Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha






Last night was, to say the least, very intense. I was still blushing every time I thought about the intense moments that we had shared. I can't believe that we had done all of that, and out there in the woods on the mountain no less. I am just glad that no one else was around to see us.

Nothing much happened after Dietrich told me to wait to tell him that, I didn't think I was ready for that yet either so I was glad for his comforting words.

But, honestly, how did I feel about him? I didn't not like being around him. Being around him didn't not make my heart race. I didn't not like him. So, what was it I was really feeling about him?

I would have to think about it later because I didn't really have the time. Tonight was Reece's bachelor party at Noah's house and tomorrow is the wedding. And I was the only mated man there that had his mate with him. Wait, doesn't that make it two mated men with their mates? Oh well, the important thing here was that Noah, David, and specifically Reece, didn't have their mates with them.

This party was kind of subdued though, since the guest of honor kept trying to call his mate every five minutes. Still, there was a lot of laughing, though some of it was at my expense.

Dietrich had gone to go get another drink for me when he saw that mine was almost empty, something I told him he didn't need to do. Shane took that time, in Dietrich's brief absence, to come sidled up next to me with a grin on his face.

"Hey ugly, I see things are going well with you and the mate. Congrats."

"You know, Shane, calling me ugly is just the same as calling yourself ugly." I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Nah, we have the same structure, but I hold myself different, you're not up to my league."

"I don't think I want to sink to your level, it's probably dirty, or infectious."

"Nah, I'm always wrapped." He laughed at his own crude joke. "But still, man, I am glad to see that it's all working out."

"Thanks." I turned just my head to look at him, causing my collar to slide down just a little.

"What the fuck is that?" Shane was grinning like a madman at me as he pointed to my neck. I knew what he had seen, but I thought that I had hidden it better than that.

Shane's face morphed into his typical make fun of Shawn face. He was my brother and I love him, and I know he loves me too, but he lived up to the typical annoying brother cliche. I didn't know if it was because I was older by a few minutes or if it was because I got more oxygen during utero, whatever the cause, I knew what he was about to do.

"Oh my fucking Goddess, Shawn, is that a hickey?"

I slapped my hand over my neck and glared at him, my face already flaming hot and cherry red. I may have known it was coming, but that doesn't mean it didn't still affect me.

"Shut up, you asshole." I growled at him quietly, trying to keep the others out of my business.

"Is there a problem?" Dietrich asked as he came back from the bar with two cups in hand.

"Nope, no problem at all." Shane grinned at him. "I just saw that you were practicing marking my brother."

"What one does in private with their significant other is not something to make fun of them for." I snapped at my brother furiously.

"Were you jealous, Shane? Were you wanting a mark as well? I am certain your mate will be coming soon enough and he will be more than happy to mark you if you'd like."

"Wha-, n-no, I-I didn't, I don't , it's not, I'm not, that's not what I was meaning at all." Shane stuttered almost as bad as I do when I get flustered.

I couldn't help it, I laughed at Shane, just as much as he usually laughed at me.

"Don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot do you now?" I asked him, grinning at him.

"Shut up." Shane was blushing tomato red and trying to hide his face.

"Come now, Shawn, let us go sit somewhere, I think I need to talk to Reece and offer him some advice. It seems you and that Vincent fellow are some of the only gentlemen that are left here."

"Don't lump me in with them." David yelled from across the room.

"Or me." Jackson, the human FBI agent added.

"Yeah, we're nothing like those crude jerks." David was laughing.

"I will happily take note of that, I am just glad that being a gentleman hasn't completely gone out of fashion.

After that, Dietrich wrapped his arm around my waist as he pulled me with him.

I couldn't help but think, as we sat together across from Reece, that I was taking a very non assertive approach to this relationship of ours. I was a man too dammit, and an assertive one at that. I wouldn't let him treat me like a woman, I was not that kind of man. Gay or not, I was not the submissive little lady type. I was going to act tougher and more manly around him than I had thus far. I wonder what he will think of that?




That bachelor party was fun, all things considered. I know it was rushed and there wasn't much we could do with the main guest not wanting to go far or even be away from his fiance, but still, everyone had a good time. And Shawn was even able to get a slight amount of revenge on his brother during the night, which was wonderful for him.

But now, it was time for the wedding. I had ordered a suit to match mine especially for Shawn to wear. He was a bit shocked when I showed up at his door that morning holding it and my own suit in hand.

"D-Dietrich? What are you doing here?" He asked me with curious eyes.

"I wanted to see you, Liebling." I leaned in and kissed his cheek, which instantly made him blush. "Haha, I'm only joking. Well, half joking, because I always want to see you, Herzchen. But I have something for you."

"For me?" He tilted his head in confusion at my words.

"Ja, something for you my love." I held out the two suits that were draped over my arm.

"What's this?" He wondered with his glorious gray eyes squinted.

"I bought you a new suit, Liebling, I hope you don't mind."

"Really?" He finally looked happy that I was standing in front of him.

"Natürlich. Naturally I would want to spoil my man, why not start now."

"That's actually really awesome, Dietrich." He was smiling broadly now, oh the appeal he had when he was smiling so unguarded, he didn't know about it but I saw it. "I only have a cheap suit I got a long time ago. I really don't think it's appropriate for today."

"Then I am glad that I bought this for you, meine Geliebte."

Shawn stood aside then and allowed me to enter the apartment. The place was just as immaculately clean as always. I slung the two garment bags over the back of the chair in his living room when I was inside. Then I turned to look at the delicious piece of dessert that stood before me.

I placed my hands on his waist and leaned forward to give his neck a quick kiss. After the kiss I buried my nose in the curve from neck to shoulder and inhaled deeply.

"Mmmm, such an intoxicatingly delicious scent." I smiled against him as I said these words.

"Y-y-yo-you know, y-you n-never did t-tell me what I-I s-sm-smell like to you."

"I find that so cute, the way you stutter when you are nervous. But there is no reason to be nervous, my love, if you want to know I will tell you." I pulled away and looked into his blushing face and nervous eyes.

"Well, it's just that I told you what you smell like to me, but I don't know what I smell like to you."

"Yes, I remember, you said I smell like musk, leather, and cognac. That must be an interesting scent." Shawn blushed but nodded. "And to me, you smell like a bakery, vanilla, chocolate, whipped cream, frosting, like a cake. You are my own personal dessert."

"Really? Isn't that a little girly?"

"Remember, you will smell like what appeals to me the most, and I smell like what appeals to you. It doesn't matter what it is, this scent is perfect for me, and so it is perfect for you. It also helps to prove just how sweet you really are, Geliebte."

The shade of red he reached when he blushed then was so dark that I didn't think it was humanly possible. Well, I guess it was inhumanly possible, his wolf must be blushing right along with him.

"Should w-we get ready now?" He managed it with only a slight stutter even with how embarrassed he was.

"Hmm, I think that will be nice. Shall we get dressed together?" I murmured the words right into his ear and I felt him stiffen. I knew he would, I knew it would startle him and so I laughed because I found it adorable. "I'm just joking, Liebling, I will change out here while you change in the bedroom."

"O-oh, OK." He looked scared, but still disappointed. Hmm, would I be able to see him, all of him, sometime soon?

Shawn disappeared into the bedroom and I unzipped my own bag. The suits were matching, pure black with storm gray shirts and ice blue ties. The accent colors were to match our eyes, both of them. As I myself got dressed I had to wonder what Shawn would think if he knew that he was putting on a Fioravanti suit that was valued at over twenty thousand dollars. He would probably faint on the spot. Oh well, I just wouldn't tell him.

Several minutes later, after I was done getting dressed, I heard Shawn's door open. Once again I turned to watch him as he came out of the room as if it was a reveal that I simply couldn't miss.

Shawn looked stunning, his unique appearance went well with the expensive suit and the color accents I had picked out. The Italian leather shoes I had thought to include in the bag were a perfect match as well. He was simply perfect, and I had to resist the urge to move to his side and start removing the suit layer by layer.

"What do you think? How does it look?"

"Perfekt, meine Liebe." I grinned at him and didn't bother with a translation, that word was close enough to almost match without needing it. Shawn was grinning happily at my response.

It was nearly time for us to go now so we were preparing to walk out the door and head to the car that I had purchased for use in The States. But there was one thing that I had just thought of.

"Shawn, meine Liebe, will your parents be at the wedding?" Shawn gasped and jumped in surprise when I asked that.

"Y-yes they will." He looked worried.

"Are you worried they will not accept me?" I was starting to worry.

"I-it's not that, I just don't know how to tell them."

"Then we will tell them together." I grinned at him, taking his hand and walking down the stairs to the parking lot.

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