Collide Gamer

Chapter 512 – Less important philosophy and home

Chapter 512 – Less important philosophy and home


There were many things great to perceive, heavenly even, but one, most of his senses agreed, was a woman lying on her stomach. This was what he found now before him. With her hair of pink and barely clad form, her sight made his heart flutter with love and some less pure feelings. The joyous sway of her legs was hypnotic.

A pair of black headphones poked out from amidst the chaotic beauty of her hair. Unnoticeable things, aside from the curvature that gave way to two ears formed from her hair and shaped like a cat’s. He tried to focus his attention on something, but there was was just too much to look at. Her attention, meanwhile, lay with something else – her phone which lay in her nimble fingers. More fun things came to his mind while seeing them; certainly, they were better wrapped around something he could provide...

Of the many things that made her the object of desire, this wasn’t close to the top. The Japanese half blood was wearing only her underwear. Clothes more of string than of cloth revealed most of her form, covering only that little bit they were designed to. The temperature in the room was steadily rising, the girl was relaxed. Time would undress her further, if he wouldn’t rise from his seat before to do it.

This delicious lady was relaxed deeply in her position and happy where she was. Listening to music that even he could hear, as she had maxed out the volume. The beats drummed, the steady rhythm that the sway of her feet through the air followed. Still, she felt his eyes on her. Didn’t mind being watched at all. She happily was the object of his passion, stretched seductively in the knowledge, meeting his gaze with her blue eyes. The pink lustre inside danced.

Her back was a slender thing, perfect to hold onto during a waltz, skin pale with a red note from the flush that took hold of her in heat and arousal. An athlete, one such she was doubtlessly, with muscles that shifted subtly under the surface. Moving back and forth caused a few wrinkles to appear over her body, a simple fact peculiar to the human shape. It didn’t matter, even those shadows were hypnotizing in their own way. A trench ran across the middle of her back, a line to follow, from her neck to the root of her legs.

And there his eyes got finally stuck.

On those two mounds of flesh, so symmetrically round and deliciously looking. They were only the greatest thing he had ever seen, if he was allowed to make such a bold claim. When she moved, just the slightest bit, the luscious meat shifted softly and kept moving moments after she stopped. A jiggle like pudding to his eyes and just as mouth watering. For now, he didn’t dare move in. He simply observed and revelled in the mixture of torture and delight.

In this room’s warmth, by the lady’s choice adjusted, he felt a drop of sweat. It ran from his forehead down to his chin as he watched. His body was feeling more than the physical heat. Swiping it away, he refused to take his eyes off those twin spheres. Like drops of water outside the grasp of gravity, their curvature seemed out of this world. What dark pact must that woman have signed to achieve such genetic perfection? What heavenly blessing had he been given to have that woman as his significant other?

He who played games wasn’t sure; he felt like he had more or less stumbled over this lucky find.

One could use a single word to describe this butt: perfect. Just perfect did not do justice to the delicious bum, however! The details of such a sight were numerous. More than a painting made even by the greatest artisan could capture in a single sitting. Still, he had to try, it deserved his undivided attention.

As full as it was, as much mass as it had to jiggle, it was not too curvy to seem absurd on her athletic figure. Rather, her back and sides curved delicately into that roundness. Balance was kept in her figure, few could hope to emulate. Wide as her hips were, they kept within reason to her frame viewed in completion. Not a fat ass that just stuck to the end of a waist like a scarecrow. No bit was out of place, her entire being flowed like he desired. Whether these were his original wants or they had been molded over the months with her… the latter seemed the more likely.

The curve rose until the zenith was reached, the peak of the bounciness, and then it reversed in course. A crease formed, where the bountiful meat of her behind met with the smoothness of her thighs, following a steep decline. Framing in little thin shadows and with two clear lines, this gap between thigh and ass only made it look more attractive.

A peak of her honeypot, he would have gotten, were it not for the string. Not a lot of it, her smooth thighs saw to it, but it still lay there, between the deepest part of the crease. He yearned to feel that meat around his fingers, spilling in all of its erotic heat around his greedy motions. If he wanted to see and taste that part of her that he would let no other man ever touch, then he had to do more than just watch.

He could wait no longer and rose impatiently from his seat. With steps accompanied by a quiver in his mighty hardness, which – freely visible – was cause for a longing gaze of the light-filled creature. His infatuation with her form was mutual.

And once more the lady wiggled her behind enticingly, knowing what would come next. The admirer straddled over her thighs and his hands, greedy with lust of the most impure origin, descended. The crease between ass and legs was the place his thumbs belonged. Sinking into the warm abundance, they almost vanished completely. Palms and fingers descended into the luscious butt.

Sight, although already marvellous, could bring no justice to the way it felt - from the way it squished to the way its warmth radiated against his palm. If he could, he would have forever and only ever felt this. Soft yet firm, such was the composition of the lady’s behind. The warmth that encapsulated his fingers could only be likened to pure love. His fingers could dig deep, causing depressions in the blemishless flesh. New trenches in which shadows nested and added more layers to the erotic picture. Truly, a sight even a Greek mason would find difficult to eternalize.

He clenched his fingers as much as the softness allowed, then relaxed them. The skin of the lady’s bum was stretched and squished by his movements. The former move made it taut and even shinier, the latter concentrated the colour of her flushed skin and let him feel the juiciness under his palms. Such greatness, his hands were currently motioning over.

Spreading the cheeks with delightful slowness, he basked in their departed sight for a moment. The valley between the mounds was as beautiful as the surroundings. Still, the two holes between her legs which he loved to dabble in were currently hidden. The removal of the pesky cloth would have to wait. Now was time to keep worshipping.

His grab releasing, the behind fell back into its natural state. It became a short-lived spectacle in the process. The cheeks, they jumped back into position while displaying the finest, deeply desirable motions such a small part of the body could make on its own. Their bouncy mass was what kept the motion alive, like pudding, and like pudding, so too did he desire to devour this. But not before slapping the right cheek with a proper motion.

A sound much like the first beat of applause echoed through the room. Perhaps also similar to a small explosive on New Years’ Eve? He certainly felt like it was the sound of a celebration. What other show but this was worthy of applause? Everything but this was dull by comparison, so this man found, as he watched a red spot form on the other’s light skin, the rough shape of his hand. Still, the impact caused ripples that reminded him once more of his want to taste, and now he no longer resisted.

Bowing down on this infernal temptation, he placed his lips soothingly on the place he himself had caused to hurt in the way this lady loved. The heat radiating from there was intense, more even than the air or the rest of the lady. The red tinge came with fresh energy, and he could not but keep concentrating on that spot. Light gasps escaped the lover’s mouth; she let him continue. The beat of her music hammered like the beat of his heart.

His lips glided over the flawless skin. A trail of kisses, tiny wet marks that he left behind on his loving path. None of them were adequate on their own to worship this soft cushion. Only thanks to their number, and a continuous attention spent on fondling, did he feel justice was done to this behind. An ass, he was so gleefully reminded, belonging to him. Not a great while later dd he move on from kisses and delivered more perverse action upon her behind.

Cupping their mass as best his hands were able to, squishing her cheeks together, his tongue stretched outwards. Licking, kissing and sucking on the soft meat, he whispered sweet nothings. The feline ears of the lady picked the words up, and she giggled and gasped as he continued.

She flushed even deeper, with lust and want, as the hands on the clocks in the world travelled further, all of this attention was making her mind hazy. A small curse escaped her when her waning concentration caused her to fail at the game.

A final kiss, the appreciater placed. A last breath, he took. Then he sunk his face into her ass entirely. What his fingers had experienced that, to a lesser degree, now his face did. The heat he could have sung about, but he was occupied otherwise. Indeed, right now, he preferred to use his mouth to lick over the cloth. The sweet taste and rough feeling of the lady’s flow of desire through the soaked strip. He could feel both of her lower lips, swollen and ready to be parted, behind. Even though they did not talk, he felt like he cou-

“What is wrong with you today?” Rave laughed, finally ending the Gamer’s overly elaborate train of thought.

“What do you mean, what is wrong with me?” the counter-question came after he, unwillingly, pulled his head up. “You are lying here with your naked ass before me, what do you expect me to do?”

“More, I guess,” Rave pulled back a little to slide out of her panties. “Foreplay is nice and all, but you’ve been fondling my ass for like thirty minutes.”

John blinked rapidly, then checked the clock. She was right. “Huh,” he made a surprised sound. “Time sure flies when you are having fun.” He looked away when the sound of skin rubbing over leather informed him about his girlfriend changing her position.

She was stretching towards him in a nice, willing doggy-style, “come one, tiger, ya can’t make me this horny and then leave me hanging.”

That would have been immensely rude, so he really had no choice in the matter. With a sigh (that was purely lustful in nature), he grabbed his cock and aligned himself with her pussy.


The way back home went over without a hitch. Sure, they ran into another Noodle swarm, but that one was much smaller and they also knew how to deal with them at that point. It wasn’t even a delay, although another one of those giant fish put another scratch in the below-surface painting.

‘Let’s hope the Harbour has some sort of drydock function, otherwise I need to wait until the public dock is finished to fix that,’ John thought. Not that he himself had any idea how to fix that. Unless Create could do that, which it might. Seeing how the skill was likely to count the entire hull as one item though, John did not want to imagine the mana cost on that.

The space in front of the boat suddenly began to look like the surface of a soap bubble. Slippery and with the colours of the rainbow hanging in the air, the affected amount of space grew in an elliptic shape around them. It was nothing to be worried about, just the standard visual effect of two barriers meeting and melding into one.

Just like a soap bubble, it also popped and phased them into the Hudson Barrier. They were back in New York, back home. In the distance, John could see Lady Liberty, her torch raised as if to greet him. At that moment, John felt a satisfied smile bloom on his face. There was just something nice to come back to a home he had built on his own. It was a kind of achievement nothing else could replace.

Not a whole lot of progress had been made on the docks or the battleship yard he had ordered, as was expected. It had only been ten days and they were still missing the actual instructors. They had the blueprints, so there was some work going on, but without qualified personnel it was slow.

To his happiness, though, he saw people just hanging out in the open and even a few ships sailing around. He had been afraid that it would take the citizens a long time to get used to the new circumstances, but it seemed things had stabilized rather quickly. Which also went to show that all the patrols must have been successful; if the city was still crime-ridden, people would have been much more cautious than to just run around the place.

While he had heard all of this in reports, seeing it with his own eyes was reassuring.

He steered the giant yacht around, once he had made his way past Liberty Island, and then drove into his Guild Hall with relative ease. The water around the Guild Hall behaved as oddly as ever. Where the space the Gamer directly owned ended and the Hudson Barrier began, the waves had a visual stutter. Same for the clouds in the sky. There was a thin line where they warped or disappeared completely, only to ‘reload’ on the other side of it.

‘Where the hell is Tilgun?’ John wondered, as the higher dragon had not been at his usual resting place around the former Thorne HQ. Chances were that Nathalia’s brother was sleeping somewhere under the surface, but who really knew? ‘Let’s just hope he isn’t rampaging around or anything.’

John stepped off the boat with everyone else, and they seemed as glad to have their home soil back under their feet as he did. They were living on the ship, but there was just a difference in comfort between being anchored in their own or foreign territory.

Although anchoring was the wrong word once the Gamer did successfully find the drydock option. It erected some makeshift walls out of metals from nowhere around the yacht and then the water lowered just as magically, leaving the Boating Seaquence to sit comfortably on land, supported by steel beams that extended from the piers. Conveniently, it remained boardable, as the level of the ship somehow remained the same.

Compared to all the other physics-defying shenanigans that were part of the Guild Hall, this was a pretty light offense.

That done, they moved onto the next bit. Namely, relocating the jigsaw puzzle that was John’s project from the ship into Scarlett’s home. That wasn’t too complicated, since the Gamer had already loaded most of it into his inventory in advance. The remainders were carried by Aclysia, also in her inventory, allowing them a pretty quick and secretive relocation. For Scarlett herself, that would have been more difficult on different, more visited hours of the day.

They had timed their arrival quite well. Since Liberty Island was actually a place where people worked (namely in the Mine and the Farm), having the Technomancer seen in public would have put a bit of a dent in her cover. Just by virtue of being near him, her identity could easily become interesting to some.

Despite the lack of eyes, the secretive Technomancer first scanned the entire area using her own powers and then insisted that Nia create a null-field around them to counteract any scrying magic from seeing more than a black dot. While that was its own kind of suspicious, it definitely was better. If anyone was even watching.

John found none of this paranoid, as it was exactly the amount of caution he would put into action if he wanted to stay absolutely secret. The smuggling was successful, the parts unloaded where she wanted them to, a room filled to the brim with mecha-tendrils. At that time, she also handed him a list of parts she couldn’t create or put together herself.

Some of the more intricate parts still required either John using Create or a proper smith. The latter, most of the time. Not only was Create unable to form Baelementium in such a way a proper smith could (at least not on John’s current level), but there were such things as hardening the metal with physical methods that were required for this project.

That and John didn’t want to spend the time and mana. Particularly time was more valuable to him than money at this point, given that he could now tax people. Also, most of the land in the barrier was owned by Fusion, only exceptions being those places previously populated. He could make a fortune of selling plots of soil.

None of this mattered to Magoi though, as he waited for John to get ready. The Gamer found this somewhat amusing, “You seem to be in a hurry.”

“Look at this from my perspective,” the raptor skull-faced fellow pointed out. “I had to do your work for almost two weeks and suddenly I am offered a vacation. I would appreciate getting to the vacation as quick as possible.”

“Fair enough,” John conceded and they headed into the barrier, the assembled harem in tow.

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