Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 176 You Think You Can Run Away From Me?

Michael sighed. Last night he had been waiting for her to come back, but until three o'clock in the morning, he couldn't see any sign of Sarah's presence, so Michael decided to go to bed because he had to go to work today.

Michael then immediately got up and did his morning routine as usual. He worked out for a bit, then went to take a shower, and walked over to the walking closet that had him and Sarah's clothes on.

While changing his clothes, Michael subconsciously looked at Sarah's clothes which were still in the closet. That's what makes Michael sure that Sarah will return.

In the past, the woman had brought all her clothes, so Michael was very sure that if Sarah was going to leave, she would take all her clothes.

"Wait a minute..." Michael said when he saw Sarah's clothes.

He then began to approach the clothes and examine them one by one. They were all familiar clothes. Those were the clothes he had bought for Sarah.

"Don't tell me…"

Suddenly a thought crossed Michael's mind. He remembered the conversation he had with the woman when they went to their old apartment.

Sarah said she took all her clothes so Michael bought her new clothes.

So that means, Sarah may not need these clothes, because she already has other clothes!

"So she decided to just run away after being caught tricking me?" The corners of Michael's lips lifted slightly with clenched fists.

He never expected Sarah to treat him like this. Not only in the past has the woman cheated on him and said that she is not happy with their marriage, even though he is desperately working for their future.

Now she lied to him and just ran away.

Why had the woman he once loved turned out to be like this?

"You think you can run away from me? Hah! Too bad I know where you work!" After saying that, Michael took his tie and started wearing it.

Today, he was going to go see his ex-wife!



Sarah only smiled slightly when she saw the surprised expression of the obstetrician who worked at the same hospital as her. It was the doctor who placed the IUD as well as the doctor who met her and Michael.

"Do you have a patient?" asked Sarah walking over to the woman.

The woman shook her head, then motioned for Sarah to sit in the chair across from her. She knew that Sarah didn't come to see her just to say hello, something must have happened to her.

"What is it?" asked the female doctor with a worried look on her face. Sarah's appearance looked very pale.

"I'm pregnant," Sarah said quietly, looking at the woman.

,m "What?" The woman couldn't hide her surprise.

"Yes! You heard me right. I am pregnant! Are you sure you put the IUD in correctly?!" said Sarah who couldn't hide her annoyance.

She knew it was her fault too for having sex with Michael and letting the man come inside, but…she thought she was safe because she was using an IUD.

What if it was the fault of the doctor who inserted the IUD? Right now Sarah couldn't believe she belonged in the one percent, the unlucky group. So Sarah was sure that this was the doctor's fault.

Well… she needed someone to blame right now.

"Of course! I'm experienced, Sarah!" said the woman, trying not to look annoyed. Before Sarah became a doctor, she first became a doctor, and Sarah was not the first patient to have an IUD inserted.

"Shall we check it out? My practice schedule hasn't started yet," the female doctor offered.

She didn't know why, but it seemed like Sarah was in shock about her pregnancy right now and just wanted to find someone to blame. Well… Sarah and her husband had sex, of course she could still get pregnant.

However, it seemed that the woman wanted to postpone her pregnancy because she was thinking about her career, something female doctors often do.

"Okay," Sarah said, nodding, then immediately stood up and headed to the special chair that was there.

Sarah bit her lower lip and clenched her fists tightly when she felt something the doctor had put inside her.

"You see, it's still in its place. How about we check your womb?" the doctor offered.

Sarah slowly nodded her head. She knew the chances of the pregnancy test going wrong were very slim, but it could be wrong. There was nothing wrong with her doing an ultrasound.

Her slightly enlarged belly is belly fat, not because she's pregnant! They definitely wouldn't see the fetus in her belly!

The female doctor then took her other equipment and started doing her job. It wasn't long before Sarah could see something on the monitor beside her, something that made her have to accept the reality.

She's pregnant.

"You are at six weeks. It looks good! At this stage you can even hear the heartbeat. Do you want to hear it?" asked the female doctor looking at Sarah with a smile.

Sarah's gaze was still on the monitor screen. It still didn't look like a baby, but she could see that something was there. However, there was something that made her forehead furrow when she heard the doctor's words.

"Six weeks? Are you sure?" Sarah asked to be sure.

The doctor nodded firmly.

"Yes, the length is 6mms. You are at six weeks. That means, fertilization has occurred before you decide to insert the IUD," replied the doctor with a smile. She still remembers the date Sarah met her.

Sarah fell silent when she heard this. Before deciding to insert the IUD, she and Michael did had sex and Michael come inside her.

So that's the cause? Because she let Michael come inside her that night? She knew that she could be pregnant, but she had already cleaned it up straight away and thought she wouldn't be pregnant!

"I really am a fool!" Sarah thought in frustration. It seemed she had underestimated too much that what they did that night would have this kind of result.

"Then can you..." Sarah, who wanted to ask if the doctor could help her abort the fetus, immediately stopped when she heard something.

"Did you hear it? This is your baby's heartbeat. That sounds healthy!" said the doctor, smiling looking at Sarah.

Sarah fell silent when she heard that. She sharpened her ears and she could hear the sound of a heartbeat.

Her baby's heartbeat.

Without realizing it, Sarah's tears rolled down her cheeks. She had come here with the intention of an abortion, but how could she do so when she had heard that heartbeat?

There was something living inside her body. How could she ruthlessly kill it?

Sarah continued to cry silently for a long time. She couldn't kill her baby.

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