Collide Gamer

Chapter 473 – The Hudson Barrier 1 – Prelude

Chapter 473 – The Hudson Barrier 1 – Prelude


John was sitting in a leathery armchair in his living room. His back leaned comfortably against the rest, his butt was firmly on the cushion, his feet were laid up and rested on a casually self-degrading Eliza’s naked back. The blood mage was grinning madly and clothed only in her leathery garments, as per usual, having seen him come and prostrated herself casually. Apparently, she was slowly getting into a thing called ‘casual BDSM’. It was something John greatly appreciated as well, stroking his dominant tendencies quite pleasingly.

In other circumstances, the Gamer would probably have been naked, but that would feel weird. Not only was he waiting for news of Magoi to finish his preparations for the announcement, he was also on phone with his mother. Being naked while being on phone with his parents would have felt very, very weird.

“…Yeah, we don’t have plans next week, so you are free to stay here for a few days,” Brenda told him. “How many people are you coming with again?”

John had to think about that for a second. Rave was a non-starter, she was human and she had her disguise to hide her hair and, more importantly, eyes. There was a small problem with Eliza though, since they had to find some sort of indoor acceptable replacement for the scarf. Aclysia and Beatrice could come, they were able to shift to being basically indistinguishable from humans. Lydia, of course, was going to come with. The elementals were out, even Gnome, who was probably too heavy for most mundane chairs.

He continued on like this to arrive at a number of people who could sensible come with him. “Six or seven others, have to wait on the confirmation of the last one of my girls. She has a bit of a situation.”

“Well… we only have three extra bedrooms,” his mother hummed from the other side of the line. “Ah, listen to me ‘only’ three extra bedrooms,” she laughed, “you know, I didn’t quite expect this when marrying your father, but he really knows how to make money.”

“Like father like son,” John joked, “got some exciting news on that front myself.”

“Really? Do tell!” his mother couldn’t wait.

“Sorry, rather do it in person,” John declined, that was the truth, but only insofar that he wanted more time to check on his believable lie. The sting of the untruthful son caused him to shift in his seat, but no matter what his conscious said, Gaia didn’t give him a great choice in the matter. Just like which foot was sitting atop the other, crossed on Eliza’s back, John switched topics. “Anyway, three bedrooms sound like plenty.”

“Yeah… at first…” Brenda sighed. “One of them is permanently occupied by that darling Hex,” that was the name the bodyguard John had hired for his parents went by. The fact that she was living with his parents wasn’t news to him; she had reported her successful infiltration of their lives at the time. In answer, John had doubled her salary. As a reward, and to show her that he was willing to pay her for loyalty.

So far, he wasn’t regretting it. Hex was dutiful in her work and diligent in her weekly reports, even if all of them so far had consisted of literally ‘Nothing’.

“She is a bit stern that one, but a kinky one in bed, really likes her tools,” Brenda continued.

“Mom!” John pinched the bridge of his nose, his fine-eared stool laughed like a hyena with a sore throat. “Way too much info!”

“Whatever you say, sweetie,” she dismissed his complaints with the sugar-coated voice of an amused mother. “Anyway, second bedroom is being occupied next week by a nice boy I met in a bar recently. I will spare my poor harem-head of a son the details, but he is about your age so you will probably get along.”

John closed his eyes and inhaled very deeply before audibly letting the air slowly exit through his nose. The knowledge that other people than his father were fucking his mother was already odd, seeing a person in the flesh would be… John didn’t know what it would be, just that he felt strongly about this. “Yeah, okay,” he said nonetheless. He might as well face reality head-on. “So ýou only have one bedroom left, is what you are saying?”

“Pretty much… would that be a problem? If I understand correctly, you are having sex with everyone you are bringing anyway,” Brenda pointed out. “We can probably put some air mattresses down or something for the ones that don’t fit on the bed. Not optimal, but it should work.”

“Yeah, we should be fine. There are some of us that won’t mind the floor,” he pulled a foot back and gently shoved it in Eliza’s face. He quickly pulled back when her sharp teeth were snapping at him playfully. It appeared that her mood wasn’t quite that perverse at the moment and she was just enjoying her position of medium degradation. Therefore, he put the leg back on the other one and maintained that level. “So next week… Monday the 23rd, right? Can we come in whenever? How thick are the walls?”

“Your father will be out for work early and I am usually sleeping until around seven, so I would appreciate it if you could come in after he and I had breakfast…” a short silence that practically spelled ‘and give us time to have a morning threesome with Hex’, “…so after eight or nine you can come in whenever. I am looking forwards to meeting most of my little boy’s harem. Seems like yesterday that you were glued to your screen. Also, I want to check Jane’s claims that you gained actual muscles.”

“You don’t really see it under the clothes,” John stated with a sigh, “thin-limbed body type, but on the plus side I regularly get compliments when the clothes are off. They are the underhanded ‘you really didn’t seem like…’-type, but nevertheless, compliments.” A short awkward pause ensued, with Brenda chuckling and him realizing that he was now talking about things that would make him shift uncomfortably away from the conversation if his mother would be the one saying it. “Anyway, do you have a jacuzzi?”

“We have a pool,” Brenda said.

“Wrong!” John declared, “I am bringing a jacuzzi.”

“How would you even bring a jacuzzi?” his mother was a bit taken aback, not knowing her son for such emotional outbursts.

“Trust me, I just am,” he didn’t know himself yet, but he would spread the light of the bubble bath to his parents. “Anyway, I don’t really think it’s the weather for the pool yet.” Aside from that dreadfully hot day last week, Friday the 13th funnily enough, the weather was either cold or decently okay. It hadn’t gotten hot in a while.

“Oh, you just wait. The second April enters the last week, we will be sitting in the seventy-degree range, quite regularly,” Brenda prophesized. “It was around 90 here for a few days. April is the month of crazy weather. There will be at least one day where we can go into the pool, so bring your swimwear.”

“Sure,” John needed it anyway for that jacuzzi he would be installing, “but can you translate that to units that make sense?”

“…Don’t start that with me, young man!” Brenda complained. “Your father is nagging me enough with ‘metric this, metric that’, and unlike him you aren’t an engineer to justify it.”

“No, but I am the son of an engineer,” John defended himself with a chuckle and from there the conversation devolved into unimportant topics until they finally said their goodbyes and the Gamer ended the call. At that point, he turned to Eliza, “What was wrong with the face-stepping?” he asked her.

“Don’t know, just felt like biting you instead,” she shrugged, earning herself a raised eyebrow. “Just a bit of nibbling, you perverted shit!” she scowled at him. “I don’t want to eat your little toe or some disgusting Swedish-food level of culinary distaste.”

“Yeah, sure, I am the perverted one,” John bantered back, switching the position of his feat again, “not the girl WANTING to be my footrest and admitting she wants to nibble on my feet to change up the usual stepping.”

“Don’t step on my fucking face until you press the other half into something, you brain-screwed cum-hose,” she declared and, moving with a sudden burst of speed, weaved her way out from underneath his feet and into straddling over his lap. “I will break you and your fat, dumb cock, and when I am done with you, I will tear out your throat and feed it to the goats!”

“You seem in a good mood today,” John stated, not even sarcastically. It had been a while since she went on a tirade like this. Ever since she had lost the effective control over her powers, Eliza had been a bit withdrawn in the loosest possible sense. “Is it weird that I missed you threatening me?” he put his arms around her waist and gently drew her closer.

“Yeah, that makes you a retarded moron,” she laughed at him, letting him proceed until his head hit her chest. The softness of her bosom was pleasing, but he was just listening to the heartbeat behind. It was quick, not just because she was agitated, but because her beyond-human physique was different in many ways. Nevertheless, it was strong and calming. The dots in her eyes turned slowly, leaving the two lines in her left eye that had permanently transformed stuck in place in an odd way.

“So, you can control your own powers again?” he asked. Before these recent incidents, with Thana forcefully overstaying the time she could normally maintain control over their body, Eliza had always been taken by the goddess of genocide after straining herself even the slightest bit.

“Nie,” she answered in Polish. “Unless you want to count that fucking excuse for a momentary access to my normal physical power. Still cannot use any of my old abilities, from those useless fucking wings, to normal blood magic or anything fucking else, without her getting uppity and ruining my beaver-raping day.”

“What’s wrong with beavers?” John wanted to say, since she seemed to be using beaver-rape as a synonym for something good. “Of all my girls, you are the hairiest down there.”

“Is… is that a problem?” her voice suddenly swung into the hesitant tone of a girl that felt inadequate. “I can shave, I am sorry if it bothers you,” this wasn’t one of her submissive tendencies, this was her being genuinely worried. “I know I am filthy and shit…”

John let one hand slide up her back and, once it had reached the back of her head, gently pulled her into a kiss, the quick kind that aimed to relay nothing but the love that reverberated in the words that followed. “You aren’t filthy or anything, Eliza,” he spoke in a quiet but firm voice. “I am just making a joke; if your pubic hair really bothered me that much, you would hear it more often. More important than that, even if it bothered me, I still love you. I would like for you to change the little things you can that bother me, but I wouldn’t dream of demanding you become whoever I want you to be.” Brushing some of her middle-back length hair behind her ear with his extended thumb, he smiled. “Have trust that I love you, no matter what your stupid little mood swings tell you.”

She leaned down and kissed him back. When their lips parted, she didn’t sit back up but lowered herself completely in his embrace. Now they felt each other’s heartbeat against their chest. They had an odd synchronicity to them, Eliza’s heart beating twice for every time his did. “One of these fucked up days,” she whispered, “I won’t get dumbass doubt or panic attacks from shit like you making a joke about my pubic hair or my figure.”

“We can hope,” John gently stroked her soft hair and breathed in her scent. “You smell good today, chamomile?” he asked. Normally she had the sweet fragrance of just being a girl, but today he noticed that bit on her.

“Aclysia, your over-caring and way too perfect robo-maid, washed me after finding me snoozing on the couch… accidentally spilled crisps all over me like the dumb slut I am,” the blood mage admitted. “Is it nice?”

“It’s unusual,” John teased, biting her earlobe gently. In response, Eliza shivered head to toe, she loved when he did that, even outside the sexual context. It was one of those little things that was tremendously different from girl to girl and that John loved to find out about each of them. In his deepest, non-comedic voice, he whispered directly into her ear. “I love you. I love you and everyone else in my harem, all of you the same and individually. To finally answer your question though, no, you trim just enough that I don’t have problems. If it was any longer, I would be less enthusiastic about eating you out though.”

“I will keep that in my whore-vortex of a scramble-brain,” Eliza whispered back and closed her arms around his back. “Can we stay like this a while longer?”

“Only if you tell me what you have against beavers,” he joked.

“They build dams,” she answered, “dams are walls and I hate those.”

“I see,” he hadn’t expected that weird and simultaneously deep kind of reason. While there was a wide opening to mock her for this, he decided that would not only be heartless but also entirely displaced. Well, no, he didn’t decide, deciding meant that he would have thought about either doing it or not. He just didn’t.

They sat there in silence for a solid minute before Eliza suddenly giggled. A giggle that went to laughter. She had the decency to get away from his ears before her whole body was shaking with amused cramps, wringing spiritually unhealthy sounding, shrill sounds out of her lungs.

“Aren’t you one giant fucking romantic?” she asked all of a sudden, back to her normal state. “Cute as all kinds of pandas, or some other useless animal that’s going extinct, girl sitting in your lap and you don’t even get your fuckshaft erect!”

“Hey, I can cuddle!” John declared. “Also, I am pretty sure I would blue ball myself if we started fucking now.”

“I actually wonder, if you didn’t fuck for three days, what would happen to you?” Eliza asked.

“Not that much, I think,” John said, “Source of Satisfaction keeps my Libido depressed down to 25 when I am not having sex, and with how high my Wisdom is…” he shrugged, “… I would be pent up, but it’s not like I would be reduced to whatever I was when I had Cumslut equipped.”

“Which we need to repeat, desperately!” Eliza growled, salty that she had lost to Rave by such an immense margin that day. Also, the proper safe word these days was ‘Expulsion’. The blood mage had felt immensely bad after the fact for having said ‘I hate you’ even as a means to secure her remaining sanity.

“Maybe,” John said, looking at her tits in their barely hiding confinement. Now that the topic of sex was on the table, his brain was going places. Problem was, he really didn’t know when Magoi would finally be done, and once he would be touching them, it would only be thirty seconds to him nailing Eliza on the table. He knew himself. “Curse you, you sexy woman and your delicious looking boobs!” he told the insanely grinning blood mage.

To distract himself, he opened the unspent Fateweaver perks.

Very boring choices. Very, very boring choices. Once more, only one was replaced, being Loot Basin for the new Loot Focus, which he swiftly took. He was certain he could abuse it in some way to make money.

“Something good?” Eliza asked; his girls generally knew when John was staring at a window to make a decision.

“Not really,” John answered as the blue decision-making tool closed and revealed Eliza’s tits again. Now naked and revealing their blue-tinged, light purple nipple crowned glory directly to his eyes in all their firmness. “Did you have to pull a Siena on me?!” John whined, looking at the perfectly delicious treat. “You were supposed to bring balance to the SM spectrum, not tease me with your tits!”

“Wow, that must be the worst prequel reference I have ever heard,” Eliza shook her head.

“No cussing in that sentence?” John wondered, eyes stuck to her cleavage.

“The fuck are you on about? I said ‘prequels’, how much nastier do you want my words to get?” the blood mage giggled and then hugged the Gamer’s face with her rack. “Now get your dense-ass brain going and punish me, you cockhead.”

What was a man to do but nail her on the table?

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