Catastrophe Card King

Chapter 44 - 34: Attributes Soaring

Chapter 44: Chapter 34: Attributes Soaring

Translator: 549690339

Soon, the truck stopped at the Corpse Collector Building at No. 117 East City Road.

The team leader, Dexter, and the other two older team members went straight to bed, leaving the task of moving the corpses to the morgue to Leonard Churchill and Gibb, the two newcomers.

They were already accustomed to this.

The two of them brought a cart, piled eight corpse-wrapping bags on it, and then took the elevator down to the third basement level.

Normally, apart from transporting bodies, no one would come to this ominous place.

After the bodies were placed in the lead-iron boxes, Gibb left.

Leonard Churchill stayed behind, using an excuse.

After listening to the old elevator creak up, he glanced at the empty corridor, and then pulled out one of the iron boxes.

Opening the corpse-wrapping bag, Leonard Churchill emotionlessly located the Secret Cause Spirit Medium from the abdomen of the corpse.

Knowing that delay would bring changes, he didn’t waste time and began to absorb it using the Feast Secret Skill, sitting directly on the ground.

He had only tasted it lightly in the cellar of Tailor Street before, but now, like a whale swallowing, Leonard Churchill devoured the dark extraordinary traits embedded in the material without any hesitation.

This was his first time absorbing such a pure extraordinary trait. As soon as he began, his whole body – flesh, bones, and internal organs – seemed to emit a trace of heat.

Leonard Churchill was familiar with this sensation. It was a sign of his body growing!

But currently, this sensation was incredibly intense than before.

When he used to absorb extraordinary traits from corpses, it was like squeezing droplets of water from wet sand at the riverbank, with each little drop requiring effort; but now it was like drinking directly from the river, gulping down large mouthfuls.

His body gradually shifted from being warm to intensely hot, causing unbearable pain.

But now was not the time to rest.

Leonard Churchill was always attentive to the data on the panel. As long as it wasn’t fatal, he didn’t stop, continuing to devour large mouthfuls.

He was well aware that this thing could not be kept.

The longer the night, the more dreams there would be. Now, he must rush to digest it.

As time passed, the volume of the amber spirit medium was getting smaller and smaller.

He didn’t know whether it was due to luck, but after returning from Tailor Street, his team had been consistently free from missions.

This gave Leonard Churchill enough time to devour the Secret Cause Spirit Medium.

From the afternoon to the next day’s early morning, he had spent more than ten hours in the morgue.

The long night seemed to pass in a flash, and the meditative Leonard Churchill slowly opened his eyes.

He looked at his pocket watch. It was a quarter past seven in the morning.

Looking at the completely dissipated spirit medium in his hand, Leonard Churchill breathed a long sigh of relief, “Finally, it is completely absorbed.”

With the physical evidence completely eliminated, the biggest hidden danger was gone too.

And his own attributes had undergone a significant change.

“Leonard Churchill”

Strength: 3.15

Physique: 3.55

Agility: 2.78

Tenacity: 2.56

Spirit: 5-97

Curse Power: 114 /115

As Leonard Churchill predicted, after devouring the spirit medium, his physical attributes mostly broke through to 3.

He looked at his forearm, clenched a fist, and saw his muscles bulge solidly underneath the skin.

This feeling of being full of strength in every vein of his limbs was amazing!

“So strong.”

On a whim, Leonard Churchill lay on the ground and did more than a dozen push-ups in one breath, as easily as breathing.

The strength of his arms allowed him to easily support his body, his muscles as firm and powerful like a spring. His body had thickened a bit, but far from feeling clumsy, he felt even more agile.

He tried to balance his body using just the strength of his arms, doing several upside-down push-ups with his body inverted.

He still found it very easy.

He then switched to one-handed push-ups, then to just five fingers, and finally to three fingers. Still steady and stable!

The tripling of strength allowed him to easily perform strength training movements that he couldn’t have completed before.

He tried testing his lower body strength too, and jumped straight up. Not used to this sudden increase in jumping power, he hit his head on the ceiling.

There was a dull “thud” sound.

Leonard Churchill’s head was buzzing, but his face was full of energy.

By his estimate, he had easily jumped over one-and-a-half meters vertically. This was a height that even professional basketball players from his previous life couldn’t achieve.

“This is what an Extraordinary Man is!”

Leonard Churchill enjoyed the feeling of bursting with strength. At last, he had also mastered this physical ability that went beyond the limits of ordinary people.

Before, consuming the corpses had led to gradual growth. This sudden leap in height felt too marvelous.

And it wasn’t just an increase in strength.

The Secret Cause Spirit Medium was an evil material, and the dark factors contained within it were incredibly exaggerated.

The value of his Dark Affinity surged directly from “12” yesterday to “27”.

That meant, he could now use the Shadow Submarine skill at any time, even without needing to wear a mask.

Also, his Spirit value had increased by more than 1 point. This was the first time he had experienced an increase in Spirit while using the Demon’s Feast to directly absorb extraordinary traits.

And his Curse Power value was now 115.

According to the description in the Breathing Method scriptures, did breaking through a hundred Curse Power points mean he was at the First Level of Curse Power?

So, he was now a “Card Master Apprentice”.

Although he was still at the beginner level, one must know that he had only been learning the Breathing Method for four days!

If it were normal cultivation, this would not be possible without several months.

Observing the significant changes in his body, Leonard Churchill inwardly expressed his anticipation: “How much more progress could I make if I had a few more ‘Secret Cause Spirit Mediums’?”

If he was to absorb the extraordinary traits from bodies instead, it would take months or even years to reach the current level.

But he just left that thought at that.

That stuff, without even having to think about it, must refer to some huge secrets from the sinister part of the world, it was already very risky to get just one piece.

Even if he really had the chance to meet a mission like yesterday’s again, Leonard wouldn’t dare to casually take a second piece.

Once can be covered up with various conditions, the second time would be willful suicide.

The evidence had been disposed of, Leonard no longer needed to stay in the morgue.

He took out disinfectant from a corner and started to clean up.

The smell of the disinfectant was very stimulating, enough to mask most olfactory perceptions. Moreover, this was a normal cleaning procedure for Corpse Collectors, conducted almost every day, so it wouldn’t arouse any suspicion.

The reason why he didn’t run around last night and stayed in the morgue was that he had learned from the experience on the train.

The stench in the cellar on Tailor Street was difficult to eliminate, including the smell of spirit medium, which was likely to be tracked by any Curse Card Master with an olfactory sense.

As long as Leonard took the spirit medium to other places, this would likely arouse suspicion of abnormality.

But if he stayed in the morgue, even if someone followed the smell, the dozen or so bodies discovered in the cellar could misguide and cover up the smell of the spirit medium.

After finishing everything, Leonard got up and left the morgue.

Today was his day off, and he had other things to do.

That was to listen to the free course offered by the Card Master from the Hunter’s Association.

Walking out of the branch building, Leonard checked the time, it was exactly eight o’clock.

The city’s numerous factories were overflowing with waste gasses day and night, the air was saturated with a permanent smell of coal dust, Leonard put on a gas mask and walked on the street.

The Sinless City was still bustling early in the morning, and a large number of workers from the night shift poured onto the streets.

Because it was an underground city, there was no sun.

The difference between day and night was that during the day, there were many lights on the city blocks and towers, and there were more pedestrians.

Sinless City was very large, the city area was at least hundreds of square kilometers.

Thankfully, there were complex railways and inter-city steam trains.

Leonard took the train across half of the city, from East City to Grove Street in the South City District.

On this block was a very prominent yellow-painted building, it was the tallest building nearby, the towering spire disappeared into the darkness, it was solemn and magnificent.

There was a giant axe and bow emblem hung on the wall, this was the Hunter’s Association headquarters building at N0.1 Grove Street.

The Hunter’s Association was a hub where hunters posted recruitment, obtained missions, traded information, and made transactions.

So it was always crowded with people.

Walking on the street, most of the people were hunters carrying firearms, knives, and steampunk mechanical equipment.

Leonard walked towards the main building, he had taken just a few steps from the tram station and was on a covered bridge. Looking down, he saw a misty view beneath, and there were dozens of meters of height.

This was the architectural feature of Sinless City.

The entire city was built up in the mountain, complex and three-dimensional. Now it was just off the street on the first floor, but when you cross the covered bridge, you’ll find yourself more than twenty floors up.

The misty images were like a dreamy illusion.

The city was bustling under the lights, and the darkness contained countless secrets that could not be exposed.

On both sides of the street were various stalls, which made up the Hunter’s Market.

Like the antique markets of his former world, there were various strange objects displayed on the stalls.

“Come and see, freshly produced Elemental Series ‘Demon Mark’ from the Watchtower Fortress, just 250,000.”

“Deformed materials from the Demon Cross Ruins, we have universal materials for both Assassin Type and Healer Type, volume discounts available…”

“Hidden Soul Wood from the West Plague Forest, premium undead material, come and take a look…”

“Rare Mithril Ore from the Eagle’s Nest Mine, premium material for forging alloy machinery. Also selling ready-made Halo K-3 Mechanical Arms, standard equipment in Upper City’s military…”

The majority of items on the stalls were the various types of cards and extraordinary materials obtained from dungeon explorations by hunters.

There were also stone carvings with ancient inscriptions, broken books, scrolls, etc.

The dazzling array of items frequently caught Leonard’s eye.

These were all treasures from various ruins.

Most hunters would set up stalls here when they had spare time after coming back from dungeon explorations, as this would yield a much higher price than selling directly to the greedy middlemen.

In addition to the street stalls, there were also physical stores lining the streets.

Leonard had been here once before and bought the book “Great Dark Breathing Method”.

It was almost nine o’clock, so he didn’t linger in the market but went straight to the Hunter’s Association hall.

As soon as he entered, he saw that the hall, covering thousands of square meters, was packed with people. In the most conspicuous place of the hall, were a few huge Magic Light Screens.

The screens displayed a large amount of recruitment information.

“‘Grand Cemetery Labyrinth’ recruitment teammates, exploring C-level difficulty, gathering undead materials. Dark Priest, puzzle solvers preferred…”

“‘Twin Towers Fortress’ development, recruiting a godly archer, a heavily armored Black Knight…”

“‘Plague Mine’ farming Mysterious Type materials. Departing in three days, led by the veteran gunner, looking for several Healing professions…”

Hunters would post mission rewards at the association, at the same time, large and small hunter teams could put up recruitment notices to find suitable teams to set off together.

It was Leonard’s first time inside; he felt a sense of wonder.

It turns out that in addition to the “Abnormal Creature Shelter 407” that he had encountered before, there were many other various kinds of Alternate Dimensions in this world.

After a few glances, he decided not to look further, he walked towards the elevator on the side.

The elevator descended to the third floor, which was a large stepped conference room.

The free course explaining card knowledge was very popular. When Leonard arrived, there were already a few hundred people present.

However, because it was a beginner’s card knowledge course, those attending were mostly young hunters and half-grown children, creating a lively atmosphere.

After surveying the surroundings, Leonard took a seat in a quiet corner..

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