Collide Gamer

Chapter 312 – Given Light

Chapter 312 – Given Light


“So, explain it to me, you jealousy-inducing, smelly mattress,” Thana asked as John carefully placed an unconscious Rave on the couch. “What exactly did she do, and why is she still knocked the fuck out?” 

“I thought you could figure stuff like that out by yourself,” John teased. 

“Of course, I can, Newcock, but I want you to talk to me so I can forget my illogical rage boner I currently have because you did not carry ME home! What, do I need to be unconscious to get treated like a princess around here!?” the blood mage half shouted back.

Then she yelped as John used Blink to get behind her and then lift her up. She could have more than easily reacted to the second part, his grab being abysmally slow compared to the bundle of insanity’s reflexes. Still, partly because of the instantaneous movement before it, she let him succeed, and a moment later, she sat on-top of his shoulders.

“You are lucky the ceiling is this cunt-splurging high, you flabbergasting off-putting asshole!” Thana complained with a wide smile on her face.

 “You are lucky that you aren’t particularly tall,” his counter came a moment later. 

“Fuck you, you tongue eatin-!” 

“Yes, bad John, very, very bad John!” Sylph added to the conversation, flying around John’s head and then spiralling up Thana until landing on the blood mage’s shoulder. “We are not tiny, we are fun-sized, yes, yes we are! You all are just tall! Way too tall! We small people feel weird! We are tiny!” 

“Just stop talking, you contradicting airhead,” Salamander grumbled, slowly drifting through the air like she was laying on top of a nice chair next to a whirlpool.

“Your arguments are useless against me, Sally, I have the high ground! The high ground being scary Thany riding Johnsie -in the not fun way- riding a flying island -in the not fun way- riding the great mother air -in the…” 

“WE GET IT!” Nathalia growled from the table, where she was currently getting presented with bacon strips from Aclysia like a Roman noble getting presented grapes. “Do not talk about the Mother of Air, the mere reminder of her existence is giving me a bigger headache than you ever could.”

“…Sorry about my outburst,” Thana suddenly mumbled, and John felt her soft thighs press against the sides of his head. A feeling that, at the currently low pressure, was rather pleasant. She bowed over forwards, and her white and blue hair cascaded down in front of John shortly before her eyes came into view. The golden dots in the shattered, violet orbs rotated slowly in a circle between an outer ring, of the same gold, and her black iris. The individual shards of her eyes stretched as they quickly readjusted for the changed light.

“I know you can’t control yourself sometimes; you just keep working on it, alright?” John smiled at her and got an unsure one in return. 

“Okay… now fucking tell me what happened there at the end. You and seizure hands just have to keep your small secrets to dick around with the rest of us,” Thana said but kept her head right where she was; she liked looking into John’s eyes, bland brown as they might have been.

“It’s just more fun to keep secrets and see surprised faces,” John said. Elsewhere in the room, a pleased princess sat down at her usual spot. Aclysia stopped feeding bacon to the dragon so she could make a fresh cup of tea.

“Well, to put it simply, it was the logical endpoint of her aura development,” John began to explain. “Starting with her normal martial arts aura, Jane learned to pull in Copernicus’ energy in addition to her own after Lydia had taught her, that was the cat-ear form. As the power of that form is directly linked to Copernicus himself, the moment he Unleashed, she got access to pulling that power out of him and into herself. That final beam was her using all of that power at once.”

“Why the fuck didn’t she just use that power to fight normally?” Thana asked. 

“Because,” the blood mage finally looked away from John and over to Copernicus, “she isn’t exactly skilled with it yet. It is hard to uphold and raises her power far beyond her normal limits. She simply couldn’t land a hit because she is going faster than she is used to. That is why we needed one more day, so we could figure out a way to allow her to unload all of that energy in one blow.”

“Okay, so it’s because Rave has two left feet. Still don’t know why she is the fuck out of it though. So, now she is knocked out because…?” 

“…her body cannot handle the rebound yet,” John finished the sentence of the blood mage.

“That sounds like a fucking terrible strategy then,” Thana looked over to Copernicus. “Why didn’t you fuckers just fight together?” 

“Because surprise was the only way I could even get a non-lethal scratch in. The plan was almost done with when I got hit,” Copernicus hissed back. “It all worked well enough, considering.”

“Okay, I give, whatever,” Thana waved off, suddenly disinterested in the topic, looking back at John. She opened her mouth to say something, probably food related, when she stopped and listened to something. “She is going to wake up right the fuck now,” the blood mage informed them.

True enough, Rave groaned a blink later and started groggily looking around. “Good morning, sleeping beauty,” John greeted and went over. Under minor complaints, he put Thana back on the floor after kneeling down next to the couch. “How did you sleep?”

“Dunno, I just blacked out or something,” Rave rubbed the remaining tiredness out of her almond eyes. “I feel like I have been hit by a wrecking ball.” 

“Or like a lightning rod after a heavy storm?” John suggested a different metaphor, causing his girlfriend to look at him with confused eyes for a few moments.

Then the gears connected again. “THE FIGHT!” she shouted and looked around again, now wide awake; “Wait, why am I back home? What happened?” 

“Well, we had to get you from the Apothecaries,” John started, and immediately, Rave looked disheartened. If she had been taken from the Apothecaries, that must have meant that Fateweaving had transported her there. In other words, she must have lost.

John quickly realized the implications of his words and was quick to add, “Relax, Jane, you won… in a way.” 

“Can ya be more specific, Johnny?” Rave’s confusion slowly transformed into irritation.

 ‘All of that dealing with Richard must have made me a more cryptic person,’ John theorized.

“It was a draw,” Lydia announced in clear words from her position at the table. 

“A draw?” Rave seemed to be unsure that word even existed. 

“The excess energy of your two attacks caused a shockwave that knocked both of you out. By the time we could see something again, you were both whisked away by Fateweaving,” John told her.

“A draw…” the reality slowly sunk into Rave’s mind.

 “I am very pleased with this outcome,” Lydia said, blowing steam off her cup before taking a careful sip. 

“I mean, I guess I should be happy,” the Lightbearer said, “but it doesn’t feel all that great.”

She made room on the couch, and John sat down next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “I can understand that,” the Gamer played with one of the longer twirls of his girlfriend's hair as he spoke; “However, you performed pretty well this time. You didn’t just go at it, you had a strategy and everything.”

Rave rested her head on his shoulder, “Less a strategy and more of a gameplan, tiger.” 

“What’s the difference?” he wanted to know. “Your strategies actually involve stuff happening in a certain order and stuff only ya brainiacs could sequence. I just know what I should or should not use and then go at it,” she explained. “Wait, ya should know what I mean, you were the one who filled my head with all of these terms!”

“Maybe I just like listening to you talk,” John suggested. 

“Of course ya do, my voice is as cute as my hair is awesome,” Rave giggled and leaned up to his ear. “I might not be as riled up as Aclysia was when you won against that walking masturbation joke, but I could have a go at ya in a bit,” she whispered into his ear and then gently bit his earlobe.

The semi he had gotten when Thana had pressed her thighs against his face now became a full-blown erection. “Dibs!” Thana called and zipped open his pants, quickly pulling the annoying fabric aside and then getting between John’s legs while the clothes were still flying to the ground.

“Despicable, I have been bored all day,” Nathalia hastened over to the couch and soon competed for room between his legs. 

“And there they go again,” Rave let out another giggle as John groaned out in pleasure. He had not expected to get a blowjob the moment he got an erection. A surprise, yes, but a welcome one.

“You don’t want to pitch in?” John asked. 

“Nah, lemme cuddle with you and look at our cute, little subs doing some sucking,” she licked her glossy lips and started touching herself. Her hand was soon replaced with John’s. 

“I-I want to cuddle too!” Gnome, appearing out of nowhere next to him on the couch, clumsily threw herself on his left side.

“Who are you calling a submissive, you pink-pest?” Nathalia growled while giving Thana the chance to deepthroat on her own.

 “Well, you’re going with the role,” Rave said and wiggled a foot in her direction. “Don’t blame me if ya get into the bottom position.”

Nathalia snapped her teeth at Rave’s foot, who got the signal to not push it too far, before getting back at her turn at sucking John’s dick. 

“The fact that ya let those teeth close to your dick is pretty concerning,” his girlfriend pointed out with regard to both the carnivorous dragoness and the perfected human who could bite through an alloy made from the second strongest metal on the planet.

“Could you not talk about my best quality getting bitten off while I have two hotties giving it a nice sucking?” John pleaded.

 “Don’t ya worry, if ya lose it, we are finding some nice strap-ons… for me to use on you,” Rave winked and giggled to make sure he got that she was only kidding. John did not laugh.

“People!” Lydia shouted from her position at the table; “It is DINNER TIME. Postpone your worldly delights until after.” Nia entered the room at that moment, saw what was going on and, without a word, got naked while walking over to the happenings. The area between his legs barely had room for another person, but Nia’s slender frame fit.

“We are having goulash today,” Aclysia informed the princess, coming out of the kitchen. She too was naked, aside from her thigh-high stockings, and carrying a salver loaded with all kinds of little snacks. “It can continue on a little heat for a while longer. Say ‘Ahhh,’ my cute Master.” The weaponized maid positioned herself behind the couch and started feeding John and Rave mentioned snacks.

Undine appeared as well, using her liquid body to fit in the whole formation as well. Sure, it was a bit weird that her lower half was a puddle, with a bit sticking out of it, on the floor, but he wasn’t exactly against it. It was a major help that her upper half, including her massive tits, was resting on his chest, tongue stretching out to show how ready she was to make out with him whenever he wanted to.

“Hey, hey, Sally, there is no more room for us,” Sylph noticed. 

“Silly girl,” Siena crawled out of a shadow in a seductive series of motions; “If there is no room to be on his body, we shall make sure his eyes are on us instead.” 

“What, you want to masturbate in front of him? That’s a nice idea, I like that idea!” Sylph flew over, already changed into her big form.

“No, that is too direct; you need to give it a subtle touch to maximize the tension,” Siena got on the table, her high-heeled feet clacking even though her weightless body should have produced no sound; “Let me show you how it's done.”

The shadow spirit started a dance that was worthy of a strip club, although there was very little stripping involved. “That looks hot, count me in,” Salamander soon joined, although that did mean that it went from one elemental sexily dancing to two elementals sexily dancing while Siena was constantly pointing out how much better she was at this.

To her credit, she did occasionally stop to show Salamander, and Sylph when she also tagged into that little dance number, how to do it correctly. John was in his personal heaven, again. This day was not just great, it was supreme. Between his girlfriend not losing, putting their winning chances even higher, and this scene he was not sure what could make it even better.

He heard something small getting smashed closed and turned his head away from his current three-way French kiss with Rave and Undine to see Momo throwing her e-reader into her inventory. “Fuck it, I am horny, let’s do this,” she announced, her poncho retracted into her body, and then she squeezed herself next to Gnome.

John sent a silent thanks to the person that had put this couch together for being able to handle all of this and still be more comfortable than a mattress after he had finished an obligatory fifteen laps in sports class.

“Now it is just y-“ John wanted to shout over to Lydia, but the princess was already done disrobing and putting her neatly folded uniform on the table. 

“I am going to take a quick shower,” she announced, marching by the couch, stark naked.

John concentrated his eyes on her butt. Not only did the heart-shaped pillow shift nicely with each of her steps, those being both militaristically efficient but subtly hip-swinging at the same time, but he clearly could see that little bit of wetness on her crotch.

Having sex every single day had put everyone’s mind and body to a state where they weren’t quite addicted but very much seeking out that sexual feeling of being alive. “When I return I advise that you are ready to put that cock in my butt!”

“Sure, your highness,” John laughed a laugh that was quickly replaced by a sudden, throaty exhale and him cumming all over a triumvirate of faces that could have been put on the cover of adult magazines and only made worse by being treated with digital tools.

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