Card Room

Chapter 268 - Starlight Entertainment 29

Chapter 269: 269

Chapter 269 – Starlight Entertainment 30

The next morning, Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou once again went to the traffic department . They wanted to check the whereabouts and car records of people like Liang Ting, Ye Lan and Qiao Xuening .

In doing so, the case of ‘Liang Ting killed Lin Yiyan and was later killed by Jin Xiaoyue’ could be ruled out . They could also confirm the movements of Qiao Xuening and Ye Lan during those two days .

Facts proved that Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou’s speculation was correct . Liang Ting wasn’t the type of person who had deep thoughts and would plot murder .

On the two days of the incident on the 16th and 17th, Liang Ting drove a white car with the license plate Bin A-T7777 from her residence to the hospital every morning before driving home at dinner time . In these two days, Liang Ting and Xie Yuan’s youngest daughter was hospitalized for pneumonia and stayed in a VIP ward of a private hospital in the suburbs . Liang Ting went to the hospital to watch her daughter during the day and changed shifts with Xie Yuan at night . This was consistent with Xie Yuan’s words .

On the night of the 16th, Liang Ting drove home from the hospital and her car never left . There was no record of Liang Ting going out late at night in the taxi apps . On the morning of the 17th, she drove to the hospital again, proving that she had been at home on the night Lin Yiyan was killed .

Liang Ting’s suspicion was completely eliminated .

Ye Lan was with the 505 girl group on both days . She had the lowest level of suspicion . After all, the other four members and the agent of the girl group could prove that Ye Lan didn’t leave the team in those two days . She only appeared to give this clue about Xie Yuan and Lin Yiyan .

As for Qiao Xuening, there were many people from the show who could prove she was filming the variety show in the mountains on these two days .

The agent Qi Ming’s alibi was also very strong . He left in a taxi at 3:30 a . m . and was caught by the surveillance at the gate of his community returning home . Lin Yiyan’s car was driven out of the community at 4 o’clock and the timing didn’t match for it to be him .

There were only two possibilities when the suspects had an alibi .

First, none of these suspects was the murderer and the real murderer was still hidden in the dark .

Second, there was actually a murderer among the suspects and there was a problem with their alibi .

Yu Hanjiang checked Lin Yiyan’s vehicle information again . He found a 4S store based on the model of the burned car . After checking, it was confirmed that the two black cars were new cars produced a year ago . Payment was made at the time of purchase by Cheng Yu .

In other words, Cheng Yu bought two cars at once and gave one to his lover Lin Yiyan . This car was very valuable but for a rich second generation like Cheng Yu, giving a car to his girlfriend was a piece of cake .

Lin Yiyan’s second car was a sports car with the license plate number of her birthday . This was bought by the agent Qi Ming and was obviously given by Qi Ming on Lin Yiyan’s birthday . This information was within Yu Hanjiang’s expectations and the investigation just 100% confirmed it .

He returned to the police department and compiled all the information about Lin Yiyan’s case before going to Binzhou TV station . It was to meet the director and staff of the ‘Close Your Eyes When it is Dark’ variety show .

This variety show happened to be recorded by Binzhou TV station and the staff were in the radio and television station building . They were doing the final editing when Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou came to find them .

Yu Hanjiang showed his police officer ID to the staff and the other party immediately stated that they would cooperate with the investigation .

The director was a veteran of the TV station . He was in his 40s but he was full of youthful vitality . He loved to smile when he talked . Yu Hanjiang called him to a separate office for questioning . “On the 16th and 17th, are you sure that Qiao Xuening was recording the show?”

The director nodded . “Of course . In order to edit the best performance, we played several rounds of the game and only took a rest at 3 o’clock in the middle of the night . Qiao Xuening wasn’t good at playing this game and was always voted out by people . She showed a helpless look and it was very fun to shoot . ”

Xiao Lou often played this type of game with his classmates when he was in university . People who couldn’t play were really easy to become cannon fodder .

Then Yu Hanjiang asked, “Was the scene closed when the show was recorded? Could outsiders sneak in?”

The director immediately shook his head . “No outsiders can get in . Recording at night is inherently risky . The outer ring must be cordoned off and security guards were invited to guard it . We must ensure the safety of all guests and staff . ”

“No one came in and no one left?”

“Yes,” the director replied .

“Was there anything unusual about Qiao Xuening that night? Her expression, voice or walking movements?”

“She was in good condition that day . She was very polite to everyone . She just had a bit of a cold so when speaking, her voice was a bit hoarse . However, it was fine and didn’t affect the recording of the show . ”

“What about her leg? Was there a problem?”

The director was stunned before he thought of something . “Oh, I remember . She accidentally fell from her horse when filming a martial arts drama . I heard that she broke her leg and was hospitalized . At that time, I was worried about whether she could record the show . Her reply to me was to look at her recovery . Later, she said she could record it . On the day we recorded the show, she had recovered very well and was walking normally . ”

The director paused before adding, “The amount of activity for our show wasn’t too much . Once dark, the guests will collectively enter their tents and the murderer will come out to leave a sign on the tent of the person they want to kill . At dawn, everyone took a few steps out of the tent . This had little effect on her legs . ”

“Was she alone? Her agent didn’t come with her?”

The director nodded . “All the guests came alone . Our program has assistants and we arranged accommodation for them . ”

Yu Hanjiang finished asking questions and said, “Can I trouble you to give me what you shot without any editing? I want the original version . ”

“Okay . ”

Yu Hanjiang questioned the other staff including the makeup artists and stylists . They said that Qiao Xuening had no other abnormalities except for a cold . She seemed to be recovering well and walked steadily .

She had a good temper and was very polite to everyone . This was everyone’s opinion of Qiao Xuening .

Soon, the director arranged for someone to give the original film of the show to Yu Hanjiang . Yu Hanjiang took it back for a closer look with Xiao Lou . It was as the director said . They recorded the program deep in the mountains and the horror atmosphere was indeed very realistic . There was some distance between the tents and it really gave people a chill when the murderer came out to place the sign on a tent . Each tent had a camera that captured the performance of the guests when alone in the tent .

Several times, Qiao Xuening’s expression was captured in the close-up shots . She was sitting in the tent, her expression a bit nervous . She held her fingers and bit her lip like she was worried the murderer might stick the sign behind her . On the day of the recording, she wore a thick down jacket and held a hand warmer . She had a cold and sometimes couldn’t help coughing .

Qiao Xuening really didn’t know how to play this game . During the villagers’ voting, the other guests spoke nonsense seriously to whitewash themselves . However, Qiao Xuening’s eloquence was far worse than the other guests and she was always voted out in the first round .

She looked dazed and almost became the game’s mascot .

Xiao Lou deliberately observed her walking posture . Once he saw her turning back to the tent, he immediately paused it and pointed to her leg . “She just recovered from a fracture of her left leg . When she walks, she will subconsciously place her weight on her right leg . It can’t be seen on the surface but after careful comparison, she steps with her left leg differently from her right leg . Her pelvis tilts slightly to the healthy side . ”

Yu Hanjiang frowned slightly . “According to Qu Wanyue, Qiao Xuening is currently agile in dancing, let alone walking . On November 17th, she recorded the show in the mountains . At that time, she subconsciously shifted her focus to her right leg when walking . Can she recover so quickly that she can move freely, let alone dance?”

Xiao Lou shook his head . “Even if her legs can recover, she can’t change so quickly mentally . It is okay when walking normally but for nothing to happen during dancing... I have never seen such a patient . There must be a problem with Qiao Xuening’s leg injury . ”

Yu Hanjiang watched Xiao Lou with admiration . Professor Xiao had sharp eyes and noticed that Qiao Xuening’s strides when walking with her left leg and right leg weren’t the same . She focused more weight on her right leg and it was obvious that the injury to her left leg had a certain impact on her mental state .

So how could Qiao Xuening be so calm when dancing in front of Qu Wanyue?


That afternoon, Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou went to the crew together .

The security staff of the crew didn’t let them in until they saw Yu Hanjiang’s police office pass . The other party immediately wanted to call for someone when they saw the police officer pass but Yu Hanjiang shook his head . “I am investigating secretly . Please don’t disturb the others for now . ”

The group of security guards exchanged looks .

Currently, the crew was shooting a scene between the male and female leads . Everyone was busy and the staff were gathered together . The lightning, sound effects, photography and recording... dozens of people were present . Therefore, the appearance of Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou didn’t attract too much attention . Qu Wanyue, Liu Qiao and the others saw them but pretended not to know them . They continued to stay at their posts .

The content of this scene was that the male lead had a misunderstanding with the female lead and left angrily . The female lead chased him down the street for a while only to accidentally fall to the ground . She shed tears silently before finally turning around and leaving in despair .

This idol drama took the dog blood route of making the female lead miserable first and then the male lead .

The crew had already started filming so Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou watched from a distance .

Several days had passed and Cheng Yu and Qiao Xuening now cooperated quite well . Cheng Yu performed the angry expression well and Qiao Xuening ran after him . After she fell, she gasped with pain and lay on the ground, weeping blankly . Tears fell and she cried sadly without any eye drops .

Xiao Lou whispered to Yu Hanjiang, “Qiao Xuening’s acting is really good . ”

It was said that her crying scenes had almost become the benchmark of the entertainment industry . This reputation was indeed well-deserved .

The director was very happy and spoke cheerfully . “Okay, it’s over! Today you are in a good state . This scene is very difficult and I thought we would have to film all afternoon . As a result, you passed at once . The crew will get a break . Everyone, go back and rest!”

There were cheers from all around them .

Cheng Yu ran over and spoke in a humble manner . “Director Zhang, haven’t I improved very quickly?”

The director laughed and scolded him . “It is because Xuening taught you well!”

Qiao Xuening politely bowed to the director . “Thank you Director Zhang, thank you everyone . ”

Director Zhang waved his hand . “Everyone can go . I will send you the scenes that will be filmed tomorrow . The deputy director will send you back . Go back and prepare well for the dance scenes . ” He looked at Qiao Xuening’s legs and wondered, “By the way, can your legs take it?”

“Yes, I’ve made a full recovery . ” Qiao Xuening smiled .

The director earnestly told her, “Don’t force it . If your leg is injured then it can last a lifetime . It is very painful to suffer from arthritis when you are old . If necessary, you can ask for a stand-in . The close-up of your legs will be taken directly by the stand-in and I will do the post-processing . ”

Qiao Xuening immediately refused . “It really isn’t necessary . I can do it myself . ”

Her agent looked at her helplessly . “Actually, I suggested that she use a stand-in for the difficult dance scenes but Xuening is insistent on doing it herself . She learned dancing when she was a child and has solid basic skills . Before her leg injury, she set aside time at the beginning of the month to go to the ballet class to prepare for these scenes . She doesn’t want these efforts to be wasted . ”

The director smiled with satisfaction . “Xuening is indeed a very dedicated actor . Then let’s try it . You will personally do it tomorrow and we will look at the effect . If you can stick to it then it is best to shoot it yourself . ”

Qiao Xuening nodded . “Okay, Director Zhang . ”

Yu Hanjiang heard it all .

Once the director left, Yu Hanjiang came to Qiao Xuening . “Miss Qiao, we meet again . ”

Qiao Xuening was startled and spoke softly, “Officer Yu? You came to the crew to find me . Did you make progress in Xiao Yan’s case?”

Yu Hanjiang nodded . “Yes . ”

Qiao Xuening was delighted . “Great!”

The agent next to her was nervous . “Officer Yu, the crew has a lot of mouths . Shall we go back to chat?”

Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou returned to the hotel with Qiao Xuening and her agent .

The agent poured cold water for the two of them and asked, “Do you have a clue about who killed Lin Yiyan?”

Yu Hanjiang’s sharp eyes fell on Qiao Xuening . “That will be determined after we have seen Miss Qiao’s stand-in . ”

Qiao Xuening’s expression changed slightly . “W-What stand-in?”

Yu Hanjiang spoke calmly . “The stand-in who took your place and broke her leg in the costume movie last time . Miss Qiao, did you forget so soon?”

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