Collide Gamer

Chapter 292 – Scurry, you rodent! [Erotic Content]

Chapter 292 – Scurry, you rodent! [Erotic Content]


“Are you being for real?” John asked.

“You do that and I give you the information I have,” Richard answered.

“…What would you gain from that?” the Gamer was immediately suspicious; whenever the Horned Rat gave him something for free there was some hidden baggage attached to it.

“I gain nothing, but I don’t lose anything either,” Richard shrugged. “My plan advances whether you get this information or not.” John opened his mouth to complain some more about the Rat’s convoluted schemes when he felt a tug at his sleeve.

Nia was standing at his side, holding the corner of his sleeve with both hands and looking at him with expectant eyes. Probably. As always, reading her was impossible. It could have either been a death glare trying to get him to fuck her so she could pat the kittens or a pleading gaze to do the same for the same reason.

Really, the kind of emotion she currently raised was of little concern. Fact was that she wanted this to happen so she could pat kittens. John wanted this to happen to get whatever information Richard had. He also just wanted this to happen, period, as his tightening pants attested for.

“Please fuck me,” Nia said in her emotionless voice and John threw second-guesses to the wind. Those words worked on him regardless of context.

“Fine, you win,” he groaned at the Horned Rat. “Where is the bedroom?”

“What? Not ‘Do you have a bedroom?’” Richard teased.

“Like you didn’t already plan for this outcome just so I will lower my caution towards Nia. Let me tell you something,” John grabbed Nia and threw her over his shoulder, causing her to let out the smallest of surprised yelps. “I will get this girl to pick me over you and all of Illuminati, not only to fuck you over but because she is a loveable weird thing that I want to cuddle, kiss and fuck. Now tell me where the bedroom is and then scurry, you rodent!”

The Horned Rat just laughed, “You are welcome to try, it would be majorly entertaining. Just enter this café and search for the second floor. I will be back in 10 minutes.”

“Make it 30,” John shouted after him and carried Nia into the building.

They went through the empty main room of the building. John kept a look-out for wherever stairs could be and quickly found them. The thought of doing it in another person’s bedroom (even if it was a mere copy) was slightly discomforting, but not as much as leaving his erection hanging a second time in a day.

He opened a door with his left hand (while he was right-handed, that one was currently occupied with being wrapped around Nia’s slim body, keeping her in place on his shoulder) and, after seeing that it was indeed a bedroom, stepped inside.

Kicking the door closed behind himself, he threw Nia on the bed. It was just a small, one-person bed, not particularly wide or flashy, in a room John absolutely had no intention of inspecting. He was here for one thing and one thing only, and that was the blank whose wavy blonde hair was bouncing from the impact of hitting the mattress.

John couldn’t help but give a slightly predatory smile as Nia looked at him with mildly raised eyebrows. “This is all moving very fast,” she whispered these words into the air.

“Weren’t you the one that just asked me to fuck you?” he wondered as he moved over to the bed.

“Yes,” the blank just stated, leaving John to wonder why she brought it up in the first place.

“No worries, I will make sure you enjoy every last bit of this.” John was many things, in the sexual sense, a bit of a sadist, starting bondage enthusiast, a constantly ready pervert and attracted to women who normally were strong but he could make submissive by the sheer power of his fucking skills. A self-indulgent rapist only after his own pleasure, however, he was not.

Truthfully, a lot of his enjoyment came from the reactions he received. Tender whispers of romantic nights, contorted faces of ecstatic fucking, orgasmic screeches of heights they could not reach with any other man. Yes, his ego was getting quite nicely stroked whenever he ruined a sexy girl for the rest of mankind.

Not that they would get to taste any other men if he had a say in the matter. Which he had in all cases except Nathalia, who he knew for a fact sometimes vanished to get herself roughed up when he wasn’t around. He shushed that memory away and made a mental vow to fix that problem another day.

For now, he got on the bed and gently caressed Nia’s cheek, his thumb running over her high cheekbones. Her fair skin was of utterly normal temperature against his hand, the blankness of her expression extending even to her blood circulation as she didn’t blush even as he leaned in to kiss her.

But John didn’t mind even as the blank’s breath stayed quiet, he would get her there. At least her tongue did the proper thing, meeting him in a dance of tongues truly worthy of the moniker French kiss. His hand travelled to the back of her head where he eventually found a hard thing, as cold as space, that kept the non-wavy part of her hair tied in a ponytail.

“You mind if I let your hair down?” he asked her.

There was a moment’s hesitation. “Let me ask the Nevr’est,” she said, and for a moment, her form became see-through. He could still feel her against his hand, but the touch was less real. It was like he had gone from touching a human person to the calm surface of a shallow pond. Her lips moved, and a moment, later she responded, “It does not say it’s not fine.” The question whether or not the double-negative was necessary was one John kicked to the bucket. Instead, he tried to find whatever closing mechanism there was to the (presumably) hairpin.

Before he could get that far, her hair suddenly opened. Whatever magic had kept it bound must have also been compressing it into a small space, since its volume expanded by quite a lot. The blonde hair, long enough to reach Nia’s legs when she was standing, became a cascade of platinum gold that fanned open underneath her white dressed form.

The curved back, shorter part on top and the sides of her head melded wonderfully into the silky flow of her otherwise straight hair. Gold, white and calm blue, from the root of her hair, over her meticulous skin to her eyes, she looked like a doll-like beauty.

“You are gorgeous,” John whispered in genuine awe, and Nia’s eyes slowly wandered off to the side.

“Thank you?” her almost non-existent tone seemingly made that a question. How could he not attempt to conquer a girl of this calibre? Able to beat up whatever mage she came across but also looking this good?

‘I just love the weird ones,’ John realized and pressed his mouth on hers again. He had enough of this basic bedroom talk; he wanted to get this show on the road. While his left stayed dug into the softness of her hair, his right hand trailed up her body.

Starting at her outer thigh, just below the hips, he travelled over the curves of her slender figure. The fabric of her dress provided no-resistance to his touch, but it also robbed him of any feeling of warmth. He felt the shape of her body underneath the dress, the swing of her hips and the softness of her bosom, but there was no real substance to any of it.

“Do you wish to see me naked?” Nia asked with a tilted head in between kisses.

“By every god out there, yes,” John enthusiastically confirmed. As if a censorship block was suddenly removed, John felt his palm rest against her naked breast, nipple poking out.

He also was proven wrong on his earlier point as Nia suddenly blushed. Moving away from her a bit, he took in the sight of her body on the narrow bed. She had by far the lithest body of all the girls he had slept with thus far, striking that precarious, supermodel balance between slender and downright anorexic.

However, she did keep that balance. She was lacking the athletic build of Rave, where muscles subtly worked underneath the surface, or the large curves of Salamander, with wide hips and bountiful tits; instead, she was well-balanced, with C-cups connected to tight hips through a softly curved waist.

Light pink nipples sat atop her pale chest like a resilient flower in a snowy field. John’s eyes went downwards, over her flat stomach and finally arrived at her hairless lower half. She had legs for days, something that John could appreciate even if legs were one of the lower things on his beauty list. His eyes fixated on her… not moist pussy.

John blinked once at the phenomenon and felt his ego take a slight hit. He was so used to his partners being extremely wet by the time he saw their slit that this was a surprise of the unwelcome kind. The reasonable part inside him informed him that the usual girls were already sullied with the knowledge of his magical dick, so their bodies acted accordingly in expectation.

In other words, Nia was fresh meat and had no idea of the fucking that was about to befall her. Viewing it like this, John stitched his confidence back together and opted for really long foreplay. He was not going to dig into a dry well.

There was a slight shimmer, however, around her pussy. No, shimmer wasn’t the right word. More of a difference in how light reflected off her skin, silvery instead of white. He narrowed his eyes and leaned closer to get a better view.

It was a tattoo-like thing that wound around her sex like symmetrical growing vines. Now that he had spied it, it actually was quite clear, and his eyes followed the intricate windings upwards. It was a body covering thing.

John had removed his hands from Nia’s body to get the complete viewing experience, now he reached out in curiosity. He focused on the left half of her body and followed the lines with his index fingers.

They curled as he went upwards and occasionally ended in short side-branches. At one point around the bone of her hip, it split in three, one path going over her sides and probably continuing on her back while the other two branched over her ribcage. It was a network of silver, wide spaces of normal skin separating the finger-wide lines.

“They look wonderful… What are these?” John asked, raising his head. To his surprise, he found a feverishly blushing Nia, mouth agape with sensual breaths flowing out of her sultry lips, looking back with eyes he could only describe as dulled by stimulation.

Her voice, however, was as emotionless as always; “They are a sort of soul originating organ that helps me sense magic.”

“That so?” John said and moved his hand along; in response, the blank clawed at the bedsheets underneath her hair, which were like rough wool to the silk of the golden strands.

“Is it normal that you receive pleasure from sensing magic?” he asked with a grin; he was always fond of individual quirks in his girls that he could use to get them riled up. Made each of them feel like an individual level for which he needed to change his playstyle… of course the girls weren’t actually levels, though.

“It’s a side-effect of direct contact with high mana individuals,” Nia explained in a matter of fact tone as her pink face stayed still; “I can suppress it by reducing the sensitivity of the sense.”

“Like making your vision blurry?” John asked. Nia just nodded.

“Interesting,” he said and smiled even wider.

“Your touch is magic,” Nia noted.

“Ah, yes, that would be my sexual Skills,” John said. While his sexual Skills all made him better at their respective tasks as they levelled, they also provided a bonus that no amount of skill could provide. Also, there was his one level in Loverboy.

John’s skilled fingers reached the end of the faint silver on top of her left tit. His earlier touch had caused her to blush due to the sheer amount of magic his touch encompassed. Now that he had thoroughly felt her up, he decided it was time to get naked himself. A quick few buttons pressed later and he was unclothed.

Nia blinked, “You have a nice figure. I could touch myself to it.” That was a very odd compliment, but John took it and went back to caressing her sensitive tattoos with his mana infused touch. Urged by his movements, Nia turned on her stomach and raised her tight ass.

The twin hills of her shapely butt lay in front of John, as he finished inspecting the lines on her back. At her neck and the lower end of her spine the lines converged, forming a shape akin to a leaf. Still, from there a last few branches winded over her pale cheeks.

John, unable to resist the urge, gave them a light smack. She didn’t have the bounciest butt, but it was far from flat, and the resulting jiggle filled him with absolute delight. More so did the fact that her upper body tensed up in response.

The blank was absolutely quiet still, but her body language fulfilled John’s need for depravity as he smacked her other bottom and let his hands rest on the magic sensitive engravings on her skin. Spreading open her cheeks with his hands, he took a close look at her smooth pussy.

It had become nicely wet by now but far from the practically gushing he wanted. He leaned in, his tongue probing forwards. He was going to give her a full-course on his three sexual passives, and he was done with just touching her.

Licking along the softness of her sex, he tasted her juices. As expected, she tasted like nothing, which was a bit weird, but John didn’t mind weird. The rest of her quivering was the same, and so John let his tongue softly dig into the tightness of her walls.

The only sound in the room was John’s slurping eating out of the blonde. Under his hands, he felt her body tremble in reaction to his every move. When his tongue probed deep, she tensed up. When he played with her pussy lips, her hips wiggled slightly. When he lashed against her clit, she pushed against him.

Then, without any warning whatsoever, his mouth was suddenly filled with a gush of girlcum as Nia had an orgasm. He kept his tongue in place; despite the surprising turn of events, he was going to make her feel the peak of what Pussy Eating could do (currently).

Ragged breaths were the only noise that John heard from Nia, and even that was only quiet. Her upper body was pushing against the mattress, and her ass was firmly pressed against John’s working mouth. Slurping, lashing and lapping at her crotch, John continued his work until the quivering subsided.

When he pulled back, she had reached a level of wetness that was more than what John had wanted, and only a bit of that was his saliva. He straightened his back and watched the silver-lined maiden with golden hair shudder from the aftershocks.

He grabbed his cock, drops of precum dribbling from the tip, and gently rubbed the head against her glistening vagina. “Put your penis in my vagina,” Nia said, turning her head around. While the look of her hair laying dishevelled over her blushed, slightly sweaty face was extremely sexy, her dirty talk wasn’t.

“I want you to take me hard,” her emotionless voice made even the words that should have been sexy sound like very bad porn dialogue.

“Nia, please just… don’t say anything, okay?” John felt a bit bad requesting this, but the blank actually let out something like a relieved breath in response. She seemed to know that this wasn’t exactly her strong suit.

Slowly, he eased forwards, and in response Nia bit her lower lip. His big dick was splitting her walls in a slow advance. The extreme tightness of the blank, narrowness of an innocent partner, wrapped around his cock with a tight grip. Wet flesh rippled, massaging the sensitivity of his length.

Then he was completely inside her. With closed eyes he just enjoyed the warmth of her pussy around him for a moment. The feeling of being balls deep inside a woman was one he could get drunk on, and having it be the first time with a new girl just made it that little bit more special.

Then he opened his eyes again and started moving. Nia’s eyes, originally resting on him, quickly went out of his view as the slow movements of his hips made her rest her head on the mattress. Now no longer able to see her reactions, aside from the quivering and arching of her back, John was slightly unsatisfied with the situation.

The drawback of Nia not letting out any sounds aside from the occasional loud breath was that he was deprived of any sort of feedback to his actions. It was like he was fucking a doll, which he absolutely did not aim for.

He pulled out and threw Nia around so that she was laying on her back again. Her rapid blinking signalled her confusion as John, the head of his dick inserted back into her pussy, slammed his hands down at either side of her head.

“I want to see your gorgeous face. If I can’t make you scream, then I at least want to see what I do to you,” John spoke. The blank nodded, and he started moving again. Her angled legs were straddled around his waist as he plunged back into her.

The moment their hips met, Nia’s mouth opened wide, and her eyes rolled upwards the slightest bit. Unknown heights of pleasure bolted through her body, things no one before made her feel, a deep satisfaction and the edge of orgasm with every stroke. On top of that, with every smacking sound of their crotches meeting, John’s latent magic power made her anti-mage senses overreact, spilling out an extra amount of ecstasy into her mind.

She could have dulled or completely deactivated it, but why would she? It was as if the Gamer was hitting two G-spots at once. Orgasmic failed to describe what she was feeling as his mighty cock slammed into her again and she lost focus of everything.

Quiet, she remained, to John’s slight ire, but the fact that Nia had reached that contorted expression of ecstasy already fixed whatever ego-damage still remained from earlier. He grit his teeth and felt his balls tighten. One more time he pulled his hips up and then rammed all the way into her.

His seed spilled forth and flooded her tight cunt. At the same time, Nia’s spine arched upwards, rubbing more of her body against John’s body. Wanted or not, this only made her orgasm that much more intense, as more of her tattoo-like lines were exposed to direct contact with the arcane gifts of John.

Her tongue stuck into the air, eyes rolling far back into her skull as Nia groaned quietly due to the complete overriding of all her senses with hot lust. John was shooting more of his giant load into her in response to that look. The fair skin was flush with depravity and sweat, eyes dulled with the degradation of the human intellect back to instinctual, primal levels.

Balls tightening one last time, John remained inside her with his cock still hard. Nia’s body eventually collapsed down, chest rising and falling in irregular breaths. Her eyes exhaustedly rolled to the side as he was fighting for air.

“Want me to stop?” John asked.

No reaction, he thought it better to leave her to it then. He could always keep fucking her another time. Without a doubt she would come back for more. When he wanted to pull out, however, he found himself trapped by the blank’s legs locking behind his ass.

“That’s a no then? You want me to continue?” John smirked, the blonde giving a jittering nod, regaining the faintest control over her body.

If he got such a nice invitation, how could he decline the chance to thoroughly ravish her?

John threw his remaining slowness out of the window and started fucking her like he meant it. Immediately, Nia was robbed of what little of her body she was still in charge of. Her mind was drowned in the white, hot lightning surges of pleasure.

She had had sex when she felt like it before, but never had she felt something like this. Two orgasms in one session, that was what her experience had taught her had been the maximum. Now she simply couldn’t stop cumming. Her lower body was a gushing fountain of love juices as John fucked her.

He could not keep the sadistic grin off his face as Nia stained her face and the bedsheets with her saliva and love juices, her lolled out tongue pointing out of a wide open mouth, elegant pink lips forming a large O. Inside, she was doubtlessly screaming in ecstasy; sadly, all that John got to hear were her gasps for air.

Her glassy eyes rolling around the top of her skull, the sight reimbursed him for the lack of sounds. As did her writhing, bordering on thrashing, underneath his body. Feet pressing against the narrow bed’s frame and arms keeping him hovering in a slanted position, John took her with such roughness that the smacks could have been heard on the streets if they weren’t in a Protected Space.

Before he knew what was happening, he came a second time. The edge of his vision was blacking out, tunnelling around the lust-contorted grimace of the blonde. He didn’t stop moving. If she was able to power through this synapse-frying experience, then John, who had way more experience at mind-blowing sex, would just do the same.

Not like cumming twice was his limit anyhow.

Even as he came, he pumped in and out of her, spreading his seed throughout the entirety of her raw-fucked pussy. Thrusting and endlessly rocking his hips, his third orgasm practically melded into the second one, culminating in a multiple-orgasmic moment that was rarely, if ever, accessible to men. His balls drained inside her in what was less an intervallic spurting and more a constant stream of cum.

‘6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1,’ John counted down in his mind as he remained inside her; the post-orgasmic sensitivity of his dick, a prickling so detailed that it almost hurt, paralyzed him for a moment. Then Source of Satisfaction kicked in and refilled his balls. He had missed the first refill due to the long foreplay, but now he was ready to continue.

The legs behind his back were still locked, John grinned. “It seems you want me to fuck you until you can’t feel these anymore,” he guessed. There was no answer, Nia’s brain was just a swirling cocktail of perversion, there was no room for coherent thoughts.

But her legs didn’t move, so John practically had no choice, and he had to kill 20 more minutes anyhow. He started moving again after reaching down and exchanging a kiss with the blonde. He meant for it to be romantic, but Nia’s consciousness was only capable of sloppy action with a lot of tongue right now.

Afterwards, he made sure that her silhouette would be a permanent imprint on this mattress.

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