Collide Gamer

Chapter 212 – Home Tour

Chapter 212 – Home Tour

“That sounds nice, I also wanna check on everything,” Rave agreed and tip-toed over to her boyfriend.

“You do that, I have something else to take care of,” Lydia said after checking her phone. Apparently, she had an incoming call. She left the living room through the northern door and then the house altogether.

“I will stay here,” Aclysia informed them. “I have to get used to the kitchen. Can you leave me with the groceries you have in your inventory, Master?” After he had taken everything out, Aclysia went to store them in the oversized fridge.

“I am also going to stay here,” Momo announced, having taken her place at the dinner table. The table was situated fairly close to the kitchen and her seat was, in turn, the closest one to the kitchen door. That this was no coincidence was fairly obvious.

John nodded, “Fine by me, but don’t complain if you don’t get a nice room.”

“We don’t need a room,” Momo informed him. “Last time was just to get away from your greedy clutches.”

“Ah, and you don’t need to do that anymore?” he wondered, raising said greedy clutches, fingers wiggling in a molesting motion.

“Your greedy clutches are… urgh,” Momo rolled her eyes. “They’re not that bad.”

John smirked and lowered his hands. Currently he had no interest in probing further. Their relationship had been cleaned up somewhat thanks to their entanglement earlier, but they still had to have the discussion about why Momo had felt certain ways in the first place. Some things were better spoken out loud, as weird as the idea was when they could just open their minds to one another. That was a thing for later, though. John had already had his share of heartfelt discussions for the day.

“Yeah, whatever, let’s look through the fucking house, can’t be worse than sitting around,” Thana agreed.

So, now as a trio, they went exploring. The ground floor’s eastern half was uninteresting. Dominating most of it was the large living room. The kitchen and the entrance area, with the attached long hallway that stretched all the way to the back, bordered that living room. Beyond that, there was a staircase and a western wing.

There they found a small room; a small roundtable for private conferences and some decorative furniture was all they found there. Two doors led to a giant bathroom, the usual clean, white-tiled variety (although this one had a whirlpool in addition to the shower) and the single bedroom of the ground floor. The giant desk, already loaded with paperwork, that spread over the whole wall left no doubt that this was supposed to be Lydia’s room.

“Lyly never stops working,” Rave commented as she looked around.

Indeed, the room was pretty spartan and set up in such a way that Lydia could most easily get from the desk to her bed and back. It was like John’s room had looked back in Springfield, with the difference that she only sparsely used her computer, while the whole purpose of his desk had been the electronic gaming device.

“Well, she is a princess,” John said and closed the door behind the group as they left.

“No reason to never have any fun,” Rave reprimanded.

“Maybe work is fun to her,” John suggested. “In the same way that grinding is kind of fun to me or senselessly beating monsters up is fun to you.”

“Maybe, but speaking of beating up monsters, we should totally do that over the next few days,” Rave clenched her fists and playfully boxed the air, “I wanna punch Mother in the face with every Strength point I can get.”

“Sure, I wanted to test the new kinds of dungeons anyhow,” he agreed.

“Care to inform me the fuck you are talking about?” Thana reminded them of her presence. So far she had just quietly trotted behind the hand-holding couple.

“Oh, sure,” John said and told her about his powers in more detail, so that questions like this wouldn’t come up in the future.

He had explained his powers so often, he was starting to have a structure for it. He was done with the basics by the time they had climbed the stairs, located next to the living room, to the first storey. On the presumption that there would be bedrooms up there, like in the old house, they also brought their luggage with them.

“Your powers are bullshit,” Thana let him know, “but I got no room to fucking complain about that.”

“Indeed, ya don’t,” Rave agreed with a giggle and pushed open the first door they saw.

Behind was a room that took up about a sixth of the whole floor. With its enormous, fluffy bed, a sizable office table, its own couch and TV, and several other pieces of furniture needed in daily life, it was highly self-sufficient. “Dibs!” Rave announced and put her trolley down.

“That was quick,” John commented as he looked over their new room.

“Ya think there is going to be a bigger room around?” his girlfriend asked. “Or that we need to be quiet?”

“Probably not,” John admitted. Not that they needed a particularly large room in the first place. The only thing John really wanted was that couch and large bed. ‘Note to self: Ask Lydia where she got those cushions from,’ he thought.

“Ex-act-ly. Now, we're gonna stay here a while, so I better start decorating,” Rave removed her laptop from in between her clothes, carelessly scattering underwear over the floor, and then made her way over to the office table. She opened the laptop and then the Abyss Auction popped up. Without hesitation she clicked order on some kind of package. “There we go~,” she hummed melodically.

“Did you… did you just order something pre-packaged?” John wondered.

“Ja, still had all of my old stuff bookmarked,” Rave gave him a cheeky wink, “tomorrow everything is going to be pink and fuzzy.”

“Lydia will have a heart attack,” John guessed.

“That sounds like it's her problem. If I am going to stay here for longer than a month, I am going to have my fuzzy carpet to roll around on.” Rave had her opinion and that was that.

“Don’t you have to save money though?” John asked as they went on to explore the rest of the house; “Because of our current fall out with your dad?”

“Nah, it's what I have you for,” Rave said; “I will take 30% of what ya drop in money, Girlfriend Tax.”

Thana started laughing at the side. “You are her sugar daddy now. Changed your stance on the word yet?” the blood mage teased him with a wide grin.

“Since when are you this high maintenance?” he complained, ignoring Thana, who continued to cackle to herself.

“Since always.” Rave suddenly jumped on his back. “Now carry me like the pretty princess I am and I will make it so ya will be rewarded with a blowjob next morning.” She nibbled on his ear for a bit. “Ya thought having a harem-approving girlfriend would be cheap?”

“I suppose I can’t complain about that trade,” John surrendered and folded his hands behind his back to give the techno-lover more support. “Especially since I get to touch your butt in the process.”

Rave laughed, a sound that made his heart jump with glee. “It is a pretty nice butt,” she agreed.

“It’s the best butt!” John corrected, “only Nathalia’s is close.”

“Oy, you big shit, what about mine?!” Thana complained.

“Yours is highly spankable,” John commented, turning his back, and therefore Rave’s at Thana he added, “but just look what her perfect ass does to her poor jeans! It’s one of the two wonders of Jane!”

“The other one being my hair,” Rave explained, “which is awesome!”

“Yeah, yeah, sure,” Thana begrudgingly admitted, “at least I have fatter thighs than you, gum crotch.”

“It’s not a competition,” John said as they went to the next door.

“Could ya open that up?” Rave requested, as both she and her boyfriend were currently busy doing stuff with their hands. He was holding up Rave and she was… well, she was molesting his chest. ‘Just roll with it,’ John thought.

“Sure, I fucking can,” Thana said with an insane smile, “but if the doorknob breaks off, you explain it to Lyly.” Right, that would be a problem.

‘I can do this for you,’ a melodic voice offered and Undine appeared next to them.

“That would be great, thank you.” John nodded gratefully. The mending elemental turned away with a vacant face, distanced as always.

The slime girl opened the door for them and they peeked inside. It was an exact copy of the other room. “Mine then,” Thana said and, having nothing else to do it with, slipped out of her robe and threw it into the room to mark it as hers.

“Ya are totally stiffening up right now,” Rave purred into John’s ear as they were both looking at Thana, now clothed in nothing but the leather bikini. What little it hid was still fresh in John’s memory.

“Can you blame me?” John asked. “Her butt isn’t quite as shapely as yours, but it’s really juicy. Jiggles all over the place.”

“Also she is at a good dick sucking height, even while standing” Rave giggled.

“I HEARD THAT, YOU WALKING SEIZURE WARNING! I’M NOT THAT SHORT!” Thana shouted and stomped out of her room. The blood mage brushed her hair behind her ears and then crossed her arms. “Let’s continue, I don’t like it here; walls are too close,” she growled.

They went on and the hallway split into three ways. To the left was a large, glass door that led to the front yard balcony, ahead were the stairs that would bring them up to the next floor and to the right, a good distance away, was another glass door that would lead to the backyard balcony. However, there was an arm of the hallway in the last direction that would probably bring them to the remaining rooms. Therefore, the quartet (Undine was still around) decided to go that way.

‘So, Undine,’ John tried to hit up a conversation, ‘how are you?’

‘I am searching for the bath.’ A picture of a bathtub filled with warm water entered his mind.

‘Well, I am sure we will find one,’ he answered and the conversation found a swift and awkward end. John felt that he should try to talk more to Undine, but with the water spirit being this quiet and distanced, striking a conversation wasn’t just hard, it was pretty much impossible.

‘Feel free to tell me when something is bothering you, okay? I care deeply about you.’ It felt awkward to say this so blatantly. Even though he received no answer, offering a hand for times when she wanted to talk was the least he could do. The surface of Undine’s isolation seemed to ripple for a moment, but when John looked at it more closely it was as strong as ever, leaving him wondering if he had just imagined that.

In the sidearm of the hallway they found three more, smaller rooms in addition to the floor’s bathroom. It wasn’t as spacious as the one below, but it had a bathtub that could easily be used by up to four people. No whirlpool function though. Undine flowed over and soon the sound of running water filled the room.

They left her to her own devices and Rave, now tired of riding her boyfriend’s back, climbed down. “I am going to just ride your dick in a bit,” she declared.

“I am starting to think that my perversion is really rubbing off on you,” John said that in the least worried tone imaginable.

“Yup,” Rave agreed. “Probably to do with that system of yours. I get Stats according to what I did recently so my Libido just keeps on climbing. Not that I was average horny before then.”

“That was surprisingly well-formulated, well done,” John congratulated and patted his girlfriend on the head in a deliberately patronizing gesture. When the reward in the shape of a pinch to his sides came, John let out a slightly pained laugh.

“Just because I ain’t on the Brainiac levels of smarts ya guys have doesn’t mean I am stupid, Johnny,” Rave warned him. “Now kiss me!”

John obliged and that put them both in a pretty good mood. A shrieking laugh echoed through the hallway. It had nervous undertones, and they turned to see Thana. Good news, she had successfully opened a door without breaking or bending the knob. Bad news, her eyes indicated some rather strong emotions were present. “The fuck is this room?” Thana laughed, peeked her head inside and then quickly jumped back.

Curious, John looked inside. It was dark, but he quickly found the light switch. What he saw was a small room, small for this mansion at least, that looked like any other in decoration. “That is not a room, that is a torture chamber!” Thana decided.

“Seems normal to me,” Rave said. “Well, then you are clearly fucking wrong,” the blood mage screeched, inching away further from the door; “Blasted thing is as dark as the caverns of your shitter.”

Well, true, thanks to the design of the floor this room didn’t have any windows nor natural light. That made it slightly less desirable, but Thana’s reaction seemed overblown.

“Guys, GUYS!” Thana screamed. “The walls are closing in, fucking do something!”

‘Well, that is really bad,’ John thought and grabbed her by the hand and quickly guided her towards the backyard’s balcony. It was almost as big as the room they had just left behind. There were several tables, the same dark wood as always, and the blue and grey tiled floor was of high quality. John firmly pushed Thana into one of the chairs. “Deep breaths,” he told the panicking girl.

She didn’t hear him. Her eyes were glassy and focused on something else entirely, some dark place only she could see. With a sour expression, he relented and grabbed her by the shoulders. He shook her until she focused on him with wide, innocent eyes.

“Deep breaths,” John repeated and this time she listened. Her first few attempts at controlled breathing were forced, almost pained and extremely audible. They became gasps and then, slowly, normal breathing through the nose. John held her through the entire process. “You okay?” John asked once the girl’s fist unclenched.

“I am fucking not,” Thana said, “but I will manage, just, let me clear my mind for a bit. You can continue your stupid tour.”

John carefully let go of her shoulders, as if he was the only thing keeping her from breaking apart. “I will leave Gnome with you, so just tell her if you need anything.” The stone elemental appeared right next to John. Thana made an unnecessarily mean gesture that basically told him to ‘fuck off’.

‘Can I find some satisfaction too, or do I have to die of boredom?’ Siena spoke into his thoughts. The nightmare elemental was still banished into his shadow. ‘Depends, what would you like to do right now?’ John probed.

‘Have you splatter the inside of your balls inside me and then have the rest of your insides spill over the wonderful floorboards,’ Siena moaned.

Great, she was back to, mostly, normal. She was now interested in actually fucking him, in addition to fucking him up. That was a general improvement, but the obsessive episodes she had over him were concerning, in a way even more so than the fact that she wanted to murder him.

‘Okay, addendum to Rule 2, as long as we are BOTH on this island, you may move freely, otherwise the normal rule applies. Also, yes, you can leave my shadow for now,’ John said and Siena appeared in a whirl of darkness.

“Ah, the sun is bright today,” she complained and elegantly sat down on another one of the chairs.

John left the trio behind as he and Rave went to explore the rest of the house. This floor only had two more of the small rooms, nothing much to see. The second storey was slightly more interesting.

Once they had climbed the stairs they were inside a living room. It was smaller than the one on the base floor, but still almost as big as the room John and Rave had decided to stay in. There was a hatch in the ceiling of this room that could be pulled down, granting access to the attic. Aside from that, this floor had three bedrooms and another bathroom. Also, another kitchen on the west side.

 “You sure we don’t want to be up here?” John asked as he peeked into the sizable kitchen; “We would have more privacy, at least one of these rooms is actually bigger and we have our own kitchen.”

“Nah,” Rave didn’t care about that at all, “we will get our food from Aclysia, and Lyly won’t get mad over hearing us fuck. Guess she will rub herself off instead, or maybe her ‘German discipline’ will break down and she will come visit us in bed. Don’t care. I have another nice idea though.”

They were in the north-eastern room and Rave sat down on the bed. John had an inkling. “Is that idea to have sex in every room in this house at least once?” he asked.

Rave smiled, “Ya know me so well,” she purred and grabbed the edge of her shirt.

“Pretty easy when you are the woman of my dreams,” John commented and pushed her into the soft mattress; “Every thought you could have is what I would see in my perfect girlfriend.”

“Even when I wanted you to stop nailing Nathalia?” Rave probed, her hands gliding over his muscular chest.

“I mean, can’t say that was specifically what I wanted from you, but I wouldn’t want the kind of submissive doormat girlfriend who would just take that,” John said and kissed her passionately.

“Like I am even a bit submissive,” Rave laughed and whirled him around. Now she was sitting on top of him. “You’re my boyfriend - I am just using ya to get nice, willing girls around me. Your dick is also pretty nice.” She grinned a wide, lustful grin.

“Well, I hope the guy attached to the dick is also to your liking,” John unzipped her pants.

 “He’s alright,” Rave slurred and then their lips met again.

A series of quickies followed.

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