Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha






Adjusting to the fact that Casey was the Queen's niece was the biggest struggle I had to come to terms with while I was here in the Fae compound. I had dealt semi easily with the fact that she was one of eighteen siblings. I had come to understand her dad's unique sense of humor. I had learned that her mom was the most caring person there ever was.

Everything was easy for me to understand, everything except that she was technically royalty. How did I not know that before coming here? I wish she would have told me sooner. Then again I might have flipped out if I knew sooner.

I didn't mind though. I had quite enjoyed my time with her family. I had also learned that Casey was one of the youngest in the family. And that each set of the siblings was approximately twenty years apart. The oldest were a set of triplets that were one hundred and fifty-one years old, then the next set the twins aged one hundred and thirty. The first set of quints was next and they were one hundred and eleven. Then Casey's set of quints was eighty-nine, and last was the other triplets that were sixty-eight. Casey's mom and dad were a lot older, three hundred and twenty-seven and four hundred and thirty-two respectively. Apparently age gaps were very common around here.

One day while we were still staying with her family in the castle Casey went shopping with her sisters and her mom asked to speak with me. I would have been nervous if it wasn't for the fact that Lotus was very sweet and kind.

Lotus, who looked so much Casey, or should I say that Casey looked like her, had asked me to come into the library. I thought it was just going to be the two of us but Ash was waiting for us in the room, a book in his hand while he sat leisurely in an armchair.

"Good of you to join us." Ash smiled as he set his book aside and stood to walk closer to me.

"Cedar, won't you have a seat?" Lotus pointed to a high backed chair next to the fireplace.

"Sure." I was confused as to what was going to happen but I knew better than to be worried.

As soon as I sat down a bookcase on the far side of the library opened and revealed a hidden door. Through the door walked the most ethereal person I had ever seen, Queen Gloriana. I was hurriedly starting to get to my feet when she waved her hand and spoke.

"No need to rise, young man. I am not here as the Queen today. Instead, I am here as a loving family member." She was smiling beautifully at me.

"Your Grace?" I was confused and didn't know how to respond.

"You are mated to my favorite niece. Please don't tell the other eighty-three of them that Acacia is my favorite though." She was laughing and it was a sound that was like lots of tiny musical bells.

"She is my favorite person as well." I was doing my best to speak properly since I was in front of someone who could kill me on a whim.

"She's very special and very dear to me. Would you mind telling me what your intentions are?" There was a serious look in the Queen's eyes now.

"My intentions?" I was confused for a moment. Did they doubt me or something? "I intend to marry her. To be with her forever and take care of her. I want to start a family with her and treat her right for as long as I live." Ash, Lotus, and Queen Gloriana were all three looking at me with big smiles on their faces.

"That is what I wanted to hear." The Queen spoke first.

"I approve." Ash spoke next.

"Yay, a wedding." Lotus was the last to show me her approval.

"I want you to have these." Queen Gloriana held out a box to me.

"What are these?" I asked as I opened the lid. There were three rings sitting inside.

The thinnest of the rings looked a bit like an engagement ring. It was made of light green gold and was not too elaborate. The thin band was only adorned at the top of the ring where it had four very tiny leaves that held a big diamond that was surrounded by a ring of emerald.

The second ring looked like it went with the first one. It was green but had a wider band. The entire ring looked to be made of tiny leaves that formed a circle. The band was also adorned with tiny emerald and diamond flecks. At the top of the ring there was a flower shaped diamond that was held by more leaves. The first ring and this ring looked like they would fit together with tiny little groves that had been made in them.

The third ring looked like the male equivalent of the second ring. It was thicker than the female ring and lacked the flower shaped diamond. The stones along the band were also a little different. There were no diamonds but there were still emeralds along with sapphires, rubies, and a few more I didn't know the names of just yet.

"Consider this a gift from me. The rings have belonged to my family for a long time. They have been cleaned and slightly updated recently but they will bring you great luck and prosperity in the future. The groom's ring in this set was specially updated for you Cedar." Queen Gloriana was looking at me with tender eyes as she spoke.

"For me?" I didn't know what she meant by those words.

"The stones that adorn the band of your ring are special. They are not the ordinary type you would find in a jewelry shop. They will help to extend your life. If you wish to marry a Fae, a mortal such as yourself will need the aid of stones such as these to assist you."

"Really." I could just imagine the look I was giving her. I had feared that I would eventually grow old and leave Acacia behind. "Thank you so much."

"There are some things you need to understand about this ring. It will only work for one person. If someone else were to put the ring on before you then they will be the one granted the longer life. The longer the ring is worn the longer your life will be but you do not need to wear it constantly. I understand that you are a warrior and there will undoubtedly be times that you need to remove the ring to do your job properly. Simply keeping the ring near you will have the same effects. Also, if the ring is ever destroyed, the magic that goes with it will be destroyed. So make sure that you are very careful with it."

"Yes, of course. I will guard it with my life, just like I will always guard Acacia."

"You are so very full of love, aren't you?" The Queen was smiling at me now. "Come here boy." She beckoned me toward her.

I rose to my feet and took the few steps that I needed to have me standing right in front of the most powerful Fae there was. With no warning at all, Queen Gloriana leaned forward and wrapped her arms around me. I was momentarily frozen in place as I just stared at Lotus and Ash.

The two of them, while silent, were waving at me and egging me on. It was clear from their gestures that they wanted me to hug the Queen back. So, slowly and hesitantly, I wrapped my arms around the Queen in return.

Queen Gloriana was tall and beautiful. Her body felt tiny and vulnerable. But I knew that she was stronger than she looked and felt. With my arms around her, the Queen tightened her grip around me.

"Welcome to my family, young Cedar. I hope you make me just as proud as Acacia has."

"I will do my best, Queen Gloriana."

"Hush with that nonsense." I was worried for a moment but then she continued speaking. "When in private like this, you may call me Aunt Glory. That's what my favorite niece calls me."

"Thank you, Aunt Glory." I felt nervous saying those words but no one said anything in response to them. "Thank you for the gifts and for your approval."

"If you really want to thank me, then you will have your wedding here." She pulled back and looked at me. "Ask my niece for her hand while you're here and if she says yes we will have the wedding here."

"Can I invite my family as well?" I didn't want to get married without them.

"Yes, of course. I would love to meet the rest of your family."

"Thank you."

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