Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 187: Mythic-Level Genome

Chapter 187: Mythic-Level Genome

Chapter 187: Mythic-Level Genome

A burst of blue light covered Zeras in the next second before disappearing, Zeras gone with it disappearance.

The blue light flashed in a dark room made with rocks, like some type of ancient cave. In the middle of the cave was a circular pool of lava. But strangely the lava wasn’t the usual red, but completely blue in colour.

The light dropped Zeras in the middle of the pool as his body made a sizzling sound before sinking into it. Nothing happened after that, not a single ripple was observed for almost an hour before a dark light suddenly began to pulse.

It started out as a gentle flicker beneath the blue pool before suddenly flaring out powerfully illuminating the cave with a mixture of dark and blue lights.

— — —

Deep within the blue lava

A dried husk of a human could be seen deep within the lava, his body layed down at the pool ground in a straight position. A gaping hole was on his neck with thousands of other holes and deep injuries on every part of his body.

He layed there motionless when suddenly a dark crystal appeared on his forehead and suddenly began to pulse once. At first, it pulsed slowly then started pulsing quickly, picking up speed.

With the increasing momentum of the pulses, a suction force was created causing a whirlpool to suddenly form at the top of the pool as all the blue liquid which could better be called lava due to its thicknesses suddenly began to pour into Zera’s body as directed by the dark light.

Pure energy present in the lava flood into Zera’s body with speed as all the injuries on him began to mysteriously close up.

The gaping hole on his neck slowly began closing up and there was not a single sign of injury on him in the next three hour. All the injuries present on him were no more as Zeras’s body was back to normal in the next second but there was still some lava left.

The dark crystal suddenly flared brightly with power as the blue lava were slowly absorbed into his bones and skin.

Zeras’s body that could be described as dried up husk suddenly began to expand as the lava entered into his bones causing them to shatter into pieces but the dark light flared with even more abyssal dark light causing the shattered bone to reform.

The blue lava once again flooded into the bones strengthening it but after a stage it once again shattered causing the green light to also reform it.

A cycle of destruction and creation was formed as Zera’s bone continued to get stronger while golden coloured runes slowly appeared on them.

The runes flared with occasional golden light as they acted like some sort of natural suction force for the blue lava which was gently absorbed into them causing them to brighten up and the energy present in the lava to be properly absorbed into his bones. A result that was shown clearly as his bones no longer shattered into piece from the energy and were instead slowly being reformed.

The blue lava was starting to turn into pure white water as all the energy present were being sucked away.

With trying to reform Zera’s bones out of the way, the dark crystal continued pulsing with its Abyssal dark light as it directed all the energy remaining into his spine. Zera’s spine immediately also shattered when the blue energy were passed into them but immediately reformed by the dark light from the crystal, causing another cycle of destruction and creation to begin.

The golden runes began to appear in his spine too as the blue wave of energy were absorbed into them causing the runes to brighten up while sending all the energy to his spine in order to strengthen it.

The remaining blue light were passed into his skin making the impurities present in them to be removed as thick blue coloured diamond-like scales suddenly began appearing on Zera’s skin.

Small blackhole were present on every of his scales as all the remaining energy of the blue lava were absorbed into those blackhole strengthening the scales to unbelievable levels.

— — —

5 days later

A humanoid being of about 2 metres tall could be seen lying at the end of the now pure white liquid looking indistinguishable from water.

Beautiful blue scales lined intricately covered every part of his body shinning bursts of blue lights occasionally. A golden coloured light flared from deep within him as the runes present in his bones occasionally flared with golden light.

His blood which was formerly red and dak now contained an additional blue.

The dark crystal suddenly stopped flaring with dark light as it occasionally pulsed slowly on Zera’s forehead but it pulses was now more than five times slower than before as it only produced a small flickering dark light.

It seems trying to bring Vather out of his death door had caused most of the energy present in it to dry up.

All that was left in the cave was a completely still pool that has been reduced from the thick blue lava into normal water, having all the energy present it drained.

The silence in the cave was a deathly bone-chilling when suddenly a circular ripple appeared on the pools surface, slowly increasing with every passing seconds before it immediately started to boil.


A figure suddenly jumped out of the pool, travelling ten meters into the air before landing crouched on the ground.

The tiled floor beneath his feet immediately shattered causing a 3 meters hole in the place where he landed.

Slowly he rose to his feet as his eyes snapped open sending piercing light into the air.

“AHHHHHH” Zeafs breathed out a stale white air from his mouth, as he raised up his hand to his face seeing the strange blue scales that covered his entire body from head to toe.

He moved his left fingers to the scales feeling the unbreakable hardness as his eyes narrowed in confusion. Zeras could tell, he would have to go all out with a single powerful attack in his arsenal, before he would be able to break apar a single one of the scales.

Yes. That was just how tough they were. Yet, it wasn’t only defense he felt an improvement.

Suddenly, a golden-coloured notification panel appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations, Host has successfully fused with Mythic Level Genome]

[Host has acquired a new genome, The Slumbering Titan Genome.]

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