Collide Gamer

Chapter 222 – Now in Rome

Chapter 222 – Now in Rome

Wings with a black, obsidian skeleton and membranes made from magma, John didn’t need to guess who that was. ‘Guess that answers my question…’ John thought as he walked down the impact crater. ‘This is the Cataclysm all over again.’

“What are you doing, John?” Lydia demanded to know.

“Relax,” he shouted back. “It is just Nathalia.”

“Do not speak of me in such a dismissive manner, whelp,” the dragoness growled up from her lower position, her knife-shaped ears picking up every word.

"Let's instead talk about how she squashed a dragon under her granny ass," Salamander cackled. Nathalia's growl made the earth quiver; her wings folded back and revealed her in her full glory.

The light-brown skin of Nathalia was mostly hidden underneath obsidian scales. Covering her arms and legs completely, toes and fingers ending in sharp claws, and hugging onto the curves of her hourglass figure, they glanced sharply in the sun. There was a cut-out in the middle of her body, starting just below her belly button and then parting upwards in a V-shape, barely covering her nipples. Nathalia wouldn’t have objected to running around naked, would probably even have preferred it, John guessed. However, her Libido of 130 made even the touch of air upon her sensitive areas a pleasuring distraction, so she covered herself up as lightly as she could.

The scales narrowed again above her chest, framing the diamond-shaped orange stone in her collarbone, finally growing up her neck and ending at the sides of her face. ‘Both sides,’ as John noted, ‘she used to cover only one side with them…my love for symmetry is pleased.’

A spiky tail whipped the ground in impatience as the group stepped closer. It was beneath the dragoness to come and meet them halfway. “Didn’t mean to offend you, I was just calming the princess down,” John explained once he had gotten out of shouting and into speaking range.

“First I meet Gaia for a second time and now Nathalia,” Lydia crossed her arms with a perplexed expression, “today is full of surprises.”

“I am sure my presence is offending to one of Romulus’ underlings,” Nathalia said.

“I have no love for the emperor, he is simply the one at the top. I also have a message from Luna for you,” the princess answered and relayed what Luna had requested.

Nathalia listened with one long eyebrow raised, her wings and tail disappearing into her body as she did. “It is of course not Luna’s place to tell me what I may take with me or not, but you have my gratitude for relaying this message, mortal,” the dragoness finally said, her golden eyes looking over the group.

“So, this is the full extent of your harem, John? I must say I am impressed,” her eyes lingered on Salamander for a moment. “You are lucky there is no water around here.”

“See!” Gnome burst out. “I told you! Hide when she is here.”

“I will do nothing of the sort. I ain’t afraid of this GILF,” Salamander said. In response her three sisters, worried for the blaze elemental’s well-being, shoved Salamander into the grasp of Gnome’s hands. There was a lot of cursing involved, but by the end, the fire spirit was pacified.

“P-please excuse her,” Gnome apologized with a bow.

“For her own safety, keep her quiet,” Nathalia pulled back her lips and revealed her sharp, predatory teeth. “Adorable elementals you have there, but there seems to be one missing. I sense a fifth one… don’t move.” That warning was entirely unnecessary, as Nathalia was right next to him before he could react anyhow.

Her hand grabbed at his shadow, sinking in the slightest bit before pulling Siena out by her hair. The nightmare elemental was very much displeased by this treatment. “Stop,” she hissed in a demanding tone. Nathalia didn’t stop. Instead she made it a point to rip her out in one go and toss her on the floor.

“That’s no way to treat a lady!” Siena said, anger and sexual teasing mixing in her voice.

“That you think of yourself a lady is something I do not care at all about,” Nathalia said and inspected the shadow elemental; “I am merely inspecting my future partner’s servant. You are interesting enough.”

“Hold the phone, ya lizard,” Rave stepped between John and Nathalia, “ya don’t get to call him your future partner, he’s my boyfriend!”

“Like you could stop me. Step down before I forget my graciousness and cut you down,” the dragoness growled.

“Now listen here, if ya don’t be at the very least respectful, I will not allow John to sleep with ya any-“ Nathalia grabbed Rave by the throat and lifted her from the ground.

“You will not separate me from what I desire,” the goddess of volcano’s anger weaved through her every word, her body radiating heat, the dusty floor at her feet slowly melting and turning to glass.

“Stop!” John demanded, crossing the distance between them as quickly as his feet allowed.

Nathalia sent a glare his way. “I will stop, if only because you’re more useful to me appeased,” the dragoness declared, words that clashed with her claws tightening around Rave’s throat. “First, however, she will learn to respect what she cannot control!”

John’s thoughts were racing. If they all attacked her at once and Thana went all out, maybe they could… but he didn’t want to fight Nathalia unless absolutely necessary. There had to be another way.

There was another way.

John opened his character screen and hammered points into Charisma.

Thank God that was enough. Maybe it was enough.

“Nathalia, I know you love me,” John spoke up again. His words came quick but steady; the nimbleness of his tongue surprising him, “and I return those feelings. I am more than happy to have you join me in my carnal extravaganzas. I can even live with you sleeping with other men, as long as we are just fuck buddies. HOWEVER,” the word came down like a strike of thunder, “I cannot forgive you hurting my girlfriend. Let her go now and we can still work this out.”

Nathalia glared at him throughout that whole speech. At the end she simply dropped Rave. “You’re not worth the quarrel,” the dragoness told John’s girlfriend, while Undine tended to the burns.

“You will stop doing that to people I care about,” John told the dragoness sternly. He was feeling more certain in his words than ever before. The Charisma was definitely putting in work.

“Oh?” Nathalia walked up until she was directly in front of John. Being half a head taller, she looked down on him with a daring look in her eyes, “Is that a threat?”

“Yes,” John returned without any hesitation. “You said it yourself Nathalia, I have the potential to become as strong as Romulus. Don’t make enemies with me.”

“I could just kill you right now,” Nathalia growled, kicking his feet away and then nailing him to the ground. “I have killed for lesser insults. Remove you as a threat before you become one. Of course, I still need your body, so just breaking your mind may be enough. One last ride and then-“

“Pfhahahahaaa,” Thana laughed out in a shrill tone that echoed through the destroyed and emptied arena; “From death threat to innuendo, good fucking job.”

Nathalia turned her head, “Ah, right, there are still two of you who I have yet to address. Who might you be, pale mortal?”

“Name’s Thana.”

Nathalia furrowed her eyebrows, and she glanced at John, “Isn’t that the enemy you wanted so strongly to die?”

“Yup,” John, still pinned underneath Nathalia’s bountiful buttocks, answered.

“I thought you succeeded?”

“Well, to be exact, she died by time-out,” John refreshed the dragoness’ memory. He had told her all of this back in the massage parlour.

Nathalia was not impressed with his cheekiness. “Explain.” By the end Nathalia was smirking. “Herman Glaurum, so that pest has met his end at last.”

“You knew him?” John was baffled. Just how old had the guy been?

“He betrayed the Horned Rat once. Personally, I found the fact that someone managed to trick the god of dawning catastrophe rather amusing.”

Now that was a hard pill to swallow. It made John’s failure to recognize his true enemy slightly more palpable, but holy hell, who didn’t Herman double-cross? Also, that was a rather interesting thing to be the god of.

“I tire of this talking, let us move on to the interesting parts of our meetings,” Nathalia changed topics. “Could you wait maybe 8 or 9 hours? I have a Quest going.”

“I have been obliging enough already. Denied.” The dragoness was about to rip open his suit’s shirt, which John was very much not a fan of, when a fist crashed into Nathalia’s face. Her neck turned slightly, and she looked with surprise at Thana, who stared back in a similar manner. “I felt that,” Nathalia said, like that was an impossible thing. Her eyes slightly widened as she glanced over to Thana, interest and anger wrestling inside.

“Huh, I wanted to knock you the fuck out,” Thana said.

“I FELT that,” Nathalia repeated; now outraged, she grabbed Thana’s arm and whirled the blood mage over her head and slammed her on the ground on the other side.

John did not like to see what that did to Thana’s head. Nathalia looked with disgust at the splattered mess on the floor. “And here I thought she would be able to fight back. This ruins the mood. Sex around corpses is…” she stopped talking as the fractured parts of Thana’s skull simply melded back together.

“Wuh, that was probably the worst-ass pain I have experienced since being revived. Still only a 3 out of 12 on my personal pain score.” Thana rolled her head and jumped back to her feet.

“Thana, maybe we should just let her do this?” John suggested. Losing the Quest progress couldn’t be that bad compared to the fight of the titans that was about to happen here.

“Nope, you told me I should help you out with your fucking Quests, and I still have A LOT of redeeming to do. Not that I need to redeem myself to you. So, I will start here. Fuck off, I am helping you.” Thana’s jumbled words triggered a small amount of confusion in John, but the decision on this was taken away from him anyhow.

Nathalia finally rose from John and faced Thana. Knowing when to run, John quickly made for the watcher’s area. Whatever was about to unfold, getting caught in the middle of it would be really bad for him.

If the dragoness was tall for John, compared to Thana she was a giant. To be exact, Thana’s head was on the level of Nathalia’s boobs. “I am getting neck cramps looking at your tall, horned ass,” Thana said.

“Your whole harem lacks respect for me, John Newman,” Nathalia shouted after him. “Will you object to me teaching this one manners as well?”

“Go for it!” That wasn’t John – Rave had spoken up first. “Go kick her ass, Thana!”

“Wow, Rave is cheering for me. You must really be on her shitlist,” Thana giggled.

“Let the pink-haired mortal screech,” Nathalia growled. “This is between us. It has been a while since I have encountered a mortal who was capable of delivering a punch I felt. Much less survive one of mine.”

“Wow, that was the best you could do?” Thana ridiculed; “Let me show you the peak of my fucking performance, scaled bitch.” With a single word, the crimson wings appeared behind Thana. John glanced at both of their Stats to draw a comparison.

Pretty close, considering their level gap. Thana was just ridiculous.

For some reason Nathalia smiled with wild anticipation. “As much as I hate your insolence, a good sparring has been denied to me for too long,” the gaps between her scales started glowing with the red of molten stone. “I will give you a chance and limit myself to this form.”

“Yeah, right,” Thana said, and then they went at each other. The meeting of their fists was a thundering echo that sent a shockwave through the air that cleaned the ash covered ground around them.

“What is my life?” John asked for the third time today.

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