Collide Gamer

Chapter 377 – So?

Chapter 377 – So?


“What the fuck are we even going to be talking about?” Eliza wanted to know. “Obviously we are taking the boat, you cocksuckers. Planes suck and it’s not like we are in any hurry.”

“I agree to that,” Metra said. “Flying was nice, now I want to experience what this oversized ship is up to. I did not know the Europeans made them out of metal and this gigantic by now.”

“You are all thinking this is going to be way better than it is just because it is a big boat. Do I have to remind you that it is WINTER?” John raised a valid point. “Relaxing by the pool while we live it up is not really in the cards, unless you are into running into the apartment with a wet body. All it would be, would be 4 days of stationary boredom with one sightseeing followed by 3 days of stationary boredom.”

Rave hummed, “Stationary boredom being us having sex on every surface of the apartment.” The continued humming evolved into a little tune and minor beatboxing as she thought. “Okay, wait a sec.” She stepped out of the circle of discussion and went back to Amalia. They exchanged a few words, then she was handed a pamphlet, and Rave returned with it. “HEATED mobile barrier, experience a cruise like it’s summer today!” she read out loud. “And with that, I am sold, I am absolutely sick of this cold.”

“One week of summer does sound nice,” John admitted. “Okay, so the cruise itself would be good. Then the next counterargument: do we want to risk fighting sea monsters?”

“Why the fuck are you even asking?” “Ja, duh!” “I just want to fight something.” “I will protect you, Master, where does not matter.” “Can we try patting them instead?”

“…Okay, so we are unilateral on yes for fighting sea monsters,” he concluded after looking around his eager harem, “because that sounds fun and I want to see how much experience I can get out of it.” ‘What are you guys’ opinion on all of this?’ he asked inwardly.

‘Fuck being on the open sea, but fuck yeah murdering something that is actually real instead of from your stupid creation abilities,’ Salamander declared immediately.

Undine thought about the question for a moment before answering, ‘I like the idea. Wonder if I can take a swim?’ The ocean elemental was obviously not talking about the pool with that question.

‘We can test it, worst case you just go incorporeal,’ John promised.

‘I think we should go,’ Gnome said. ‘I-I want to see that Atlantic Fuse, i-if that is alright with you.’ Typically for the stone elemental, she thought she was being a bit of a burden even though they were going to do what she wanted to do anyway. John sent her some positive emotions together with a mental head pat.

‘We should go, go, go on the boat, ride it down the streaaaaaaaaam,’ Sylph declared and then popped up in the middle of their circle to spread her song to everyone. “merely, merely, merely, John’s dick is a dream! Go, go, go on the bo-waaaaaaah!”

She was suddenly interrupted by tentacles made from shadows and dark mist coming out of John’s shade and enclosing her in a sound stopping bubble. “This girl and her singing is getting on my nerves,” Siena hissed, rising out of her dwelling place to grab the bubble between her sharply clawed fingers. “She does it when I practice too.”

“Oh yeah, I should probably listen to you play again sometime soon,” John said in an apologetic tone. “I only remember the very start of it, then memory becomes akin to swiss cheese, sorry.”

“I’d rather not,” Siena answered, her purple skin becoming a shade darker.

“Are ya blushing?” Rave wanted to know. “W-ooo-w, I didn’t think ya could do that.”

The nightmare elemental just clicked her tongue, “I wouldn’t have played the violin if I hadn’t been intoxicated, but I will play you like a fiddle and get all sorts of sounds out of you, ‘mistress’.”

“Do not further sully these sacred words with your sarcastic tongue!” Aclysia demanded, earning herself a smirking shrug from Siena before she dropped back into the shadows.

‘For the record, I am all for an adventure where you all can die by falling into the deepest depths of the ocean,’ Siena said and laughed in a held back and deeply sadistic way. Just because she was a member of the group now, and saw herself as such, didn’t mean that comments like these were gone. They had just changed from an earnest wish to very, very crude humour.

‘Food,’ was the last contribution to this discussion, coming from the crocodile hatchling currently residing on John’s belt in his item form. Evidently, Copernicus, in his own item form as a copper coloured wristband, had nothing to add.

“So we have 10 votes for yes, 1 for patting them, 1 for ‘I want food’ and one who is a cat and doesn’t care,” John summarized. “Anyone has anything to add?” This was negated by a short series of comments or shaken heads, and then they went back to Amalia. “We are going.”

“Great!” the elector said and clapped her hands together, “it’s a deal then! We are letting this thing to water later today and are sailing off at 11 o’clock tomorrow.”

“That seems like a pretty rushed plan,” John commented. “Shouldn’t you test if it even floats before cruising it off?”

“This thing has been sitting there for over a month because we waited for the tournament to be over,” Amalia explained. “We have been doing the testing already. The only reason the scaffolds were up was so we could clean it properly.”

“I see, well then… is it possible to board when it’s been let to water already or do we have to find a place to stay tonight?” Before he could receive an answer to that question, Rave pulled him by the sleeve and smiled at him.

“Unnecessary question, tiger. I know ex-act-ly where we are going to stay tonight,”

“You again?!” Barend barked at John and his group when they entered through the door.

“Hey, at least we stood in line this time,” the Gamer answered and withdrew another stack of money from his inventory, which the bear-man took from the counter. ‘I am going down to seven figures at this pace,’ John thought, looking at his financial situation.

‘Seems like the first thing I will have to concentrate on when I am back in America is grinding out money,’ he reconciled with his situation. He wouldn’t be able to do that on the boat, because he didn’t have a skill allowing him to create barriers within barriers. Seeing how only people around Magoi’s level could do that and only if they set the barriers up themselves, it had to be pretty far down the Fateweaver class. ‘I mean it has to be another Game Breaking skill if I can do something not even a High Fateweaver can do, and I am not investing that deep.’

He also noted the new addition to the quest rewards, which previously had been three question marks. Sadly, he had no idea if 1000 Room Slots were a lot, as he didn’t know how much the higher tiers of his guild hall would add in the first place.

“Fine, whatever,” grumbled Barend once he was done counting the money. “But don’t cause another ruckus! I have enough violent drunks and crazed druggeds without you!”

“Hey, I am just sticking to somewhere in the outer areas,” John explained, gaining himself a grateful nod, and then they went to check what room they had gotten this time. While the answer was ‘one that looked exactly like the last one’, it also was ‘further down the hallway’. Overall nothing to complain about in more than one quick sentence though.

The moment the door closed behind them, Rave picked up her boyfriend. “What the hell are you doing?!” John wanted to know, not particularly happy with being handled like he handled some of his girls. Difference was that they liked it.

He was persuaded, however, after being thrown onto the mattress and having his girlfriend’s lips press on his as she unbuttoned his shirt, that this wasn’t all that bad. “I am not having another quickie room situation!” Rave declared, quickly unbuckling his pants and massaging his cock until it was fully erect. “You are going to get milked until ya feel like you are dry! Girls, form a line, we are taking turns!”

“What about not wanting to leak while dancing?” John asked; that had been her reasoning for not wanting him inside her last time.

“I will take a very thorough bath in the jacuzzi after this,” she declared, aligning her wetting pussy with his hard cock and then sinking downwards. After about a minute of being ridden, John attempted to take control of the situation by rolling her under him. However, he was held down by Rave’s incredibly strong arms. Her Strength was above his after all, so, at least in close-up physical situations like this, she was his superior still.

It was interesting to see the new Observe in full effect, with both Intellect and Wisdom gone and the new Intelligence stat being considerably lower as Mana and Spellpower were moved from the calculation and placed on their own pedestals. Gaia had been right, the different stats made it a bit awkward in design, but it allowed for a better assessment all around.

His appreciation and general thoughts about the good and bad things in this new system were cut short by Source of Satisfaction’s Libido surprising passive switching around to the Libido buff during intercourse. That effectively raised it from 25 (the lowest amount it could be debuffed too) to 48.

The switch was signified by a spike in his sensitivity, and he moaned a bit as Rave kept riding him. “Ya aren’t always going to be in charge, tiger,” Rave said and grinned from above. “We girls like taking control every now and again.”

“I don’t, fuck that!” Eliza shouted in from the background. “I am sure Aclysia is with me here, right?” Traitorous silence ensued, the weaponized maid averting her eyes. “No fucking way,” the blood mage looked at the quietly blushing artificial guardian and got right up into her face as John was taking his fate with grace and just kept lying there. Not like having one's cock ridden by a beautiful half-japanese with an athletic body was something anyone would complain about. He did listen to the conversation between Eliza and Aclysia though.

“I have to admit,” the white-haired reincarnation of cosplay carefully said, “that the thought of taking control every now and again is pleasant. I have done it before.” She was alluding to that one time they had sex in the shower after his victory against Mario in the tournament. While he was kind of torn whether or not Aclysia taking away his lead but still doing everything in order to please him was truly ‘taking control’ and not just a different flavour of submissive play (the correct answer was probably a mixture of both), Eliza was missing that context.

“Okay, so you want to ram your cock up his ass or what?” the insane girl said in her usual blunt manner and then started laughing out loud. “Fuck, I would love to see that face.” At the sound of those words, John felt his dick becoming slightly limp.

“NO!” Aclysia’s denial was verbose. “I do not, in the slightest, wish to create any discomfort in my master’s mood, and his evidently heterosexual orientation means that me performing a penetration of his behind, a generally very homo-erotic action, especially if performed with a literal dick, would be going against my goal, thoroughly so.”

“Ja, it’s bad enough that I am riding rope now,” Rave complained and bowed down to John. “Hey, tiger, don’t mind what the silly sub-slave said, okay? She just wants to get you irritated so you spank her.”

“Damn straight I do,” Eliza put one hand against the wall and stretched out her backside while pulling up her black robe. The blueish tint of her white skin came into view, first in the shape of her thick thighs and then with her rounded bootie. It contrasted with the blackness of her leather thong, which dug into the trench and left very little to be imagined. “Look at this fucking ass, who wouldn’t want to spank that… SHIT!”

Her sudden scream came from Metra performing exactly the teased act with enough upper body strength to create a hand shaped, centimetres deep dent in the hull of a car. “This is a nice variety of punching bag,” Metra declared.

“The fuck are you do- FUCK!” Eliza first complained and then shouted out lustfully as she was slapped again just as hard. Knees buckling as wetness began to soak into her thong, the blood mage looked over her shoulder to see the berserker babe raise her hand again. “You are such a fucking bitch I swear to fuck I will rip your tincan shit brain right out of your skull and make letter openers out of the sc-OH MY COCKBISCUIiiiiiiTS!”

The third slap caused Eliza to scream out as a minor orgasm washed over her and she collapsed on the floor. “One less girl in the line in front of me,” Metra declared with a wide grin, stepping on Eliza’s face like nobody who wasn’t indecently close to her would ever dare to. “I fucking hate waiting, makes me angry.”

It was at that moment John came the first time, Rave got up and into the shower, Aclysia took her place. “This is for the best, Master,” the weaponized maid ensured as she also kept him lying in the sheets and rode him.

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