Collide Gamer

Chapter 515 – Events to Nomination 3 – The second challenge

Chapter 515 – Events to Nomination 3 – The second challenge


The inability of group members to solo rooms soon became apparent. John was the first that had to give up on that front (and he wasn’t even truly alone, having Undine with him). Three rows after that encounter with the Horrors, he had to throw his hat into the ring. Although not immediately dangerous, the encounter that convinced him had been too grindy and difficult for him to take the continued risk. As the person who had a similar amount of problems, Gnome met up with him and they tackled the continued challenges together.

Due to the lack of her name-giving ground, the soil elemental only had her physical Stats to rely on. That carried her a bit further than it did John, but not much. Thankfully, the rows were also narrowing at that point, so them covering less ground at least came with less ground to cover.

Next to retreat was Sylph, although this was on order by John. As enemies got quicker, he was afraid they would eventually be able to land a lucky strike on the wind spirit and, glass cannon as she was, that was just about everything it took to shatter her corporeal form and cause her to die a little death. Which was an experience John would much rather she avoided having. Salamander followed soon thereafter, although she went on her own volition. Since Aclysia was the closest, that’s who the endflame elemental tagged along with.

Beatrice was the person who persisted on her own for the longest time. Her combination of high mobility and strong regeneration meant that she had the tools to avoid most damage and wasn’t too heavily punished if she failed, making her pretty ideal in the whole soloing department. Longest time only meant that she pushed one row past Aclysia’s singular streak, however; the difference between the two Artificial Spirits wasn’t that vast yet. Given the difference between their fighting styles, this was bound to become a wider gap in the future, once they got more skills.

Anyway, after eight, mind-numbingly boring hours dominated by walking ever increasing distances between slightly more difficult iterations of the same fight, they finally arrived in front of the boss room.

“Thank you, Gaia!” John unironically declared, and everyone took a moment of relief as they got the confirmation they didn’t have to crawl through this thing again. “Okay, let’s see here what the new challenge is…” he opened the window, hoping it would be something they could clear right now.

“That is… okay,” John hesitatingly stated. He would be lying if he said he had never thought about doing something like it. Much like punching Frank in the face, however, it stayed at the thought since he was not really willing to shoulder the consequences. Although the catharsis of hurting his bully, however little with his pitiful original Strength, was a much greater reward for the hospital visit than probably not even cumming before getting squashed to actual death would be.

Now the situation had changed. He was mandated to fuck a girl. There was nothing forcing him to do it with this boss in particular, but John felt the tingle of excitement in his balls already. It was dangerous, for sure, to do it on what was likely to be a difficult encounter but he really wanted to.

He looked over the girls with him. Who would the lucky girl be? Well, there was only one real choice, being Sylph. Everyone else was either too big or too heavy to do both the fucking and remain mobile. Even the upsized air spirit was small enough to get fucked walking.

The feeling of the cold air of the dungeon complex on his balls was the first sign that this was perhaps a bad idea. Without undergarments or pants, he stood there in his shoes and the rest of his equipment on. Aclysia did voice her concern, “Are you sure this is wise?”

“I am absolutely sure it is unwise,” John responded. “We should go scout out a weaker boss, make sure everything is safe and all that, rather than face a superbuffed version of an unknown one. However,” Sylph eagerly jumped on him, blabbering dozens of things everyone ignored, “I want this to be done with these Gamer levels already AND I really want to do this.”

“And I wanna do this, this sounds fun, this looks fun!” she closed her legs around her summoner’s hips and held onto his neck as best she could. Given her Strength and Agility, that was pretty well, and her naked breasts squished against his collarbone as she snuggled up close. “Is very…” Her pussy pressed against the tip of his cock. “…very, very, very…” She slowly sunk down, both her and John moaning as he was completely sheathed inside her typhon of a pussy. “Fuuuuuuunnnnn,” Sylph gasped when she came to a halt. “This is great, this is the best, this is how we should always fight!”

“We haven’t even started fighting yet,” John told her, wrapping his right around her back to secure her that bit more.

“Yeah, as I said, we should always do this, just always, during fighting and during sleeping and during walking and all that all the time always, yes, that is the best that could happen ever, I mean-“

“Shut it,” Salamander intercepted and pressed her hand on the entrance terminal, “Let’s just get this over with, I want to spend my days burning something. Not, I repeat NOT, in this depressing redlight dungeon where there aren’t even any Metras around.” The door opened without a hitch and the group, led by Aclysia and Gnome, stepped inside. Everyone needed to blink a couple of times. The floodlights were no longer blocked by any tubes, causing everything to have a disgustingly bright flatness to it.

John, after only a few steps, made the discovery that Sylph’s pussy was basically made for jogfucking. Her unique properties, to have her internal winds change their intensity and effectively making it so that one’s own efforts were rewarded with equal pleasure, reacted to every step he took and every bounce she made. That and her decently sized rack rubbing against his chest, even if there was a suit in the way, was just awesome. Something had to be said about the softness of breasts. Something very nice, complimenting, clever but also deeply philosophical. Sadly, John did not have enough blood in his brain to come up with that.

He did have enough blood to register the fact that the tank before them was twice as big as the previous incarnations. “U-uhm, one thing before we start…” Gnome raised her hand and everyone behind her stopped. They hadn’t triggered the boss yet, so they looked at her anticipating some last-minute strategy idea. “D-did you just… uhh, I don’t want to start a fight or anything,” she made a bunch of unnecessary gestures, “but did you just use Metra as a synonym for strippers?”

“Yeah,” Salamander crossed her black-plated arms, pushing up her massive cleavage. Something that John only noticed because of the situation at large. His cock pulsated within Sylph. Luckily, they were standing still, so her pussy was only tight, wet, willing and sending a pleasurable bit of electricity crackling through John’s systems which caused his sensitivity to steadily rise.

That was a new thing since her transformation into a thunderstorm elemental. Once inside her, there was some special kind of electricity, John had a hunch it would be pink if he could actually see it, just frying his cock with continuous bliss. He actually could cum from just standing still, but it would have been a long process. The main thing that electricity did was turn his dick into a level of hard unparalleled. He felt like he could crush diamonds with his shaft. Not that he would try.

All that went through John’s head while he was staring at her tits. Then the fire spirit continued, “What, do you have a problem with that?!”

“N-no!” Gnome waved with both arms at shoulder-height, while making herself as small as possible. “I did just… want to make sure I got the joke…” he voice got more and more quiet and then she took a deep breathe. “Okay, we can start now! …If everyone is alright with that.”

Rather than answering, Aclysia simply continued on her path forwards. One certain step and the sound of hydraulics betrayed that they had triggered the boss. The bloody liquid spilled out as it always did, causing Aclysia and Gnome to jump back to not have their sight robbed.

Unlike any of the prior Adaptors, the boss didn’t wait patiently. Rather, it grabbed the slightly open doors and pried them open with such force that its fingerprints were permanently engraved into the now bent metal. In a continuous shower of its forming fluids, the boss bent forwards and roared through its metallic teeth.

‘Much like the beams, I find robot movies and cartoon references shouldn’t be crossed,’ John thought and immediately did what the strategist of the group was supposed to do. Run away from the main fight and go for the most secure corner of the room. The girls all went ahead and barraged the boss in a wave of immediate attacks.

Salamander’s ball of fire was the first thing to hit, but its effectiveness was massively diminished by the still running crimson liquid. There was no more room left to go, so the open vent was now simply dumping all of the fluid into the room through a constant shower and geyser from up and below the tank.

Angered by her attack’s evident uselessness, Salamander’s buzzcut was replaced with a jet of gold and grey fire. The black lines on her skin began to heat up into golden colour themselves. “Just burn this thing!” she shouted out, sending her unleashed buff out to Beatrice. Aclysia was getting the giant’s attention, but the passive maid was faster. The moment Adoptimus Prime was going for Aclysia, Beatrice went full-thrust ahead.

The tip of her spear ignited with Salamander’s fire, and shaft gripped with both hands, she thrusted forwards. She was already sailing through the air by the time her attack should have gotten through, Unsteady Limb doing her no good. With uncanny perfection, the boss had predicted her movement before she even made it and moved its massive arms with inevitable precision. An exact replica of that movement was hitting Aclysia at the same time, both maids being catapulted against the distant walls.

‘Oh, that’s just great!’ John thought as the boss’ eyes landed on him, whirling his heel around in perfect synchronicity to kick Gnome aside as if she was a pebble on the road. Then he started charging. It was evident that the Observe window wasn’t lying when it said that this one along with all the upgrades had also inherited the combat knowledge from all previous Adaptors.

The number one lesson it drew from all of the combat situations was, evidently, destroy John. A logical decision, given that it knew both that he was the tactician and that the groups healer was on his body. That the Gamer started running away with an air spirit bouncing on his dick didn’t bother the colossus of metal, muscle and plates.

John, however, was busy thinking two words in quick succession. ‘Shit, fuck, shit, fuck, shit, fuck,’ as his naked ass tried to get more distance between himself and the alchemic fisting that awaited him. The vibrations behind him got closer and closer. “Sylph, you got to h-aaaahhh-lllppp,” John stated, a moan making it hard to see for a moment. Why did all of his girls have to have a combination of sexy bodies and quivering quims?!

“Uhm, I can’t see,” gaspingly, she answered, “even if I could, which I can’t,” a moan escaped her lips, “like, okay, I can look over your shoulder an itty little bitty bit, buuuuut,” a prolonged sigh of pleasure, “but not enough to aim and… and even then… I…Iiiiii,” a prolonger shout as she came, wringing John’s dick so hard with her internal tempest that he felt his knees getting weak. He struggled and almost fell, catching himself at the last moment. Although he kept running, such manoeuvres reduced the already uncomfortably small lead he had.

“Just throw them out randomly!” John said, biting his lower lip. Not in a sexy way, he hoped the pain would keep him focused against the pleasure as he needed to come up with a plan with a clearly diminished brain capacity. If anyone had ever told him that having a giant cock would be paired with the need for the absurd amount of blood that thing required to swell up, he would only have been 90% as enthusiastic about getting it. Despite that handicap, he eventually did manage to get the idea. ‘Destroy the lights!’ he told everyone.

If the boss had intricate knowledge of all the battle strategies they had used, they just needed someone that worked completely unlike anyone else. In other words, their hope lay in a Combination, and John knew exactly which one was perfect for the job.

The sound of shattering glass could be heard on one side of the room and only that one side. John began to run faster, only to fall back into nothing more than a jog. If the overload of pleasure wasn’t going to get him to fall first, his balls slapping against his thighs was a worse torture than getting murdered by the boss would ever be. Not really, but the point was that he couldn’t get nearly as fast as his 100 Agility and shoes would allow him normally.

John heard the impact of a fist against his Mana Protection more than he felt it. Sparks of arcane scattered behind him in the air, harmlessly glowing out as the boss recuperated. It hadn’t even taken that swing with the goal of hitting John, the target had always been the barrier, through whose protection it knew it could get with only enough damage input.

Although the boss needing to get back in running form and Salamander throwing a giant fireball in its face to hinder that greatly helped John, the Gamer’s steps got progressively slower. His field of view, on the other hand, got more and more unstable. He was almost halfway around the tank in the centre of the room. Aclysia and Beatrice were busy shattering the lights there through aimed strikes with their weaponry.

With one side of the room freed from the floodlights, the ones on the other side created a deep shadow from the tank. One in which the Gamer stopped dead, simply turning to face the boss head on. Who stopped just as he did, even taking a step back and away from John.

It was certainly not the glassy stare of the Gamer, getting closer and closer to cumming, that intimidated Adoptimus Prime. No, John was betting on another thing. The AI within the Adaptors had always been rather methodical and sometimes cautious. He had observed that much when he had faced the two Horrors and their slow approach to chasing before.

The other thing the encounter in the Trap Room had brought with it the reason for the boss’ hesitation. There was exactly one dataset that it had access to in regard to John standing inside a shadow and that was being brutally and carefully stripped of all flesh by claws and tentacles. Of course, Siena could have never actually done that on her lonesome to this thing, but the boss had no experience with that.

Siena peeled out of the wall of the tank. “I would love to do this myself,” she hissed as she reached out to Sylph. What stopped her was the mesh. She still couldn’t walk on it and she would have troubles manifesting out of such thin shadows, since her power worked with the shadow covered surfaces, not the body of dark as a whole.

‘I really hope this doesn’t count as an interruption,’ John thought as Siena and Sylph Combined. From the feeling of it, his dick never left any tight space. It felt like the pussy was the last part that was disassembled of the air spirit’s body and the first part of the gothic girl that appeared in her place.

This was the first time John saw Edge naked, and holy fuck, did he have to ask himself why he had waited this long. She was deadly pale, in a more white way than Eliza but definitely comparable, but the nipples crowning her almost D-cup tits had just the right shade of pink. Okay, due to her being pretty attached to him, that was all he saw of her body. Although he had observed her nice and thick ass before, so he wasn’t losing out on that front. She had inherited the posture of her legs from Sylph, so it was only her upper body that hung a bit away from him.

On her face usually was a giant smile, but today it was a large O-face as she entered existence with a giant cock inside her. A Libido score of over 50, which had never gotten proper use before, was suddenly put into action with John busting his load inside her pussy.

Just as Edge’s own pussy was basically virgin, with only memories of her parts giving her sexual experience, John had never known the insides of her. It had both the insane, guided grip of tightness Siena could use, feeling like someone was massaging his cock like a form-fit cocksleeve, and the turbulent winds and electricity of Sylph.

It was no wonder that the first action between them was John slamming her back against the tank and just letting his balls tighten over and over again. Sadly, he had no time to really enjoy the orgasm or properly wait for the afterglow to phase out.

Although intimidated and then confused, as far as its programming allowed, the boss was not about to wait forever just because of missing information. It had attempted to get back into the offensive, but Salamander and Beatrice had started a series of harassment that, although futile, had the boss delayed until John could see more than Edge’s weirdly attractive double-set of pointy canines.

‘Alright… oh fuck… Alright, here is the plan!’ John repeated inside her mind, just in case the feeling of her first fuck in combination with the orgasm, triggered by John’s magically potent seed dissolving inside her, had wiped it from her mind. Which it totally had.

“Sure, whatever, I can do that, I can make that thing scream, just give me blood, give me its bloooooood,” Edge cackled and moaned, then yelped in pleasure with every step John took. Only slightly taller than Sylph, the gothic girl had no trouble hanging on. Her clawed left dug into his back, the ends pressed threateningly into John’s skin without ever cutting him. The thrill made this that bit more exciting, but he doubted he would cum a second time so soon.

Their way was short, right up to the tank and the endless splatter of red liquid. By all definitions, this was Adoptimus Prime’s blood, and Edge identified it as such. She extended a hand inside, leaving John the displeasure of showering in it, and then guided it towards her mouth. Sucking it off her finger with audible moans and an unnecessarily erotic display, in part coming from her body shuddering still in the aftermath, she ingested the lifefluid.

The boss had worked through its two roadblocks at this point but was then quickly presented with two even bigger hurdles in the shape of Aclysia and Gnome. Those two wouldn’t be removed that easily.

What darkness was created from the destroyed lamps was suddenly sucked away as Edge summoned her scythe of vice. All darkness concentrated in one spot and then extended into the tool of harvest. “AND AWAY YOU GO!” Edge screamed aesthetically, wielding the massless, immensely long weapon overhead and striking downwards. Her arms were around John’s neck in this endeavour, he himself with the back towards the boss, a truly awkward position.

The attack came at the same time as the boss threatened to crush Gnome under its heel. Rather than finish that motion, Adoptimus Prime took a hasted step backwards, leaving it slightly off balance. Even without information, the boss had enough common sense to know to dodge an attack from a giant scythe formed of darkness itself.

However, its dodge was immensely shallow, few centimetres separated its chest from the immaterial blade. The boss wasn’t the only person that could do a hasted step backwards though and so John quickly jumped after him, only to then let himself fall over like a bowling pin. Although it looked stupid, it gave the immensely agile elemental enough time to drag her weapon through Adoptimus Prime’s chest.

A robot without the capacity to feel it was suddenly subjected to untold amounts of torment. The calculated cool it had was suddenly broken, all data forgotten in favour of falling over and screaming. John liked his position more, lying under the, somewhat psychotic, eyes of a clearly flustered Edge. There were sounds of weapons meeting flesh and metal in the background as she begun to ride him with reckless abandon.

“I still got a few more minutes, right? Right! Mothers, this feels soooo gooooood!” she screamed out, her hips moving up and down in absolute absurd speeds that almost made it seem two of the pale-green haired girls were rocking their own world by riding on John’s cock. There was only one scream though, one of continuous pleasure.

John himself was just lying on his back and taking it all, the supernatural pussy around him gripping tight and the many folds of shadow and storm sheathing his dick over and over again. He was going to let her have her fun for her entire remaining duration. Not that he could have easily stopped her, or even wanted to leave that pussy anytime soon.

That had been a nice challenge to beat.

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