt….” She hesitatingly praised, “Good…. too good….” She was thinking about something and John was sure he probably wouldn’t like the result.

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