Celebrity Lady

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

“Hm-hm-hmm~” Rubette changed into a black evening dress as she hummed.

Today, she finally succeeded in wearing a dress that fit between sizes 44 and 55. Of course, at 120 pounds (about 54 kg), it was a size that was a little too much for her now…

[… I have ended all partnerships with Count Pelkan and will never see him again.

He was an unscrupulous man who did not even guarantee the fundamental rights and interests of the workers!

I’m glad I found out now. I was very moved by Madame Ruby’s humane business philosophy.

I look forward to your continued support.

Marquis Frank.]


Laughing as she read the letter from Marquis Frank, Rubette quickly threw it onto the desk and quickly approached the mirror.


In the mirror stood a beautiful woman who had become slimmer beyond recognition.

The diamond earrings and bracelet she had previously worn fit perfectly into her luxurious evening dress.


When she called in a low voice, Wishit, who appeared behind her, looked into the mirror together and clicked their tongue.

“Is it time for face appreciation?”

“Hand me the necklace.”


At Rubette’s request, Wishit gave her a necklace while grumbling; it was gorgeous with large diamonds.

The earrings, bracelet, and ring were a set.

“Now, the birthday present.”

“What? What is it? Why does the box look familiar? Is this from my place?”

“That’s right. I ordered it from your shop.”

“Could it be that you’= were the customer they told me about? The one who ordered accessories at the price of a house?”

“Mm. Well, although this isn’t a good timing to give it.”

What a surprise.

The customer who ordered a complete set of A-grade diamond accessories for <Blanc de Ruby> was Lark.

It was a gift one could have happily received, but neither Rubette nor Lark could smile because it was right after they heard of Baron Torso, an honorable knight who suffered from hardships after retirement, even after devoting himself to the country.

‘But anyway, in the end, everything went well,’ thought Rubette as she thrust her palm.

“Will you hand me today’s newspaper?”

“Here it is.” Wishit handed over the newspaper.

[Daily Descarde] The imperial family respects the knights who protect the country.

The “Law on the Welfare of Soldiers,” proposed by Crown Prince Lark van Rashmagh Descarde, passed the parliament and took effect today.

The law advocates patriots and veterans and seeks to economically support the welfare and relief of retired veterans at the national level…

“Good, good.” Smiling contentedly, Rubette passed the newspaper into Wishit’s hand and looked into the mirror again, humming.

“Don’t you think I’ve grown taller?”

“You grow fast.”

“I’ll lose my baby fat soon…” Looking back and forth while clutching her cheeks, Rubette picked up a lipstick from the dressing table next to the mirror and slowly applied it over her lips. Red color as intense as her hair was painted along her soft lips.

One day, this look will catch everyone’s attention.

Rubette met her eyes through the mirror, raised her eyebrows, and whispered confidently, “Gorgeous.


Slow for some, too fast for others…

Time passed.

January 24, 1520, on the Imperial Calendar.

8 AM.

Sienna, the secretary watching Rubette running on the terrace again today, muttered in awe, “She’s amazing.”

“You mean the lady?” Rebecca, who was preparing Rubette’s breakfast on the desk in the office, chuckled.

“She went to bed well past 2 in the morning yesterday after looking at the documents, but she woke up sharp at 7.30.”

“You look very surprised, Sienna.”

“Of course. Someone who works as much as the young duke and doesn’t neglect her own maintenance…” Sienna stuck out her tongue. “I want to learn from her in many ways.”


My lady, I can’t believe I’m hearing this.

Rebecca, who crept out to the terrace, looked at Rubette with pride.

“That’s right.” Hee hee, she laughed and raised her thumb.

“My lady is the best!”


February 2, 1520, on the Imperial Calendar.

The backyard of Lubon villa.

“Dad, I miss you, even though we just met yesterday,” Rubette said, groaning and stretching.

[… When are you coming?]

“What do you mean by that? There are nine months left…”

[I’ll go again next month.]

“You came last month and this month, and next month too? Don’t you want to hand the once-in-a-month visiting card to the brothers?”

[Viego is busy. Victor too.]

“Lies. They’ve already told me everything in the letters that they can’t visit because of you.”

[… Those guys’ mouths are too dirty and light.]

“Still, it’s best for my dad to use the ticket. Please come again next month.”

To Rubette’s giggling smile, Leonard was silent momentarily before replying.


The leaves of the tree imbued with the spirit of Florinus swayed slightly.

“Then I’ll go exercise now. See you later, Dad.”

Soon, Rubette got up and ran out.


“Huft, huft, huft, haa…”

She ran.

“Huft! Huft!”

And ran.


February 17, 1520, on the Imperial Calendar.

– How far can <Blanc de Ruby> go? The boutique street last year’s top-selling…

– Who is the mysterious boss of <Blanc de Ruby>?

– Meet Madame Becky in the dressing room. “Please don’t ask about our boss.”


March 18, 1520, on the Imperial Calendar.

– [Daily Descardes] Madame Ruby, CEO of <Blanc de Ruby>. Donation of 500 million marks…

“I would like to thank the soldiers who sacrificed themselves for the empire and to His Highness the Crown Prince for honoring them.”

– Madame Ruby’s good influence, now the capital is buzzing!


“Huft, huft…”

And ran.

<The intensity of exercise has increased these days.>

<Now that I have entered 112 pounds (about 50 kg), I won’t lose weight quickly if I don’t keep doing it!>

<… You’re working hard.>

And ran.


April 6, 1520, on the Imperial Calendar.

Dear Princess.

Princess, it’s about the draft of the play that you sent me to read the other day.

The director of the troupe said he’d love to proceed with a new work based on that script and wants to invite you as a playwright.

I also think it’s an excellent work that makes my heart race. Please give me the honor to act in your work.

I want everyone to know you’re a wonderful and talented person.

Thank you for always.

From spring to spring,

Your Sarah


Dear Sarah,

Hello, Sarah. You mean <Romeo and Juliet>, right?

To begin with, I didn’t write that script. It was written by my…close friend, William Shakespeare.

But if you want, William and I can help with the script. Perhaps he will be happy if his work is widely known.

After my isolation, I want to see your performance in the theater in person.

Always cheer up. I’m rooting for you from afar.

With longing,



April 8, 1520, on the Imperial Calendar.

The long-awaited new product launch!

A beautiful space in your hands, reborn with the refined sense of <Blanc de Ruby>.

Top-quality leather handbags,

Ruby Collection 1520


165 cm, 108 pounds.

“Huft, huft…”


April 23, 1520, on the Imperial Calendar.

– You can’t do without ‘this’ these days, Ruby Collection 1520.

– <Blanc de Ruby>, handbags essential for aristocratic women, also took over the market within two weeks of launch.


165 cm, 106 pounds (about 48 kg).

Wow, finally…


Rubette smiled with satisfaction at Wishit’s plain greeting and quickly came down from the scale.

Then, she faced the mirror, looked at herself in appreciation, and muttered, “I’m cool.


May 19, 1520, on the Imperial Calendar.

Lubon, which he visited for the first time after four months due to his hectic work.

Lark tilted his head at the sight of a strange woman approaching from afar.

Click, click, click, click…

As the running woman got closer, it was clear that she was wearing a bra top and leggings.

Lark was startled by the strange outfit that would make people’s mouths drop open.

“Oh my, Your Highness. You’re early.”

Eventually, when the woman came before him, Lark’s eyes slowly opened wide.

A thin neckline and a waist that could be covered with a hand that looked solid yet slightly skinny.

“… No way. Princess?”

Wiping the sweat with the towel around her neck, the woman untied her hair from her high ponytail and shook her head. Then she said, waving her hand gently beside her cheek, “Hi, long time no see.”

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