Catastrophe Card King

Chapter 93 - 61 Sunny

Chapter 93: Chapter 61 Sunny

Translator: 549690339

Before long, Leonard Churchill had two skill cards, a pile of cash, and an anonymous scorecard in hand.

He also won a prize worth over a hundred thousand.

He didn’t dare linger in Great Ivan’s Treasure Shop.

After all, the things being sold were too sensitive, and he couldn’t guarantee that he hadn’t exposed any weaknesses.

The shop was very thoughtful. Big customers had their secret passageways. After the transaction was completed, he didn’t walk out the front door, but immediately left the store through the secret passage.

There was a slight worry that something fishy might ensue, but nothing bad happened until he fully left Dark Rain Street.

The entire process ensuring the customer’s privacy.

No need to worry about murder for goods, no need to worry about backstabbing… The shopping experience from start to finish was excellent.

It was Leonard’s first encounter with a boss of this magnitude in Sinless City. He had a feeling that this “Great Ivan’s Treasure Shop” will definitely become very influential in the future.

Leonard left Dark Rain Street and took an inter-city train to wander around a large circuit m the nearby Muddy Slum and Copper Tower Street, erasing his scent and some necessary traces.

Then he changed his clothes, holding a huge sum of one or two million, and returned to the black market.

He had only bought two cards earlier, and the items on the list hadn’t been fully prepared.

Looking at the increasingly busy black market street, Leonard couldn’t help but sigh, “I really came at the right time.”

With this trip, there are two more skills on his skill panel: Elementary Air Skill Specialization and Elementary Fighting Specialization.

Though they are just two elementary skills.

Catching, grabbing, throwing, striking… all kinds of fighting techniques, as well as air skill body protection, allowing him to attack and resist.

He estimated his current state, with the same attributes, he could fight at least five of his former selves.

The next thing to do is to practice more, turn the skills into muscle memory, improve proficiency, and increase combat power.

Although it cost more than four million, the money was undoubtedly well-spent.

If he were to go to a fighting gym to learn these things, he estimated that to master these elementary fighting techniques and air skills would take at least a year and a half of grueling practice.

Now, it cost him just a little money.

The cost-effectiveness is very high.

Money spent can be earned again.

But combat ability can save lives.

“Great Ivan’s Treasure Shop” limits each person to buying two skill cards, he wasn’t sure whether he could go back and try after changing his outfit.

But Leonard didn’t plan to go back.

Being able to open a store in the black market, regardless of background or strength, is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

There must be experts in the store.

If he really wanted to take advantage of them, the chances of getting into trouble were high.

It’s not worth the risk.

He planned to come browse again when he had the chance.

Leonard started browsing other stores.

He thought that the few hundred thousand’s worth of black goods he had were already a big deal among hunters.

But as he walked, there was another commotion from the crowd at Great Ivan’s door.

It turned out that a mysterious person threw an item into the lucky cat, and the assessment came out with a high price of over ten million.

Sinless City was a land of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, indeed.

There were more than a dozen new shops on the street, with a wide variety of goods.

He took a look, and there were several shops selling skill cards, but either they were not featured in the window display, or they were too mediocre and expensive.

Leonard didn’t find anymore suitable for himself.

But after browsing around, he bought all the items on his previous list.

The quality far exceeded his expectations.

Like the Rogers Second Generation Individual Steam Pressure Cannon for 30W,

High Precision Portable Mechanical Hook for 7W, Yak Alloy Ultra-light Exoskeleton 3.5T Military Version for 28W, Rock King Third Generation Mechanical Shield for 10W…

Equipment he’d always wanted to buy but couldn’t afford. Now he had a complete set.

For a Card Master Apprentice, these mechanical equipment can directly enhance combat power.

Compared to other options, the prices of mechanical equipment are really cheap!

These were all military models.

They might not be the Federation’s latest technology, but they are considered top-tier in Sinless City.

Good quality, stable, precise, powerful…

There’s a world of difference between these and the products from the little mechanical workshops.

Various large hunter groups and mercenary groups could be seen purchasing

this high-quality mechanical equipment in the stores.

It’s safe to say.

As long as you have money, in today’s Dark Rain Street black market, you can directly arm an elite mechanical legion.

Leonard bought a lot.

Now that he has money, naturally he can’t be short of ammo.

Previously buying six Annihilation Bombs was mortgage half of his possessions.

Now, he’ll have a few boxes to start with.

Not just these kinds of ammo, but also specialized bullets costing tens of thousands each like Silver Exorcism Bullet for dealing with vampires, Purple Light Bullet which deals excellent damage to dark creatures, Mithril Acid Bullet for corroding metal, Daylight Bomb for evil spirits…

One by one, he prepared some of each kind.

This trip to the black market, Leonard also experienced the satisfaction brought by consumption.

His storage rings were crammed with all sorts of equipment and ammunition.

Firepower could give a different sense of security.

While Leonard Churchill was wandering around the black market, he had once visited the second floor of the “Silver Star Mysteries Shop”.

By the window, a man and a woman were sipping coffee, watching the bustling grand opening sale of the Great Ivan’s Treasure Shop in the distance, casually chatting about something.

The man was chubby, middle-aged, and radiated an aura of wealth.

The woman was clad in a motorcycle leather jacket, and a streak of rogue’s spirit flashed across her eyes and brows inadvertently.

If Leonard Churchill were here, he would definitely recognize this woman in the leather jacket as “Seven Brown,” the one who had once introduced him to this shop.

And this affluent chubby man was Lew Williams.

No less than the actual owner of the Big Ivan Shop.

“I say, lad, what’s this sale and discount that you are putting up, can your shop really make money?”

“Spend a few billion first, it’s just a drizzle. Our VIP points system can retain high-quality customers. Once the supply channels of these small shops and their customers have all vanished and they closed down, it will be our time to make money.”

The fat man seemed to have no intention of concealing his business tricks, speaking directly.

Listenenmg to this, Seven Brown’s eyebrows slightly furrowed.

Born in a gang, she only understood killing. She was completely unable to understand the operation of capital at this level.

She remembered something and half-jokingly said, “But the people behind these shops are all hard to deal with. Aren’t you afraid that after they close down, someone will come after you?”

“Of course, I’m afraid!”

Lew Williams had a gloomy expression.

He did not hide his fear of death. Grumbling, “But the cruelty of business competition is no less fierce than a battlefield, where can you find a place that doesn’t shed blood. Besides, if I do not achieve any results in the next couple of years, I will be in big trouble. So, Brother Seven, the safety of me and our shop all depends on your protection.”

Seven Brown chuckled, “Rest assured. Your father and my old antique are acquainted, they won’t let you die in Sinless City.”

She also got interested: “But what I don’t understand is, you, the legitimate young master of the Black Gold Trade Union who has everything, money, power, fine clothes and enough food, wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy your blessings at the Rich Ore Layer? Why did you come to suffer in this ghostly place of Sinless City?”

At the sound of this, Lew Williams showed a bitter face, “Ah- Brother Seven, I’m already miserable enough being exiled here, don’t add insult to the injury I might be a ‘legitimate young master’, but in the Song Family, there might be not a hundred of us, but definitely eighty…”

He didn’t attempt to hide his family’s conditions, didn’t miss a beat in criticizing them: “My old man is critically ill, and for that little property, the uncles in my family are making a ruckus. And my elder brothers and their maternal family members are no angels either. If I don’t renounce my right to inheritance and leave Dragon City, I might fall off the Machinery City someday and not know how it happened. You also know that the larger the family, the more dirty tricks there are. For that little benefit, family members can be much crueler than outsiders when they start fighting. It was not easy to find a bit of opportunity here in Sinless City to avoid problems.”

Listening with great interest, Seven Brown said: “But Sinless City hasn’t been safe recently. We just got accurate news from the Large Cemetery, Stan Miller is dead. The city might descend into chaos for a while.”

Lew Williams was expressionless, “It doesn’t matter if it’s chaotic. I am mainly engaged in selling weapons right now. The more chaotic, the more money I earn. Besides, regardless of the current situation in the city, the exploration of the Old Continent will definitely be on the agenda in the future. The first to arrive will lay the foundation, later on, I will make big money. If I wait until everything has settled down to come, I won’t even get a sip of hot soup…”


Seven Brown didn’t seem interested in this business planning, pursing her lips. She then asked: “By the way, lad, can you reproduce what I gave you?” Lew Williams patted his chest, “Rest assured. If nothing else, I have a good relationship with all the major military factories and laboratories. I will definitely get you some good goods when the time comes.”

Upon hearing his assurances, Seven Brown’s brows slightly lifted, “That’ll be good.”

At this time, Lew Williams said: “Hmm… there’s something else. Brother Seven, you guys at Flood Gang have a lot of ears and eyes, can you help me keep an eye out for someone?”

Seven Brown raised her eyes inquiringly, asked, “Who?”

Lew Williams replied, “An old friend my great-grandmother’s looking for.” Seven Brown asked casually, “What’s the name or any distinguishing features?” Amongst everything else, there isn’t anything more suitable than them to find someone in Sinless City.

Lew Williams answered, “My great-grandmother didn’t say much, just asked me to inquire around first. The name is ‘Sunny’ and should be about our age.” Upon hearing this, Seven Brown’s brows slightly furrowed, she counter asked, “One your great-grandmother is looking for? And about our age?”

Lew Williams spread his hands, aware of her doubt, indicating his helplessness: “I find it strange too. But, from what my old man said, my great-grandmother has been looking for this old friend for many years. It’s not necessarily in Sinless City, places hers have looked everywhere, I’m just trying my luck.”

Seven Brown agreed simply, “OK.”

With all four corpse collection teams in Eastern District 5 wiped out, Leonard Churchill seemed not to have any place to go in Sinless City again.

He left Dark Ram Street and, unconsciously, came to the bustling and prosperous Downing Street again.

Without the restrictions of the Miller family, too many outsiders have arrived in Sinless City these days.

Downing Street was even busier than before with all kinds of places of pleasure full of people.

Although Sinless City cannot match Upper City in all walks of life, it doesn’t necessarily lack in the entertainment industry, attracting a large number of rich customers to come and explore.

Leonard Churchill thought to wander around a bit, to see what changes had taken place in the city these days.

But before he went far, he suddenly heard the sound of gunfire from an alley.

In Sinless City, where the folk customs are simple, gunfire cases are more than normal.

Moreover, there had been too many “fat sheep” flocking in these days, causing the frequency of murders and robberies to rise significantly.

Not long afterward, a black truck with a Golden Oak Corporation logo drove by the street.

Several people in black clothes and gas masks got out of the truck, put the corpse into the Corpse-Wrapping Bags, loaded them into the truck, and drove away quickly.

Watching this, for some reason, Leonard Churchill felt a sense of familiarity.

Their skills were very rusty, they were clearly newly recruited corpse collectors.

On the vehicle, there was a familiar recruitment ad, the address was exactly at the Golden Oak branch office in Eastern District 5.

Huh… they formed a new corpse collecting team so quickly?”

Leonard Churchill suddenly realized where he should go.

Having struck it rich recently, he thought it was best to lay low.

The busier the place, the more dangerous it is.

What could be more comfortable than returning to his old profession?

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