Collide Gamer

Chapter 374 – Second Best Breakfast Ever

Chapter 374 – Second Best Breakfast Ever


“I am bringing my own girls, thank you,” John said as he paid the fee and then pointed at Aclysia, Metra, Salamander and lastly Sylph. Those four, when asked, had said they would do the stand in for what John wanted to do.

The waiter at the entrance looked over those four and then nodded, “A fine selection, if I may say so. Do you want a public or private room?”

“Private,” he said, causing Metra to cross her arms and roll her eyes as she went along with someone who guided these four away as John, Rave and Eliza took to the private wing after he paid for everything.

Following a guide they arrived in an isolated room with long tables and way more chairs than they needed, making it look empty, Undine and Gnome also materialized. Nia was still missing, but John was halfway certain that she would appear again the moment he thought she was going to be lost forever.

The establishment was kind of classy; it had a renaissance style painting of a woman that was very much naked and very not afraid to show it on the wall, together with a fittingly designed frame and wine red painted walls. The plinths and tables were made from a dark wood, and the carpet had a neutral black colouration.

“I will have to farm for money sometime in the future, just these few days are costing me a fortune,” John complained about his slowly declining wealth.

“Ya could just lend Cumslut to some people and charge money for it,” Rave glanced at him with a bit of danger in her eyes; “They will love it and ya can rob them blind while they are busy masturbating a frenzy.”

“I am sorry,” John said in an honestly miserable tone; this was the third time he apologized for the whole incident; “I really didn’t know she would buff you with her Libido!”

“I was thrice as horny as Nathalia!” his girlfriend said; “THRICE!” The Gamer had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep himself from pointing out that it had actually been above that. That would not have helped his situation whatsoever. “Ya wanna know what being more than ten times hornier than usually does to a gal who suddenly has a dick? I think I broke a little!”

“Seeing how I had to help both you and Eliza into the bathroom, I think you both did,” John said; “Also Aclysia had to help me, last night was rough.”

“ROUGH?!” Eliza broke out laughing and threw herself against the backrest of her chair, causing it to tip over as she tossed her arms into the air. She prevented property damage by catching her fall by hooking a foot under the table, now more lying than sitting in the chair. “That was the fucking greatest thing ever. Holy fuck, I want to be treated like that every fucking evening. You basically sexed the life out of me, you perverse shitnuggets.”

“Didn’t you have nightmares galore from the overstimulation in your sleep?” John asked; “Because I am not quite sure you want to repeat that.” There were very tight hugs had.

Eliza pushed herself off the ground and sat back upright at the table a moment later, an insanely wide grin on her face. “Obviously not the fucking drugs,” she declared; “Okay, maybe the drugs again, the horror dreams aside, it was pretty good. Point being: I want to be bound up and helpless more often. Also you going full master on my ass was so sexy you don’t BELIEVE it, especially when you spoke with a kind of lower voice.”

“I did that?” John wondered; he had just acted the part and done what felt natural.

“Yes,” Undine interrupted in her melodic voice and picked out a few choice memories, “let me show you.” What followed was a slightly weird compilation of clips played directly into his thoughts from Undine’s perspective.

There was no visual to it, so, to John’s understanding, the world was pitch black. However, vibrations in the air and tremors in the ground painted all the pictures he ever needed. The heated breaths of everyone in the room bouncing of their sweaty curves, causing smell and voice to take shape. In a way this kind of seeing was even more arousing than just looking at a naked body. He also heard his own voice, which was just as weird an experience for him as it was for most people, and indeed heard himself dip down a few notes when he was giving orders. It was a fairly substantial change, and it gave his words a bit more authority than they may have otherwise carried.

“Ja, okay, it was really good,” his girlfriend pulled him back into reality. “We did so much stuff together already that I am honestly surprised that you can still invent some things that just make me fall into perverse love with your dick that bit more… BUT! I missed my chance to go dance again,” Rave puffed up her cheeks, “and I REALLY liked that club! No fair, I tell ya!”

“Why can you only fall into deeper love with my dick?” John acted like he was honestly offended.

“Cause I already love ya as deep as I can, ya dingus,” Rave said and lightly punched his shoulder. “Don’t try to score sympathy points; I’ll be having wet dreams for weeks because of yesterday, but ya still caused me to collapse when I wanted to dance.”

“W-well…” Gnome shily raised a hand as if she had to be allowed to speak before continuing. As everyone just watched her expectantly, she cleared her throat and whispered to herself, “Go on Gnome, you can say it, you can do it, you are as sturdy as a rock! You are a rock! You are THE rock… except for the actual Rock of course. But that guy isn’t your type, John is your type, so that’s not a problem, also he has confidence, be like the Rock!” While egging herself on, Gnome’s voice went from quiet to normal room level. “You can do this!

“Uhm, Uwu, s-see, Rave, wuwu” she stammered as the first eye-contact she made with anyone, and they weren’t even looking menacingly, melted that self-assurance away in a second. “Y-y-y-y-y-y,” she looked over to Eliza whose grin was now revealing her two rows of shining, human teeth in prime condition. The stone elemental knew exactly what that smile meant, that she had been speaking out loud and everyone had heard it. “Y-y-y-y-y…” she sounded like a broken tape as she blushed deeper and deeper only to eventually hide her face under her hands and let out that cute little sound, “Uwuwuwuwuwuwu.”

John wanted to stand up and pat her on the head; in the absence of Momo someone else had to be on Gnome duty. However, there was someone else who had an idea on how to treat the shivering stone. Stirwin emerged from his accessory status on John’s belt and crossed the table in that swaggering run hasted crocodiles made. He stopped in front of Gnome and squeaked.

The stone elemental lowered her hands a bit to look. Sniffing she watched Stirwin as he raised his snout and let out another one of the rubber-duck-esque sounds. “Are you trying to cheer me up?” A squeak. “That’s very nice of you, but I can’t d-“ A disruptive squeak, Stirwin was moving his tail from side to side. “Y-you are right, I can do this!” This time the squeak seemed to be assuring. “R-rave!”

“Yes?” Rave looked more amused than anything; this whole scene was truly weird to behold.

“I just wanted to say that you r-really can’t expect to go anywhere once you start, uhm, h-having interc-intercourse with John. It always ends with… yeah,” Gnome stopped there as she was blushing too hard again, twirling one of her pigtails. Stirwin kept squeaking and adjusted the position of his snout. Following that direction, John looked at the door. It seemed like the crocodile had merely smelled the food and wasn’t actually interested in cheering up Gnome. John decided to keep that a secret.

“I mean,” Rave scratched the side of her head and then sighed, “yeah, I guess, but am still sad about it.”

“Well, depending on what that meeting with Amalia entails, we might stay longer,” John shrugged. “You will get a chance to go back down there then, maybe?”

“Whacha mean ‘you’?” Rave asked. “Ya better mean ‘we’!”

“If I go back down there, I am getting nowhere near that electro stage again,” John announced. “I will stick to one of the outer rooms and search for somewhere with one of these circular couches around a table near a stripping pole, bribe someone to have Metra show off and sit there like a total pimp with Aclysia fanning wind at me and Sylph under my arm as I use Eliza as a stool for my feet.”

“Oh, that sounds fucked up, I love it,” Eliza said and laughed out loud.

The door to the room opened hesitatingly, and four waiters, after making sure that the maniac cackling didn’t belong to something that would rip their intestines out, drove in long wagons stacked with something truly mouth-watering.

Lying on oversized tablets and covered in foods were the four girls that had went off earlier. Aclysia was the first, getting put directly in front of John. She was lying on her back and smiled at her master with minimal movements. On top of her lay healthy vegetables, sliced perfectly, and diced cheese. Up next was Sylph, who couldn’t keep completely still and had her legs swing back and forth as sushi was presented in the depression of her spine.

Aclysia lay there in a way that was showing as little of her nude form as possible, nipples hidden under decorative leaves, while Sylph just didn’t care. Meanwhile, Metra wanted to be seen and thus assumed a position that was her lying on her side, head resting on one hand and one leg angled; they had covered her in sweets, which they had stuck to her body with some sort of sugary solution. It would fall off rather quickly if she moved, but for the moment her tanned abs were quite literally dripping with chocolate.

Last, but by no means least, was Salamander, who was lying on her chest with her fiery funbags squished out to the sides. On her back, sizzling from the heat her body naturally radiated (unless she dialled it down) were bacon strips and other small pieces of meat.

“Okay, I didn’t believe ya when ya said this would be a great idea,” Rave said. “Like, I didn’t get it, but now I totally get it. Why aren’t ya on the table, Eliza? This seems right up your alley.”

“It totally fucking is,” the blood mage said, “but I wanted to take a break from being as turned on as a fucking dog in mating season.” That was what they had kept calling her yesterday; must have had some impact, “and I would not be able to go through the whole cucked day normally after being used as a living fucking plate!” she announced. “And, another thing that’s really important,” she grabbed one of the eastern style chop-sticks that came with the food, “I wouldn’t be able to eat anything if I was the fucking plate!”

John grabbed his own chopsticks and, with an understandable boner, started eating as three of the waiters retreated and the last one stayed to explain where they could find the bath and bedroom once they were done in case they needed to relieve themselves.

“You are such a bore though,” Metra complained towards John, as Gnome hesitatingly took a strawberry off Aclysia and dragged it over the chocolate sauce that was covering the berserker babe. The stone elemental did all of this while blushing on her own; her movements were slow because she was having a bit of trouble handling the new eating utensil. Understandably, they didn’t use forks and knives in a restaurant that was all about eating off other people. However, chop-sticks weren’t that difficult if one held them correctly (and had superhuman Agility). “If we did this publicly, way more people could stare at me and be envious!”

“Yeah, but here is the kicker of that: YOU enjoy being seen naked because it makes you feel superior,” John told her. “Most of the other girls here don’t or at least I don’t want them to be seen. I don’t even want people to see you undressed, but you get enjoyment out of it, so I let it slide.”

“Bore, just as I said,” Metra declared dipping a finger into the chocolate sauce and licking it off. “Bluärgh, way to sweet, where is the spicy stuff?”

“No idea, but I will have to fight for some meat from Salamander before Eliza eats it all,” John said and got off his chair to walk the few step to reach the fire elemental. “Still surprised you wanted to do this after complaining about being used as a heater repeatedly.”

“Sounded interesting,” Salamander defended herself with an uncaring attitude; she shrugged and caused series of sizzling sounds as the meat on her back shifted a little. “Also I can now rub it into Nathalia’s face that you ate steak of me first, that will be fun!” she giggled to herself.

John answered with his own low-key laughter. He still wondered about Nathalia’s decision, he understood it, but it just seemed weird for the dragoness to go that far. Was that a compliment about how earnest she took this relationship? In his mind, he allowed himself to be optimistic here, the answer was yes.

Salamander blew hot air out of her nose, “Just ignore your granny boner for a few months and do some awesome shit and you will have her back, and you will have my fire lighted, doesn’t that sound great?” That shone light on another thing John was wondering about, the fact that Salamander didn’t love him. Spoken out loud that sounded incredibly narcissistic, but it wasn’t like it wasn’t a mystery anyways. All of his other elementals loved him in their unique little ways, and it wasn’t like Salamander wasn’t into him, at least after he had taken her lesson on enjoying a good fight. Yet, her relationship score was endlessly pending between 95 and 99, never crossing that magical 100 of love.

When he opened his mouth to ask her about that, he felt her prodding into his mind in a way that seemed to imitate a safe channel between just the two of them. ‘Let’s not talk about my feelings right now, I will come to you with it soon enough,’ she told him, winking with one of her charcoal coloured eyes. ‘Don’t worry, I won’t blow a fuse like Undine…’ A moment later she realized she had made an accidental pun, ‘Heh, blowing a fuse, because I am a fire elemental, classic.’

John was a bit sceptical; the named water elemental had caused him to take such insurance with a grain of salt, but Salamander, the pyromaniac, battle-lusting, blaze elemental was (ironically) more stable than Undine had been. So he just nodded, decided to give this some more thought, snatched a few pieces of bacon from her smooth, oil covered back and then proceeded to eat.

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