Canon Fodder



We were sitting in a booth at a small diner down the street from the club. Hancock and I sat on one side of the booth, the rabbitkin on the other. She reminded me of a weak Mirko, from My Hero Academia. I didn’t know what it was, but I had been running more and more into the rabbitkin. First the Tutorial is too Hard, and now God World. 

She was a smaller girl. About 5 foot 5 inches tall. Her hair was black with white streaks in it. Her rabbit ears were tall, one was white, the other black, and she had tan skin. She didn’t have too many distinguishing marks besides a white bushy tail, and more calluses on her palms that acted as pads.

Her ears moving this way and that nervously she was struggling to look us in the eyes. I watched her with the Love Gauge, it was now about a quarter of the way up on the level 2 rank of Love. She had very much liked whatever I had done beating the orcs up. Hancock eyed the shy girl, ready to eat her up at the first sign of weakness. 

“I’m um Connie Luuker,” the rabbitkin said. Her last name was pronounced Loo-ker. I used Journeyman Eye on her.  

Connie Luuker

Level 0

Job: Doppelganger

“A Doppelganger? Never heard of that Job,” I said. 

Her ears perked up. “You-you can see my Job?” 

“Yep, and the fact that you are level 0,” I said. 

“Wow, you’re really strong,” she said with a long sigh as she stared at me. I guessed Identification skills were rare. Her eyes were practically in the shape of hearts as she ignored Hancock. 

“We both are,” Hancock said. “Now get on with what you want.” 

“Right, um, who are you?” Connie asked. 

“His girlfriend,” Hancock said. 

“Girlfriend?” Connie asked, her love gauge dropping a hair. 

“Yeah. I’m um Weston by the way. This is Hancock,” I said. “Mind explaining what this is about?”

“No, not at all,” she said, shaking her head earnestly. “I’m sorry. I’ve been a little lost for a while. That whole thing with the orcs…I was asking those other beastkin for help with something. But they struggled with one of the orcs. You took them all down.” Her breath came out hot, practically panting as she talked about it. 

“Yeah, thanks,” I said, not used to the sheer love radiating off of her. I had heard beastkin were susceptible to being drawn to power, but this was my first experience with a beastkin, let alone one that was already in love with me. “You need help? With what?” I asked, Hancock put her hand on my thigh, moving up slowly. The state the rabbitkin was in was turning Hancock on more. Both radiated lust. 

“Yes,” Connie said, practically jumping out of her own thoughts. “A few months ago. My friend, Jeneah, she’s a Rookin. Um Kangaroo beastkin,” she clarified, nervous as she talked quickly. “She um got her Job. We were neighbors. Grew up together. She wanted to be a Plainswalker. She got a fighting Job, and was interviewing around the area. Jen, she got noticed by one of the elves.” 

“Ugh,” Hancock and I said as one. We locked eyes, both smiling at our simultaneous reaction. “You don’t like them either?” She asked. 

“Hell no, elves are all perfectionists, and rich. Bunch of snobs,” I said. She nodded in agreement. 

Racism was really bad in the world, or was it Speciesism? I wasn’t sure. But every race had their own stereotypes. Elves were all about art and nature, despite having huge skyscrapers built for themselves. Beastkin were all about ancestors and nature, despite most living in the city. Orcs were about honor and blood. Trolls were money and territory. Goblins cared about sex and breeding. Dwarves, money and crafts. Humans…probably technology, money, sex, and drugs. 

“Uh right,” Connie said. “But they were legit. One of the young elves. Had only had his Job for a few years. He was trying to train the Plainswalker team for the Games.” 

The Games were an annual event where teams of 6 would fight it out. Divided by level brackets it was basically the olympics of the world. The rich mainly used them as an excuse to show off their wealth by giving their teams epic gear. I wondered if it would be possible to join. It sounded fun. 

“Jen did a couple of Plains runs with the elf’s team. She was starting to get the hang of it. Even had some gear from the Plains. She was level 5 last I checked. And-” 

“Skip to the good part,” Hancock ordered. 

“Right, um, yeah, anyway she stopped talking to me a few weeks ago. I tried to contact her at the elf sponsor’s place, but I was turned away. Doesn’t answer my calls, or her mom’s, nothing. Just complete silence. I got my Job today. I was hoping to get some help to talk to her.”

“How would that happen?” I asked. “You said you were turned away.” 

“There is the Plainswalker team course in a couple of days,” she said. “The elf should be there. I was looking for a team to go when you…showed up.”

I nodded slowly. I was going to have to go to the course anyway. A simple test, fee, and obstacle course for small teams. It was where the elites kept eyes out for new talent. I had planned to just sign up and skip the course, but as I studied her a quest appeared. 

God World Quest:

Save Jeneah.



Skill Choice


Hancock and I locked eyes. I was about to accept when Hancock put her hand on my chest. 

“We are inclined to agree to help you,” Hancock said. “But what's in it for us?” 

“W-What do you want?” Connie asked. Her dark cheeks blushing as she looked between Hancock and I quickly. 

“I don’t know,” Hancock said. “What can you give?” 

“I don’t have any money,” Connie said, her ears drooping.

“What were you planning on doing after this?” I asked. “After you saved your friend.” 

“I don’t know,” Connie admitted. “What should I do?” Her big eyes gave me a puppy dog look as I stared at her. It was hard to shake it off. 

“We are making a Plainswalker group. A permanent one,” Hancock said. “What are your skills as a Doppelganger?”

“I uh, can make copies of myself,” she said, perking up. A light appeared beside her and another Connie formed. 

I frowned. That didn’t appear too useful since I could do that with my shadow clone. “How does it work?” I asked, despite my reservations. 

“I split my stats between us,” the main girl said. “She-” 

“I act on my own,” the doppelganger said. She had a more confident look on her face as she studied me. Picking up a full salt shaker her hand glowed and a second salt shaker appeared. The salt was split between the 2 shakers. “We make everything half.” She did it again, and one of the salt shakers was made into another, this time each was about 1/4th full. “But they get weaker the more you go.”

Her hand raised up and slammed down, shattering the 1st shaker. Instead of glass and salt thrown everywhere, the 2 shakers left standing glowed and the salt level rose between them. 

“Now that is cool,” I said. More than a little amazed by the skill. My shadow clones had originally been a set amount of chakra, over time I could increase the amount of chakra and make them last longer. They could maybe take a little more damage than original versions, but they were still weak to being stabbed. The chakra popping like a balloon. 

I raised my hand and squashed another salt shaker. The last one glowed and the salt rose as it was destroyed. “Basically a perfect scout,” I noted. 

“Uh yeah,” Connie said, blushing as she moved a tuft of black and white hair behind her ear.

“Still doesn’t answer what we get out of it,” Hancock said as she studied the 2 clones. 

“What do you-” The original asked, but was cut off by the doppelganger.

“You get nothing. But you,” she turned from Hancock to me. “You can have whatever you want.”  

“You should know,” I said, locking eyes with the more confident copy. “I can read your mind.” The cocky Connie smiled wider, the more nervous version stammered and blushed. 

“Good. Inter-” The confident one tried to say but the real Connie grabbed her shoulder. The spare turned into a white light and disappeared.

“Sorry, this skill is new. Some of my emotions get split between our bodies,” she admitted, blushing. 

“I wasn’t talking about her thoughts,” I said, locking eyes with her. “I was talking about yours. What was it you were thinking when you made your Doppelganger? I could have as many of you as I wanted.”

“Really?” Hancock asked. “She thought that?”

“You were thinking along the same lines,” I said. 

“I was,” Hancock said unashamedly. “How does that work? Can you hear my thoughts?” 

“Kind of. If you’re thinking about me, then yeah, I get a sense of what you’re thinking. But not so much words as feelings. Plays off of your Haki, but more defined. It’s already leveled once. Keep thinking about me and I’ll probably be able to hear words,” I said. Her Haki practically radiated how she felt when I had sex with her. “Later,” I promised. She nodded, looking back to the rabbitkin. 

Connie was blushing deeply. The pink interior of her tall ears was now deep red, as her tan skin darkened. “I-uh-what-I-”

“It’s a compliment,” I said, stopping her. “What did my…boyfriend do that did it for you? The fighting of the orcs?” 

She bit her upper and lower lips, but nodded. “I’ve never seen someone deal with those pigs so effortlessly.” 

“Was it hot?” Hancock asked. Leaning forward as her own Haki became more lustful somehow. “I’ve always hated those fuckers. I saw 1 orc beat up 3 human security guards once. I always steered clear.”

“It was amazing,” Connie said. “My house is near their territory. I’ve seen more than a few beastkin get knocked down by them. We gave as good as they did, but only if we outnumbered them.”

“Despite how much I like to hear how great I am,” I said. “We still need to figure this out. I am all for helping you. Reward or not.” I locked eyes with Hancock who tried to say something, but she quieted under my gaze. “You don’t need to give-” 

“I want to,” Connie said. Growing excited. “I knew as soon as I saw you. I wanted to be yours. Girlfriend or not.” She eyed Hancock. Connie almost felt indifferent to Hancock. “My Doppel wasn’t joking. You can have all of me. I’ll do anything for you. And if you save my friend, I’ll become yours for life.” Her eyes were wide, almost frantic with the admission. This was a smut world, but still. She was a little too excited. 

I frowned, looking to Hancock for guidance. She was supposed to be my moral compass. “I think we will get along fine,” Hancock said. “Why don’t we seal this whole deal with some fun? But first…” she looked over the menu. “I want some pie.” I eyed her then Connie. The rabbit girl was more than a little excited. 

The God World had felt like one of the main hall rooms, but this was supposedly the Smut Hall. There had to be sex mixed in somewhere. I needed to make sure to not forget that.

Connie was a bundle of nerves as we walked into the hotel room. The God World’s currency was gold, silver, and copper. Gold coins were worth about $100 each. It had cost 2 coins for the room so it was quite expensive. 

I had checked with her a half dozen times that she wanted to do this. Everytime I asked she blushed, and nodded. I only stopped when Hancock told me to just accept it. The Love Gauge was proof enough about whatever biological need was being pushed onto her. Questioning the beastkin girl was useless. 

“First things first, are you a virgin?” Hancock asked bluntly. Connie blushed and stammered but shook her head. “Really? Is ‘doing it like rabbitkin’ a true analogy?”

“It’s a nasty stereotype,” Connie said, blushing more. 

“That’s not a no. Tell me, who was your first?” Hancock asked, sitting on the wide bed. 

Connie looked over to me. I nodded saying, “I would like to know as well. If we do this, you’re with me, and no one else.” 

“I’m all yours,” Connie said, her eyes wide. “It was a friend of mine. Friends with benefits sort of thing.”

“And…do you do it like rabbitkin?” Hancock asked. 

“What does that mean?” Connie asked, a little offended. I could tell she didn’t like Hancock much, but my wife didn’t seem to care. 

“It means can you have sex a lot?” Hancock asked. “My hu-boyfriend is very insatiable. Which is why I am entertaining the idea of you joining us.” Connie blushed, but nodded. “Good. Husband how-”

“Nope,” I said, cutting her off. “I let you take control of the last few. I think it’s high time I have my own fun.” I stood up. Hancock tsked but nodded. Moving to the head of the large bed she sat cross legged as she watched us. 

Walking over to Connie I released the chakra Pathway going to my dick. My balls expanding slowly as the chakra began to empower my semen I stopped a few inches from the shorter girl. Her white and black ears quivered while erect. Her big eyes staring up at me, her small mouth pursed as if ready to kiss me. Whatever experience she did have, I doubted it was much. 

Bending down she moved to meet my lips but instead of kissing her I grabbed her firm ass cheeks. Pure muscle meeting my open palms, I lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around me. Grinding on me her lust increased as she began to hungrily kiss my face. 

She began to talk quickly. “What level are you? I’ve never seen orcs get beaten so badly. All I picture is how fucking sexy you looked beating them down. Help me with this and I’m all yours. I’ve never been so horny. I-” I shut her up by kissing her lips. My mouth meeting hers, the girl squeaked as I moved her to the bed. 

Her bubbly and energetic Haki was infectious as I felt her desire to have me increase. I was done holding back. Dropping my pants I lifted up her skirt and moved my dick to her lower lips. 

“Just!” She said in a rasp. “Just don’t cum in me,” she said. 

I nodded. Not in the mood to explain my situation. My dick began to ease inside of her as I dropped her down. Her cunt drenched with no foreplay needed. She was simply turned on by me. And the bunny features of the girl were more than a little appealing for me. I kept moving her down and down while I stood. Her voice whimpered as I moved her slowly.  

“How big are you?” She asked, her eyes wide. Lifting up her red skirt she cried out as she saw I was only halfway in. Her tight pussy began to convulse on my dick. “Fuck! Humans are huge,” she moaned as she squirmed while cumming. Her eyes rolling to the back of her head she didn’t stop me so I humped the rest of the way in. 

She cried out again, breathing in and out heavily as her orgasm faded. “Fuck-fuck-fuck- just cum in me. I don’t care,” she said as she began to rock her hips back and forth. I decided I really liked her. My fingers gripping her thighs I began to do most of the work as I pulled her off and slammed her back down to my base. She cried out as I moved faster. Channeling only a little chakra she came again after a few thrusts. 

Cunt gripping me, her tongue hanging out of her mouth, her ears bent back as each hump into her caused them to jump and fall. I groaned as I sped up. Looking to the side Hancock was playing with herself as I fucked the beastkin. Moving us to the side of the bed I laid Connie down. Watching Hancock pleasure herself as I humped into the rabbit. 

Having lost her voice the thin girl felt tiny in my arms. As if I would break her with each thrust. But the harder I jackhammered into her, the louder she became. 

“Your cock is fantastic,” she gasped. Her voice squeaking each word out. “I want your babies. Put a litter in me. You’re fuck! Keep-doing-exactly-that,” she said, moaning between each word. Her thin hips began to gyrate as I humped her. She squeezed her tiny breasts, rubbing the pads on her palms across her nipples. “Leave your girlfriend, I’ll-” I stopped, pulling out without warning. 

“Bad thing to say there, Bugs,” I said, causing her to look up at me confused. I stood up, looking at Hancock. Her Haki or thoughts said she had expected as much. Getting up onto her knees I moved over to my wife. “Sorry about that, my love. Thought we were good.”

“It’s to be expected,” she said sadly. “She is young.”

“Wh-” Connie said. 

“Sorry, Con, not gonna work,” I said. “We can still help you, but I don’t mess with jealousy.” The rabbit blushed, her eyes looking to the bed as I moved to Hancock. 

“Is this body a virgin?” I asked. 

“Of course,” she said. “All for you.” Biting her lip she began to jerk me off, still covered in the rabbit’s juices she didn’t seem to mind. “I liked her too.”

“We can still-” 

“No, it’s alright,” I said, cutting Connie off. “Hancock and I are a package deal. I don’t like playing games. She let’s me do what I want and have who I want. Why would I trade down from that?” 

“You should have given her the whole treatment,” Hancock chided. “She wouldn’t have been able to talk.”

“That gets boring,” I said, kissing her lips. She moaned, moving her pussy lips to my dick head. Still jerking me up and down as she did. “Do you want it?” 

“Please,” she said, laying down. Taking her shirt off her D-Cup breasts jostled as I moved to lick her nipples. After all these years I was still a tit man. Her’s were top tier, and I loved every bit of them. 

I felt a little bad for the rabbitkin, but we were still getting used to this whole thing. Hancock and I were tied together, and she literally let me do as I wanted. I had been hesitant before but after I took 2 virgins in front of her in Curse World and not the least bit of jealousy had leaked from her, I knew she was telling the truth. 

I hit on who I wanted. And nothing was off limits to her in the bedroom. I had been hesitant to invite anyone else, but I was getting better at letting my own wants come to the surface. But trading her for anyone wasn’t an option or notion I would consider.  

My dick moved to her pussy lips. Sliding in just as slowly as I had Connie. I broke through her hymen causing her to cum with the huge amount of chakra I used. Ignoring the other observer I humped into Hancock but decided to give more of a show. Grabbing her legs I lifted them over her head and began pistoning into her with all I had.

My Lust element caused her to squirt as I angled my dick to hit near her G-spot. Crying out, her eyes quivered as she tried to keep them open through the strong orgasm. Her state only made me go harder into her. But she was always the tightest virgin. It didn’t help she began squeezing me with her kegels. I sped up and came into her hard. Dropping her legs she shook as my cum made another orgasm hit her. 

When she recovered we were making out again as I filled her insides. Then our gaze was brought back as a crying Connie moved closer to us. 

“What?” Hancock asked, annoyed. 

“I’m sorry,” she said, sniffling. “I get a little into it. I’m just-I promise-I-I won’t say it again.” 

Hancock tapped my chest. I groaned and got up. “But you’ll think it,” Hancock said. Her chest pushing up to the small breasts of the rabbitkin as she locked eyes with her. “My Job tells me when someone is jealous, and you are practically on fire with how jealous you are.” 

“I-I can’t help it,” Connie said, still wiping her eyes. “You’re so pretty and I just wanted-” 

“I know,” Hancock said, raising her hand. “And I respect you for saying what you think. But Weston is mine. We are a tied together.” Hancock moved her hand closer to Connie, causing her to flinch. Instead of hurting her Hancock threw some hair over Connie’s shoulder, exposing her neck. “You can have a piece of him. You want to join us as Plainswalker’s, fine. I would love to have your help to assist with his lustful…blessing. You and I don’t need to like or touch one another if you aren’t interested. You could service him and he could give you pleasure you never thought possible. But I also enjoy girls, and I find myself more than a little…attracted to you my little bunny rabbit.” 

Hancock leaned forward, kissing the dark skin of the quivering rabbit. Moving up slowly, Hancock got to her face. Their lips hovering over one another the rabbit’s eyes practically vibrated, her brain turning off from what was happening. Then they were kissing deeply. My dick pulsed as I watched. Jumping as Hancock laid on top of Connie and her hands moved across her body. 

“Make a Doppel for my husband to play with,” Hancock ordered, biting Connie’s neck. She nodded and a white light appeared beside her. The clone of Connie moved closer to me. I dove into Hancock from the back and began playing with the Doppel-Connie’s pussy lips. Pushing chakra into her as her main body gasped as Hancock’s chest was pushed into her. 

“Now make a Doppel of me,” Hancock ordered. 

I began to hump into my wife and play with the clit of the Connie next to me. A white light appeared and a new Hancock formed. 

“Oh I like this,” the new Hancock said. She moved over, kissing my chest as she surprised me by sticking her finger in her original body’s ass slowly. 

The original Hancock yelped, but didn’t stop her. “She loves it when you take her ass,” the Doppel said. “Just loosening it up for you.” I groaned as I started using my actual skills. Hancock began cumming immediately. The Connie-Doppel I was fingering yelled out as her smooth hands grabbed onto my wrist as I played with her, humped Hancock, and began playing with her Doppel with my other hand. 

We became a loud groaning mess. When Hancock came again I started humping the Connie underneath her. Yelling out with her orgasm she hugged Hancock as I made both of their clones feel intense pleasure. The real Connie begged me to cum in her the first time. Not knowing that I was currently infertile her Haki told me she was quickly changing her attitude about Hancock. 

After I came into her Hancock didn’t hesitate to 69 her. Both girls sucking my cum out of the other’s cunt I started fucking the clone and was cumming into her as well. The Hancock-Doppel whispered in my ear as I fucked her. “We have days until we can sign up as Plainswalker’s. You will fuck all 4 of us. Is 4 enough to awaken the 3rd stage of your Chikyugi? You’ve been going far too easy in these worlds, husband. Look how much this girl wants your cum. Dump it all into her. Make her choke on it.” 

The Doppel of Connie was a moaning mess as she came over and over. I started fingering the ass of the Hancock-Doppel. “Yes, fuck. I’m sorry if I take charge. These women are far too timid. We will find stronger girls for you to dominate. Ones that will make better additions to your harem. Fuck, look what you did to her. Is that an ahegao face?” 

Connie’s-Doppel did have the face. Small tongue sticking out her eyes crossed as her Love Gauge skyrocketed to a second level. The red heart at the top of the gauge was now purple. “Cum in her then take these body's virginities.” 

Not long until I fucked the ass of one Hancock only to watch her finger the pussy of her main body. Hancock didn’t seem to mind playing with herself as her Doppel knew just where to touch and suck to make my wife cum. A new form of masturbation for her I couldn’t help but marvel at her lack of inhibitions. 

The Connie’s begging to suck my dick after I came into Hancock’s ass the Dopple’s of my wife stuck their tits in my face as the 2 tongues licked every inch of me, uncaring what was going on as the night dragged on. .   

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