Collide Gamer

Chapter 529 – Victory & Mouth 5 – A moment downtime

Chapter 529 – Victory & Mouth 5 – A moment downtime


John held a little speech over webcam and then took the next flight home, as Imerella had asked. By the time he got off the plane, the video of his assailant had already begun spreading. As was usual with news, the amount of people that knew about it rose exponentially, and once the snowball started rolling, there was no stopping it.

‘Well, at least I get why governments censor now,’ John couldn’t help but think somewhat dark things as he walked through the New York City airport. The western one, Newark, to be exact. ‘If I could control the narrative, this whole situation would be a whole lot easier to handle… and once I fuck up, I would have done permanent damage to all trust in me everywhere.’ At least he immediately found the counter-argument for censorship. No matter how smart he ever got, he could never be right all the time. Declaring that he knew what was best for potential millions of people to know or not know was beyond arrogant.

An enthusiastic outcry reached him, “Jooooooooooohn!” A moment later, he spied a half-Asian brunette storming his way and then jumping the last metre of the way. Rave’s arms closed around his neck, the energy of her charge making him take a step back and then whirl her around once before they stopped on the spot. Then they kissed. Once quickly, a second time, after looking in each other’s eyes for a couple of seconds, long and lovingly.

“And there goes my bad mood,” he mumbled, resting his forehead on hers.

“Good,” she whispered back with a smile, “I ain’t paying ya to have a bad mood.”

“You aren’t paying me at all. As a matter of fact, I am paying you,” the Gamer pointed out. It was true as well, since she was working in his government now, he was giving her a sizable salary. For a real politician, this would probably fall under some sort of corruption law, but in all but morals, he was a dictator.

Rave raised her head a bit and their noses touched. “Wrong,” she told him, “I am paying ya in hugs and kisses. I think you’ll agree that makes what I provide more valuable.”

“I don’t agree, no,” John challenged her and lowered his posture until only a few words fit between their lips. “I think I’ll need a reminder.”

They kissed a third time. Hands on her lower back, he held her body as close as he could. He hadn’t felt her in a few days, some very stressful days. Now that he had her heartbeat beating against his chest again, the world was right. Her body was soft in all the right places, with a hard core that reminded him that she was no pushover whatsoever. The love of his life, someone that he could share good and difficult times with so that they could shoulder them together. With lips that tasted of sweet bubble-gum and mint. The tiny metal ball of her piercing rolled over his tongue as they slowly got more heated.

Her left thigh brushed against his tight pants. “Okay, okay,” Rave laughed and finally pulled back, blushing heavily. Through her baby blue tank-top, he could see her two perky nipples standing out. “Yeah, I am not wearing a bra right now,” she read his thoughts and winked, then unfolded her arms and walked over to Aclysia. “Come’ere,” the techno lover demanded and gave the maid a kiss as well. Then they made their way out of the public eye.

From the airport to the Guild Hall was not particularly far. Mostly thanks to a relatively nearby teleporter, placed just on the edge of the new normal range of his Transport Station. Which, as it so happened, was now the exact same as the radius of the Hudson Barrier, 10 kilometres. Their centres being at different locations did ruin the satisfaction of perfect overlap, but it was still a nice coincidence.

They stepped into the pavilion, the blue floor lit up and then they found themselves back on Liberty Island. Some random mineworker was returning from his coffee break at that exact moment, but didn’t really seem to care about the three people suddenly popping up. He just greeted his president and went about his day. Abyssals really did have nerves for the unexpected to happen.

“Seems like everything is the same way I left it,” John noted, stepping out of the large pavilion. A slime was crawling into a nearby trash can, emptying it by munching through everything that was inside. A giant seagull sat on a pier and let its annoying cry be heard when it saw the Gamer, who immediately gave off a warning shot with Shardbound. “Those things better not be pooping on my lawn!”

“Your lawn,” an easy-going voice shouted over to him, “is several hundred square metres. I think you will manage!” Metra, Qiada laid across her shoulders, came his way. She was wearing her usual, black and grey cropped top, less than a sports-bra, and hot pants, almost less than panties. “So how was the assassination attempt?”

“Barely threatening,” John returned with a shrug. “Bad for them that they don’t have convenient power-comparison data. Otherwise they would have known not to try.”

“Any news on why they did it?” Rave asked.

“Yeah…” John had only dropped a text message that he was coming back. “Let’s talk about this in private.”


John had already been informed that nothing of great interest had happened while he was gone. Still, when he found a stack of papers on his desk that was thinner than his hand, he was pretty surprised. With the extra days he had been missing, he had expected like fifteen times that amount on each corner of his desk.

Beatrice was quietly sitting on her own table, the glass kind, with a computer and everything she needed to work and nothing more. Aside from her passivity, the reason why John had given her an almost empty see-through desk was to always have as much of her body in view as possible. Lesser people would say that was a bad idea if he wanted to concentrate on his work, his counter-argument was that being turned on by the secretary was no problem if you could cum inside the secretary whenever you wanted.

The walls of his office were lined with largely empty shelves, although more and more folders with archived documents were quickly filling those. A giant shredder, with the humorous title ‘Complaint Manager’ engraved in a plaque above it, stood in front of the wood-covered walls. Other upgrades to his office included a third, fully equipped glass desk, in case he got more help, and a new chair. It had cost a fortune, but it had an enlarge function that made three people fit on it. The application of this was obvious.

Right now, he was surrounded by two pairs of twins, more or less. Rave and Metra were sharing the half-couch armchair with him while Beatrice and Aclysia were sucking his dick under the table. The former looked really similar due to the way Metra had formed her current body out of John’s preferences in women. Meanwhile, the two-white haired girls were created in the image of two androids in a video game, where one model was based on the other.

“So yeah, that’s the whole story of that,” he delivered in a clear tone, ending the explanation of everything that had transpired the past two days. Although the blowjob still felt heavenly, the months had taught him quite well to talk normally unless he was close to the edge. “Or at least as much of it as I know.”

“So, uhhh,” Rave scratched her head, resting on John’s right shoulder. “Is he telling the truth or not?”

“I don’t know,” her boyfriend answered truthfully. “If Abraham was a moron, this whole thing would be much easier. I can’t properly predict the guy because he would try to act in a way that I cannot properly predict him to get away with the actual predicted choice when I don’t expect it anymore.”

“Stahp!” his girlfriend demanded. “Damn politicians and your mind games! Okay, different question, what do we do now?”

“We wait for the investigation to conclude,” John answered, groping her butt directly by moving the skirt she was wearing aside. A pair of green eyes was looking up to him, Aclysia slowly sliding all the way down to his base, her lips tightly sealed around his solid shaft. “If they find Abraham guilty, this whole thing is over. I can’t imagine most of his base fighting in a war he starts with such a cowardly attack. If they don’t, we continue the campaign like before.”

“Should have just done the easy fucking thing and invaded from the start,” Metra grumbled.

“I’d rather expend my time than the lives of others.” They had this discussion regularly, but he wasn’t going to let that comment slip by like that. There were some of his girls that preferred the ‘punch first’ approach, even on the guild war scale, so it was important that they at least understood, even if they didn’t agree, his approach.

“Yes, yes,” the ancient weapon backed down immediately, knowing her usual answer to that, being that a death in battle was glorious, didn’t fly as well with more modern minded people. “You can get grey hair in your mid-twenties then.”

“I do hope Gamer’s Body prevents that.” That was a completely earnest statement. John really didn’t want to have grey hair well-before his time. In all likelihood, his rising power level would make him immune to aging long before that happened, but still. “Huh, talking of aging, my birthday is next month,” he suddenly remembered.

“What, really?” Rave asked; he had told her before but she was terrible at remembering dates. “When is it again?”

“Scheduled: July 24th, Master’s birthday,” Beatrice report to the slurping sound of Aclysia pulling back. Quickly taking the senior maid’s place as John’s cocksleeve, the passive woman moved up and down halfway his shaft with bobbing motions of her head.

Aclysia licked her precum stained lips. “We should celebrate both that day and the day afterwards,” she suggested, brushing some of her hair back before leaning down to massage his balls.

“Right, ya got your powers the day after your birthday, right?” Rave asked.

“Yup,” he answered and then sighed lustfully. Beatrice was releasing his dick and Aclysia’s extended tongue was trailing directly after her. Their transition was seamless. “I hope you surprise me with something expected,” he winked at his girlfriend.

“Wonder if we can get Lydia over for a day,” Rave was lost in thought for a moment while she mumbled. “I’ll pull something outta my butt to make it a nice birthday… hey, that also means we have been together for almost a year!”

“That’s another… ten days on top? Yeah,” John agreed. “Time sure flies when you are having fun… spiked with occasional misery.” He leaned back in his chair and groaned out loud. “Okay… give me a second here,” he said and closed his eyes.

“Sure, ya can have your seconds,” Rave whispered into his ear; he could hear her glossy lips smacking as she talked. “But when you are done cumming the first time, I will ride that dick, tiger.” He felt her gentle touch trailing over his chest and undoing one button of his shirt after the other.

A giggle reverberated on the other side of his head. “I’ll go with the third, if you have the energy,” lustfully, Metra’s words caressed him, her hot breath on his neck. “Let’s not kid ourselves, you’ll always have that.”

Simultaneously, they kissed his neck, and his hips shot out of the seat and deep into whoever of the two slutty servants was currently sucking him. A moment later, his lust reached a searing height and his seed spurted out in a wonderful orgasm, fuelled by all the warmth and safety he was surrounded by.

“Ah, home, sweet home,” he gasped when he fell back into his chair. His erect cock flopped out into the open air when released, caught by Rave’s hand. By the time he opened his eyes, the two maids under the table were busy swapping his cum back and forth. A sight blocked from him after a moment, as Rave straddled on top of him. Simply moving her panties aside, she impaled herself on his cock.

“And this is… aaaahhhh,” she gasped, her eyelids fluttering as she finally felt her favourite cock in the whole world again. No amount of dildos or Beatrice could replace this. “Why I went with the miniskirt to-mhhm-day. Oh, Gaia, it’s been way too long!” After all this time spent screwing, she wanted to never miss a day of it.

“Now… oh fuck.” John felt the same way. No matter how many girls he had, all of them he loved he wanted to fuck at least once a day. Sad were the days where he didn’t get to do that. Being inside Rave again after these days, inside her tight, quivering cunt, broke his concentration. To the point where he simply forgot what he had actually wanted to ask.

Instead, he lifted Rave onto the table and gave it to her proper.

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