Collide Gamer

Chapter 201 – There is a first time for everything

Chapter 201 – There is a first time for everything


“Well, I am going to hit the shower,” John announced and rose from the table. “Afterwards, Aclysia I want to raise your Libido to 25, so finish the chores you deem necessary and then wait for me in my room, okay?”

Aclysia gently bowed her head. “Affirmative, Master.”

John left the scene, leaving Aclysia looking after him. His back had become so much broader since he had sparked the start of her existence. His feet carried him up the stairs, until he was out of earshot.

Rave chose that moment to speak up, “Okay, Aclysia, there’s no way I’m not going to be in the room when ya go all lust-drunk.”

“As expected,” Aclysia answered, turning her mild bow to her Master’s girlfriend.

“No ‘I wanna be alone with my master’ this time?” Rave probed.

“Recent events have satisfied my wish for alone time with him.” A little smile played around the white-haired maid’s lips. “I do not wish to come across as interfering. The arrangement you and Master have is satisfactory to me. As long as you allow me some time with my John when I make a reasonable request, I shall support your privileges as first of his harem.”

Rave hummed deeply tapping her chin with her index finger a few times, before smiling brightly herself. “Alright, nice. Glad that I got an agreement there.”

The four main elementals suddenly appeared by the table. After an elbow nudge by Salamander, Gnome cleared her throat and announced, “We also kind of want to be part of that…?”

“As would we,” Lydia stated. She and Momo had been having a talk about the book War and Peace over by the couch, and now chimed in as well. “Both when it comes to the expectancy of alone time and the orgy that seems to be brewing. The last couple of days have been stressful.”

“And I’m not going to miss it when Aclysia goes ‘lust drunk’!” Momo declared.

“Uhm.” Rave’s uncertain gaze dashed between everyone in the room. “I think that might be a problem. Tiger is good, but not ‘I can please eight girls at once’ good. He managed five before, right?”

“The mental connection helped,” Undine stated.

“Yeah, doubtful he can pull that off anytime soon, kind of happened on the back of an evolution,” Salamander said, eying Undine, “and sis here has been pretty sheltered in her spirit since.”

The water spirit kept quiet, only noddingly acknowledged the fact, but showed no resolution to change it. “Well, he has learned a few new tricks since, so let’s say he can handle two more of you,” Rave tried to find a reasonable solution to the conundrum, but there was none. “Aclysia, go get some toothpicks or something, we’ll draw for it.”

The result, accompanied by much grumbling, was that Lydia and Undine were allowed to accompany Rave and Aclysia into the harem bedroom. John was still in the shower, when they arrived. Water ran audibly through the pipes. Each of the four girls found a comfortable spot to sit.

Except for Rave – Rave immediately started stripping. “What are ya sitting in that chair for?” the half-Asian bombshell asked, after throwing her top in Lydia’s general direction.

“You want to begin this debauchery without your boyfriend?” the princess asked, eyebrow raised.

Aclysia cocked her head, finding the question quite redundant. It was exceptionally obvious that Rave did want exactly that. Both she and Undine morphed their shape to match the mistress’ impending nudity.

“Ain’t no reason why we can’t have fun with each other. Ya think the other four downstairs are gonna be celibate just because there’s no dick involved?” The question left Lydia shuffling in the chair with mild, and yet visible, discomfort. “Wait… have ya never been with another girl before?” Rave tossed her panties aside and, now stark naked, tapped over to Lydia.

The princess sat in a wooden chair. With nowhere to go, she just stared up at the Lightbearer who put her hands on the armrests and her phenomenal body on display. Petite breasts, a thin midriff, and lusciously wide hips, the whole beauty of a pear figure.

“That is, indeed, how it is, yes,” Lydia admitted.

“Are ya like… straight as an arrow or do ya wanna try?”

Lydia gave that barely any consideration. “I considered trying as part of this orgy anyhow. I suppose I will just swim with the stream and see where you take me.”

“That’s the spirit,” Rave whispered and leaned in. Pretty pink lips swiftly pressed on the princess’ red mouth. Eyes opened wide in surprise, then her tongue ventured out to greet that of the pink-haired techno lover. Sensitive lips were mashed together. The kiss just started to heat up, when Rave broke it. “Trust me, there’s a softness in being with other girls that ya can’t have with guys around.” Rave ran her hands over Lydia’s sides, then under her clothes. “And it’s never too late to try something new.” Then, she kissed the princess again.

Aclysia watched the scene gleefully. Every bit of his harem that grew closer made it less likely that Rave would have the will (or influence) to tear this whole wonderful project down. All was going to go her Master’s way, she would do her best to ensure as much. With Rave’s temperament, that was likely not going to be too much work. Her Master’s girlfriend had coped remarkably well with the recent revelation.

“As one in her care for many months, I can confirm that our mistress is a skilled lover,” Aclysia weighed in, her tone eager and husky.

“I, however, would prefer if Master was here.” Undine flowed up to the Artificial Spirit, her blue, translucent body entirely naked. Medium sized breasts and round hips were on open display. Her sight reminded Aclysia of that wonderful orgy after the water spirit’s evolution. The memories made her tingle with excitement.

Without John, Aclysia had no connection to Undine. Any mental exchanges they made went through the conduit of his soul, unlike the internal exchanges the sphere of elementals could have. This connection, however, was not necessary either at this time. Aclysia could guess what Undine wanted anyhow. After one more glance at the scene of Rave stripping and making out with Lydia, the maid turned her attention fully to Undine. The two non-humans fell into the bed together.

Making out with Undine was always a unique experience. Her lips, while cool, had the same level of firm softness as all other lips she had ever touched. However, the tongue that whirled around hers was of a more liquid consistency and the excess of saliva much greater.

Aclysia did not mind the uniqueness. On the contrary, as Inner Fire heated up her insides, her lust stoking the flames, the cool of Undine underneath her was a nice calming sensation. Undine herself writhed in pleasure, having moved her sensitive areas to her mouth. Aclysia wished she could mimic the feat, to make whichever hole her Master fancied her favourite one at the time. Maybe she would be able to one day? She was just as much made from moveable materials as the elemental. Her Master’s ability may reveal something like this in time.

Aclysia moved her hands to Undine’s tits. The squishy mounds gave softly under the massaging pressure. Although the water spirit’s nipples were nearly invisible, only a shade darker than the rest of her body, they were noticeably hard against the guardian’s palms. Undine kept quiet, but the trembles that went through her body spoke volumes.

“This looks fun.” Three words were all the warning Aclysia got, before hands gripped her bubble butt. Cheeks were spread and a nimble tongue quickly pressed against her wet slit. Twice, it slowly travelled from her clit up to the edge of her labia, then Rave penetrated the pretty pink folds.

Undine’s quiet vibration grew in intensity. Aclysia glanced down to find that Lydia was working the water spirit’s pussy in a similar, if less skilled way. Little instructional whispers from one to the other oral giver filled the room, alongside Aclysia’s gasps, muffled by kisses.

The 140% increase to her base Libido made Aclysia the most sensitive of the bunch. The constant attention Rave paid with her tongue and the feverish making out with Undine already put her at the edge of a small orgasm. That the techno lover knew exactly what buttons to push only made it more imminent.

The kiss broke when Aclysia had to let out the drawn-out cry that had been building inside her from the moment Rave’s tongue had invaded her sex. Legs tensed, partly locking with Undine’s. She quivered and nuzzled against the slime girl, who kissed the maid’s neck while the orgasm ran its course.

“Sensitive as ever,” Rave let out a pleased hum and licked her lips.

Aclysia nodded dreamily, an act that amused her Master’s girlfriend for whatever reason. Next to the maid’s ear, Undine let out quiet, melodic moans, growing ever higher in pitch. Her lips pressed together, when her own orgasm overcame the blue woman’s senses.

Lydia let up after another two seconds, rising with a satisfied expression on her usually so stern face. An obvious sense of pride filled her, at having managed to do this much the first time she tried. The moment was swiftly interrupted by Rave pushing the princess down into the bed.

“Let’s take the time to really get to know each other,” Rave purred, angling her legs so the two of them were soon crotch to crotch. Their cunts glided over one another with little noises, the glistening wetness getting spread swiftly. What little decorative hair the princess had was far from the main action of their scissoring.

Rave led the engagement, holding one of Lydia’s legs. For all her inexperience, the auburn-haired bottom of the scene did not lack the confidence to rotate her hips with all the skill of a dancer. “I, mhm, knew you were a deviant,” Lydia gasped.

“Guilty as charged,” Rave purred a shameless admission. “I’m still the gal that let her boyfriend have all of ya to play with…” She playfully bit Lydia’s calf. “…and I love how that’s working out for me right now.”

Aclysia hid her internal jubilation behind a smile. Her John had found himself the perfect first girl, there was no doubt about it. As perfect as he could have found out in the world, anyhow. The seeds were sown and blossoming into a love for the harem itself that would make it impossible for Rave to ever consider ending it. That was the maid’s hope.

To reinforce it and because she simply lived and loved to serve, Aclysia crawled over to Lydia. She caressed the princess with all the feminine softness Rave had claimed to want to show, before having gotten locked in a frantically paced tribbing.

While Lydia gasped under the exploring hands of Aclysia, Undine embraced Rave. Little tentacles teased her pink nipples, while the two exchanged a deep kiss. “That’sssss, pretty good,” Rave moaned, leaning into Undine’s touch while her lower body kept rocking back and forth. “Always wanted to tryyy… the hentai stuff.”

“I’d love something inside me right now,” the princess confessed. The rubbing of pussy against pussy seemed and sounded pleasurable, but Aclysia knew firsthand that it wasn’t quite as satisfying.

“I can try something,” Undine offered.

Eyes turned to her with interest. More tendrils formed, thicker and longer. Not a cock in all of its hot rigidity, but a supplement greater than fingers or tongues could have been. Besides that, it was new and different and that was of value on its own.

Especially to Rave. “That’s exactly the kind of hentai stuff I want!” Rave enthusiastically exclaimed. Little tentacles wrapped around her hard nipples, while Undine pressed her mouth on Rave’s with renewed passion. For a little bit, they were locked like that, until a moan broke the kiss. “Thisss’s pretty good,” she sighed. “Bit weird, but really pretty good.”

Sighs turned to moans when the tentacles actually penetrated the princess and techno lover.  The former seemed especially happy with that development, crying out loud as her pussy was stretched around the semi-translucent tendril.

Aclysia rubbed her clit as she watched. The wetness of her swollen mons made it a quick and audible motion. A glance from Undine and a nod from her was all it took for another one of the tendrils to glide her way. All four women were moaning, the slime girl keeping up a consistent pace. At the edge of her mind, Aclysia noted her Master drying off.

John heard the scene before he saw it. He opened the door to the wonderful sight of the four women entangled with one another. Undine’s tendrils were new, but he was more focused on the way the four of them were lying in each other’s arms, kissing lips, nipples, and smooth skin with general delight.

The moment she noticed him, Aclysia peeled out of the pile. Flushed and horny, the artificial guardian crawled towards the foot of the bed, her green eyes focused on him, reflecting her absolute servitude. Behind her, Rave, Undine, and Lydia formed a row of presented, juicy backsides. Left and right were getting fucked by tentacles, the slime in the centre, the source of them, was fingering herself. John’s cock twitched at the sight.

“Do you wish to raise my Libido now, Master?” Aclysia asked, voice laden with near-orgasmic desire.

“Uhm,” John hesitated, his eyes drawn to the continued display. Undine growing tentacles was news in and of itself. News that he felt neutral about. There were more holes in the harem than he could fill with a single cock around and, short of him getting extra bodies somehow, the harem pleasing itself in these orgies was what he wanted to see. Tentacles and strap-ons would help with that.

“Master?” Aclysia tilted her head, “I would request that you do it all at once, whatever the effects are, I would like to find out as quickly as possible and get back to getting fucked.” Now that was a line that got his attention.

“Sure, just let me do that very quickly…” John mumbled and pulled up her screen.

He had 25 points to work with, he wanted 15 of those to go into Libido. The rest he put into Wisdom, just as a cautionary measure, that was the stat that kept people in control after all.

‘Oh God, what have I done?’ he thought for a moment while looking at her new Libido, a total of 61 thanks to all of the bonuses. The shift in Aclysia was immediate. The previous flush turned into tangible heat, her expression shifted into a blank, doe-eyed face of raw desire. That was not what the thought was about though.

“Mhm-aster,” Aclysia said in a tone that betrayed almost painful lust, “I feel so horny!” John vividly remembered what a sudden increase of 50 Libido had done to him, her increase wasn’t quite as drastic (effectively it went from 24 to 61, so 27 points) but still pretty harsh.

The new member had grown on Aclysia immediately. It was about the size and shape of John’s own cock, which aided in seeing it more as an extension of his own efforts than an actual second cock around. The fact that she could dismiss it at any point and that there were no attached balls made it more a glorified strap-on than anything else.

There was a duality of emotions in it though. For one, John preferred his women without cocks – absolutely so. There was, however, utility in having her around like this, to help with the aforementioned orgy issue. “One rule, Aclysia. If you don’t need a cock, you don’t have it, understood?” John decided to walk the middle ground. If she truly only used it when there was a need for a strap-on around, that would make all of this easier on his preferences.

“Yessss, Master,” Aclysia moaned, still fingering her cunt. “D-do I need it right now?”

Before he could decide on that, Rave’s panting tones chimed into the conversation. “What’re ya two blabbering about? Get in herrrrre!”

Aclysia turned to the remaining three women in the room and their eyes widened at the sight of the new toy available. “Dibs!” Lydia exclaimed, using a word that John never thought she’d use. A short mental question for approval and Aclysia began to crawl towards the princess.

“Have fun trying to get her to pull out,” Rave joked. Undine seemed incapable of pulling out, lost in some kind of perma-orgasmic state between the pumping of her tentacles and the motions of her own fingers.

“I doo-nhhn’t intend her to,” Lydia moaned, spreading her nicely shaped bottom with one hand. Her relaxed sphincter twitched in anticipation and from the pleasure tingling through her. Rave watched with depraved eyes as Aclysia aligned herself with the backdoor and gently pushed inside. The maid needed no motivation to do so, horny as she was, and Lydia screamed like an animal in savage heat while she was double penetrated. “OH YE-E-E-ESSSSSSSSS!”

The screams only grew louder when Aclysia began to match her thrusts with the slithers of the tendril working the princess’ pussy. The rhythm soon made her gush.

John put himself behind Rave. “I dunno if I can take all of that, tiger,” the Lightbearer voiced the first bit of doubt he had heard from her, related to sex.

“Never too late for new experiences, right?” John pushed her a bit, but stayed his hand in actually penetrating her. He did rub his cock along the dividing depression of the two symmetrical halves of her perfect ass, watching and waiting for the nod that he knew was inevitable. Any little bits of hesitation she had melted away under the sheer pressure of the animalistic moans of Lydia and the two women fucking her senseless. “I’ll take it slow,” John promised.

Rave bit her lower lip and gave that inevitable nod. Excess lubrication already made her backdoor glisten and John’s cock was constantly leaking precum.

Rave took a deep breath that left her as a pleasured moan as Undine kept fucking her pussy. John took that moment to press his dick against her sphincter and push inside. Rave tensed up and John waited until she relaxed again to push deeper.

“Fuuuuuck,” Rave groaned, only a bit of pain in her voice, “it feels like ya are splitting me apart.”

“In the good or the bad way?” John asked. His answer was in her continued, lustful groans. Soon there was not even a hint of pain there, just a savage hunger for more. To sate that desire, John pushed further into her.

Lydia and Aclysia were wild with lust, and were in a perpetual state of hard thrusts and chained orgasms. With Rave, however, John only slowly picked up speed as her sphincter got used to his girth. She wasn’t in pain and he aimed to keep it that way.

“A bit faster,” Rave allowed him and he picked up the pace to a steady gliding. “Faster,” Rave repeated and now John’s movements became slow thrusts. “Faster,” she almost howled, her sphincter now stretched far enough to allow John to put some force into it. “FASTER!” Rave screamed now and finally he had her hooked.

The two human girls, kneeling on all fours, were double penetrated by John, his servant Aclysia and his elemental Undine, continuously. Soon enough Rave and John joined the rest of the group in being nothing more than a constant rocking of hips. The bed creaked under the intense motions.

Rave’s clenched teeth pushed out animalistic sounds and nonsensical syllables. When she did open her mouth, she only did it to scream at the ceiling. Her back arched, her head flew back, her insides tightened up, and John could not hold on any longer himself. While she screamed and came, he himself was pushed over the edge.

It was glorious. Having finally crossed that last border with his girlfriend, and for once being the one to introduce her to something, was a feeling he could hardly describe as anything but glorious. As his balls kept pumping one of his loads into her, he wrapped his arms around her arched torso in a movement that was more instinct than calculation. He pinned her against his chest and grunted, “I love you,” into her ear.

“And ya ruined me for all men, ya jerk!” Rave panted, sense returning to her faculties, “how am I supposed to go back to normal dicks after yours is this fucking good?!”

“You thought anything but me was on the menu after you got with me?” John nibbled on her earlobe for a second. “There’s only me and the rest of our harem now, Jane.” His girlfriend shuddered in his embrace – a good shudder. A post-orgasmic set of twitches that stayed around far longer than usual. She was hooked on the idea of more of this and he knew it. “Also, that’s not what I wanted to hear from you.”

 “If ya want to hear that, ya gotta fuck me some more, tiger.”

John grinned, he could do that for as long as it took. Their little exchange ended, but he kept her in his embrace as he started moving again. In a steady rhythm of short thrusts, he synchronized his movements with Undine’s so that one of them was thrusting in while the other was pulling back. The effect was Rave quivering in his arms, as she quickly reached another climax.

He was vaguely aware of pussy juice splattering against his legs. Unknowing and uncaring whether that was Rave or Undine squirting, John continued on and on until he was about to cum again. “Ready for a second load?” he groaned, doubling his tempo onto the finishing line.

“Always for yours!” Rave screamed out and with a last slam he came into her for a second time. This one was way more intense for both of them and Rave pressed against him, her scream making his ears ring in the best possible way as his own hips were tense against her soft backside.

Sweaty, they fell forward, but didn’t collapse, only reverting into their previous doggystyle position, the one Lydia and Aclysia still had as they continued to screw their brains out. “I love ya,” Rave swooned.

 “I win already?” John teased.

“Yeah, but only because I want you to fuck me until I look like her.” Rave said with a nod over to the other duo. Aclysia’s newly raised Libido made her into a total mess, eyes rolled up and tongue lolled out. Lydia looked like she was slowly getting there herself, but John estimated that he could do ‘worse’ to his girlfriend. “There’s your new challenge.”

Playfully earnest John nodded. “I will succeed,” he promised in a deep voice, as a reward he was pinched in the cheek, Rave using that grip to pull him into a kiss.

“Ya lose when ya collapse before me,” she whispered.

That was how they spent the rest of the night.

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