Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 185: Finishing The First Test

Chapter 185: Finishing The First Test

Chapter 185: Finishing The First Test

It covered his entire vision, it cast a veil over his heart and a feeling of helplessness. It caused him to doubt himself and think about his death.

It was like an entire world was falling down on him as Zeras raised his head, the ginormous club falling on him with apocalyptic might, its momentum ever increasing.

Yet, an even deeper anger flashed in his eyes as his helpless face immediately became that of an angered one. An anger deep down his existence that even him couldn’t explain just where it came from. It was the feeling a mighty king would feel when a lowly slave rise up to slap him in the face.

A feeling of utmost disdain and billowing anger.


Forcefully twisting his constitution, Zeras body immediately tore out of his cloth as muscles twisted like tumors in his body, morphing into an abominable ancient monster with a burnt scales as he grew to a height of 2.5 meters. Yes, he chose to become a Skull.

Horrifying dark and red veins wriggled around his scaly body as Zeras felt crazy strength bubbling within him but he was well aware it still wasn’t enough.



Four more arms tore out of his shoulders forcefully as Zeras screamed out in pain.

Normally to morph into an object, he had to be able to imagine it well or even better encountered it before.

This would make the transformation simpler but he had not seen a Skull with six arms before, making his morph into one very painful as this was his own imagination.

Mana flowed through his entire body as a dark wave of energy blasted from his figure and he once again raised his gaze to the mountains, the will of defiance clear in his eyes…



The ground cracked, the air fractured, and shockwaves rippled throughout the entire battlefield as the snow around the place was blown away, creating a clear opening of ten meters radius.

A gigantic club was lodged onto the ground, unmoving, when suddenly it began shaking before getting violently shoved away as the ten-meter giant took three steps backward by the sudden force.

Beneath the five-metre crevice was a kneeling Zeras who had his clothes torn to pieces as blood poured out from his pores forming a small pool of the blood in the crevice.

Zeras repeatedly took deep breaths in as he couldn’t believe the horrifying pain crazily assaulting his body.

It was like an entire mountain was slammed on him lodging him deep to the ground, and his arm bones have been shattered though his regeneration was already active, yet it was still difficult for his wounds to close up due to just how heavy they were.

Immediately, a notification appeared…

[-100 HP]

[Mana: 3/250]

“Shit, I used all my Mana…” A vein popped on his head on seeing the notification but he didn’t get much resting time when the Club was once again raised and slammed downwards unleashing another apocalyptic power on Zeras.

“Tch, what a hassle…” Zeras muttered before sitting cross-legged. Instantly the ground beneath fractured as he immediately sank in from the pressure of the club but Zeras still didn’t open his eyes as he focused on getting himself back to shape as quickly as he could.

Just when the club was just five centimeters from making contact, it suddenly stopped unable to go any longer before the giant and the club became motes of light disappearing into the distance.

“Congratulations, Trial tester. You have successfully passed the first trial. You’ll now be immediately taken to the second trial…”

“At least, give me a damn break!!!” Zeras screamed out his lungs but the runic circle of green energy emerged from beneath his feet as he disappeared from where he was…

— — —

“You have arrived at the second trial, The Trial Of Slumbering Will…”

The voice said as Zeras paid it no mind instead looking at the area around him.

It was an abyss, down below him while around him were thousands of floating rock platforms. It was like the gravity in the place was irregular as the small mountains were floating but he was rigged tightly on his feet to the mountain.

Mist spread around the place, which was deathly silent causing Zera’s heart to slowly begin thumping.

It was due to fear, fear of the unknown…

“Activate Eye Of Chaos…” Immediately his gaze passed through the fog as Zeras stared beneath the mountain to see just what was under where he was, when suddenly he shifted three steps backwards as his hair stood on end in fear…

“That’s… that’s…” Slowly standing up, he walked closer to the platform edge to get a better look and he saw what he wanted.

It was a sea of blood and a pillar of bones.

The platform he was standing on wasn’t levitating like he thought, no it was raised by a pillar and that pillar was formed from the millions of bones of the dead arranged on top of each other.

Looking at the thousands of platforms, who will believe there were pillars made of millions of dead bodies holding the platform in the air?

If so, just how many were killed? The least would be billions. Just what psychopath did this…

Suddenly the platforms he was standing on began rumbling as Zeras looked around the place only to discover it wasn’t only his platform that was rumbling, the entire area was and something was slowly rising from within the sea of blood beneath the platform.

And slowly a devilish claw pierced out of the sea of blood as an entity slowly rose from within and came to stand before Zeras.

A being of unimaginable existence. A true devilish cosmic entity…

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH…” A wave of red gas blasted out of its maw enveloping the entire world in a Killing intent Zeras had never before felt or even imagined.

“How long has it been…” The word rang out clearly and Zeras finally got a full image of the being.

“Is this a dream?”

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