Collide Gamer

Chapter 519 – Events to Nomination 7 – Dine and Kiss

Chapter 519 – Events to Nomination 7 – Dine and Kiss


They had dinner inside the Boating Seaquence. The sun was sinking towards the horizon at that point, and one by one, the people only there in official function took their leave. John was trying to fend off the thoughts about the paperwork that even this half-day of talking to the generals had put into the backlog. Beatrice could take care of the boring and easy parts, but that left the complicated and lengthy things for John.

‘I miss you, Momo,’ the Gamer thought as his mouth formed nice words through a charismatic smile, goodbyes for the last guest, aside from the generals. ‘She could help with the more complicated stuff. Attitude or not, she could get some stuff negotiated. Beatrice is too passive to make any decisions herself and if I send Aclysia to talk to anyone… well…’

The mayor turned away and John gave his weaponized maid a glance. Although her exterior was calm, as was her behaviour overall, he was pretty sure that she would hold people that didn’t conform to his wishes quickly at knifepoint. That wasn’t going to be helpful for his reputation. People already called him ‘Perverted President’ on the streets, with a joking undertone. With good right.

Just this morning, he had been caught, yet again, with his pants down. To be exact, he had allowed himself to get his dick sucked by Undine during a video call with a pretty attractive subordinate, because he had gone four hours without cumming, and if he had to look at a beautiful woman after that long a stretch he would… well, nothing would really happen. It was just that he already had the reputation anyway, so what harm was in getting a little blowjob under the table?

It had to come as it did. The woman noticed the sounds and, tipped off by the rumours, identified them correctly. Much to John’s surprise, rather than being outraged, she just chuckled and continued the conference. Evidently, people were starting to get out of the ‘surprised’ and into the ‘that’s just our leader’ phase. People were willing to let a lot of things fly as long as their general quality of life increased.

Part of John wanted to see how far he could push it, but that was the same part that whispered into his ear to try and seduce Chemilia. In other words, a part best ignored. ‘Or you could listen to it all the time,’ Siena suggested, and was ignored just as quickly.

John sat back down on the cantina table, next to Rave who was having some friendly banter with Terkal and Imerella. Never caring about ranks and politically adequate language, she had pretty quickly won the generals over with her quick and free-flowing tongue. “Wanna make out?” she suggested towards the short girl when John sat back down at the table.

“Excuse me?” Imerella laughed at the Lightbearer. “Can you repeat that?”

Next to her, John had his mouth open to get in a word and somehow steer this situation around, but his girlfriend had other plans and took him into a light chokehold. “I asked if you want to make out,” Rave repeated with a wide smirk, “ya know, just us two girls, making out. Wanted to ask since ya got here, cause you have these cute freckles.” She let John go, since there was no way he could stop this train anymore. “I had the decency to wait until the other people left. I think ya can praise me for that!”

“…I guess I shouldn’t be surprised,” Chemilia chuckled at the sidelines; the quiet Rave’s suggestion had created was broken by that. “With you having a pretty public harem and all that, John.”

“I have two questions,” Terkal went in, his fingertips tapping on each other and deep interest in his eyes. “Does this mean this harem is full of girls swinging?”

“No,” John was quick to smite down that question. “No. No, no, no, no – NO – nononono! Just no. The deal is I get to sleep with other girls and they get to sleep with the other girls in the harem. Yes, I am heavily advantaged in this deal, yes, I am good enough at the dicking that they are all satisfied, yes, you can be envious… sorry, ranting,” he cleared his throat. He had wanted to talk straight business the moment they were alone, but Rave had other plans and now they were here.

“Second question!” Terkal, somewhat disappointed, but still enthusiastic about this whole thing, cried out. It was fascinating how quickly men unified and dropped their aggressive attitudes if the topic was cute girls kissing. “Where are we on the making out thing?”

“Still down for it,” Rave licked her lips to make their natural pink fullness seem extra glossy.

“No, wait a second, I need to get this,” Imerella raised a finger. “So you can only sleep with other girls within the harem, but are you free to just go around and pick up new girls?”

“Uuuh, we didn’t have that situation yet…” Rave scratched her head and looked over to John. “Whaddya say, I go into a disco on my own and find some sexy girl, can I make out with her, ja or nein?”

Blowing air out of puffed up cheeks, John had to think about this. It was a surprisingly hard question. “I want to say making out yes, having sex, especially first time, no. If you drag them back here and I get to be involved, I don’t really care what you did on the way. But I also don’t want you to just make out with some girls I don’t know all the time… especially without me around to ogle it… doesn’t feel exactly like cheating but I don’t like it… hard to put into words.”

“I get the gist tho,” Rave said, “cause the girls are the girls and we love each other and everyone else is everyone else. Ingroup – outgroup and all that jazz. It’s just different.”

“Yeah,” John nodded, that put it as best as he could think of it. Sighing, he admitted, “Blatant double standard, with how I can just go ahead and fuck more girls whenever or wherever I want…”

“It’s fine, I agreed to this,” Rave interrupted him. She put a hand on his butt and squeezed as she stretched up to his ear. Slowly, she whispered, “You’re a guy with big desires, I am your thirsty girl and we both profit from all the sexy, little perverts who are like me, that you gather around you. And I really like it, tiger. As a matter of fact, all the things you do to me, I like. I don’t care about the double standard, because I am not a guy out for his own harem, I am your girlfriend and the head of yours – of ours. That makes me perfectly happy.” Her sexually-charged voice was just loud enough for all the other men in the room to shift in their seats. The women flushed visibly as well as the temperature in the room seemed to rise several degrees. “Offer is on the table,” Rave winked and then stood up. “Anybody else want a beer or some liquor?”

Everyone at the table said yes and listed their preferences. The tone of this thing had grown to something like a casual get together. Politically minded or not, John had to admire his girlfriend’s ability to just make any situation a friendly get together. Since this was what they were doing now, John also dropped the serious act and joked, “Normally, Aclysia here would get the drinks,” he gestured towards the weaponized maid, who had taken position next to the table and took a little bow when she was addressed. “I think Jane just got up so you can look at her leave.”

“Why would we want to… Oh… OH!” Terkal, for the first time, looked at the stretched jeans currently facing in his direction. Everyone’s eyes were glued to that ass for a second, until Rave looked over her shoulder and gave a wink that confirmed her boyfriend’s statement, then the general grumbled, “This AFTER telling me that I won’t ever get to tap that. You are a scoundrel, John Newman!”

“Can’t argue with that,” John admitted.

“Mhm,” Chemilia hummed as the sound of glass came from the kitchen. “You two seem like a very happy couple…” She turned to her husband, “Hey, Ted, we are going to try that harem business as well, I want to have some threesomes with other girls and their system seems to work.” It was voiced as a mixture of suggestion and command. After a moment of thinking, the dark-eyed man just nodded.

“Does he even speak?” Rave asked as she returned with an entire crate of beer in one arm and a bottle of vodka in the other. As she put those things down, Aclysia went ahead and fetched the glasses needed for the liquor, along with some stuff it could be mixed with.

“Ted is a quiet guy,” Chemilia scratched her husband under the chin like he was a puppy. Her whitish pink hair flowed like water as she affectionately leaned in, “Also, I just told him I am willing to see him build a harem, so I don’t think he needed to do more than nod.”

Imerella opened her beer by flicking the lid off with her thumb. “Did you just decide that on a whim?” she asked.

“No, we have been thinking about going swinging for a bit now, but I don’t really need more dicks in my life,” Chemilia’s green eyes changed shape, the pupils inside them flattening into the minus-esque shape of a goat’s. “I have enough bureaucrat cocks in my face anyway, every fucking day,” she growled and grabbed a beer for herself and her husband.

Within a few moments of her holding them, the metal lids blew off from internal pressure. This was Chemilia’s Innate Ability: what she touched eventually turned inside out. With bottles it went rather quickly and could easily be controlled, currently preventing her beer from foaming all over her hand. When used on living beings, it took a while to build up, but eventually… well, there was a reason why she had been covered head to toe in eel blood when they first met.

“The idea of writhing with another girl in the sheets in front of Ted excites me, however,” she calmed down and her eyes went back to normal. “Seems to work for these two,” she gestured towards John, who got a vodka mixed with orange juice without even being asked, “so we might as well try something similar.”

Aclysia put just vodka into Terkal’s glass upon his request. As she left the open bottle on the table, she left her own comment on the conversation, “You can ask all fifteen girls part of Master’s harem, it works very well, if you are as charming, attractive and sexually talented as he is,” the praise actually made John blush a bit.

“Ted is all of the above,” Chemilia stated and scratched the back of her husband’s head. “Maybe we should have a competition?” she jokingly suggested.

“Okay, stop!” Terkal slammed his hand on the table. “You can have that competition, but I need my question answered: Where are we on the making out?!”

“We did get carried away from that,” Imerella agreed with a giggle, puckering her lips. “I am up for it, sounds fun.”

“Mind if I join them?” Chemilia asked her husband in a sweet voice, blinking up to him.

In answer, the guy seriously started bleeding from the nose. Not a whole lot, just a trickle of blood he quickly grabbed a handkerchief for and stuffed it into the offending hole. On second glance, he seemed like he was at least a bit Asian. “By all means,” the weakest general had a earthy, deep voice and these three words were the only ones he said so far.

Some quiet stuttering of the chairs over the floor accompanied the shifting positions as the three girls gathered at one end of the table, the guys on the other. Imerella found herself in the middle, Rave to her right and Chemilia to her left. John was sitting on the bench that was effectively part of the wall, same as his girlfriend, but he backed off to have a better view. All three of them took a sip of their drink as the cute trio began leaning towards one another.

It started innocent enough, just a few quick pecks on each other’s lips. Rave began pushing it pretty quickly though, getting her hands involved by caressing Imerella’s neck at all the points she knew were sensitive. “You have really smooth skin,” she complimented, slowly sliding her left up and towards the back of her neck. “I love these freckles,” the whisper came just a moment before their lips met again.

Although slow, their kiss was much more intimate this time. Open lips, glossy and brownish pink, squishing against each other with minimal tongue involvement. For a time, Chemilia just watched with interest, absent-mindedly raising a hand to her shapely chest and massaging her right tit through the clothes. “You two seem to enjoy this.”

With a soft wet sound, their lips parted, revealing their partly extended tongues. “Ya can join whenever ya like,” Rave made that offer a mandate by stretching towards the general and grabbing her by the collar, pulling her like a stripper pulled the tie of a watching businessman. Giving her a kiss that started just as slow, his girlfriend made John a very happy voyeur.

Two hot, pink haired girls with killer bodies was the best. Bending over the table to meet halfway, the two pretty quickly escalated this further and further. Watching with bated breath as they went from soft kisses to running hands through the other’s hair, the men pretty quickly emptied their drinks, only to be served new ones by Aclysia.

“Don’t forget about me,” Imerella complained and thus transitioned the scene into all three of them engaging in very short, tongue heavy kisses. The wet sounds grew louder, sloppier and their faces blushed red with rising tension. Chests rose visibly underneath the military clothing; Rave’s shirt hid very little in comparison.

In one smooth motion, the techno lover grabbed the open vodka bottle and put it against her lips. Air bubbles rose inside the clear glass, but no gulping was heard or seen. Quickly lowering the bottle, only stopping to wink at the gazing men, she then aggressively pressed her lips on Imerella’s first, then Chemilia’s. They both let it happen without further resistance, the strong alcohol only making more heat radiate from their skin.

“Want some more?” Rave asked, swirling the bottle still in her hand. It was still half full.

“Give me that,” Chemilia demanded and ripped the bottle from the fellow pink haired girl. She took a deep sip herself, before repeating the little game and filling her mouth up with vodka. Some drops escaped between her and Rave’s lips when the general moaned during the transfer of alcohol from one mouth to another. Through a haze of rising lust and the liquid drug beginning to pump through her system, she had instinctually begun grinding her crotch against the corner of the table.

To be completely fair to her, Rave had been doing the same since grabbing the bottle and nobody could really see what the still seated Imerella was doing under the table. All they could see was her leaning into her own shot of saliva and vodka with an open mouth.

“This is fun,” the short and stacked general giggled taking the bottle when it was offered to her. “but I don’t want to make my uniform dirty, so maybe we should st-“

“Strip, yeah, great idea,” Rave interrupted with a lewd smile, knowing perfectly well what Imerella had actually wanted to say. “Ya guys don’t mind, right?” the question went out to the entangled parties. John and Ted shook their heads in unison. As a good host, she led by example, shirt and pants flying onto the seating behind her, leaving the athletic half-asian standing there in nothing but bright green yellow underwear. The sexy kind, living most of her days getting undressed by her boyfriend, she always wanted to have something pretty on.

Chemilia bit her lower lip at the sight. “Fuck, you have a nice body,” she stated as she started undoing the buttons on the belt that kept her uniform closed. The vest came off, leaving Chemilia in a black, form-fitting top out of a spandex-esque material. Still an object of symbolic worth, the general didn’t want to just toss it to the floor. Although the alcohol was quickly fogging her thoughts, this she was sure on. Noticing this, Aclysia stepped close.

“I will deposit them nearby but out of reach of any dirt,” the weaponized maid assured. A moment later, she was handed one article of clothing after the other. Vest, pants, then spandex top and bottom soon followed, revealing some pretty plain, white underwear. Her body was anything but plain to look at, however, with perfect balance between moderately sized tits, softly toned midriff and inviting hips.

“The universe is truly gracious,” John mumbled, as he compared Chemilia to his girlfriend. Since he was suffering from a mild case of yellow fever and was decisively an ass man, Rave, with her almond eyes and bottom-heavy figure, won the sexiness contest according to his personal taste. However, one could not deny that Chemilia’s more balanced overall appearance and clear European facial structure was immensely attractive. John noticed a movement on the table. Raising his bottle in the Gamer’s direction, Ted showed his appreciation through a silent gesture. By clunking his own glass against the bottle, John answered the gesture.

Imerella hesitated for a second, then a carefree smile appeared on her face. “Well, if we are playing this game like this,” she stood up and quickly unbuckled her own pants. The same black extra layer of clothing that Chemilia had been wearing was hidden under hers. In all due likelihood, the properly combat enchanted articles of clothing in their wardrobe.

She wore sexy lace panties underneath that and her thighs jiggled almost as much as her ass as she moved. Although she wasn’t really fat, she definitely had a bit more meat to her than the other two. When she pulled the top over her head, her tits spilled out freely, not a bit of bra in the way. Terkal could be heard letting out a very peculiar noise between moaning and groaning as he saw the hard, pink nipples on the freckle covered bosom.

No longer suspended by anything, they fell down, jiggling for a good amount of time before coming to a rest. They were even bigger than Salamander’s, which looked extra enormous on her smaller frame, although the fact that she was wider helped offset that. Although overall firm, with the only interruptions to the smoothly tanned skin being the freckles most common in her cleavage, there was no magic that could keep them from slumping in accordance to gravity.

“Oh my god,” Rave moved in immediately and sunk her fingers into the abundant softness, coercing a sudden and adorable moan from the general. “Oh my god!” that only motivated the Lightbearer to push her luck even further kneading the breast and pushing them together as best could. “These are awesome!”

“Hehehe,” Imerella giggled and raised the vodka bottle, “well, if you love them so much,” she poured the clear liquid into the gap between the orbs made of hopes and dreams, where it pooled together. “Come and get your next shot,” the general mused.

‘This train just keeps going,’ John thought, watching first Rave then Chemilia take a shot out of the ample cleavage and having no idea how this just continued to escalate. His girlfriend was scarily good with people, just good for everyone that she wasn’t manipulatively minded. ‘She got foreign generals to strip out of all protection and to get drunk… just because she wanted to make out… and she probably isn’t even thinking she is doing anything unusual.’

“This’s gonna be a bit of a mess,” Rave stated with the beginnings of a drunken slur and turned around. Leaning against the wall with one hand and aiming the bottle at her lower back with the other, she pushed her ass out. Chairs creaked as the men leaned in further, Imerella and Chemilia taking position behind Rave with stretched out tongues.

The vodka began to flow, relatively guided by the trench of her spine at first, then soaking into her underwear and scattering into dozens of small streams, as it ran towards the awaiting mouths below. The two generals slurped up what they could, going upwards to clean even her back.

Chemilia smiled and took a handful of Rave’s butt afterwards. “Honestly have never seen such a nice ass,” she stated, then gave it a proper spank that the neon-pink haired girl yelped and moaned, remaining drops of vodka flying off the rippling softness. “You like that?”

“Ya can ask my boyfriend,” Rave winked and stuck her tongue out at the general. “Your tur- oy, the bottle is empty! Aclysia, gimme something new, doesn’t have to be vodka.”

“At once,” the weaponized maid bowed and went to the kitchen.

Even without the excuse of alcohol the trio was now very touchy with one another. The ice had been broken, gathered in a bucket, heated over a campfire while they drank hot chocolate and then used for a group shower in the wild while wolves watched them.

Wolves that Imerella now addressed, “You know, we are already almost naked, why don’t you follow suit?” A younger John would have thought and probably said no to this. This John, who had already fucked in public, had a reputation for getting caught in the act and was already four potent mixes distanced from soberness, immediately started undressing.

“Dis gonna be fun,” Rave mused.

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