City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 495: Dinner

Chapter 495: Dinner


'You worry too much, my son. I will be fine,' I replied to my son.

'I hope nothing happens, but if the undead move. You will leave the city. You will not stay there, like the last time,' he said from the other side.

"Fine," I replied.

'Take care, Mom,' he said. "You too, my son," I replied, and cut the call.

"He worries too much," said Meria, and all I could do was smile.

"Speaking of calls. I got a call from my mother this morning. She is coming for the opening; she asked me to arrange for an invitation for her," I informed, and Meria's expression turned bad.

"You have declined, right?" she asked turning to me. "As if I could," I replied, and she sighed.

Our mother is something else. Meria looks for every chance to get away from her, even at this age,

"I hope, she doesn't bring any other man than father," she replied.

I pity my sister. She had to suffer mother at home and work. It's why, she liked it a lot when she came here. It gives her space from their mother.

We walked in silence while watching our creation.

The park isn't the biggest, they had designed it, but it is one of the most beautiful and the one that brings the greatest joy to the people.

There are people everywhere. They are always here from dawn when it opens to late at night when it closes.

A few minutes passed, and we entered the restricted area of the garden. It is in the domain of college and its entrance here is highly restricted.

It was the most secure area in the whole of Greltheaven, aside from the legacy itself.

Soon, we could see the greenhouses; tens of them.

Far more than they had been two months ago. Most of these greenhouses are growing the plants that will replace the garden around the legacy.

The number of plants there will be far more than the plants in legacy.

We had tried to keep a close lid on the news, but such types of news rarely remained hidden.

I have been contacted by various people. From lords to alchemists to help them get these resources.

Even the alchemists and businesses from my city had contacted me. Unfortunately, I cannot help them. Silver is keeping a very tight grip on these resources.

It had become even tighter as he started to hire the alchemists. One didn't need to use too much of their mind to know what he was planning with it.

Our destinations aren't those plants.

It will be another month before we would start to plant them.

We are here for the plants that we had brought here from the legacy. They were kept here, while changes were being made in the tower.

Today, they are going back to the tower.

Soon, we reached the big greenhouse and entered the house. There are all sorts of plants, but all of them have only one similarity.

They looked beautiful and smelled great.

"All the plants are ready for the legacy," said the voice as we were looking at the plants.

"Mage Irgal," we greeted.

The man, I couldn't help but feel slightly jealous of. He is in the service of the house, which is more ancient than any kingdom on the continent.

"When can you send them to the tower?" I asked. "Any time you want," he replied. Hearing that, a smile couldn't help but appear on my face.

Silver wants these plants to the tower as soon as possible.

Every hour, they stay here. They consume more emotions' essence. They do it in the legacy too, but there it is more efficient as it is direct.

Here, it is done through the bottles of the emotion essence.

"Please do," said Merial and sent the message to our people in the tower.

We talked to him for a few minutes before walking out.

We didn't leave immediately and instead walked into the other greenhouses, where the fledgling plants were being grown.

It had been two weeks since they had been planted here and many of them have started to come out of the soil.

In another month, they will grow more. We would be able to start planting.

We are still working on the garden's design. It needs to be perfect, but beautiful.

It is going smaller than most gardens we have designed, but seeing we are planting the plants that consume emotion essence, it will be most beautiful.

Second to only legacy.

We didn't stay in the greenhouses for long. The carriages had already started to transport the plants, and we went with them.

Soon, we reached the tower and shuddered as we stepped inside.

"It's hard to forget," said Merial, and I couldn't help, but nod.

We were on the store floors when it happened.

The aura amplified by the power of emotion mist in the legacy had brought out such power, that made thousands of people fall unconscious.

I had never seen such a scene in my life.

We took the elevator, and it began to move up toward the top floor.

Every floor is empty, including the store floors which had been closed yesterday. There are some changes, that are being made there.

We reached the top floor and stepped inside. Where they had already transported the plants.

"Lady Blackwell, Miss Ulaxasys," greeted the familiar woman. She frustrates us the most, but we also respect her.

"Miss Rolgath," I said.

"Shall we begin?" she asked. "Yes," replied Merial and we began the most exciting and frustrating job.

The disagreement started from the first plant. We had already agreed where we would put it, but there is a question of how we would put it, and at what height and angle.

The vines are the most complicated because of the way we could set them.

Hours passed, and we set one plant after another and before I knew it, it was afternoon when we had finally finished.

"Beautiful," I heard the voice behind me and saw Silver behind us, looking at the changes.

He is with Margaux. It seemed like she had returned from Ilden.

"It's also smelling wonderful," said Margaux as she took a long breath.

It smells amazing and with the mist. Its effects have amplified further, making one feel like they are in heaven.

The people are going to get experience in their life. Even those who came to the legacy before are going to be surprised. As they had experienced the plants and their effects, in Grade II legacy.

Now, it is a Grade III legacy, and it is going to blow their mind.

"Is there any change, you would like, my lord?" I asked. I don't think it requires any changes.

"No, it's perfect," he replied and looked at every part carefully, before walking back to the office, while we climbed down to the twentieth floor.

We have all twenty-one floors to set and only three days. Twenty-two, counting the roof.

We worked till it was eight before we stopped and went back to the top floor after freshening up and doing some make-up.

We would have liked to return to the suite to get ready but asked to be casual for the occasion.

When we reached the top floor, the tables had already been laid out and many madams and assistant madams were sitting there, including the triumvirate.

There is also Miss Elar, Mr. Robin, Chief Hendriks, and a few other people from city hall and guilds.

"Lord Silver," I greeted.

"Lady Blackwell," said the man, getting up and inviting me and the rest to the table.

As we sat, drinks appeared in front of us. It is our favorite drink.

It is likely one of the madams who had used the skill. It is impossible to tell who it is in the legacy. Its power cloaks their skills.

"As I was saying, with Geim and Yressor forces engaged,"

"It is giving Prince Declan a breathing space. I think he will be able to engage with whoever is the winner and hold them back," said Mr. Elar.

Chief Hendriks shook his head.

"I think the prince will have a hard time doing that. Their armies are bigger, even with loss. One of them will still have enough strength to break through the walls of Bertown," counter the old man.

The battle of the southernmost region of the empire is quite intense from what I had heard.

The forces of the kingdom of Geim and Yressor are engaged in it, while Prince Declan of the empire reinforces his position as the capital of the region.

Those two kingdoms have already captured half of the region and would have to capture more.

If not for Princess Orlena sending the reinforcements. A lot more of the region would have been captured by these kingdoms.

"What do you think, my lord?" asked Chief Hardt and every eye turned to Silver.

"The question is too complex, and I didn't have all the facts, but I will say one thing. It wouldn't be easy, for Geim and Yressor to capture Bertown," he replied.

"It's enough for serious talk. Let's have the dinner," he said a moment later before anyone could ask him to elaborate.

It's like the kitchen staff had heard his order.

As he second after he spoke, they came in holding different dishes and began to set them on the table.

The invitation was out of sudden. I had been informed in the morning that there would be a dinner at the legacy.

The invitation didn't mention the occasion. Only an invitation for the dinner.

Soon, the table to set with the most delicious-looking dinner. Its smell is so great that I am having a hard time controlling myself.

The sommelier filled our glasses with wine, and Silver raised his, with us following his lead.

"To velvet garden," he toasted, looking at Carla. "To velvet garden," we repeated before taking a sip of delicious wine, which took me on an emotional ride.

Still, nothing could have been prepared for me for the food in from of me.

"This!" said Chief Valentina, with her eyes wide. My eyes are wide too and so are Merial's and others.

The taste was unlike anything I had experienced before, and I had eaten in Grade IV legacy and even it couldn't compare to what I had eaten just now.

The only one who didn't look surprised was Mage Irgal.

It took a few seconds more. I might have realized it early. If not, the taste overwhelmed my senses so much.

"The chef had used them, didn't it?" asked Meria. To which he smiled.

The assistant madams remained confused for a while before their eyes lit up in understanding, while others watched in confusion.

"It's such a regret, we have them in a very small amount," said Silver.

The plants that had been planted didn't have just pretty flowers and vines.

There were some herbs and spices as well. Some of them have been matured, which they have used in these dishes, which took them to different heights.

I could already tell that people will pay any price to taste these dishes.

Unfortunately, the number of them is small. Only a few people will be able to enjoy them.

More such spices are being prepared to be planted in the garden, but it will not change things much. It will only be for a few people.

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