CEO, Your Wife Wants Divorce Again

Chapter 138


Joey shakes his head and looks around. At last, she finds a more familiar person, who is as low-key as her.

“Chris。” Joey comes up to her and looks at her conservative black dress. Compared with the colorful ones, Xinrui's dress is nothing.

Shirley hands her a glass of champagne, and Joey takes it. She just sticks her lips slightly and doesn't dare to drink too much.

"It's a lively evening. Let's find a place to eat and watch."

Xinrui also seems to be interested in joking with Joey. She slightly hooks the corner of her lip and touches Joey's glasses. She is not as strict as in the company. She is a little relaxed at the moment, which also makes Joey feel that her state has been added to the laziness because of such relaxation.

"The things here are really good. I wonder if I can take some back secretly?"

Joey asked in a low voice, and Shirley nodded. "It should be."

"That's good." Joey giggled and looked at Cindy again. "Don't laugh at me for being humble. I just feel that many of them have not been eaten before. I want to give them to my husband."

Cindy shakes her head. "I have something I haven't eaten. There is nothing to be ashamed of. "

Joey nodded to show that they were really in the same boat.

While Joey was concentrating on her food, Sally and Alice came dressed up to compete with their colleagues, and then they came to Joey.

"It's too bad for you to fight like this before the big ones show up."

Joey saw Sally's face turn blue with anger. There was no other reason but to bump into her shirt. How painful it is.

"Well, I really want to pour wine on that woman's face. It's disgusting." Sally still can't calm down, was hit by the shirt also a lot of verbal attacks, obviously she did not take advantage of.

"If you do, you lose. Demeanor, temperament,

elegance Sally, keep it up. Keep it up Joey, please In a moment, the main character is about to enter the arena. Calm down quickly. "

Sally immediately calm down, a few deep breaths, facial expression immediately changed, time is only a few seconds.

Joey praised the speed of this face change, but she was really right. The head of Jiangcheng company and several characters appeared.

A few people who don't want to see her come. But anyway, she was hiding in the corner, and those people were busy chatting, and they would not care about her.

"Here comes the big boss..."

With the silence after a burst of noise, joy looks at the man who enters the hall. This is the first time she sees the big boss of Tianhe, Lin Yanchen. In the meeting room on the top floor before, she had never raised her head at all, so she didn't count as seeing him.

As expected, he is the top diamond king. Not only is his status, status and money there, but his good appearance makes him more valuable than others. Such a man, no wonder those women are flocking to it.

Joey had heard that most of the women's hearts beat faster, not to mention the two around her.

But the man looked familiar. Looking from afar, it was not so clear that Joey didn't think why the man was familiar.

Looking at Lin Yanchen's perfect appearance and the first introduction of Jiangcheng branch company, please give a speech.

As he stood there, the lights focused like stars, Joey suddenly thought.

Isn't this the man who helped himself at the bar that night?

But then Joey felt that it was a small effort, and he had already said thanks. If ordinary people, Joey will certainly say hello and thank again. But this man is Lin Yanchen, the boss of Tianhe International. If he wants to thank him again, he must be asking for trouble.

It is estimated that not only others will doubt her intentions, but the big boss may suspect that he has ulterior motives.

Therefore, it was over that night, and she didn't have to worry about it any more. Maybe Lin Yanchen didn't remember it for a long time. But look at Sally and Alice. They want to wait for a while. They don't have to.

Joey is not going to tell Sally and Alice that the bar man is Lin Yanchen, to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Lin Yanchen did not say a few words, concise and calm, just like him.

After that, he exchanged greetings with others, and slowly, the women began to move.

"You two don't hurry?"

Joey had been in the corner with the tray, eating and asking Sally and Alice that they hadn't done anything.

"Don't worry." Alice is very calm.

"Yes, we can't worry. We have to have a special way to play. Let Mr. Lin remember the famous one."

"A blockbuster?" Joey asked, "what's a great idea?"

"Not yet."

"Then try your best." Joy said with a smile, "I wish you success, and I'm here to give you spiritual support."Xinrui's glass is lifted slightly, which is a blessing to them. A smile on her lips makes Sally and Alice less hate her.

"Well, I said," don't you want to cast a wide net? There are many young unmarried talents over there. Why don't you try it first? "

Joey saw Ye Lin, but there was no Li Jia around him. She is not sure how long the woman around such a man can last. Anyway, Li Jia has not contacted her for a long time. Maybe she is no longer with Ye Lin.

"Well, I'll go first." Sally's in action. Joey asks Alice with a smile. "And you?"

Alice shook her head and laughed. She didn't seem to be in a hurry. She wasn't as excited as before.

"I don't think it's necessary. The chance of success is not high. It's really stupid to steal food with a group of women. "

"Well, how did you come to realize it?"

"It's not a great insight. It's just that you're smiling so heartless. I'm envious of your life like this."

Alice looked at the whole scene. She really didn't come for food like Joey. She was spoiled by her husband and was so happy that she didn't have any vanity or rivalry in her eyes. She was just a bystander watching all the people's behaviors for their own purposes.

The men and women in the field are really different, and their hearts must be full of ideas. However, how many are really pure and good?

There are not many people who are really as simple as Joey, although they are silly.

People here, for the name of profit, for money, for power, can not escape the word desire and hope.

And tonight, especially under such brilliance, desire and hope are more prosperous.

Alice looked at Joey, but actually she didn't know what kind of experience would make Joey so satisfied with everything, as if she was not affected by these huge temptations. Maybe it's because of her nature, or maybe it's because she's stupid.

In any case, even if you can see clearly, you can understand, but Alice herself can not really resist the temptation. She wanted everything better, and as one of these people, she didn't have to be Joey.

"Oh, you can't compare with me. I have everything now. My family is happy, and I have no tension. I'm already satisfied. "

Joey just laughs at Alice's comments. "You know, if you have a beloved husband. So, take advantage of this opportunity to find a suitable one. Even if it's not successful, it doesn't matter. Isn't there something delicious? "

Holding up the dessert, Joey's eyes were sly and smiling.

Alice raised her eyebrows. "Is that all?"

"Then what do you want? I'll take it for you. First of all, I wish you every success. "

Alice gave a satisfied smile. "You're not as good as me for what's delicious and what's worth eating. Come on, I'll show you something good. Don't stick to these high-fat things. It's just irritating me. "

Alice can be a little concerned about Joey's fat eating behavior. Said it was pulling Joey to the other side.

"This, this..."

Alice points as she points, and Joey's eyes glow with food.

"Dihao's chefs are chefs from all over the world, so whether it's Chinese food or Western food, everything is perfect."

"Alice, you know very well. Often come to scatter money Joey joked.

"The annual meeting of the company was held in Dihao, but only once. Later on, I was invited to come. Although I have the heart to yearn for such a place, but the financial resources are still not enough! "

Alice seldom joked, and Joey said to her in a low voice with a smile, "then you can find someone who has enough money."

"Isn't this in the works?"

They were laughing, and they didn't notice that someone had locked in Joey.

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