Celestial Peak

Chapter 129: First Young Master let us fight II

Chapter 129: First Young Master let us fight II

Wang Ling stood there facing the middle-aged man as he continued his words, "I have just finished my training and I have other agendas to do. Please let us do this another time, okay?"

Wang Ling was not in the mood to fight. He had come home to the main house to learn and easily break through the next level. Although he had yet to accept most of the resources from Butler Sun, the souls and blood he asked for was coming.

Resources was in no way something he didn't want. Just that Shadow Pavilion was larger than he had thought. He had yet to venture to the Shadow Pavilion was situated but the number of people he had seen cultivating the same techniques had already numbered at 59.

It had yet to reach hundreds, but those 59 people were all in the saint phase. Just how strong was the Shadow Pavilion? He didn't know. But he had the general idea how much resources it must take to support so many people of that caliber.

Wang Ling knew that the greatest adversary in his path to the top was his lack of cultivation resources. However, he can't have his family taking the fall for him if he took their resources away.

The number of resources he needed was astronomical. So, he had to do this on his own or he might as well cause his family to have cracks. Because of that, Wang Ling was truly lucky to inherit the Soul Devourer technique.

Such a technique lets him raise his strength by using the souls of his enemies. Because of that, Wang Ling had asked Butler Sun to get him soul and blood of spirit beasts to raise his strength.

Sighing, he looked at the middle-aged man who had a disappointed look on his face. The middle-aged man looked kind of pitiful despite being so largely built so much so he resembles a bear.

"Can we not fight just a tiny bit? I'll even help you with your agenda, I just want to see the First Young Master's dao in the path of the sword. I train in the path of the saber so I just wish to trade pointers."

"But I am so weak, my cultivation is not up to par with yours. Having a bout with me is nothing but a waste of your time."

The middle-aged man answered with a smile, "I understand your point. But we can just seal our qi and use only our sword and saber to fight. If the First Young Master does not wish to fight with real weapons, I can provide a training sword for the two of us to use."

Seeing the middle-aged man being so persistent. Wang Ling felt a headache and rubbed his temples before asking, "Do you have the ability to harvest souls? Also, just to make sure, you really will do anything to fight me, correct?"

The middle-aged man found his question baffling and too outlandish for the current topic but still nodded his head to answer, "Yes."

"Good, then, if you want me to fight you get me 17 souls and 17 blood essence of spirit beasts. I originally asked Butler Sun for them, but seeing you have free time and is beyond the saint phase, might I ask senior to collect them for me?"

The middle-aged man's face beamed after hearing Wang Ling's answer, "Sure, I can that done in a few short hours. Wait for me First Young Master, I will get them for you."

Wang Ling saw the middle-aged man flew off at high speeds and saw his body emit a golden light while doing so. He was now pretty sure that the person was stronger than a saint.

Wang Ling shook his head and went out of his courtyard. He had no time to waste and went to the Alchemy Pavilion of his family. The pavilion was another pagoda, but it stood tall like an ancient building.

Observing it with a single look will make others see it as dilapidated. Half of the pavilion had been burnt off presenting a terrible sight.

Wang Ling had heard a lot of things from Butler Sun when he got here.

The Wang Family may have immense capital but it did not have any Alchemist. The Wang Family has good relations with the Yan Family and the Elves so the Wang Family gets their supplies from either of the two.

However, even though they have no Alchemist, there was an Alchemy Pavilion in the main house. As to why this was so, it was because Wang Shu Qing once attempted to try and become an Alchemist, which ended up in a grand failure.

Not only was he unable to cultivate and flame related martial techniques. But he also managed to burn half of the pavilion and to this day, no one knows how he did such a thing. In the opinion of Butler Sun, Wang Shu Qing's act was simply mysterious.

Wang Ling entered the pavilion and began observing the place. He looked around and saw the pillars supporting the pavilion still in good shape. The place was cleaned to be spotless and no dust could be seen.

The pavilion has two floors, Wang Ling went up to the second floor and there he saw a black cauldron. The black cauldron was rather large. It was a quarter meter big and soon on four stands.

Wang Ling looked around the second floor and found nothing of importance other than the black cauldron and the single storage ring that was gently placed on top of a box. Wang Ling went ahead and sat in front of the cauldron and caressed its surface.

The design on the cauldron was tiger ascending to the heavens. Wang Ling was sure its name was [Black Tiger Cauldron], an artifact Wang Shu Qing had dug up from a ruin he had gone to when he was young.

The Black Tiger Cauldron was an artifact, but as to what level of artifact it was, even Wang Ling who was caressing and checking it did not know. The cauldron was emitting an ancient aura that could make anyone's hair tingle.

Wang Ling observed the cauldron and began feeling the inexplicable might it possessed. Wang Ling caressed the cauldron and sensed that in its core, it was alive.

It had a spirit, but it was dormant. Artifacts that was on grade-4 was artifacts meant for celestials and those artifacts have a spirit and a mind of their own.

A spirit is different from a soul. A soul is the core of all beings that is made of flesh or was born in this world through means of other beings. It does not matter how one was birthed, but no matter if you are a beast, human, beastman, elf, or something else one will have a soul.

But artifacts that surpass Dominion Realm will possess a spirit or a kind of self-awareness. The term of an artifact choosing its master came from that idea.

Wang Ling's Blood Seeker in the past was one such artifact. Wang Ling should already be used to dealing with artifacts of such caliber but the one in front of him was something from a higher existence.

It was not an ordinary toy that anyone can bind to their souls. The act of binding an artifact to one's soul was the act of claiming the artifact as yours. But if the soul was weak or incompatible with the artifact the two will form a dissonance and the binding will fail.

Rejection might have a bad effect on cultivation as it might shake the foundation of a cultivator. This artifact was such an artifact, but Wang Ling did not have to worry about having his foundation shook.

With his cosmic foundation, his foundation was unshakeable. So, without any hesitation, he cut his pricked his fingers and dropped blood inside the cauldron. A bright golden light emerged from the cauldron and the aura of a tiger emerged.


A roar of the tiger echoed around the main house.

Some of the weaker maids with weak minds suddenly collapsed upon hearing the roar of the tiger. Those who collapsed was hundreds of meters away, even Wang Yue who was training with the bow was shaken. But Bai Xue protected her so she didn't experience any bad effect.

However, Wang Ling stood in front of the cauldron without budging. He began wrapping the cauldron with his supreme spirit qi, hellish qi, and angelic qi all at the same time.

He forced the spirit to awaken with his angelic qi and assaulted it with his hellish qi. He drew the spirit of the cauldron towards his soul that was even stronger than he was a celestial with his supreme spirit qi and before ten minutes had passed.

The cauldron was already Wang Ling's.

Wang Ling didn't even break a sweat into reeling in the cauldron to become his. He could still feel the ferocity of the cauldron that had been awoken all of a sudden. The all-powerful cauldron was controlled by Wang Ling and he did so easily.

"Hehe, you being dormant was a good thing for me. Now, stay quiet and what a cauldron ought to do."

The Black Tiger Cauldron emitted a black light as if to show its displeasure. But Wang Ling just laughed it off.

While Wang Ling was preparing for performing his first concoction, Butler Sun valiantly appeared from above destroying the roof on the process.

"First Young Master!"

Anxiousness covered his face.

"Don't be too loud, you're as loud as this thing you know." Wang Ling responded in displeasure.

The roar of the tiger was also heard by him and he located where it came from and after doing so, he sensed that his First Young Master was actually inside the room.

But upon seeing his First Young Master well, Butler Sun stuttered as he asked.

"Where is the beast who caused that roar, Young Master? We must find it quickly or it might cause problems."

Wang Ling pointed at the cauldron and said innocently, "Isn't it this one? Surely, that roar had been heard before when its spirit was awoken."

Butler Sun looked confused and shook his head before speaking while stuttering, "N-no such had happened before. The Black Tiger Cauldron did not such thing even when the Family fiddled with it."

Wang Ling responded with an "oh".

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