Climbing the Tower to Be a God With 10x Gacha System

Chapter 21: Gaining The Sword Aura

James didn't know how long he had been sitting in the same place. He could no longer feel the coldness of the ice he was sitting on.

How many hours had it been?

1? Maybe 10? Maybe it had already been days.

It was clear that no thought had crossed his mind. He was well aware that his mind was completely empty. It was very clear that not only the place where he was sitting but his whole body did not feel anything, only his eyes were too sleepy to stay open anymore.

He knew that he could faint at any moment, but he wanted to push himself to his limits.

He remembered that he had stayed awake for almost 4 days without sleeping, but these were all things that happened when he was at the computer or watching something in front of the television.

Every time he blinked his eyes it hurt so badly, as if he had run out of eye fluid. He knew he would rather fight three Goblin Kings than such a painful task.

"I'm fine," James said suddenly. He kept trying to think about what he had been through, but his mind was blank.

In just one week, all these events had happened.

His lover had broken up with him, he had entered the tower, he had gained amazing abilities, he had grown enormously stronger, and each time he had encountered something more dangerous.

Increasing danger and the creatures that conquered them were like the foundation of the tower.

After a while, James, who had begun to think that his thoughts were becoming more and more absurd, suddenly let himself go and sat down in a cross-legged position.

He thought he could focus better if he meditated and closed his eyes.

Suddenly he realised he could feel his heartbeat.


He didn't know what was going on, but he could see that something was beginning to exist in his empty mind.

Not only that, he realised that Clarent, who was hidden in his inventory, suddenly appeared and fell in front of him. His ice was trembling and shaking in a way that almost made him scream. It was as if Clarent was taking rhythm according to James' heartbeat.

However, his body suddenly began to warm up. James, who had strangely stood up, somehow found Clarent with his hand and realised that the connection between him and the Holy Sword had increased tremendously.

He didn't understand exactly what was going on, but right now he was eager to shake Clarent.

The feeling of drowsiness in his body had diminished, and on the contrary, his energy had increased.

After taking a position, he swung his sword.

As soon as he swung his sword, a small light appeared in the area. James was really in a very strange feeling, it was as if he was talking to Clarent.... no, it was as if he was giving orders to Clarent.

Smiling to himself, James gripped the sword more seriously and then suddenly swung it. The mysterious little light reappeared and disappeared, and he couldn't even describe how much fun it was. It was as if James was playing a rhythm game and the music was the sound of his heart beating.

"How amazing...."

Whatever it was, James had found something fun to do and he wasn't about to stop now, this was a great chance to improve with the sword.

A very big chance.



James was sitting on the ice again, preparing to cry tears of joy, though he had no eye fluid left to shed tears.

What made him laugh so much was the huge improvement he had shown in just luck, even in such a situation.

[Lowest Level Sword Aura

You have accomplished a great feat, user. You have gained an aura that you could not have gained unless you had incredible skill in the way of the sword. However, it is too early to be happy, this lowly aura is just a baby, it is up to you to develop it!]

James didn't know exactly what aura was. Of course, he had a little bit of knowledge from the books he had read and things like that, but this was real life, he did not know what could happen.

Still, there was one thing he did know about: The biggest factor in obtaining the aura was the [Galahad's Swordsmanship] skill.

As stated in the skill, for each practice of the sword's aura, there would be an increase of 0,01 per cent. James had been swinging his sword for a long time.

He was very tired, he could see it amid all this joy, he had a definite feeling that he couldn't take much more of this and that's why he thought it was time.

"Go to the next floor."

As James uttered these words a passageway opened in front of him, James, who had closed his eyes to protect them from the large amount of light coming in, took slow steps through the passageway and squinted as he looked around.

"No, I'm not falling for that again!" James suddenly muttered as he looked around and saw the familiar place.

A bed, an open shower and clean clothes. This was where he thought he would rest before entering the [sea of rascals], the first floor. He had no intention of falling for this thing again.


Congratulations on cleaning the 3rd floor, Mr James Arthur Black.


1-Chronos of the Titans(349 Days)

2-Odin of Asgard(113 Days)

3-Sun Wukong of Heavens and Sages(112 Days)

4-Nyx of Chaos(14 Days 21 Hours)

5-Erebus of Chaos(14 Days 20 Hours)

6-James Arthur Black (11 Days 23 Hours 47 Minutes)

I am proud to inform you, sir, that you have completed your mission with high honours. As your rewards have been calculated, they will be given to you when you enter Floor 5.]

When James read the window that had formed in front of him, he was astonished. First of all, it was a huge surprise that he had stayed awake for 11 days, although he was a human being, he was able to make such a degree and who knows how many hundred thousand gods he had ranked 6th.

However, this was not what surprised him, what surprised him was Chronos, who was able to reach a gigantic amount.

Of course, the titan of time was able to stay awake for 349 days, what an irony it truly was.

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