Collide Gamer

Chapter 306 – The victor takes the maid

Chapter 306 – The victor takes the maid


John looked at his nearly depleted mana bar and then checked out Momo’s, while Edge was separating in the background. Together they had a total of 300 MP remaining. Between the Shardbound uses, sending the elementals mana and finally the hits he had willingly taken, his mana had dropped like the voice of a kid entering puberty.

So, in total, he had lost 2 elementals, his daily damage cooldown, needed to use two Combinations and sacrifice around 5000 mana to beat someone almost twice his level. If Mario’s toolkit hadn’t been so extensively melee centric and bad at dealing with multiple opponents, John would have run into bigger problems.

‘I should do something about this,’ John thought as he headed for the lift. ‘Having my status be binary – mana equalling extremely strong and no mana equalling a loss – is a problem… maybe I could get something that transforms health into mana?’

When he jumped back on their actual platform, he was greeted by his girlfriend jumping at him like a hug-addicted spider-monkey.

“Whoa, calm down there,” John laughed as Rave energetically hugged. In truth he didn’t want her to stop at all.

She gave him a wide smile, “That was awesome, tiger!”

“To think that you would be able to win against a knight of Rome,” Lydia shook her head in disbelief. “I am still underestimating you, it appears.”

“It’s because I am a walking group, from healer, to tank,” John said. “Although this whole thing would have been way easier with Aclysia around as well… but I couldn’t really have won without Momo…”

Without Momo’s mana he wouldn’t have been able to apply pressure and pull that blocking stunt. Then again, with Aclysia he probably wouldn’t have needed to. Not that the question which of the two he would rather have with him was of any worth even. While in this tournament, he only had Momo, outside, he had both, and eventually he would be left with only Aclysia.

“Now, let’s hurry home!” John said and went into quick-stepping his way out of the arena.

“What are you in such a fucking hurry about?” Thana asked, needing to jog due to her short legs. “Also stop being such a giant, pussy-chasing bastard!”

“Well, Aclysia told me she would have me when I win,” John said.

Hysterical laughter reached his ears, “That’s your reason?! You can fuck her whenever you want, balls-for-brains.”

“Yes,” he confirmed, “but there is something way different about just fucking and having sex after winning. I am super turned on right now.”

The fact that Aclysia was gently denying him access to her thoughts also had his curiosity spiked. His steps hastened even more.

Once home, he burst into the building and was greeted by Aclysia’s voice filling his spirit, ‘Find me upstairs.’

“Going to be back in like… 30 minutes, I guess!” he rushed his words along.

“That is… in mother metal’s name… okay, meeting at 8 PM!” Lydia shouted after him.

“Have fun!” Rave added.

It seemed she either had enough training to do to not have time for a threesome or just wanted to give Aclysia the solo time for once. Thana was of another mind, but John heard Momo bribing the blood mage with sweets if she let her beloved sister have this.

The fact that he was now unhindered in his pursuit of Aclysia’s ass meant that it must have worked. He flew up the stairs and then up the second one as he heard the guardian’s voice lure him into the bathroom.

The sight that was presented to him upon entering was exactly what his perverted mind had come up with. The hot air was humid and pregnant with the lustful smells of jasmine, sandalwood and rosewater. To not have the strong, artificial light from the lamp ruin the mood, an extra shade had been mounted on it, drenching everything into a nice twilight.

The soft shadows fell on the source of the smells and the focus of John’s eyes as he absent-mindedly kicked the door closed behind him. Aclysia was on her knees on the tiled floor, completely naked. Her slender figure was still as beautiful as the day John told her to take it.

Actually, John noticed that she hadn’t kept that form in its totality. Without him needing to say a thing, she had made small adjustments to herself, subtle changes like a slight increase of the perkiness of her breasts or the width of her waist.

The reason why he had never noticed until now was because she was modelling herself with his romantic view and his sexual memories of her in mind. She wanted to become the perfect vision he had of her. Therefore, she had just become what he had thought of her in the first place.

That didn’t mean that her body was some universal perfect, there was no such thing, just that she strived to be the best version of her physical form in John’s eyes. It was a process that would never be finished, subjective perfection was unattainable, but she was striving for it anyway.

It was an unspoken statement that she would serve him even beyond what he himself asked of her. For that, this unnecessarily self-challenging gesture, he loved her even more.

Aclysia bowed forwards, kowtowing in front of him. Forehead resting on her hands on the floor, she took a subjugating position. “Welcome home, master,” she spoke and raised her head again. “If you will have me, I would love to take care of your relaxation now.”

That was a bit oddly worded, but John nodded. Aclysia gracefully rose from her kneeling position and walked over, a shadow playing in the valley between her modest breasts. The inventory screen opened, the attempt to disrobe was made. Gently, his maid and lover took his hand.

“Please, let me,” she said and undid the buttons of his suit. Thanks to the enchantments on the vest, dust didn’t stick to his upper body; the same could not be said about his pants, however. Aclysia didn’t mind, she freed him off his vest with methodical movements.

John wasn’t tired enough to warrant such care from Aclysia, but he would have lied if he said he wasn’t enjoying this. Not only did she do all of this for him, but she did it in a way that he knew that he was the master here.

She folded the jacket and put it into a basket near the door, bowing forwards in the process and giving him a nice view of her impeccable ass. Her fair skin stretched fully over the peach shaped pillow of flesh-like material, the gap between them perfect to grind a cock on.

The confinements of his pants were worse than a high security prison, and from the wetness he spied, trickling from her pussy, he knew that he was not alone in the struggle to keep his emotions in check. Truly, he could have just fucked her against the wall with pure animalistic desire right then, but something told him that wasn’t the way to go.

Maybe it was how Aclysia had put all of this together just for him, maybe because he had just had enough of instinctual hip-shaking or maybe this was just speaking to his light sadism, particularly the domination aspect. Whatever was true, he was currently intoxicated with the feeling of just being served. The awareness, of how every single one of Aclysia’s movements were meant to satisfy him and only him, provided more pleasure than he had thought possible when there was no single touch involved.

Aclysia went back and unbuttoned his shirt. Biting her lower-lip as she looked at her creator’s body, she muttered, “You have grown so much, Master. I thought you attractive when I first was able to feel such a thing, and yet you have become so much more.” Her hands glided over his muscular chest and between his shoulders and shirt, pushing it downwards.

John didn’t have the patience to wait for her to fold it again, the moment his upper body was disrobed, he tossed the crumpled-up shirt to the side. Then his hand went up to Aclysia’s chin.

“You have become so much more yourself, Aclysia,” he only needed to whisper to be heard perfectly in the quiet bathroom; “On the day I made you, never did I imagine that you would become a person in your own right. Devout to me as you are, you are not afraid to talk sense to me. If Jane is the light in my life, then you are the electricity that keeps us running.”

Not the most romantic of metaphors, but Aclysia laughed. Quietly, but clearly there. It was a seldom heard sound; she only ever laughed when he was being awkward. Like perfectly forged little Christmas bells, it reverberated inside him and put into place whatever may have been misplaced inside him. If that was what he stood to gain, John would be awkward forever.

He leaned in and kissed her. The erotic smells filled his mouth with a pleasant, earthy taste that sent shivers over his naked skin and made his remaining clothes feel like a layer between himself and true freedom. The moment their kiss ended, Aclysia quickly liberated him.

Feeling and sharing his impatience, the artificial guardian took all of the remaining clothes down with one quick stroke and, after a bit of hesitation where her wish for orderliness rang with her desire, tossed them all in the basket.

“Please, step into the shower, Master,” Aclysia invited him. “Let us remove the sweat of the day.” That sounded rather nice, so he stepped inside. Everything was done for him; the weaponized maid made sure his every part was clean, first by scrubbing him down in the running water, perfectly adjusted in temperature for him, and then by soaping him up.

Three times she stopped the shower to do so. The first time, she caressed his hair, making sure that none of the shampoo entered his eyes as the only thing he could see was her smile. The second time, she lathered her hands in the liquid cleansing and spread it evenly all over him.

Massaging the stiffness from his shoulders, making sure that every part of his hairless body (Rave had made her preference on the matter quite clear, and thanks to Abyssal products, it wasn’t taxing to keep it that way) was clean.

But it wasn’t until the third time that she finally reached for his cock. “Your tool will need great care, master,” Aclysia softly spoke, kneeling in front of him in the shower. Her breath felt cool on his hard cock, wet not only from water.

She graciously poured soap into her left hand and, after putting the bottle aside, rubbed both of them together until some bubbles formed. Then she reached out. Starting by fondling his balls and the area around his cock, she continued to purr in her sexy voice, “I will make sure that you are ready to please every single girl that you decide to grace with your seed.”

“Seems to me that you are setting yourself up to receive it as soon as possible,” John said and then moaned as Aclysia finally ran her hand up his shaft. Soap, water and pre-cum mixed under the firm grip of first one, then two hands sliding up the whole length. She polished his head with circular motions for a moment before moving back down and answering.

“It is my greatest honour, to be of use however you see fit, Master,” she poured.

“How about you use your mouth?” John gasped and reached for her head. He got a rather unpleasant sting of disapproval and pulled back. “I am ACTUALLY cleaning you, Master, my mouth is not the best tool for that outside of erotic context,” came the Artificial Spirit’s answer.

“What about what you just said?” John complained.

“A truth, if you insist, I will use my mouth,” Aclysia smiled, “but if you may let me service you to the best of my ability, I promise you will not regret it.”

That put a slight damper on his feeling of being in control, but she just did what she thought was best for him. “Hygiene is very important with how much you sleep around, John.” However she managed to make that sound sexy, he did not care to find out. All that mattered was that she kept polishing his rod with her soap lubricated hands.

She was picking up the speed as well; soon, John felt his balls tighten. His seed flew forwards, landing on Aclysia’s face and open mouth as she continued to jerk him for the whole duration. Aclysia couldn’t help but moan at the perverted taste that she had come to automatically link with a bunch of upcoming orgasms.

Another rinsing later, Aclysia guided him out of the shower and over to the bathtub. John loved the mansion for the fact that every bathroom was equipped with both a shower and a group-sized bathtub. Really, it was practically a jacuzzi. Still no whirlpool function, much to his dismay, but the general idea was one he would definitely steal for whatever base he was going to build one day.

The bath had been running while he had been showering. Once more, all in Aclysia’s service to make the water as comfortable for him as possible. He sank inside with a relaxed exhale, “You are the best, even if you can be a bit bossy sometimes. You probably picked that up from Lydia.”

“Her majesty does get what she wants, and I get to take care of you, John,” Aclysia whispered into his ear from behind before climbing into the bathtub as well. “Please, just relax and let me take care of all the remaining tension in your body.”

As she had massaged most of it away and what remained was currently getting untangled by the warm water, there was really only one area that she could have meant by that. Straddling over his hips as he sat up to the chest in the water, she sheathed his long cock with well-trained motions.

Soon, her up and down motions were creating waves in the bathtub, moaning as she impaled herself over and over again. John kept his hands to himself, for once, and just enjoyed the spectacle. The whole course of this thing had been low effort on his part, and Aclysia seemed to derive just as much pleasure from it as he did.

Her glistening breasts, wet from the shower and water splattering up due to her own over-enthusiastic motions, heaved under heavy breaths. Skin flush with excitement and lust, her green eyes gazed downwards.

John fell into the emerald lakes as their shared sensations unfolded. Their bodies were only connected with his dick plunging into her quivering crotch, but their minds reached out and intermingled. Each time their hips met, their ecstasy went higher and higher, their spirits were driven closer.

No amount of contact could have emulated the complete oneness in orgasm that they shared. Two bodies with one orgasm, beyond anything a single body should be able to experience. Seed pumping up his shaft, he let loose inside of Aclysia, whose whole being was quivering.

Spurt after spurt painted the guardian’s insides white as she screamed at the ceiling with ear-shattering lust. Her body was tense with the orgasmic pleasure until it was suddenly over.

John managed to catch her before she fell into the water. “Quite sorry, Master,” she said, quickly regaining control of herself. “Shall we continue?”

“Whenever you are ready.” John smirked. “Wouldn’t want you to exhaust yourself.”

“For you, my victorious Master, I will be going to the edge of my capabilities,” Aclysia leaned forwards to kiss him again.

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