Chronicles of the Demon Faction

Chapter 11

Episode 11. The Demonic Scenery Outside the Human World, Ancient Bamboo Forest (1)

In the meantime, I had no time or need to think, but there is one thing I feel again.

The scenery of Hundred Thousand Great Mountains (十萬大山), the home of Demonicism, is world-class.

The magnificent ridge and the trees covering it are like a landscape painting.

The air is also amazingly clear. It is hard to believe that it is the home of extremely vicious devils. I can’t figure out why the personalities of the people who live in this enchanting place are the way they are.

“after! Feel so good!”

I’m serious. Perhaps because I thought it was a place I would never be able to visit in my life, it felt even more beautiful.

Cheon Ha-jin, who was wrinkling his nose, smiled brightly.

“I like the scent of bamboo, too.”

As he turned, he saw countless bamboo trees lined up in a row.

Each bamboo is thick and long, as if it could pierce the sky. Some were abnormally thick, almost reminiscent of logs.

‘It’s a spectacular view.’

Did you say that an upright bamboo is a symbol of loyalty?

I can now understand why ancestors loved bamboo. Just looking at it made my heart pound and the hair on my whole body stood on end.

My heart feels hot.

It was so hot that I wanted to set the whole thing on fire.



Blood dripped down my chin. I bit my lip so hard that it hurt a lot.

“I asked you to go out, but instead you sent me a demotion? “Are you still a human being like that, you damned bastard!!”

Cheon Ha-jin’s scream went round and round in the bamboo forest.

No, who said you were going to quit? You just said you wanted to go outside and get some fresh air!

What on earth did I do so wrong to be stuck in a place like this?

A shadow suddenly appeared behind Cheon Ha-jin, who was clutching his head in despair.

“It is a presumptuous thing to say, Master Confucius. “This is a dangerous statement.”

Cheon Ha-jin turned his head. The murderous look in his eyes was like that of a wild beast with its prey in front of it.

However, the older man looking down at him did not even lift an eyebrow.

“What did you say?”

The man bowed his head politely.

“The swearing and verbal abuse directed at the religious leader is in itself a real shame. Confucius and princesses are no exception.”

“Hey man!”

“Please speak.”

Cheon Ha-jin, who was constantly fussing.

Eventually, with the sound of his breathing gradually decreasing, he turned his head.

“I didn’t swear at the leader.”


“Don’t misunderstand.”

“Is that so?”

Damn it! Damn it!

In his absence, even the emperor…if not even the king…even though it was difficult, it was not wrong to curse a high-ranking person.

The more I think about it, the more pissed I get. Are you some kind of royal family? Isn’t it okay to swear behind someone’s back?

‘These gloomy bastards are worse than the emperor.’

They say they are not just members of the royal family, but the incarnation of a god.

I understand, but honestly, it’s not my business. To you, it’s a god, but to me, it’s just a big, unmanned thing.

Of course, the problem is that the large warrior is an unprecedented monster-level powerhouse.

Cheon Ha-jin, who was in the middle of grumbling, glanced at Ma Dong-pil.

His bluntness is comparable to that of a thousand-year-old rock. Even though the wind blows like this, not a single hair moves.

You know that mask? Otherwise, could a human being do that?

“You’re from the defense court?”

Ma Dong-pil got down on one knee.

“My name is Ma Dong-pil, the third leader of the Heavenly Demon God Religion’s Protectorate.”

“A person who is the commander of the defense court will become my personal bodyguard?”

“It is difficult to accept, Confucius. “It is my honor to be the guardian of this church’s most respected person.”

Cheon Ha-jin screamed inwardly.

It’s three lives and it’s glory, so stop saying brilliant words! There’s no need for that! Just stay away from me!

He looked into Ma Dong-pil’s eyes.

The face is expressionless, but the eyes are burning like flames, which is indescribably burdensome.

“I swear to Pasun that I will sacrifice my life to protect the Three Princes.”

Don’t give it to me… please….

‘You disgusting things!’

I hate demonic religions. I really hate it so much. What on earth have you given me other than despair?

Isn’t the scenery nice? Don’t talk nonsense! I feel like I’m being toyed with even more because the scenery is nice!

“Confucius, the weather is quite cold. How about going inside and warming up?”

“I’m looking at the bamboo, so don’t disturb me.”

“I follow your orders!”

You kid is needlessly serious.

Cheon Ha-jin snorted three times in a row and looked back at the bamboo forest. Suddenly, a look of emptiness appeared on his face.

‘Anyway, Shiba, how do you do this?’

Did you say it was a bamboo forest?

I don’t even want to know what this place means to the Demonic Cult. What’s important is that I have no idea what the cult leader’s intention was in sending me here, leaving a perfectly fine residence behind.

Even Gojuk Forest was a forest deeper than Gyoryongjeon (蛟龍殿), where the disciples of the sect leader lived.

At this level, I felt more comfortable being locked up in prison.

‘Are you really going to set it on fire?’

If they run out of places to live, won’t they move them somewhere else? It seems to be a bit dry. If you drop just one ember, it will burn in an instant.

If you think about it, it really isn’t that bad, right?

Cheon Ha-jin’s face took on an insidious glow.

‘It’s even fascinating.’

It’s thrilling just to imagine it. I just want to burn down all the buildings of the Demonic Cult.


Cheon Ha-jin let out a long sigh.

‘Come to your senses, you crazy person. ‘What excuse will you give me if I set it on fire?’

They are not people for whom excuses such as burning meat while trying to eat it or being burned by a sudden lightning strike will work.

‘Let’s think about something productive.’

The shaking pupils stopped and color appeared in the pale face.

His face, which changed his attitude in an instant and was seriously contemplating, was reminiscent of that of a seeker.

‘Okay, maybe I made a mistake from the beginning.’

I was so caught up in the thought of having to run away right away that I couldn’t read the atmosphere of the place properly.

First off, it’s amazing. If I was going to run away, of course I had to figure out what kind of place it was.

‘I saw it too easily.’

I regretted it deeply. I wonder if the guy who was so thorough during his days as a killer has turned into a fool.

It may be due to an obsession created by prejudice against demonic religions. Since it is a place well-known in Gangho for being vicious, you may have unconsciously assumed that they were those people.

‘I wasn’t aware of my position as a three-gongza, nor did I know what I could do with the position.’

Perhaps the Demonic Cult might be a town where people live like other sects. There can be many timid and good people like cherry blossoms.

It may not be a bad neighborhood to live in because so many people look at it.

but! Even so!

‘But I can’t live here.’

Just as four-legged animals have a reason to live on land, fish also have a reason to live in the sea. This guy is that guy and that guy is this guy, but it still doesn’t seem like they are a demonic cult.

Ultimately, I wondered if I should be tied down to an organization even though I was given a second life thanks to a rare stroke of luck.

Cheon Ha-jin rolled his eyes.

‘Now that it’s like this, let’s not do anything obvious, like going out or something. ‘I don’t think it’ll work anyway.’


But I’m still not sure, so let’s at least check.

“Hey Mr. Ma.”

Ma Dong-pil’s face showed a look of bewilderment.

Mr. Ma? It’s an unfamiliar calling. I don’t remember ever being called that way by a superior.

He bowed his head deeper than usual, fearing that his embarrassed expression might be seen.

“Yes, Confucius.”

Cheon Ha-jin’s expression suddenly became shocked.

“But are you going to bow your head like that every time I call you? “I don’t know what to do with myself.”

“I apologize, Mr. Confucius. “It is a natural courtesy to an honorable person.”



“good. Anyway, whatever. “I have something to ask you.”

“Please ask.”

“I’m sure you know. “It’s been a little over three months since I recovered from a curse.”


“stuffy. It’s quite frustrating and awkward. So, I want to go out to the countryside and get some fresh air.”


“Do I have to cancel this, like an outing pass?”

Ma Dong-pil slightly raised his head.

The face was still as hard as a mask, but it had an expression of puzzlement that anyone could see.

Cheon Ha-jin frowned slightly.

“why? “Is the procedure a bit complicated?”


“Oh, you don’t need to be careful. “Just say it out loud.”

Ma Dong-pil flinched when he showed his expectant face.

The feeling that came after the surprise was bewilderment. I wondered if someone who had lived in Protestantism for over ten years might not know that.

However, since a high-ranking person asks a question, it is natural for a subordinate to answer with all sincerity.

“Since you say so, I dare to say something.”

“Right, right.”

“Basically, expulsion is possible only when a formal order is issued from superiors.”

“Official order? “Where does it come from?”

“It is issued by the Naeseong Military Department.”

“huh? Military department?”

“That’s right.”

“good. “Then can I go to the military department?”

“It’s not like that.”

“what? Are you saying it is issued by the military department? “You just have to go and get permission.”

“In general, yes.”

“Explain quickly.”

“What takes priority over the military department is the order given from the Demon God Palace. According to custom, it is nearly impossible for disciples to travel to suburban areas without permission from the religious leader.”


“If you want to be excommunicated, you will have to go to the Demon God Palace, not the Military Department. “If you have an audience with the religious leader and obtain permission, there is no need to obtain permission from the military department.”

“I see….”

“I see.”

“Yes… thank you for the explanation.”

“That statement is difficult to accept.”

Ma Dong-pil bowed his head politely and looked at Cheon Ha-jin with eyes full of suspicion.

It was because Cheon Ha-jin’s face looked ten years older in just a moment.

Is there something wrong with you? Ma Dong-pil, who hesitated for a moment, carefully opened his mouth.

“I apologize, Mr. Confucius. The days are getting colder. “I’m very worried that I might end up in prison…”

“Are you coming? Okay, let’s go in.”

“I follow your orders!”

So, Cheon Ha-jin entered the Gojuk Forest under the guidance of Ma Dong-pil.

Is it because I’m completely lost?

Cheon Ha-jin did not see it. A ray of tension flashes across Ma Dong-pil’s blunt face.

The day I found out why he kept bringing up the weather and asking me to go home quickly.

At that moment, Cheon Ha-jin would seriously consider whether or not to grab Lee Cheon-sang by the collar.


The bamboo leaves swayed here and there in the blowing wind.

It was a gloomy night.

* * *

That night, Ma Dong-pil knelt in front of one person.

“…This concludes the report on the Three Princes.”

“Good job.”

A shadow appeared on Mudam’s face as he stood in front of the window.

“Your mission is enormous. “Please continue to serve us with all your heart.”


“Let’s just go.”


“Is there anything else you can say?”

Ma Dong-pil, who hesitated for a moment, gathered courage and asked.



“I apologize in advance for asking a profane question. “As a bodyguard, basic information about the person being guarded is essential, so I dare to ask.”

“Tell me.”

“Perhaps Confucius suffered memory damage after taking the medicine?”

A look of puzzlement appeared on Mudam’s face.

“How can you ask such a question?”

Ma Dong-pil reported in detail the conversation at Gojuk Forest.

Mudam, who had been listening to him silently, answered.

“Chief Sam, I understand why you asked that question.”


“But don’t worry too much about that. “The person you serve now is not an ordinary leader, but one of the seven people who have the potential to take over the presidency of our school in the future.”


“Maybe you just needed someone to joke with. Or maybe you really lost your memory. But that’s it. “Don’t ask any more questions than that.”

Mudam smiled slightly.

“That’s also why it’s difficult to escort the successors. That’s why I dispatched you especially.”


“Go back now.”

Ma Dong-pil disappeared like a ghost after a short visit.

A cold look passed over Mudam’s smiling face.

‘It’s a memory…’

He took out a book he had kept on one side of the bookshelf.

It was a list of medicines prescribed by Hyeonghongak, a medical center for resistance, to patients on campus over the past three months.


As Mudam looked at the list with calm eyes, a thick tendon suddenly appeared on his chin.

‘no way?’

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