Catastrophe Card King

Chapter 121 - 74: Zombie Giant, Bone Dragon_2

Chapter 121: Chapter 74: Zombie Giant, Bone Dragon_2

Translator: 549690339

Looking at Reuel Bible’s calm demeanor, Mushroomhead blinked and asked, “Captain, have you already figured out the Silver Moon Disciples’ plan?”

Reuel Bible decisively replied, “No.”



Both of his assistants couldn’t help but twitch as they watched.

“When dealing with difficult cases, sometimes you need to think as an ‘outsider’. Otherwise, your thinking becomes trapped in logical dead-ends. For example, you’ve suggested so many plans, but none of you have ever considered that the Silver Moon Sect might resort to open robbery,” Reuel Bible continued.

Ada had a shocked, implausible look on her face, “Ah… Captain. As long as the members of the Silver Moon Sect are sane, they wouldn’t possibly take such a blatant approach, right?”

Reuel Bible replied, “In a sense, Old Days Disciples are a bunch of irrational fellows.”

Pausing, Reuel Bible continued, “They’re bound to come. I have looked at the Holy Item ‘Moon’; it is indeed an external sacred object with the power of faith. If they don’t come this time, they’ll never have another chance. No matter what’s the situation with the Golden Oak, we have to take it. If left outside, it will be a disaster. By the way, Noah Wright, assign a code to Moon as [X-712-Moon]. Also, create a report and send it back first. So far, it seems to have a significant range of faith contamination, mark it as A-rank danger. Also file a report to request some relics from the headquarters to suppress the faith contamination…”

Mushroomhead: “Oh.”

Reuel Bible didn’t say much more but turned and said: “Also, Ada, what message did that kid leave at the Train Tavern?”

Ada replied, “He said that if we see ‘fireworks’ we should rush over immediately.”

Upon hearing this, Reuel Bible laughed, enlightened: “Heh, how interesting, we are being used as their muscle.”

Leonard Churchill watched the auction house with a telescope.

It was already seven o’clock; most of the people were here, and the auction was about to start.

There was security on-site, nobody from the wanted-list was there.

Though he already knew this would be the case.

But Leonard Churchill wanted to see if there were any faces he had seen before at the Rose Tavern.

After a long look, he found none.

Obviously, they had changed their identities.

He checked his pocket watch, it was exactly seven o’clock.

After observing for so long and not being able to find any clues, he finally gave up.

Leonard Churchill put down the telescope and looked at the Silver Moon Mirror, the internal communicator, in his hand.

Now he was depending on whether this device could provide some sort of surprise.

After all, among the auction items, there were real mediums…

A few Silver Moon Sect bases had already been destroyed; if he doesn’t take this opportunity, it might be the last time he hears any news about the mediums.

As he was thinking, he suddenly heard the Demonic Whispers again.

Leonard’s eyes narrowed: Here it comes!

Just as he had expected, they were issuing some sort of order before commencing.

After a few attempts, Leonard Churchill managed to decrypt part of the secret message, it roughly read: The people inside are about to take action.

“Action is about to be taken!”

Leonard Churchill was immediately fired up.

His gaze was fixated on the distant auction house, but he still could not detect anything unusual.

But upon listening carefully again, he deciphered another segment of the message from the Silver Mirror, it read: ‘Old Ford is responsible for the relay.’

Though the information was limited, Leonard Churchill pinpointed a crucial clue, “Relay? How? Who are they relaying?”

His thought switched, and he recalled the information he obtained from the information merchant, “Old Ford? It must be that outlaw with a bounty of 300,000, ‘Ghost’ Old Ford…”

‘Ghost’ Old Ford was the head of the beggars in Sinless City; he controlled a wide range of small beggars in the North City.

He was well-informed and acted on the church’s affairs.

However, not everyone in the Silver Moon Sect was incredible in combat power; a bounty of 300,000 directly reflected this guy’s power.

According to the information, this guy was just a normal first tier card master.

The main reason for his bounty was likely because he was the source of human sacrifices for the ritual.

Given his current power, he didn’t need to worry about any sect leaders.

He couldn’t chew on tough bones, but he could try his luck with softer ones.

Therefore, when he heard about Old Ford, his intuition told him that this could be a breakthrough point.

“But how are these guys going to take action?”

Leonard Churchill was still puzzled.

Just as he was pondering this, suddenly, an anomaly occurred!

An intense purple light suddenly burst into life over the auction house in the distance.

Like a candle ignited in the dark night, the eerie purple glow instantly illuminated the vicinity of several miles.

Even the block where Leonard Churchill was located was covered by the purple light.

The purple light formed a glass dome, which instantly enveloped the auction house and several blocks around it.

It seemed as if some mysterious power had drained the Elements from within this glass dome; Leonard Churchill was surprised to find that he could not perceive the free Elements in the surroundings at all.

Enlightenment stirred.

“Forbidden Magic Domain!”

Leonard Churchill’s pupils narrowed as he realized the consequences of the Silver Moon Sect’s use of Forbidden Magic. He exclaimed in astonishment, “Are these people really preparing for a blatant robbery?”

“Forbidden Magic Domain” was not good news for Magic Type card masters.

Just like a flame would be throttled in a low oxygen environment, cards would have lesser potency when ignited in an environment void of Elements.

The combat power of a Magic Type card master would be greatly reduced.

However, Leonard Churchill guessed that the effect of this Forbidden Magic was undiscriminating, clearly not intended to restrict humans.

It was intended to restrict the Prohibition Array that had been previously set up around the auction house..

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