Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha






I had been engaged for six days by the time that I found out I was pregnant. That was short lived. And I refused to have the baby without being married first so we planned our wedding really fast. It was the beginning of July already and I didn't want to be showing too much. Plus we didn't have too many people to invite. It was just the rest of the guards at the estate and their mates, plus Jackson, Trinity and Reece.

Jackson was happy when I had told him I was getting married. But when I told him I was pregnant he was not so happy.

"It's too fucking soon!" He yelled when I went home from work the day after the party for Reece.

"It is what it is, Jackson, you just need to accept it."

"But you haven't known him that long. You're not even married yet."

"I've known him long enough. I know that just under five months seems quick to you Jackson, but that's actually a long time for this to take for wolf culture. And we didn't plan it this early, it just happened."

"Ok, so what, you got pregnant on your birthday? How do you already know about it?"

"Another wolf thing. David can smell the baby."

Jackson was having a hard time processing all of this right now. He was used to all the wolf stuff, but this was actually quite a shock for him.

"OK, OK, fine I get it. So I will be an uncle by the end of March next year?"

"More like the end of December this year."

"Wait, how is that even possible? Pregnancies take nine months."

"Not a wolf pregnancy. A pregnancy for us only lasts six months."

"You've got to be kidding me?" The wide eyed look of shock told me he was definitely not expecting that revelation at all. "Is there anything that you guys do that is normal?" He was at least laughing when he said that.

"Well, you'll have to stick around and tell me what differs from the human aspect and the wolf aspect."

"Deal." He laughed then, finally smiling about all of this.

David had Jackson be his best man for our wedding. David didn't have any family but Jackson was going to be his brother now. All the people that we had grown close to in the pack were there with us and the ceremony was held in the same clearing that Trinity and Reece held theirs. Apparently everyone they considered close could have their parties there.

Following the wedding things were calm for a while. However, the closer I got to delivering the baby, a girl, the more I knew that I needed to get Jackson some help in here for while I was gone. We had a full staff, but I was the one who basically ran everything next to Jackson. I couldn't leave all of that on him.

So, I had asked Harris to find someone who could be my third in command. Someone who wouldn't mind working with and taking orders from a human. He was sending me a newer agent but someone who had shown great promise. Her name was Melita and she was a bear shifter. She was actually a member of Trevor Jacoby's pack.

She was due to arrive today, since I was taking off after tomorrow. The baby was due by the end of the month and tomorrow was Christmas Eve, you could say I was pushing this a little late.

"Where the hell is Jackson?" I growled into my office. "Melita was supposed to be here already. He was supposed to be keeping an eye out for her but I haven't seen him in a while. The last of the office staff just left and it looked like I was the only left in here.

"Ok, that's it, I am going to find him. He probably fell asleep in his office again." Jackson had been working long hours, preparing to take over my position while I was on leave.

I stormed out of my office, as best as I could with a massive belly, and headed to his office that was across the open office space. His door was shut and the blinds were closed. Yep, he was probably taking a nap and missed the call from the new agent saying she was running late or something.

I pulled his door open, already calling for him.

"Jackson?" I expected to see him lounging in his chair with his feet on his desk like I had the last couple times. So, imagine my surprise when I saw him and a pretty young woman wrapped around each other, Jackson pressing the woman against the wall next to his desk.

Jackson's shirt was partially unbuttoned and pushed down his shoulders and the woman's blouse was all the way undone, her pale pink bra visible and her skirt hiked up around her thighs as her right leg was wrapped around Jackson's waist.

"Well, I see I've interrupted things here." I laughed. "Do you mind explaining to me what is going on around here, little brother?" I could hear the laughter that I was desperately trying to hold back.

The woman put her leg down and frantically started to rebutton her shirt. Jackson cleared his throat and started to straighten his own clothes.

"Ah, um, Rawlynne, this is, um, this is Melita Johnson, the new transfer."

"I did not know that you gave such a personal introduction to all the new transfers." I joked with him. "It's nice to meet you Melita, and I am sorry for the awkward intro here but I am your boss."

"I-I'm so sorry Miss Otsana." She stuttered momentarily as she looked sheepishly at me.

If you're going to call me anything other than Deputy Director then I prefer you call me either Rawlynne or Mrs. Martin since I am recently married."

"Oh, I am sorry Deputy Director, I didn't know. I just knew you from your reputation."

"No need to worry, Melita. May I assume this was more than a mutual attraction that you felt for each other."

"Um, w-well." Melita looked at Jackson like she didn't know what to say about what was happening.

"He knows about us, Melita, feel free to talk freely."

"Oh, that helps a lot." She looked relieved. "I didn't know that humans could be affected by a mate bond like this. I walked in and my bear just started screaming that he was my mate, and the next thing I knew we were, well, you know." I laughed at her explanation. She was maybe twenty-six years old, I couldn't remember what the file said about her.

"Allow me to be the first to offer you my congratulations. Jackson, can I trust you to keep your tongue out of her mouth long enough to explain things to her? I do want to get home to my husband."

"Just shut up and go home already." He growled at me, he'd been spending too much time around us wolves it seemed. I would call him later and talk about it, but it looked like my little brother had found himself a new bear mate.

I enjoyed my first Christmas with my mate. We got gifts for each other as well as gifts for the baby that we opened for each other. We made dinner together, or I wanted to but every time I got in there David was sending me to go sit back down and rest. He had been very doting when it came to the baby.

The day after Christmas we washed, dried, and put away all the baby's new things. We were completely prepared, or as prepared as we could have been at the moment.

I was not prepared for my water to break in bed while sleeping next to David just the next night. It was just after midnight actually for it was the 28th now.

David rushed from the bed and got towels and new clothes for the two of us. He cleaned me up and helped get me dressed. He carried my bag to the car and then insisted on carrying me to the car as well.

I was in labor for several more hours, even though my water had already broken and our sweet little baby didn't make her debut until after five in the morning. We called Jackson, who came with his new mate Melita. We called Trinity and Reece who had just recently had their own babies earlier this month and told them the news.

Even though we told them they didn't have to come, Trinity insisted on coming to see me in the hospital. Reece looked annoyed with her but was still happy for us. Everyone of them gushed over our little Kaede. I couldn't have been happier.

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