CEO, Your Wife Wants Divorce Again

Chapter 38


Qiao Yi's face was pale white as she absentmindedly returned to the company. Her entire being seemed to be trapped in a quagmire and everything outside was isolated by her.

She could not believe what Zheng Zheng had said to her. How could Young Master Lu do that?

Her husband was Lu Jingyun, an ordinary man, the most ordinary man in all of life. He was a good husband in Qiao Yi's heart. He was steady, steady, considerate, and pampered and liked her. It was impossible for him to be some so-called Young Master Lu of the capital.

Qiao Yi still remembered the first time she saw Lu Jingyun. At that time, she was determined to enter the marriage office, but she kept pacing back and forth at the door. After accepting the red lady's introductions and advice, after filling out the form and preparing to pay, Lu Jingyun pushed the door open and entered.

He seemed to be in a rather sorry state. His clothes were a mess, but his handsome appearance was obscured by dust and dust. He saw her and they looked at each other for a moment before he was led to another consulting room.

Afterwards, the first man that she was introduced to in the matchmaking session was Lu Jingyun.

This was the first time she saw Lu Jingyun, who seemed to be in high spirits. Even though the clothes they were wearing were ordinary, it caused her heart to be a little nervous, and her heart to thump loudly. However, he had a gentle and comforting smile on his face, causing her to slowly let go of her nervousness and start chatting with him.

She could not remember what they had talked about now, and more often it was he who had asked her questions and answered them, or perhaps he had introduced himself, and she had been smiling because she had been happy and had not expected to meet someone she liked the first time.

After he asked for her number, Qiao Yi happily exchanged numbers with him. The two of them smiled at each other, and when they walked out of the marriage office, she was about to say her goodbyes, but she was still reluctant to do so. He did not expect Lu Jingyun to invite her for a meal.

At that time, Qiao Yi had already guessed from the bottom of his heart that it was this man.

It was their first time eating a meal. They were eating beef noodles, which was very suitable for Qiao Yi's tastes. Her good impression of him quickly jumped, and the smile in her eyes when she looked at him also felt that he should have feelings for her.

And then … He sent her back to school, and they sat on the bus side by side. At that time, Qiao Yi felt that they had already been in love for many years, and things were natural.

Slowly, meet, chat, hold hands, kiss, get a permit to buy a house...

She had never doubted Lu Jingyun. She had never felt that Lu Jingyun would be some Young Master Lu that was so far away from her knowledge. She only knew that Lu Jingyun was her husband, her ordinary and caring husband.

And what was that Young Master Lu?


Qiao Yi gradually recovered the ability to think. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this matter was too outrageous. Lu Jingyun was Lu Jingyun, he was just an ordinary man, if he was really what Zheng Zheng said, then why would he enter the marriage office, why would he marry a normal woman like her? Especially since the first time he walked into the marriage contract, he couldn't have had any purpose in doing so.

Then, if that was the case, what were these coincidences? First, let's not talk about whether what Zheng Zheng said was true or not, what happened to the figure inside the jewelry store that was similar to Lu Jingyun? Why did the Zheng Zheng send her to meet with another woman? Previously, when she couldn't see his face, she thought that he was someone similar, but the photo on Zheng Zheng's phone was clearly Lu Jingyun.

All of these made Qiao Yi, who overthrew the Zheng Zheng's words, feel indecisive.

Lu Jingyun, what exactly happened to you?

Qiao Yi did not do any work during the afternoon and it was also the first time she did that. After work, she could not wait to leave the company. She urgently needed to find the truth, urgently wanted to see Lu Jingyun. She wanted him to tell her that her suspicions were wrong, that Zheng Zheng was lying, and that her husband, Lu Jingyun, was just an ordinary man.

Qiao Yi immediately chose a taxi and went straight to Lu Jingyun's company. During the rush hour traffic, her heart felt like it was blocked, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

In the carriage, Qiao Yi received Lu Jingyun's call, her anxious face instantly stiffened.

"Yi, are you off work? I'll be home in a minute. "

"You … Don't go yet, I'll go find you. "

Qiao Yi's voice was a little muffled, but when Lu Jingyun heard her, he could already sense that something was wrong, and his heart sank a little. " Alright, I'll wait for you at the company. When you arrive, let me know. Be careful on your way here. "

"Okay, then wait for me."

Qiao Yi quickly ended the call, and on the other side of the phone, Lu Jingyun heard the unhesitatingly beeping phone call. His black eyes flashed, as he quickly thought about everything that he could recently.

The long fingers seemed to be following a pattern, when suddenly the tapping stopped. Lu Jingyun frowned, and quickly searched for the pictures on the computer on the desk. Finally, when he saw the picture, his eyes flashed deeply.

Lu Jingyun slowly curled the corner of his mouth. After that, he relaxed and leaned against the back of the chair, as though he already had a plan in mind.

After Qiao Yi got out of the taxi, he stood at the entrance to Lu Jingyun's company. She did not directly call him, but instead walked into the office building and looked at the name of the company that Lu Jingyun had told him on the display board. She then followed her instructions and entered the elevator.

Qiao Yi was a little perturbed, she had never been to Lu Jingyun's company before, and had never seen Lu Jingyun's colleagues before, so she had never suspected that this ordinary man was actually a normal worker. Now, when she suddenly came, it was not like she did not intend to attack him immediately, but with a ding, Qiao Yi walked out of the elevator.

Wing Zhan Technology Co., Ltd., pushed open the glass door and walked in.

It seemed that because they had finished work, the front desk was already empty. Qiao Yi carefully walked around the front desk and into the huge office area.

"Brother Lu, why aren't you going home?"

"I'll wait a little while longer. My wife will be here soon."

"Sister-in-law is coming?" "Tsk, tsk. In the half year that we've been here, we've never met sister-in-law before. If there's a chance another time, let's meet up."

Qiao Yi heard the sound that came out from the separation room, and she slowly put down her doubts and apprehension. Not long later, a man stood up and carried a bag. " Brother Lu, I'll be leaving first. See you tomorrow. "

"Alright, goodbye."

Qiao Yi's footsteps paused, the man seemed to have seen her and was startled, and then he thought of something, and an excited smile appeared on his face. Brother Lu, is this your sister-in-law? "

Hearing that, Lu Jingyun suddenly stood up, and seeing the slightly embarrassed Qiao Yi, she smiled and nodded. "Yi Yi, you're here."

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