Collide Gamer

Chapter 653 – Birthday Newman 9 – Back to the island

Chapter 653 – Birthday Newman 9 – Back to the island


Everything was washed out, as if somebody was putting his vision through a car wash. Through the blur, John could make out the rows. There were people sitting there. He couldn’t look around. There was a black blob at the head of the gathering that reminded him vaguely of himself. There was a scream, then a knife. It was the only clearly visible thing in the room. It approached his own open back. The vision stopped.

John found himself back in reality, looking after the Horned Rat as the god headed back inside the workshop while he himself stepped onto the boat. As Richard had already been with him, the Gamer had thought it the prime opportunity to use the Vision of Calamity without giving the god any information. It also reduced the durability to 75, but that wasn’t too terrible.

He already wanted to repair it though, as the drop in Durability had come with a noticeable degradation in his sight quality. This should have been impossible, given that the sight was enabled by Possession, not the lenses themselves, but it was still better than the Perma Lenses had provided. Likely, it was the Harmonized Attribute suffering from the damage.

“Now I realize how much of a limitation the ‘before you sleep’ part is,” John thought out loud. The most opportune time to repair the lenses was while he was getting some shut-eye. Visions given also only applied to the time between when he used the item and he next slept. No gaming the system by making a vision every night. Unless he felt like staying awake through the night as the lenses were repaired.

Create’s menu told him that repairing them completely from 75 Durability would take about eight and a half hours. That lined up well with his sleep behaviour.

He blinked a few times, getting used to the now slightly worse vision. After activating the engine of the boat, he looked back on the island for a few seconds, making sure his security was all in place. When he was ready to drive off, a worn-down table suddenly hit the front window panel of his boat and rolled down to the deck underneath.

‘Well, it was worth a shot,’ John thought, trying to move the table with the Possession already in place. It was the same one that Marathyu had stacked all materials on. John had tried to use it to spy on the Horned Rat. To no surprise, Richard had noticed and teleported the table to the Gamer to send a message.

A table wasn’t all that great at walking, especially not when lying upside down. Even with Possession, it only managed to get a few centimetres far before Aclysia arrived where it lay, took and tossed it overboard. While it flew back to land, John took the clearly useless Possession off. Then they drove back to Liberty Island.

The moment he stepped off and onto the Harbour, he was greeted by Rave pressing herself against him in a heated kiss. Her entire chest curved against his and that was just wonderful, especially given the relatively recent increase in squish in the top of that area. “There ya are, tiger,” she hummed, not letting go of him. “I say this totally beats that whole upgrade ordering stuff, am I right or am I right?”

“Totally,” John answered and picked her up princess style and walked on, the two maids following them closely. No need to spend the entire day around here. Behind him, the Harbour was loading the normal sized boat back into the yacht’s internal dry dock. “Hope those two hours without me weren’t too boring.”

“Nah,” she responded, holding onto him by keeping her arms around his neck. “How did the upgrading go?”

“Well, the preparation for it is done,” he said, quickly got her up to date and then ended on, “Apparently he’ll be done tomorrow already.”

“That’s very fast for the amount of work he’ll have to do,” Rave remarked.

“Yeah, I’ll take it. Feel a bit vulnerable with so many of my valuable items out of hand.” He made a sour face, which his girlfriend must have found funny, as she snorted with laughter and then placed another kiss on his cheek with her glossy pink lips. “Also, someone is going to try and stab me today, apparently.”

“Isn’t that kinda bad?” she wondered in a nonchalant tone, taken by his own relaxed way of stating things.

“Depends on the way Gaia defines ‘threatening’,” John told her. “Is it life threatening? Then yes, that is kinda bad. Could also be threatening to my reputation depending on how I handle things. Perhaps the fact that it would hurt me is enough to count as threatening. It’s all very unclear. Anyway, I am going to be prepared for it, even if Aclysia has to fight with a spare sword. From the way it looked, it’s going to happen during the Q&A panel.”

“Coolio,” was all Rave had to respond to all of that, swinging her legs a little bit as she kissed her boyfriend some more.

“Anything Nathalia told you that I can know about?” he asked, wanting to hear at least a little bit more about the dragoness.

“She told us a few things… not that ya can’t know them but it’s kinda private.” Rave rested her pink head against his shoulder. At this point, they were well into the Commercial district. Unlike earlier, he didn’t get congratulatory shouts. The mental grace period must have passed or something. He wasn’t mad, he had been appreciated more than enough today already. “Mostly harem management stuff and a few things she knew that we might wanna get… mostly lewd stuff.” Unsurprising, Nathalia had displayed a certain knowledge about drugs of the sexual variety before. “Oh, right, I can tell ya about the cologne though.”

“Did you get the recipe?” John asked, perking up. Whatever Nathalia had given him he had long since run out of, getting more of it would be fantastic.

“Lydia wrote it down, think Scarlett did too, although she was skeptical that it could be as amazing as we made it out to be. Gotta get the list from them… hey, can I be slutty with ya for a sec?”

“You can always be slutty with me, Jane,” he told her with a smile. It had been a few hours and that was bad enough as far as he was concerned.

One of her kisses turned into a whisper next to his ear. “It’s been two days. I really wanna suck it right now,” her sultry voice caressed his ear with the proper amount of improperness and the Gamer suddenly accelerated his steps. Before he knew it, they were inside an unoccupied tent that was used for storage. Rave had suggested it, and if it worked, it worked. “I see someone can’t wait,” she giggled when he let her to the ground.

“You don’t offer a man a blowjob and expect him to not get excited,” John stated, watching her kneel down on the wooden panel that had been thrown on top of the grass. She was wearing quite the usual clothes today, a pink top and dark blue yoga pants, but the colours harmonized nicely and they were the highest quality varieties she had. Plus, as the two quickly rising points in her shirt proved, no bra. “Wait a second.” He reached into his inventory and pulled out an outdoor pillow. Aclysia and Beatrice announced that they would wait outside.

“Thanks,” she chirped and tugged it under her knees. Just a little thing that made things more comfortable for her. “Alrighty.” Rave licked her lips and brushed her wild mane back. Although it never got in the way by some arcane means, it was still a sexy and probably instinctive gesture. “Time to have lunch,” she mused as she grabbed the zipper of his pants and quickly pulled down both his pants and underpants.

His cock flopped out, already more than semi-erect, and she lost no time, taking it into her mouth with some subtly wet noises. With one hand, she grabbed the base and pumped in the rhythm of her head bobbing back and forth, slowly going deeper. Within moments, he was completely hard and he groaned softly, because he knew it would motivate her further.

With a pop, it came free again. “I wanted to wait until the evening,” she said while giving his cock a few more pumps. “I really did. R-E-A-L-L-Y. Seriously, but…” She licked off a big drop of precum that oozed from the tip and shuddered. “…ya just make me so horny, tiger.” She went back to sucking him for a few seconds. “Fuck, you taste even better than before… Ya wouldn’t happen to have a second pair of pants for me in your inventory, would ya?”

“Pants and panties,” he assured her. They had run into a fair amount of outdoor fun problems before. “Maybe you should just strip though.” He made sure to make it sound normally in tone and formulation, but he still had the intent to use his Charisma-Libido Perk. It wasn’t strictly necessary for him to make things a command. The important thing was just that the target obeyed willingly, aware of that promise of lust in his voice.

It had the desired effect.

Rave’s tanned, light-brown skin flushed, more than the immediate excitement of the situation warranted. “Oh, this is new…” she gasped, as she pulled her top off and freed her tits with a jiggle. Her legwear soon followed, after she had kicked her shoes off, leaving her completely naked. With every article she removed, her breathing got a little bit harder and now she moaned outright as the reward hit her. “I like this, I like this a loooot,” she emphasized, not that the glistening between her thighs let any other interpretation pass.

“Kneel down,” he instructed her as he removed his own clothes. They were in no danger of being caught or seen, but being stark naked in this semi-public setting was still a bit exciting. Rave was clearly turned on more by it though, panting with an open mouth and an outstretched tongue by the time she was back on the floor.

“Give me more commands,” she requested, her eyes glazed over. “I want to know how far this goes.”

“Oh, it goes all the way,” he assured her with a grin, then gave her what she wanted. “Arms behind your back.” She obeyed and moaned. “Suck me off.” Her head basically flew forwards, lips skilfully taking hold of his cock. “All the way down,” he commanded, clawing into her soft mane with one hand. Soon he felt the softness of her mouth against his base. “Look at me.” Her half-closed eyes flew open, the pink lustre in her blue eyes had taken the clear shape of a heart around her pupil. “Cum.”

Her eyelids fluttered, as the gaze she focused on him instead rolled up her skull. Muffled shouts of lust reverberated in his cock as he fucked her face with as much gentleness as that depraved action could be executed with. The writhing of the mucus covered inside of her throat was quickly getting him to the edge of orgasm himself. He only held back long enough for her current orgasm to come to a proper calm down, then slid out of her throat.

Rave understood what was expected of her without further words and slid her lips over the sensitive spot under the glans a few more times to bring him to completion. When his cock pulsated and his balls tightened, semen pumping into his girlfriend’s eagerly awaiting mouth, John couldn’t help but grin. Especially as Rave’s body, just getting somewhat relaxed, suddenly became rigid and uncontrollable again.

The Libido 100 Perk had upgraded his cum from tasting awesome to tasting like the tastiest thing anyone could ever taste, plus giving the ability to orgasm from drinking it. Another two things Rave was experiencing for the first time, her eyes now firmly stuck on the upper corner of her vision. “Don’t swallow yet,” he commanded her, giving her just another jolt into her climax that he was fairly certain, by the spike in her high-pitched moaning and wet dribbling, had her squirt a little bit.

When she had wrung the last few drops from him, she pulled back, revealed the entire, extremely large load, then closed her mouth, swallowed, and revealed her clean mouth. Then she spent a minute or so licking his erect member until it was completely clean of anything that wasn’t saliva.

By the end of that, she was still quite flustered, but had calmed down enough to keep her voice steady. “Did ya just make me climax twice while giving YOU a blowjob?” she asked, in a clearly good mood.

“Yup,” he answered, in an even better mood. “Sorry to keep secrets from you, but I thought this would be a nice surprise.”

“It is… kinda sad I popped it now…” Rave admitted.

“If it makes you feel any better, I don’t think I would have survived if you didn’t let me cum before the evening.” He pulled out a steamed towel from his inventory and cleaned his dick properly with one end. Then he offered it to Rave, who used the other half to wipe her own shame clean. Two towels would have been better, but he only had the one, and it beat the paper alternative by miles. “Actually, don’t think this’ll be enough until then either.”

“Perv,” she joked.

“Ya know it,” he mimicked her tone in response.

“Mhm… well, I guess I gotta let the other girls have their fun as well,” Rave said, handing John the towel, who threw it back into his Inventory. It was still mostly clean, being a big towel for a relatively small mess, but most of the steamed warmth had disappeared. She slipped into her pants and, still topless, took her phone out of her pocket to send a message around in the harem chat. John was also seeing it and could discern that some sort of non-coitus agreement had just been amended to allow blowjobs before the evening.

“You think Lydia is going to let you get away with this?” John asked his girlfriend. “You know how much of a stickler for agreements she can be.”

“As a matter of fact,” the stern voice announced the queen’s arrival on the scene, just as Rave pulled her top into position. “I am not fine with this adjustment.” Lydia put her own phone away and crossed her arms. “I will tolerate this instance, however, given that I was promised an hour of your time.”

Well, it wasn’t a promise that John had given, as her visit had been kept a secret from him.

But who was he to say no to a queen?

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