Casual Heroing

Chapter 159: Researching

Chapter 159: Researching

Say it again.

Light is where everything ends and begins. It is believed that once a [Light Mage] is strong enough, his light can mimic other schools of magic. However, he will obviously lack the specialization the others have. However, thats an outdated theory. For the sake of posterity, I want to state that Light Magic has a proper direction. Its still unclear what proclivity we need to assume for [Light Mages], though. We lack the fundamental understanding. We are trying to ask someone who never saw fire to be a [Pyromancer].

Lord Juler translated the text in my head again.

This is

I was looking at the weird runes in the book in amazement. A couple of hours had gone by simply trying to sort out what material would be interesting and not. This specific book had some pretty wild theories.

This one says thatis it even possible?

The stipulation seems to make sense.

No, it doesnt. In the span of thousands of years, maybe tens of thousands, no one has figured out Light Magic? If radiation is truly the goal of this magic, then

No one has ever advanced Light Magic enough to understand its potential.

That was an understatement. If what we were reading had any semblance of truth, this would be a complete revolution in the magic field. Even Lord Julers voice crackled with emotion.

Our world lacks the necessary understanding of Light as an element. Photons. No one has ever made any theory on that. Or, to be more accurate, no one has made anything worthy. Therefore, this is the equivalent of finding water or fire. If you succeed, Joey Luciani, this is the moment a new school of magic is born. This could be my greatest legacy.

We have been jittery and emotional since we started reading a dissertation on different schools of magic. It was one of the hidden books that [Archmage] Marcus gave us. He said he was being thorough but that he didnt believe there would be much there.

Instead, all the books focused on Light Magic had turned out to be quite useless for now.

Even you believed that Light Magic was no more than a copycat. But if what the author says is true, once we figure out how to produce radiation, you will have reached the next stage of your class. You will likely not only gain multiple levels but also a Unique Class.

On a superficial level, the author of such a thesis could be overlooked. In the end, they hadnt provided any solution, had they? But on a deeper level, any [Light Mage] should have been able to find out the massive breakthrough hidden in his words.

[Light] might be particulate.

Ive been working on my magic thinking that [Light] was a wave. But

If [Light] is not a wave entity

Flashes and pseudo-visions generated by the hat appeared in front of me. My visualization skills are better than Tesla's now. The hat literally made me capable of seeing things. And I was imagining



Lord Juler can read my thoughts in real-time. And he explained to me that reading thoughts could be brought to non-verbal communication. He can literally visualize things that I do if he wants to. He also told me he would teach me how to defend myself against Mind Magic at some point. Lord Juler wasnt going to be with me forever, he explained. And I needed to learn as much as possible from him. Obviously, that was after we made some badass gamma rays together.

And now, he saw some of the things I was visualizing in my head. I swear I dont know how I came to this realization. But a bunch of things started clicking in my head.

And I think I found the solution.

[Archmage] Marcus left me alone, trusting that I wouldnt try anything stupid. His promise of supervising me had vaned pretty quickly after hed realized I wanted to stay here all day. All night, to be precise.

Excuse me, I hear a voice coming from the door. Turning, I see a humanoid Dragon looking at me. Goddamn, how many Dragons did Marcus bring here?

The [Archmage] has asked to tell you to rest. Its very late, and the duels are taking place tomorr

He starts choking after seeing the spread of books and crumpled-up papers all around me. Plus, since its very hot here, Ive partially undressed, remaining shirtless. I know, I wish I had a white tank top to embrace every Italian stereotype from the 50s, but this is what Im working with.

Tell the [Archmage] he can worry about our opponents.

Lord Juler went fully mad as soon as I started writing down the process to generate gamma rays. He can feel we are so damn close. Hell, I can feel it too. Therefore, he allows for no interruptions. With a swish of my hand, he makes the Dragon fly out of the archive and slams the door.

Lord Juler, do we really need to be expelled from this tower? Cant we treat them more kindly?

For all the disgraced and failed [Heroes], Joey Luciani. We are so close! If you are tired tomorrow, Ill take care of those buffoons! But tonight, we work!

I mean, dude, ok. Chill. I get it.

But to be honest, Im feeling the same excitement consuming Lord Juler.

Let me explain why.

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