Canon Fodder



Smut for a while. But a lot of story to build off of.

Once I was in the Red Room I summoned Hancock. She still appeared tired but was also excited now. 

“What’s up?” She asked. 

“My Identification evolved…” I explained to her what I found out about the Journeyman Eye Evolution and Item Search. 

“Oh, can you explain some of my skills?” She asked. I brought up her screen and explained the ones she had questions on. “Irresistible Beauty just says people have a hard time looking away from you. Snake Charmer says that all snakes have a higher chance of liking you.”

“Of course, boring. Let’s try the Item Search then,” she said, turning to her invisible screen. I did the same and clicked the Item Search. When I did, a new screen popped up. 

Please click the Item you would like to Search for:


World ID

Tier 1 Bonus

Tier 1 Ability


World Choice

Weakness Eliminator

Tier 2 Bonus

Tier 2 Ability


Item/Weapon Choice

Item Search

Pet Choice


Tier 3 Bonus

Tier 3 Ability


I remembered Courtney, the girl challenger I fought, had talked about Tiers but I hadn’t run into anything else talking about them. These were apparently the tiers of the rewards I had received so far. Not strong enough to show Challenger rewards, I was a little disappointed. I clicked on World Choice and was surprised that the light over Tutorial is Too Hard went from red to Blue. 

“What did you pick?” She asked. 

“World Choice, guess we have a reason to go back there,” I said. “You?”

“Pet Choice of course,” she said, pointing to the exit of the room. “Guess it’s a lost cause if it’s outside of here.” 

“Not necessarily,” I said. Taking her hand we walked to the exit. 2 of the 3 hallway doors were Red. The further one on the right was blue.

“Is that…” she trailed off as we walked to it. Opening the door there were 5 doors. 3 on the opposite wall and 2 at the center of the side walls, the one on the right was lit up blue. 

“Smut, I’m guessing,” I said. Nervous, I looked at Hancock, to my surprise she was excited. 

“Let’s fucking go,” she said, grabbing my hand she pulled me toward it.

“Hancock,” I said, stopping her. “These worlds could be anything. One world I went to had a lot of slave girls…” I didn’t think that I had to tell her this. But it was concerning that the Hancock of these worlds could be in serious trouble. She had good backstories so far. I didn’t want her to have to deal with more trauma.  

“I know, you told me,” she said with a sigh. “Don’t think I’ll let the fact that you have slave girls slide when we get there someday.” She turned to me, her eyes sparkling. “I just want to take a short little break, alright? If I’m in a bad spot I’ll fight whatever I have to and you can summon me when the hour is up.”

“Are you sure?” I asked. 

“Weston, I have been faithful to you. And I am so sick of talking about it,” she said. “I could really use some kinky fun where we don’t have to use our brains for once. I can catch up on some of the manga you gave me and we can…experiment.” 

“You just want some hot lesbian action,” I said. 

She smiled widely. “You know me so well. Please-please-please,” she said, clapping her hands together in a prayer as the young girl stared at me. 

“This is supposed to be a gift for me,” I said. “So fuck yeah, let’s go.” Grabbing her shoulder I pushed her in with me as she laughed. 

I laid there in the less than comfy bed. Trying to find just the right spot to get back to sleep I was awoken as I heard someone banging on a wall. 

“Weston! Wake up or you’ll be late!” A woman’s voice yelled. 

I shot up, surprised that I had come to the world asleep. Unsure if I had been out very long I looked around the small room I was in. A small window streaming some light in I couldn’t tell what kind of timeline the new world was. 

Candles around the room that had been recently used, the floor and walls were a rusty metal as if I was in a compartment on a submarine. Getting off the small cot of a bed I looked around until I found a broken shard of a mirror. Looking at my face I appeared quite young. Memories flooded in as my body ached from the World Lasting Physique forcing me to get stronger. 

I was Weston Woon. I turned 16 a month ago but had to wait for the bi-annual ceremony which was today. The world I lived in was a post-apocalyptic world. 

No one knows what caused the world to end. It wasn’t like there was 1 big event that led up to it. I doubted that the people that lived in the world saw it as post-apocalyptic. They saw it as everyday life to struggle for water and food. I worried for Hancock as more memories flooded in. 

I lived in the town of January. A once giant junkyard people had turned it into a Fallout worthy town. Living in old vehicles, submarines, planes, helicopters, and every metal structure possible there hadn’t been a real home to live in for a long time. Not when they started attacking anyway. 

They were called Elementals. Able to control every conceivable element the monsters were either a symptom or a cause of the apocalypse, I wasn’t sure. But as I remembered the Elementals I understood why this was a smut world. All the Elementals were women. 

“Weston! Time to go,” my mom yelled, hitting the metal wall again. I jumped up and threw on my clothes as I received the notification. 

Welcome to Elemental Maiden World


Don't bother trying to catch them all.


I headed out and gave my mom a kiss on the cheek. Heading outside I ran down the rickety set of iron steps. When I got to the mud covered street I caught sight of my first Elemental Maiden. 

She was about 5 feet tall. Long green hair with leaves sticking out she was completely nude except for a black collar around her neck. Large chest, lime green skin, curvy thighs, she was walked along by a muscular man. 

That was one of the many rules in the world. Only the strong could tame an Elemental. The collars did mostly nothing. If you were able to put one on an Elemental they were typically already tamed. 

The women Elementals were practically wild beasts. They killed most anyone that stepped outside of town. How it was explained to me was during the taming process you would have sex with the Elemental and their proximity to you would help limit their wild nature. I’d heard stories of Elementals actually learning to talk when they were with people long enough. 

Sounded like a load of shit to me, but apparently this was a real world somewhere. I decided to roll with it for now. Running down the road I got to the town square as others my age lined up. About 15 of us there were a few women as well. The mayor was already addressing us as I joined the line. 

“You are all adults now,” he said. An old man with a handlebar mustache, I’d known the guy all my life, as well as most of the kids around me. 

“As you embark on the adventure of life, be sure to remember where you came from. Whether as apprentices for some of our many trades, a mighty miner that risks the depths of the caves, or the few Venturers, just know that we are with you.”

A Venturer was a rare path to take. Since the town was secluded because of all the Elementals, most people worked in the mines just outside of town. Those that risked it on the outside were few and far between, but it was easy to know what path I would take. 

As he spoke, his assistant passed out the Elemental Collars. More of a symbolic gesture I stealthily grabbed a second collar and stuffed it in my pocket. 

“Long ago men and women ventured out into the wide world. Taming the right Elementals for them. Please take these collars and may you choose the right path for you.”

The collars were symbolic of making your own choices. There was some ancient legend about a hero capturing maidens and fighting with them to defeat the Elemental King. The Elementals, though deadly, had become a form of worship for many over the centuries. The villagers always talked about finding the right Elemental for every occasion. It was like getting different Pokémon types. Taming a flying elemental to fight grass, or water to fight fire. That sort of thing. 

With that we were dismissed. Other people my age talked but I was already running to the city limits. “Weston,” Penelope said, running after me. “Where you goin?”

“Outside,” I said 

“What!? You’ve never gone outside,” she said. 

“You either,” I retorted. Penelope had been one of many friends that I had in the city. But she lived the closest to me. My girl next door she and her dad lived in an old ambulance. 

“Your mom would be pissed if she found out,” Penelope said. “You’re not really thinking of becoming a Venturer are you?”

“I am,” I said. “Care to join?” She frowned but shook her head. We got to the large steel gate at the town exit. 

“Too bad. Could have been fun,” I said. “I’ll see you in a while.”

“Weston! You don’t have supplies or-“

“Doesn’t matter,” I said. “I’ll survive. Tell my mom I’ll see her when I see her.” I turned to the guards at the gate. “I want to leave.”

“You won’t be coming back?” One asked. There were a few whispers from other people too. Everyone knew me. It wasn’t an overly large place. 

“Nope,” I said. “I’m an adult now. Let me through please.” The guards eyed one another but pulled the large steel gate away. “See you all later.”

“Yeah right,” one man said. No one ventured out alone. I let out a bow and walked out. I doubted it would be too long until my mom chased after me so running to the treeline I poured water-chakra out and flew off. 

When I was far enough away from the town I raised up in the air and looked all around. Mountains to the North and West. There was a large lake to the East and a forest to the South. 

“So many zones to check out,” I said, excited to go on my adventure. 

When not linked to a trainer the Elementals appeared to be simple animals. Beasts unbothered by the Elementals, deer ran away from me as I floated, looking for my starter poke-I mean elemental. 

I noticed a few rat-like Plague grade Eleys, but nothing too fancy. After the hour was up I set down in a field and summoned Hancock. 

She was in fancy brown leather gear. Her hair done up in braids, she was the same age as me. Red ruby earrings dangling from her ears she turned around until she saw me. 

“Let me guess, you’re a princess,” I said looking her up and down. She was immaculate. 

“What are you? A pauper?” She asked, holding back laughter. I had to agree, that’s what I looked like. My shirt a few sizes too large, there were more than a few patches in my pants. 

“Basically. I live in a small town in the mountains,” I said. 

“Ah. I live in a big city near the ocean. My dad is basically the ruler of the town,” she said. 

“Of course,” I grumbled. “You know, one of these days I’ll be the fancy prince and you’ll be the-“

“Pirate?” She asked. “Pretty sure that was our first world.”

“True,” I said with a laugh. Not seeing any danger around us I threw the Capsule Home. It set itself down nicely and we walked in. 

“I need a shower,” I said. 

“I’m gonna get some books,” she said. I went to the shower and wiped the grime off my body. I had one about once a week in this life so I more than needed it. 

After brushing my teeth and throwing my clothes in the burn pile I went to our room to find Hancock already waiting for me. Splayed on the bed the younger version of Hancock ordered, “Take me.” 

I couldn’t help but laugh. “I don’t know, babe. You’re a little young,” I said. 

“What? Don’t say that,” she said sitting up. 

“I married you when you were what, 30? I was 18. I prefer older you,” I teased. 

“Ah, does an inexperienced woman not do it for you?” She asked. “I hate to break it to you, but I have a fiance in this world.”

“A fiance?” I asked, in faux-anger. “Don’t tell me.” 

“That’s right, we have gone all the way…to holding hands,” she said. 

“What?! Who is this bastard? I’ll kill him,” I said, moving toward her. 

“Another local rich-boy,” she teased. “You wouldn’t know him.” Her breath grew more heated as I moved my face close to hers. Forcing my nostrils to flare to keep the facade I could feel her growing more excited. 

“Then we will have to go to your home and I’ll give him a good thrashing. You’re all mine,” I growled. 

She nodded quickly, biting her lip as her young face stared into my eyes. Filled with childish glee her eyes sparkled with happy tears as I moved over her more. Both of us nude. I took in the sight of her beautiful body. 

“I like having your firsts,” I whispered, kissing her neck. 

“Good. They’re all yours,” she said, reaching down to grab my dick. “This world is very weird.” 

“I agree,” I said, my hands going to her breasts. 

“I see what you mean about becoming a little lax on morals when you go to a world.” 

“How’s that?” 

“I would never have considered taking a pet, but current me always dreamed of having my own Elemental.” Her hands stroking my dick she laid down fully and guided my member to her pussy. 

“Yeah, feels weird, but also natural,” I said. Too horny to care as I released chakra into my Pathway I slid into her tight lips. Her hands gripping the comforter she took all of me as I pierced her hymen and continued inside. 

“Fuck,” she gasped. Her legs at my sides she took all of me in with a grunt. Pain moving across her face I buried myself fully and stayed there. Licking her nipples I let her get used to my size. “This is perfect. Just like this. No chakra.” I nodded, moving my mouth to nibble on her neck. 

“We are so young,” she moaned, holding onto me. “I’m a schoolgirl again.” My dick involuntarily pulsed inside of her. “Oh, does that turn you on?” 

“A little.” 

“Maybe we should get some sex outfits,” she said. “I can dress up for you.” 

“Goddamn, I love you,” I said, kissing her thick lips. She moaned as I began to hump into her. 

“How do you like this virgin pussy?” She asked. 

“I love it,” I got out as I continued a slow pace in and out of her. 

“Your huge cock is tearing me up,” she said, making her voice higher pitched. “Don’t cum in me, please. I’m too young to have a baby.”

“Too bad,” I growled, her Haki pulsing in excitement with the words. “I want you full of my cum.”

“I was warned of men like you,” she said, her voice squeaking with each thrust. “In it for their own pleasure.”

“That’s right,” I said. “You’re all mine to use how I want.”

“You uh, god, you can’t make me cum,” she rasped. “I don’t like this at all.” I thrust into her harder, getting more into whatever we were playing at. “Oh fuck. You’re a beast.” I wanted to laugh at her terrible acting, but held off, using more force as I took her.

“Damn right,” I said. My hands moving to hold hers to the bed, my legs repositioned to hold her legs down. “Don’t bother fighting it.” 

“Shit,” she grunted, her eyes closing. She shook her head from side to side. “No, sir, you uh, can’t make me. I’m not enjoying this.” 

I poured chakra into her. Hancock yelled out, squirting up my abs. Into the play more than I expected her eyes rolled to the back of her head as I continued into her. Pulling out and thrusting as hard as possible. She came continuously for long drawn out seconds. 

“What was that?!” She yelled, still playing the shy virgin that knew nothing of sex. 

“You felt so good you peed yourself,” I teased. Our sexes colliding loudly from her juices. 

“That’s not possible,” she said. “You, uh, could never make me feel good.”

“You’re fooling yourself, princess,” I said. “Now prepare to have my baby.” She yelled out. Getting more into it. As I sped up she shook her head. But her Haki radiated lust. When I came I poured chakra into her. Making her cry out more she used her arms and legs to wrap her body around me as I bottomed out in her. 

Thick pulses of my dick released a monstrous amount of cum into her. She cried out as our orgasms synched. Her own much stronger as the chakra from my cum and my Lust reacted with her own. When we finished we were breathing in and out heavily. 

“That was hot,” she got out between breaths. I nodded from her chest. “You didn’t make me pregnant, did you?”

“No,” I said with a laugh.

“Good,” she sighed. “That uh, that will be how we make our next baby.” My dick engorged inside of her. “That turns you on?” She asked. 

“Very much,” I said without shame. “But we should hold off for a while. At least till we stop jumping worlds.” 

Hancock nodded. “Good. Now fuck me one more time and let’s catch a Pokemon.” 

“Don’t call them that,” I groaned. “You know we are supposed to have sex with them, right?”

“Oh I know,” she said, biting her lip. “This sounds so fun. I want a snake girl.”

“Snake? What about Akasha from Second Life?’

“We will see,” she said with a shrug. Shaking my head it wasn’t long until I was humping into her again. Us former virgins had a good time as we went again and again. 

I have been treating the Smut Halls as a sort of mix of a few inspirations. Entertainment already out there that I don't think need a fanfic, but have a good basis to build off of. Basically a fanfic with different characters and storyline. 

Inspiration for Maiden World: Pokemon kind of. Evan's Eldritch Emporium, a few other similar works on Scribblehub.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.