Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 222 - Trinity - Edmond (VOLUME 2)

Chapter 222 - Trinity - Edmond (VOLUME 2)




I didn't know what had happened. I was running across the field, running to check on Shawn who had been hurt by those spider creatures. One minute my feet were pounding away on the blood and gore covered grass, and the next I was swept up in that fast moving purple smoke that brought the monsters to attack.

I felt the smoke not just swirl around me, but into me. It filled my lungs and choked off my air. I couldn't move, I couldn't draw a breath.

Before, I would have been afraid, scared that something like this was happening to me. But now, I was just pissed off. I knew who that purple smoke belonged to. I knew who was behind this. I knew and it made me angry enough to see red.

Edmond had interfered when I was trying to help my friend. He had stopped me from helping someone who was in trouble and needed me. I would not let that slide. I would kill him and get back to help my family.

When the smoke cleared around me and I could finally see, and breathe, again I was able to finally see where I was. I felt the shift in the air, the unmistakable sense of movement so I knew that I had gone somewhere else but I didn't know exactly where this was.

Everything around me was gray. It was like this was a scene from an old black and white movie. The entire scene looked familiar but somehow different. I saw gray grass swaying in the breeze that tickled my cheeks. I saw a gray sky with lighter gray clouds floating above me.

It all looked just like the clearing I had just been in, but it was completely devoid of color. Aside from the lack of color, there was no one else around. I was alone in this clearing. There were no people, no animals, no sounds or anything. It was just gray and silent.

I nervously stared around me. This place had an ominous feel to it and I didn't like it at all. This whole thing felt wrong, like I wasn't supposed to be here. I felt like, even though I couldn't see anyone, there were several pairs of eyes on me. That feeling made my skin crawl.

As I looked all around the gray, shadow looking world I felt like I could actually see eyes looking at me. The phantom glint shining off eyes that weren't really there. I felt people, felt them looking at me, staring at me, but I couldn't see them at all. What the hell was going on here? Were these people in this world or were they back home, in the real world?

"Hello there, daughter of mine." I heard Edmond's voice from behind me. I whipped around to face him, an angry glint in my eye and a firm set to my jaw. There he stood before me in his vivid, striking appearance, not affected by the gray world at all. And I had noticed that I was no longer glowing, but was back to my normal appearance.

"You." I growled at him through my clenched teeth.

"And here I thought you would be happy to have a nice family reunion with your dear old daddy."

"Don't ever fucking call yourself my dad, father, or daddy. I only have one dad and his name is Wesley."

"I hate to break it to you little girl, but I am your father and there is no other one but me."

"You're a fucking sperm donor that kidnapped my mother and ruined her life. Then you tried to kill me as well. That makes you anything but my family you son of a bitch."

"As if you know anything about your grandparents." He scoffed. That actually made me pause. His parents really were my grandparents. But how long ago did he kill them?

"When did you kill your mother Edmond?" I asked him, unable to bite my tongue on that one.

"See, you are my child. You know me so well already. Yes, we both murdered our mothers. Your existence took everything from your mother and drove her to suicide. And me, well, I took her life personally, hers and dear old dad's. I needed their life force to strengthen my magic and to create my coven. Let's see, they died a little over three hundred years ago now." He chuckled to himself.

"You're a fuckin monster."

"You haven't heard the worst of it." He chuckled to himself. "I was the leading force behind the Salem Witch Trials. I was the one who planted it all in the minds of the humans. I told them about the existence of my kind, I showed them my parents as they were practicing their magic. From there it all just took off like wildfire. It was quite fun really."

"You let all those people kill your parents?" I felt the anger rise in me as the words came out on a gasp.

"No, weren't you listening. I killed them myself. I used the hatred of the humans to fuel the witch hunts. My parents were the first to be killed in the trials and I myself set them on fire. Of course I had cast a spell ahead of time and was prepared to take their power into me. The sorrow in the heart of my parents and the hatred from the humans, those delicious emotions blended together to make quite the astounding boost to my power."

"I take back what I said before."

"What's that sweetheart." Hearing him say that word, calling me that name, it made me want to shudder.

"You're not a monster."

"See, all yo-." He began before I cut him off.

"You're a fucking psychopathic murdering asshole."

"You will talk to me with respect." He glowered at me.

"Really? Or what?" I demanded of him.

"You will live a shorter life." He laughed at me.

"You're already planning to kill me anyway."

"Yes, but I wanted to have a nice chat first. Keep acting like that and I will just kill you now."

"Oh no, heavens forbid it, I cannot have that happening now can I."

"Don't press your luck you little bitch. I'm trying to be generous. I thought you would like an explanation before you died. But you can just die now, being as ignorant as you are. If you're content dying ignorant then so be it for me to stop you."

"What makes you think I am ignorant of anything?" I yelled at him. "What makes you act all high and mighty, thinking you're better than me? Why do you think I do not know anything about you or your people?"

"Foolish little girl, where would you have learned about it all?" He looked at me with his eerily light colored eyes and smirked. "I destroyed the Aerie Convento the day you arrived, taking that unborn abomination with it."

"Abomination? Abomination? That abomination was my baby, your grandchild. It would have had warlock blood coursing through it."

"Yes, but it was too tainted with beastmen to be usable to me. I didn't know about, or intend to kill it, but it was an added bonus."

"You bastard. You heartless, demonic bastard." I was shaking from my anger and the gray of the landscape around me was slowly turning a hazy red color. I was ready to kill him.

I just watched on as Edmond laughed about his evil deeds. He got a kick out of the destruction and despair he brought people. It was truly like his life's joy.

"What the hell is the matter with you? What happened to you to turn you into this type of person?"

"What happened you ask, hmm." He seemed to be deep in thought as he pondered my question. He even put his hand on his chin and looked like he was thinking hard. "Nothing happened really. This is just the way I was born. The Goddess Hektate made me in her image."

"The Goddess Hektate was just as evil and sadistic."

"Oh, no, she's even more so. That's why I recognize her as my only mother. I want to be just like her when I grow up." He put on a high pitched voice and spoke like a child, after a moment he began to laugh at his own joke.

I looked at Edmond then. Truly looked at him for the first time ever. I looked into his eyes, searching for the heart I already knew he was born without. I searched his face, his eyes, for some sort of remorse. I found nothing but emptiness and maniacal glee. He was truly proud of himself for everything he had done. For all the lives he had taken.

"How many of your children have you killed, Edmond? How many women did you destroy to get those children? Don't you feel anything for the flesh and blood that you lost."

"If they're not strong enough to survive, then that's on them. I feel nothing for the loss of them or their mothers. They were tools and vessels, and they were all broken. I have no need for broken things."

"Did you ever think that you were the broken thing, you asshole? Did you ever think that they would have grown up powerful and strong if you didn't torment or torture them all to death?" I felt the wind stir around me as I spoke, and those phantom eyes that were staring at me before became just a little clearer.

"Nonsense. They were weak and needed to be plucked from the pool. You had potential, so much potential. But your body chose wolf over warlock so you're no longer of use to me."

"You're the one no longer needed." I yelled at him. "And that's why I am going to kill you."

"Ha, you kill me. That's the funniest thing I have heard in a long time."

"Do you hear me laughing asshole?" I snarled at him, my anger flaring higher and higher. "You're one piece of trash this world never needed, and it's time to clean things up."

"I told you to watch what you said about me, you useless little mongrel slut. I will make you wish you'd never met that mate of yours. That would have been the only way for you to have survived you know. But now you're a tainted piece of mongrel scum."

"You're going to rue the day you decided to experiment on unborn children you crazy fuck." I knew that the arguing was too much. But I also knew that as soon as it stopped, the fighting would start. And lastly, I knew that only one of us would be walking away from this fight, while the other was left to die.

I was ready. It was time to end all this.

"Fuck you, Edmond." I spoke one last time before I curled myself into a fighting stance.

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