Canon Fodder



I woke up in a hospital room. Groggy and unsure where I was, I noticed Hancock sitting at the foot of my bed. She was surprisingly older than the last I had seen her. I guessed mid to late twenties. Wearing a white lab coat I wondered if maybe we were roleplaying. My mind was a little groggy. I remembered we had recently left to check out the last Smut world for manhwa. 

“Hey babe, how long was I out?” I asked, rubbing my eyes. 

“Before I answer, I will need you to look at this,” she said, handing me a small pocket mirror. I took it and was surprised to see that I was older too. I guessed Hancock’s age since we had matched so far. As I studied my face the memories rolled in. 

I was Weston Woon. Age 29. I had lived on Earth until someone noticed the meteor. As one of many engineers I was lucky to make the cut to be saved. The world pooling it’s resources we were able to make 2 ships that could potentially succeed in interstellar travel. Millions of people selected, we were thrown in hypersleep for the long trek as we searched for a new home world. One thing I noticed was I did not know Hancock in my old life. 

Looking up at her she discreetly pointed to my left. Along a wall was a long mirror. I guessed people were watching us from behind it. I pulled up my Status Screen. There were less than 2 hours left before the World Escape was reset. I let out a sigh, I hadn’t been asleep too long. 

“Are you feeling better?” Hancock asked. I nodded. “Good. You have been asleep for 9,584 years.”

I studied her. Fear gripping me as I blurted out, “What?!”

“Yes, something happened on your voyage. Your ship blew up. The ship I was on had a malfunction and all the men were killed.” Staring at her I brought up my notification. 

Welcome to Population Replenishment World

Men can be useful.


“If it’s been almost 10,000 years… and there are no men…How are you still alive?”

“Cloning,” she said. “We landed on this planet some time ago. We survived by cloning. Copy after copy has lived on. When I would get old and die I would be reborn with some memories of the last version of me.”

“That sounds awful,” I admitted. Reaching out my hand to her. She took it, frowning. Her Haki was a mix of worry, lust, and…hope. 

“Yes, it was hard. Luckily, we found you.” 

“How did that happen? You said my ship blew up?” I asked. 

“You and a few other pods were jettisoned before your ship was destroyed. We were able to find your sleep pod intact a few weeks ago.” She let out a long shuddering breath. Leaning forward she hugged me. 

Whispering in my ear she said, “There is some terrorist group that hates men that might try to kill you.”

“Oh yeah?” I mumbled, patting her back. “Want to leave?” 

“Not yet,” she said. “Pretend you and I dated. That was the only way I was given the opportunity to tell this all to you.”

“Got it,” I mumbled as the door opened. A line of women walking in it was yet another hentai quality grouping. All with different hair colors and above average bust sizes, I had to admit the doctor jackets were doing it for me. 

“Weston Woon,” one of the women said. She was tall, blonde, and curvy. “We know this may be a shock, but you are now 1 of 10 men on our planet of 50 million women.” She frowned, looking down to Hancock and my hand’s holding. “We um need your help.” 

“What kind of help?” I asked, playing dumb. 

“Now that we may not have to rely on cloning, we need you to-” She was cut off as an explosion went off somewhere in the building. Alarms blaring, the women murmured and yelled. A few running outside it wasn’t long until another explosion sounded. Much closer than the first, I looked to Hancock. 

“What the hell, babe?” I asked. 

“Those stupid bull-dyke terrorists,” Hancock cursed. “Let’s get out of here.” She grabbed my arm and pulled me away. 

“Wait! He can’t go,” the blonde doctor said. “We need to study and-”

“Too bad,” Hancock said. Dragging me along we walked out into the spaceship-like hallways. Metal walls all around, I thought I heard lasers or something being fired. Hancock looked around and pulled me onward. “This way.” 

“You sure?” I asked, another explosion going off below us. 

“My car is here,” she said, moving to a stairwell. Yelling going on everywhere she and I moved smoothly down the stairs as the blonde and another doctor followed us. 

“Over an hour till we can go,” I said.

“We aren’t going yet,” Hancock said. “We have to take care of something first.” Since she had been awake in the world longer than me I guessed she knew more than I did. 

“Like what? Ol’ blondies offer to let me repopulate the world?” I asked. “Freaking terrorists, always ruining everything.”

“She wasn’t going to let you have the fun part though,” Hancock said as she pushed through the door into a new floor. Apparently a reception area, other people were running around in the main lobby. More yelling going on outside the building shook from a 4th explosion. This one caused the lights to get knocked out. 

“What the hell do you mean?” I asked. 

“Not the time, Weston,” Hancock said. A group of women in black clad body armor ran in front of us to block our path. Hi-tech armor on, the women studied us through black glass masks. They leveled their guns at me. 

“Hancock,” I said. She grumbled and ripped open her shirt, revealing her ample bosom. All the women turned to face her. A pink heart shaped beam shot from her into the women and they turned to stone.

“So annoying,” Hancock said with a huff as she buttoned up her white jacket. 

“Hancock? What was that?” One of the doctors asked, but Hancock started running. Moving past the petrified women I knew there was a reason to bring her along other than the sex. 

We got to the carport. Sci-fi worthy cars sat all around us. Hancock pointed to one and I jumped in the passenger seat as she started it up. The 2 doctors following us got in the back as Hancock ordered, “Buckle up.” 

The car began to float in the air and we were off. Hancock drove expertly; she dodged around some other slow vehicles and shot off into the futuristic city. Tall buildings all around, people were running away from the hospital. 3 large black ships surrounding the place, one turned and began firing on us. Unsure if they could find me somehow, I let the chips fall where they may. Hancock dodging this way and that we barely got around a building in time. Narrowly missed by the high speed lasers shooting at us. 

“Where are we going?” I asked. “Shouldn’t I like, destroy those things?”

“You don’t have all your skills, rememeber? We will have to gear up first. They have lasers and body armor and outnumber you at about a million to one,” Hancock said. “Let’s go to my place and regroup.” 

“Fine, but what about these 2?” I asked, pointing my thumb back to them.

“They’re cool, just naive,” Hancock said. “Blondie was going to ask you to donate your sperm so they could inseminate a bunch of women.” 

“That sounds…boring,” I said. “This isn’t what I signed up for.”

“Right?” Hancock asked. “We need to do something real quick before we can leave.” 

“What’s that?” I asked, confused. She wasn’t usually stuck on the worlds. 

“You’ll see,” Hancock said, but I could feel that she was nervous about something. Leaving it alone for now it wasn’t long until she was parking inside the side of a building. The future was awesome. Flying cars everywhere, she even had a garage attached to her apartment. The 4 of us got out of the car. I was enjoying the future everything. It was like being in some sleek new world. 

“Do you have animals in the future?” I asked. 

“Yes,” Hancock said.

“Cool. What about like plants? This one's fake," I said. 

“We have real plants. I just suck at watering them. The world is pretty much Earth 2.0.”

“That’s offensive. Just because men aren’t here you think it’s better or something?” I asked. 

“Yes, very much so,” Hancock said with a chuckle. Pushing a button on the wall, a door slid up and out of the way. 

“It slides up? Why not side to side?” I asked. 

“It costs more to make it slide up,” Hancock said. “I’m rich.” 

“Of course you are. Fancy,” I said. Walking into her apartment it had an open layout. About 20 feet tall ceilings she had a tall window-wall that looked out onto the city. In the distance we could see the smoke billowing out from around where the hospital was. 

“The future is so cool,” I said, running inside. There was a circular table and sofas that looked like they could have been made in normal times, but weren’t practical. Yet they somehow were the style in the future. 

“Don’t touch anything,” Hancock ordered. 

I started touching everything in reach. One item was a remote that made the large window begin to raise up. Wind and sounds from the street roared. Hancock cursed and ran over, shutting it. “I told you. There are a lot of stupid buttons everywhere.”

“Sorry,” I said and walked over to the kitchen of the future. An obvious fridge I looked inside to find future tupperware and future fruits. One of the fruits was red. “What’s this? A future apple?” 

“Just a regular apple,” Hancock said, rubbing her temples. I couldn’t help but annoy her. Every timeline I had been to had been near-present, or medieval. It was cool to see new stuff for once. 

“Babe?” A voice yelled from up a set of floating stairs.

“Down here!” Hancock yelled. The 4 of us turned as a woman walked down the stairs. My heart began to beat loudly in my ears as the new woman turned to face us. 

“Toru?” I asked. My heart in my throat as she focused on me. Not invisible, but real life Toru stood there, staring down at me. Greenish yellow hair, puffy cheeks, wearing a simple white shirt and shorts she eyed me, confused. 

“How did you know her name?” Hancock asked, grabbing my arm. 

“That’s Toru, right?” I asked, in a daze as I studied her. 

“Yeah, my wife in…here,” Hancock said.

“What?” I asked, confused. “No that’s…” I studied Toru and she was every bit the woman I loved back in My Hero Academia. About my and Hancock’s age she was older than the last time I saw her, but the same girl I loved dearly. “She is from…” 

“Where?” Hancock asked. 

“My Hero,” I mumbled. “She was-is my girlfriend. She uh, I love her.” 

“Well I love her too,” Hancock whispered. “How-what is going on?”

“I don’t know,” I whispered. “I mean, you and I are in these worlds. Maybe the whatevers that be, maybe, I don’t know. Maybe she is in every world, and we just never found her.” My eyes watered as I studied Toru. Unable to look away as I tried to see some difference between the girl I loved and this woman in front of me. 

“This is crazy,” Hancock hissed. “I brought you here to get her pregnant.”

“What? Why?” I asked as we continued to whisper to one another. 

“Because I have a boat load of memories, and through most of it, I was with her,” Hancock said. 

“Fuck,” I said, rubbing my temples. “This is too fucked up, even for me. I don’t-” I received a quest. 

Population Replenishment World Quest

Find and Destroy the terrorists trying to kill you.



Companion Rider


“Double fuck,” I growled. “Damn-fucking-fuck!” It was exactly what I wanted to be able to have Toru with me someday.

“What?” Hancock asked. 

“You didn’t get the quest?” I asked, she shook her head. “God dang these people. Playing freaking games with me. They knew- Fuck!” I yelled pulling away from Hancock. I had to walk away from them. Finding another room that I guessed was for laundry I paced back and forth as memories of Toru played through my mind. 

Her stupid giggle fits. Her dorky way of pretending to be a ghost. How embarrassed she got when I kissed her. When she was visible, the cute way she would move her unruly hair behind her ear. 

And of course the sex too. How heated she would get. Or when I tried to stick it in and she would turn invisible and laugh every time I missed the hole. “Missed, missed again, you suck at this, how do you do it in the dark?” Or she would send me pictures of empty rooms and say, “There’s a nude for you. Sorry I’m invisible.” I would laugh every time she did it. 

She was a big part of me, and I had pushed her out of my mind for months. 

“What’s wrong?” Hancock asked as she eventually came into the small room. I was sitting on the floor, thinking of all those times. I knew I was crying, but I couldn’t help it. 

“Sorry,” I said. “I just miss her.”

“Is it the same girl?”

“I don’t know,” I said. “I assume since the names are the same. Hell the notification said the worlds were updated with you. Maybe she exists in the worlds too.” 

“This is messed up,” Hancock said. “Who was she to you?” 

“My Hero Academia, have you read that at all?” I asked. She shook her head. “She wasn’t in the story much. Could turn invisible. I don’t know. We hit it off kind of like you and I did. But she was younger so we went slower. I really love her. And there is nothing I can do to see her again.”

“But my Toru…” Hancock said. “I want you to get her pregnant. Weston, we could die, and I really want to leave something in this world. Something of you.”

“And what happens if I do get her pregnant, and we can bring my Toru here? Will she take over for this Toru’s body? Or have a new body?” The possibilities played through my mind. “Hell, that succubus knew our names. We are probably in her world but we haven’t taken over for those people yet. All these worlds are frozen without us. I just, I don’t know, Hancock. There is so much we don’t know yet.” 

Hancock let out a shuddering breath. “I um see what you mean about these worlds not being vacations,” she admitted. 

“Yeah, they never seem to be,” I said. “Always a threat going on.” 

“But we can help,” she said. I looked up at her. Meeting her eyes. “We can help, Weston. These worlds are struggling some calamity. We can assist all of them.” 

“Even this futuristic world?” I asked with a smirk. 

“Even this one,” she said. “I’m sorry. I just got all these memories. And I feel this need to…help? Or do something I thought I needed. But you’re right too. Our actions have lasting consequences…is this how you feel about our kids?”



“Yeah,” I said, with a shuddering breath. “I love you. But if I die you could survive on without me. Our kids…they deserve to not lose either of us.”

“I get it,” she said, tears in her eyes. “I didn’t before, but I do now. You don’t like to make too many changes if you can help it.”

“Yeah, I’m really hoping I can finish these challenges before changing these worlds,” I admitted. “There's a lot we can do to help, but also a lot we can screw up. Then poof we are gone. Never to-”

“Don’t,” Hancock said. Walking over to me she reached down. “Don’t even think about dying.”

I rolled my eyes. “What? Not gonna dump me for your millenia long lesbian girlfriend?”

“Ha no,” Hancock said. “We fought a lot during our time together, but I love her. Let’s be honest. I would be a raging bitch without a good dicking now and then.”

“You know, when we met, you-” 

“Don’t you dare.” 

“Reminded me of a raging-”

“I will turn you to stone,” she warned. I laughed and kissed her. 

“Hancock,” Toru said from the other room. 

“I-I can’t,” I said. Fear gripping my heart as she approached the room.

“Can’t what?”

“I can’t look at her. I’ll see Toru- I-I failed her. It’s going to be so long until I can get back there,” I said. This world’s Toru knocked on the door. 

“Then let’s go,” Hancock whispered. 

“You sure?” I asked.

“Yeah, I just want to make sure we come back here. With your Toru or not,” Hancock said. I let out a sigh. The door knocked on again. 

“I’m sorry. I love you. World Escape,” I said and we were gone. 

Inspiration: World's End Harem. Trigun. Pandorum.

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