Celestial Peak

Chapter 137: Wang Yue awakens

Chapter 137: Wang Yue awakens

Wang Yue opened her eyes three months after Wang Ling sacrificed his blood essence for her. She woke up and weakly blinked her eyes and saw a handsome young man nursing her beside the bed.

The handsome young man had dashing looks and a valiant but sad air around him. The young man's skin was fair and jealousy-inducing for any woman to look at him. His eyes was peculiar, it was as if it could see through anything it gazes upon.

"Older brother?" Wang Yue asked weakly as she tried getting up from her bed. She didn't feel uneasy or discomfort as she got up. But felt cool and comfort instead.

Wang Ling heard Wang Yue's voice and turned to look at her getting up and asked, "Are you feeling better now?"

Wang Yue nodded her head before asking Wang Ling, "What happened to me?"

Wang Ling helped Wang Yue sit up from her bed and gently placed his hands on top of Wang Yue's head before explaining what happened.

Three months ago, Wang Ling unlocked Wang Yue's qi pillars and opened the pores of her body. Although Wang Ling couldn't unlock any bloodline in her body, the results was good enough.

A month after the healing was done, Wang Ling woke up and found out two things. First was, Bai Xue had left for Thundergod Academy. They talked early on saying one of them must go to the Thundergod Academy and participate in the new student competition.

According to the maids, Bai Xue took a long time before deciding to leave his side and go to the Thundergod Academy. She thought it would be for the best that she goes and collect some resources for both of them.

Though, a month later, Bai Xue had returned bearing the title of the strongest new student of the Thundergod Academy and two grade-2 spirit plants and some grade-2 weapon. She also informed him that her points was now 25,000.

Wang Ling who missed the new student tournament spent his time nursing Wang Yue who was still fast asleep. She had taken care of him before, he was only returning the favor.

It took two months of nursing her and she finally woke up when Wang Ling was sitting beside her circulating angelic qi in her meridians. Wang Ling didn't specify anything regarding what he had missed and only focused on how he took care of her.

After hearing Wang Ling's little story of how he took care of her and more importantly how she can now use qi to cultivate. A single tear escaped Wang Yue's stay like eyes as she repeatedly uttered, "Thank you."

She began to cry shortly after and Wang Ling held her in his arms as she did. Her cries echoed in Wang Ling's ears. It was weird, Wang Ling was hearing someone cry in front of him and he felt no disdain or hate for it.

The only emotion he felt was satisfaction at the fact he managed to help someone inside his family. Wang Ling smiled as he held his little sister tighter in his arms.

Wang Yue's cries was heard by many outside her room and soon, news of her awakening spread in the whole Main House. Butler Sun and Qiqi came rushing to her side and most of the maids who was attached to the lass rejoiced.

The entire Main House rejoiced at Wang Yue's recovery.


Three days after regaining consciousness, Wang Yue was sitting cross-legged in front of Wang Ling's courtyard, Qiqi was standing behind her. In front of her was Wang Ling who was stroking Bai Xue's fluffy white fur.

It had been three days since Wang Yue's recovery and before she goes cultivate. She went to find Wang Ling to ask some questions about cultivation. She could have asked anyone else, but Wang Ling was easier to talk to and he provides easy to understand explanation so she went to him.

Wang Ling did not have any problem with such an arrangement.

Wang Yue spoke. "Older Brother, what is cultivation?"

"Cultivation is a path that anyone can tread if their body possesses spirit qi or any kind of qi. Any cultivator must forge a path of their own to tread, meaning, not one path is the same."

"What is the different level of cultivation? Phases and Boundaries?"

"In our Celestial Spirit Realm, there were originally three phases and two boundaries in cultivation. Phases refer to the phases of cultivation that evolves the path of every cultivator, it is also where cultivation begins. Boundaries are the walls every cultivator must scale, if they find it hard to enter boundary realms, it would be hard to press forward. But if they can scale this wall, they will be able to reach even greater heights in the future."

"The cultivation levels are as follows: Foundational Phase, Earth Root Stage, Sky Root Stage, and Energy Palace Stage: First Boundary Realm, Nascent Soul Stage: Saint Phase, Minor Saint Stage, Grand Saint Stage, and True Saint Stage: Second Boundary Realm, Dominion Stage: Celestial Phase, [Celestial King Stage], [Celestial Emperor Stage], and [Celestial God Stage].

"As for what is beyond that, I don't know anymore."

As Wang Yue's question increased, Wang Ling's explanation became deeper. But he did his best to make sure his words were understandable. Wang Ling's experience provided in-depth answers to Wang Yue's question.

Three hours later, Wang Yue managed to fill in the gaps in her mind. She now had a deeper understanding of what is important in cultivation and which is which.

But as their question and answer portion was about to end, Wang Ling asked her a simple question, "What cultivation technique would you cultivate in?"

Although Wang Yue's qi pillars was opened by Wang Ling's angelic qi and supreme spirit qi. Her qi held no special properties other than being purer than other qi.

Wang Yue answered with a smile as she said, "I do not know yet, but I want to cultivate something really strong. Strong enough that will make everyone proud of me." Wang Yue announced.

Wang Ling smiled softly at her, "Is that so, then you better ask Butler Sun for a formidable technique to cultivate. But if I can recommend something, it would be best if you cultivate the [Hunter Goddess Art]. You train in archery correct? If you train in that technique, you will find your arrow piercing your target even if they are tens of thousands of kilometers away from you."

Wang Ling said and Wang Yue left with his recommendation in mind. The Hunter Goddess Art was one of the techniques he had given Butler Sun months ago. 

Getting up, Wang Ling stretched his back and sighed. He had done almost everything he needed to do in the Main House. He didn't have anything more to do so, he sighed as he went inside his house.

It was time for his seclusion. Wang Ling had already prepared everything and in his possession was souls of Minor Saints that total to 500 souls. These souls was enough to push his cultivation all the way to Saint Phase.

Wang Ling had already asked Butler Sun to not disturb him in his cultivation. Closing his doors, Wang Ling and Bai Xue prepared their own items. Bai Xue passed Wang Ling the spirit plant she had won in the tournament and the two began their seclusion.

Wang Ling devoured souls while Bai Xue devoured blood. Their seclusion was not going to be short, this time around, Wang Ling was prepared to seclude himself for a long time.

Activating both bloodlines as he increased the rate of his consumption of souls thanks to his devil blood and his absorption of qi thanks to his Holy Lord bloodline, Wang Ling's cultivation was quickly rising.

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