Collide Gamer

Chapter 526 – Victory & Mouth 2 – The neutral force

Chapter 526 – Victory & Mouth 2 – The neutral force


‘If only I could get my hands on a SEP,’ John thought. With how things were going, an evolved Siena would be quite useful. However, no luck had been had in that department. It didn’t help that he had no time to grind at all currently. Not even a single gap in his schedule was bigger than half an hour and Instant Dungeons took strictly longer than that. Between campaigning and bureaucracy, there was absolutely no time for grinding.

He really only had himself to blame for that. At least his domestic workload was steadily decreasing in scope, so there was reason to hope that he would find the time again once he no longer needed to fly back and forth between two states every few days.

Aside from the scheduling problems, disappearing for three hours itself was pretty dangerous. Although the situation with that initial fight seemed to have blown over without further consequences, John barely felt like he could justify sleeping some days. There was just no telling if he was going to miss something that required his immediate attention.

It said a lot that he considered looking at his character screen a de-stressing time. Okay, Sylph and Salamander giving him a double blowjob certainly helped in the relaxation process. He was sitting on the couch in his new house, the furniture a simple assortment of medium quality that had come with the proper building. In the week since the incident, he had bought himself this real estate in Washington. He didn’t want to crash over at Chemilia’s place continuously.

Together with him buying all the necessary parts for the Tier 2 upgrade to the Transport Station, it had been another cut into his money (and GP, as he had needed an extra Room Slot), but not nearly one as noticeable as the actual Guild Hall upgrade. This extra building had the side effect that he was now reliant on at least minor production from his Mana Factories to pay the upkeep cost for everything. He only saw that becoming an increasing problem in the future.

There were enough problems right now to not keep thinking about that. Sadly, parts of another guild he had bought didn’t count as conquered territory. If it did, he could have saved himself the back and forth between NYC and DC. That would have shaved considerable time off his travels. He understood why the system didn’t count it though; if any piece of land he bought counted as his territory, that could have led to a bunch of abuse cases.

“Any news from the primarchs?” John asked, using his usual synonym for people around his current strength level. He hadn’t quite given up hope yet to get at least one of those on his side. Not even for this current situation, just in general. His phone, lying on the table in front of him, provided a quick answer.

“Nothing, I can’t even locate any of them,” Scarlett’s voice reverberated from the small device.

“Is that unusual?” John asked and then groaned as Nia suddenly decided she had enough of staring out of the window in search for cats (not that she would have seen any, they were inside a barrier) and joined the sucking of his cock. He would cum pretty soon.

“Not particularly, they are few and most live somewhere out in the sticks,” Scarlett told him. “Also, if you are getting a blowjob, point the fucking camera at it! You can’t be the only one having fun.”

“Alright, alright,” he agreed with some mild laughter. “Thank you, Sylph,” the Gamer added when the thunderstorm elemental took the phone off the table and gave it to him. He quickly grabbed the back of her head with his left hand and shoved his cock down her throat so she couldn’t palaver an answer that interrupted the conversation forever.

As the only feeling he received from her spirit at this were happiness and the words, ‘John’s huge, giant, enormous dick!’ he didn’t feel bad about this whatsoever.

“Happy?” he asked Scarlett, the camera now pointing at the three hotties sucking on his cock and balls. The answer he got was a picture of the redhead kissing her John-sized vibrator.

There was a betraying buzz in the background of her voice afterwards, alongside some minorly disruptive moans. “Mhm… soooo… what is the plan now?” she asked him.

“For now its business as usual… give me a sec,” he couldn’t concentrate on the conversation anymore as his dick pulsated with the need to release. He pulled back and scattered his seed over the faces of all three girls, who then began licking and kissing each other in an attempt to taste as much of it as possible.

There were a lot of bashful, ecstatic and neutral comments had between them in the process, but John didn’t pay attention to those. Cumming for the first time in eight hours had just been thoroughly necessary.

“I am going to have a nap, then I will go visit Imerella, then a speech in the western economy district, a quick drive out into less populated outskirts, another speech there, then I will come back to New York over the weekend.”

“Why bother with the outskirts?” Scarlett asked. “I calculated this, they only make up 15% of the total voting pool. Swinging a few votes with them won’t be important.”

“That’s a tad more pragmatic than I like,” John let her know. “It also sounds pretty immoral; I am still trying to rule over them, you know?”

“Don’t blame me, blame the fact that democracy counts every one vote as equal,” Scarlett retorted pretty quickly. “Not my fault that the system is designed in such a…oh Gaia yessss…” she must have hit the right spot with her vibrator, “such an awful way that you are incentivized for pandering to population centres.”

He got another photo of her in side view, sitting with a concentrated but heavily blushing expression over some documents, her upper body in the usual suit while she was naked from the waist down, riding the vibrator that was fixated on her chair. Girls nonchalantly riding sextoys while working must have been one of the fetishes John didn’t know he had, judging by how quickly he got hard again looking at that.

Alternatively, it could have been that Scarlett was smoking hot and had a marshmallow ass he knew jiggled when he spanked it. A last option was talking theoretic politics. He enjoyed doing that, but he didn’t find it likely to give him a raging boner. “Well, if you have so much disdain for it, how would you do it?”

“Give people who do more for society more voting power,” Scarlett told him.

“How do you even measure that?” he continued asking as the trio at his feet got back to sucking his re-hardened cock. Well, two of them wanted to, but Salamander instead wrapped his shaft inside her massive tits and laughed at them as she gained a short-term monopoly.

“By their tax bracket and effective tax paid,” the libertarian minded woman told him. “You reward everyone who is doing well in society and simhhhhmmmm,” her voice trailed into a high pitch for a moment. She tried to get back to the topic at hand but let out a long sigh instead.

“Talk to me, you hard-dildo-delver,” John demanded in the tone he usually used when he was pinning her against a wall and abusing her masochistic tendencies. Seemed appropriate right now. He just hoped nobody heard his terrible pun on HDD right now and commented on how forced it was; it had sounded way better in his head.

“And -aaah, sssshit this feels so good- and you m-mhm-motivate them to not dodge taxessss,” she managed to get the sentence strung together, ending it with a climactic shout. “Fuck me, this makes me horny.”

John ignored that last bit; he planned to put his dick deep inside her whenever he got back anyway. “Okay, but at the same time everyone else will feel disenfranchised.”

“They still have their vote,” Scarlett dismissed that complaint with a lightly quivering voice.

“A lesser vote.”

“There are way more of them, and if they want to have more influence, they just need to improve their economic standing. It’s purely meritocratic.” Well, she wasn’t wrong, but John wasn’t convinced that the individual store clerk cared about the fact that there were many of them and together they could outvote the store owner.

“Interesting theory,” he had to admit nonetheless, “I will think about it, but I am not willing to put it into effect on any large scale.”

“Didn’t expect you to, since you seem so concerned with the masses,” Scarlett stated, herself always focusing on the successful few instead. “Anyway, I think your time is up.” To prove her point, she changed his display to a digital clock.

“Yup…” John admitted, but found himself unwilling to stand up. There was a pair of giant breasts between his legs and Nia and Sylph were taking turns sucking the head of his cock as it poked out between Salamander’s red mounds of flesh. ‘Guess I will run a little late,’ he thought and resigned himself to another orgasm.


Imerella had her military facility south of DC, down the river, at the site of Fort Washington. ‘Wonder how the Noodles got by here,’ John thought as he entered the barrier. The answer was doubtlessly some pulled strings on Abraham’s side.

It was a fortification that had clearly seen better days. The walls were originally made from even blocks of some reddish stone, but the façade was in clear need of renewal with several of them cracked or already in the process of falling apart. The whole thing was lightly modern in design, the tall walls in the shape of a star, but the fact that it was even still designed with a fort structure in mind must have meant that it was over a hundred years old. Even Abyssal warfare had little strategic usage for walled off positions anymore. Explosive spells against this kind of fortification were too effective and modern mana-fuelled shields would have worked much better around a more compact design.

The array of buildings within the walls had the typical military feel to them. Largely practical buildings storing food and apartments within simple designs. Although there were people cleaning the place even as John stepped inside, the guards at the gate clearly knowing who he was and letting him pass, there was a sustained amount of dirt everywhere that kept it from looking meticulous.

‘Seems like the cleaning crew got hit first by all the budget cuts,’ John thought as he stepped over a patch of grass that grew out of the road pavement. He saw Terkal in the distance, taking a very long route around several buildings and vanishing as quickly behind one as he could when he saw that the Gamer’s gaze was in his direction. ‘Mhm? Well, if he doesn’t want to be seen, I will do him the favour,’ he thought.

It was absolutely impossible to overlook the over two-metre-tall general, but John got a message on his phone that allowed him to look down for a moment.

Scarlett: By the way, the last part of your project arrived today. I put it in and now your sphere is done.

John: Yesssss~

Scarlett: Not like you get to use it anytime soon.

John: Don’t ruin my fun. I still get to test it over the weekend.

“There you are,” the chirpy, somewhat flirting, tone of Imerella reached his ears. His phone quickly vanished inside his pocket as the short general walked her curvy body over to him. “How are you? Good I hope, because I am doing fantastic. Let’s take a walk!” She gestured firmly away from where Terkal had vanished to and her office building behind her. John also noticed she looked rather flustered.

“You took a page out of my book, didn’t you?” John asked as he obliged her and they started walking from one facility to the other as if they were inspecting them. The Gamer already knew all he needed about the state of this location.

“Whatever would you mean by that?” she asked with a satisfied grin. No further inquiry was going to be had; he already knew she and Terkal had had steamy sex in her office on his way here.

“Ah, nothing important,” John waved off, smirking back in a similar fashion. “Now, let’s talk business, can you tell Abraham to take down the rhetoric a bit? I get that he wants to win, but…”

“No need to convince me, I already called him and told him he was a big fat idiot on Monday,” Imerella interrupted him with a heavy sigh. “He seems to have his strategy set though. At least you have your people keep a cool head… I am just afraid that something he says will give somebody bad ideas.”

“If that isn’t his intention anyway,” John grumbled, creating an attacker that just ‘misunderstood what he wanted to say’ was something he could see done as a cover up. It was certainly a way to terrorize the other faction without being liable himself. At least in a limited fashion. It was hard to discern sometimes what was a call to violence and what a harshly delivered criticism.

“It better not be,” Imerella cracked her neck, “or I will have to spank that youngster!”

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