Catastrophe Card King

Chapter 125 - 75 Killed People and Passed Goods_2

Chapter 125: Chapter 75 Killed People and Passed Goods_2

Translator: 549690339

His gaze meticulously scanned every ambulance heading towards the auction house ruins.

It didn’t take long for him to spot a steam-engulfed ambulance with the wounded loaded up, leaving the auction site.

The vehicle was marked with the words “First Hospital of Bennett Street Mechanical Factory”.

Yet as this ambulance passed, Leonard Churchill keenly noted that its route was not towards Bennett Street.

“This is the one!”

Leonard Churchill observed his surroundings and without hesitation, he gave chase.

He darted through the alleyways, refraining from taking action immediately.

The more off-course the ambulance’s route got, the more certain he became that their target was on it.

The culprits wanted to escape further away, but Leonard Churchill also wanted to draw the battle to a deserted area.

The vehicle was moving fast, passing several blocks in the blink of an eye.

But due to Leonard Churchill’s shortcut, he relentlessly pursued it.

Seeing that the surroundings were now in the dimly lit deserted district, he suddenly emerged from the alleyway and caught up with the speeding ambulance.

The driver spotted the figure appearing by the side of the road almost instantly.

It was during this glimpse.

Leonard Churchill noticed the intrigue in the driver’s eyes was not surprise, but unease of an exposed identity.

He affirmed once again that it’s these guys in the car!

A grin spread across Leonard Churchill’s lips, bizarrely reminiscent of a jester.

He pulled out an anti-armor bomb and tossed it under the car, another stuck to the compartment.

The driver witnessed the throwing of the bomb, but before his terrified expression could fully emerge, a thunderous noise and a burst of flames upturned the vehicle.

Minutes before.

Three severely wounded people were hoisted onto this ambulance.

One of them was donning a Golden Oak Field Agent’s suit.

However soon after leaving the auction site, the other two injured were silently killed by the “doctor” in the car.

Meanwhile, the severely injured field agent suddenly sat up and hurriedly extricated from his abdominal wound a brick-sized object and a stick wrapped in wax paper.

These were a piece of Mithril Spirit Medium and that relic, Light and Dark Holy Nail.

The former was an essential item for communicating with divine will, the latter was a key treasure concerning the church’s grand plan.

Therefore, despite risking contamination, both items had to be taken out.

As soon as they had retrieved the items, the team in the car collectively breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing the truck growing increasingly distant from the auction site, these Silver Moon Believers believed that they were safe.

After all, under normal circumstances, no one could have reacted to such a plan.

Having not been discovered on-site, as soon as the car took off, they were essentially successful.

However, accidents always come unexpectedly.

They would never have anticipated that immediately after they let go of their worries, their world would start spinning.

Before they even had time to react, the bottom of the car was ruptured, and eerie green flames had already filled the cabin.


The explosion was abrupt.

Leonard Churchill’s decisiveness didn’t leave them any time to react.

In this world, there is a significant gap in power between every major tier of Curse Card Masters.

However, for those below Second Tier, this gap can actually be bridged through spending wealth.

For instance, through cards.

Or through mechanical equipment!

An Annihilation Bomb priced at eleven thousand might not be able to kill a First Tier Curse Card Master.

But the odds are much higher with a “TK2 Type Military Mechanical Demolition Bomb” that cost more than a hundred thousand.

Leonard Churchill did not believe that there was another abomination like the Plague Doctor, who was impossible to kill, in the vehicle.

For the sake of certainty, nearly three hundred thousand were spent on two bombs.

That was indeed a hefty investment.

Not to mention, it was in an enclosed cabin with nowhere to escape.

Even so, Leonard Churchill didn’t let his guard down.

As soon as the explosion rocked, he stared at the molten metal shell of the truck, his pupils suddenly shrinking.

A figure burst out from the flames.

Injured from the explosion, the individual, like a startled bird, rushed straight into the dark alleyway.

It seemed as though they were trying to escape by using the complex surroundings of discarded buildings.

Leonard Churchill merely caught a glimpse of the agile figure and almost immediately threw out his hand, sending a silver light racing towards the figure.

Spades 2-God Thief, it must be that “Dark Ghost”, Old Ford!

Although this guy looked nothing like he did on the arrest warrant, Leonard Churchill knew he’d changed his skin and, having intercepted secret information just a while ago, he recognized him at first glance.

This guy was smart; the moment he leaped out from the flames, his posture adopted the assassin type, hiding his weak points in less noticeable positions.

Leonard Churchill wasn’t sure if he could kill him, so he went for the thighs.

This seemed familiar.

The previous wielder of the scalpel, Hensen, had done the same.

The best way to deal with an enemy that can’t be chased down is to shatter their leg bones first.

Leonard Churchill, who had practised throwing knives for more than a decade in the circus in his previous life, had this deadly skill ingrained in his soul.

A subtle “whoosh” of the air being cut.

The surgical knife precisely punctured the guy’s thigh.

One must understand that First Tier curse card masters already have Curse Power protective barriers.

Those specialized in close combat could even resist bullets with their bare bodies.

As long as they weren’t hit in their vital spots, they hardly had any chance of dying.

But this Plague Doctor’s Scalpel was a relic-level treasure.

It’s not just incredibly sharp; it also has a demonic breaking ability!

One of the reasons Leonard Churchill dared to scavenge was this scalpel.

It ensures a surprise attack and impeccably forces down an enemy.

Everything played out just as he had predicted!

Old Ford probably never dreamed that he would be hit by a flying knife that would penetrate his leg bone!

He took a glimpse backward, and his eyes, filled with unprecedented horror and shock, seemed to say: why is this surgical knife here?

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