Canon Fodder



“What’s gotten into you?” Toru asked as she brought me out of my thoughts. She was laying on my right shoulder, staring up at my face. 

“Thinking,” I said. 

“You don’t think. You act,” she said. Her face visible her eyes sparkled at me. I could feel the love she had for me through her spiritual energy. Her green and yellow hair unruly as always I blew a tuft of it that had somehow gotten in my mouth. 

“Oh yeah? I’ll have you know I’m a very good thinker person,” I said. 

“You mean smart guy?” She asked, smiling widely. 

“Yeah, that’s the word.” I pulled her head closer, kissing her forehead. 

“Well, you look worried about something,” she said, frowning. 

“I…guess I am,” I said. “I don’t exactly know what to do.” 

“With what?”

“Life,” I said, letting out a long sigh. “There are so many options. How do you choose what to do? Become a hero? Start a business? Join the muirks? Become a villain?” 

“You better not become a villain,” she said, pouting. 

“Why’s that?” 

“Cus then I’ll have to become one,” she said without hesitation. 

“You wouldn’t do that,” I said with a frown. 

“I would in a heartbeat,” she assured. Her hand moving to run across my abs. “You’re mine, and I’m yours. If you go to the side of evil, then I’m probably not far behind.” 

“I wouldn’t want that,” I said. “You need to be a hero.”

“Oh right, cus being invisible is such a great power?” She asked, rolling her eyes. “There is a reason guys like All Might and Endeavor become the top heroes. Their quirk is for fighting. For the longest time I thought I would just be support. Hiding in the background since no one can see me. Now people can see me, I can hide others, and I’m getting really good at my chakra. I am stronger, but I’m not number 1 strong. That’s you.”

“Me? Why would I want to be Number 1?” 

“Who wouldn’t want to be?” She asked, innocent as always. “People look up to you. All the sponsors and money deals. Besides, you get all the chicks.” 

“Your true goals have become apparent,” I said. “You just want to watch me do it a lot.” 

“That’s not true,” she said. “Once upon a time, maybe, but I’m liking this too. The 3 of us.” I looked down to Nejire on my other shoulder. She was pretending to be asleep still. 

“Nejire is going to leave to become a hero soon,” I said. My hand moved down to her ass cheek, squeezing it. “She graduates in a few months. She will be abandoning us. I bet she is planning to break up with us any day now.”

“I am not,” Nejire grumbled as she opened an eye. Her nostrils flared as she took in a deep breath. “You’re way too comfy to throw away.” 

“My true use becomes known,” I said. 

“Hey, back to serious talk,” Toru said, pulling my face back to her. “No becoming a villain.”

“Yeah, you better not,” Nejire said. 

“Why?” I asked. 

“Because there is always a better solution,” Toru said as if it was obvious. 

And to be honest, she was right. There was always another option. I had become convinced that killing was the only solution, but now I was having second thoughts. A part of me was sick of it all. The personas I had been playing. I had been juggling so much. It would all end in 6 months max. I’d spent more time in Naruto and One Piece world than I had this place. I needed to buckle down. Figure out what I wanted. And get my challenger slots. 

“Sorry I’m in a funk,” I said. “I’ve been training too much lately.” 

“Do you need some relief?” Toru asked, reaching her hand under the bed covers. Grabbing my dick that was at half mast. 

“I could always use that,” I said, laughing as I pulled her in for a kiss. “But how about I get you 2 a gift instead.”

“Gift?” Nejire asked, opening her eyes again. A smile splitting her face. “I like gifts.”

“Good. They should be finished now,” I said. Slapping their asses they groaned as I got up. “Come on. I’ll take you to them. If you would like to thank me later, I’d be more than happy to accept some appreciation.”

“That makes more sense. You want some special stuff,” Toru said. “You want my ass, don’t you?”

“Oh, popping that cherry?” Nejire asked. “This will have to be a mighty fine gift if you’re going to give that up. Which is smart since I gave it away for free.”

“Well dang, I hope it’s good enough now,” I said. “Take it as a belated bribe for letting me have your ass, Nejire.”

We dressed and soon headed out. All 3 of us took the window. Nejire could fly with her quirk and it wasn’t a huge issue for me to jump down. Heading off to the UA campus I took them to the Support side of the school. 

“We grabbing Mei?” Toru asked. 

“Who’s Mei?” Nejire asked. 

“This fun and weird support girl. I told you about her. Weston’s been sleeping with her,” Toru said like it was nothing. 

“My god, once upon a time I would have killed a guy that tried to sleep with people besides me,” Nejire grumbled. “Why am I fine when you do it?”

“Cus I can still sex you up harder than anyone else,” I said. She frowned. “It was pretty funny when we did it. She assumed I was a virgin. So she tried to guide me. It was hard not to laugh as we-“ I stopped talking as we got to her workshop. 

The pink haired woman was standing in the middle of her shop completely nude. Streaks of a black grease covered her in random spots. 

“Mei, did you forget your clothes again?” I asked as I stepped in. 

“Hey Weston,” she said absently. She was staring at a wide screen. With schematics on it she moved the drawings around with the click of a small remote. “I did not. But they became dirty and hot so I took them off.”

“Mei, how much attention can you give us?” I asked. 

“Uhhh,” she said, staring at the screen. “Give me 10 minutes and we can have sex.” 

“What the hell?” Nejire asked as she looked around the room. “Is she one of those Gundam Techs?”

“Gundam tech?” 

“One of those support staff members that get too into the work. Trying to make bigger and badder costumes?”

“Yeah probably,” I said. 

“I like her. She’s very focused,” Toru said. “I once spent 10 minutes moving a pen out of her reach. She just gave up and started remembering stuff.”

“My god, do you love to torture people?” I asked. 

“What? Since you can sense me with your whatever I have to get my kicks somehow,” Toru said innocently. 

“My poor girlfriend. Next time you can tease me and I’ll pretend I don’t know it’s you,” I said. “You know, I’d hate for my hand to accidentally graze a naughty part of you.” My hand went to her pussy. 

“It’s been so long since we’ve done that,” she said. “We still never did anything in class.”

“You 2 are so weird, why do I love you?” Nejire asked. 


Toru became visible as she and I turned to Nejire. “Holy cow, she said it first. I owe you money,” I said to Toru. 

“You do. I knew she secretly loved us.”

“I didn’t say that,” Nejire said quickly. 

“You very much did,” I said grabbing her hand. I pulled her to us. “Look at our throuple. Just a big old pile of lovers.”

“So cute,” Toru said as she and I kissed Nejire on either cheek. 

“Stop. I-I don’t love you,” she said. 

“Too bad. Cats out of the bag. Just accept it,” Toru said. “Oh you’re embarrassed, I’m sorry. Come on, bestie. Let’s demand our gifts.”

“You’re so mean to me,” Nejire mumbled as I walked over to Mei. As I increased the Lust aura she began to squirm. Eventually she turned around, setting the clicker down. 

“Fine we can do it,” she said, rolling her eyes. 

“Actually. We are here for those costumes I asked for,” I said pointing to Nejire and Toru. 

“Oh, who are you?” Mei asked, confused as she noticed them for the first time. 

“Weston’s girlfriends,” Toru said as she reached out her hand. 

“Ah you’re the girl who watches us have sex,” Mei said. “I’ve been wondering what that was like. Is it as interesting as being a part of it?”

“I like it,” Toru said with a shrug. I laughed at her unashamed reaction. She was a farcry from the shy girl I took out on a date so long ago. 

“I’m Nejire. Uh I’ve never watched you have sex.”

“Ah, then it is good to meet you,” Mei said. “Is this for that foursome you asked about?” 

Nejire and Toru gave me a very stern look. “Uh not exactly. It’s for the suits I asked you to make.”

“Oh right,” Mei said, moving to a large metal cabinet. 

“Foursome?” Toru asked, intrigued. 

“You’re insatiable,” Nejire mumbled. 

“What? You’re saying no?” 

“No,” Nejire said. “But these better be damn good gifts.” 

“Here you are,” Mei said pulling the suits out. They were based on the Gantz suits of course. Nejire’s matched her normal costume. Different shades of blue. Skin tight there were discs at the neck, wrists, waist, and ankles. Toru’s was all white. 

“These are my newest rendition of ARMIS. Try them on,” Mei said as she handed the girls the suits.

“What do they do?” Toru asked. 

“You’ll see,” I assured. They stripped down and were soon in the suits. The girls moved around in them. 

“I thought for sure you’d be able to see my nipples. It’s so light,” Nejire said as she felt down her chest. 

“What’s so special about them?” Toru asked. “I feel like I’m ready to bobsled.”

“Originally I was working with a safety word. But Weston wanted to give you more reaction time,” Mei said. “I’ve changed them a little. They’re more reactive. I want you to think about lifting something.”

“Think?” Toru asked. 

“Yes. The suits react to the micro changes your muscles go through when you complete actions. Even just thinking about something should affect them.”

Nejire thought hard and eventually the veins in her arms bulged. “What the hell?” 

“The suits increase your strength,” Mei said. Moving to a barbell she turned a dial on it until it read 150 pounds. “Lift this.”

Toru walked over and picked it up. Grunting as she used both hands. “Now try to lift it over your head.”

Toru grunted and as she swung it the veins in her arms bulged. She caught herself from toppling over as she lifted it over her head. Laughing happily she asked, “How is this happening?!”

“We can go over that later. For now, let’s have some fun,” I said. 

“Ah yes, the sex,” Mei said. “My bed is a little-“

“Not that,” I interrupted. “Mei put on a suit. You’re going out too.”


“Why do I have to jump?” Nejire asked, annoyed. “I can fly.”

“What if you fought someone like Eraserhead? And he canceled your quirk? This suit is supposed to help you. Time to figure out what it can do.”

Nejire frowned but nodded. Moving to a runners pose she focused straight ahead. Without warning she started running. The suits legs bulged and she jumped. Clearing the 15 feet easily she yelled happily as she landed. 

“See. Not so bad,” I said. Toru didn’t hesitate to follow. “Your turn Mei.”

“Why must I do this?” She asked, fear in her voice. “I’m made for studying and experimenting. Not doing.”  

“You need to do it because there is more out there than the lab, my dear,” I said. “Let’s push beyond your fear. Besides, how can you improve them if you don’t know their capabilities?”

It took time but she jumped. Then we moved to the next rooftop and the next. By the time we made it to one 20 feet away they were all more comfortable with the suits. Even Mei had a wide smile on her lips as we jumped and ran together. 

“Gotta admit. This suit is pretty sweet,” Nejire said. “You’re a genius Mei.”

“I am,” Mei said. “But Weston-“ I stopped her with a look. “Uh Weston has helped.”

“The sex is good, but I wouldn’t call it helpful,” Nejire said. “More of a distraction.”

“Fine, you can make yourself cum so hard you pass out,” I said. 

“I didn’t say it was a bad thing,” Nejire said. Walking up she stared into my eyes as she frowned. “Kiss.” I relented and kissed her. 

“Yes, the sex is very helpful. Although it happens more than I originally allotted. The results have been worthwhile though. I find post-coitus is a great point of clarity to work,” Mei said. 

“Alright, stop with the sex talk. I’m turned on enough,” Toru said. “What about this foursome I heard about?”

“Seriously?” Nejire asked. 

“I mean, we are next to a love hotel,” I said with a wide smile as I pointed. 

“Wow, what a coincidence,” Nejire said, rolling her eyes. Sighing, she looked at the 3 of us. “Fine. I had sex with Weston and Toru the first day I met them. Might as well do you too.”

“You had sex with Toru?” Mei asked. “Am I expected to join in a lesbian coupling? I had considered it some time ago because the male genitalia was not so appealing to me at the time. Would you show me what to do?” 

“I’m not doing anything of the sort,” Nejire said with a huff. 

“We can kiss, but that’s about all we do,” Toru said. “But it might be hot to watch…” 

“It’s hot, trust me,” I assured. 

“Nope,” Nejire said. “Let’s freaking go before I change my mind.”

The building wasn’t terribly tall but we opted to take the stairs down. Once we were at the hotel I got a very weird look from the staff. I was surprised since they normally didn’t ask questions. But there I was, a guy in normal clothes and 3 beautiful girls with skin tight different colored leather looking gear. I probably looked like some harem protagonist. 

We got to the room and Toru didn’t hesitate to strip down. Turning invisible she said, “Shower time.”

“You’re awfully comfortable. Have you been to one of these before?” Nejire asked. 

“Questions in the shower,” Toru said, grabbing her and Mei’s hands. “No boys allowed.”

Chuckling, I picked up her costume and threw it to the side. The shower was in another room. The bed was king size with a thick comforter on top. A mirror on the ceiling the room was a little more luxurious than the last time Toru and I got one. 

I heard the shower turn on and it wasn’t long before the girls were giggling. Their voices muffled by the loud water I settled on thinking. Toru was right. I could do anything. 

“What are my goals?” I mumbled. 

“Limit kids that have to grow up like me in the future. There’s no reason to lose a parent to a villain,” I said, putting up a finger. Villains had it too easy. There had to be a way to limit them. 

“Steal AFO’s quirk?” I put up a second finger. “Would only be useful in this world though. And I’d probably have to get quests to use the quirks outside this world. Then more challenger slots. Maybe I need to trick him into giving it to someone else.”

“Number 3. Make it so quirks aren’t so regulated,” I said. That was more government crap. A longer term goal. I wanted to continue on in this world past the canon. Realistically that was a goal to be completed then. “Any other goals?”

I turned to the bathroom as the water turned off. “Protect the girls,” I said. The most important of all. The trio walked out of the restroom in a line. Nejire in front and the visible Toru in back, they had their best sexy look on. Mei was as confused as ever. She was more comfortable in her shop. 

“Why are you dressed?” Toru asked, offended. 

“I don’t know,” I said and was quickly disrobing. 

“We will help,” Nejire said. Her reservations pushed back when the deed was in front of her. She fought against her lust, but once she was naked she got horny. Much more open to fun now she grabbed my pants legs and pulled. 

Mei frowned but joined on the other side and Toru helped me with my shirt. They were gorgeous. 

Toru had perfect skin. A slight tan, her perky nipples and C cup breasts jiggled as she helped. Nejire was a little smaller in the chest but her long periwinkle hair made her an exotic goddess in my eyes. Mei was far less manicured as the other two. Some grease stains still on her body I could tell they had tried to scrub them off. But the grease persisted. They made her all the prettier. A full chest with tiny nipples her pink hair was almost as unruly as Toru’s. 

“You’ve been in a funk. Let us help you out of it,” Toru whispered as my underwear was pulled off. Nejire moved to the head of my dick and began to move up and down the shaft. Going about half way down she stared up at me. Toru kissed my cheek but opted to move down. 

Her face moving to my groin she licked the part of my shaft that Nejire couldn’t get to. Mei watched for a moment. Treating it like a science experiment as she studied them. Until Nejire pulled the girl in and she began mirroring Toru’s lip movements. 

My cock was covered with mouths and tongues. I groaned as the wondrous act continued on. Nejire pulled up and began licking my glans and to my pleasure Toru and Mei did the same. Simply licking below the head and up to the tip I felt a new kind of blowjob. 

Breathing in and out heavily my legs tried to buck from the sensations but Nejire kept me rooted to the bed. Their tongues touching now and again as they licked the head slowly I loved every movement they made.

Nejire’s hands moving to my balls she continued to kiss and lick. Toru and Mei’s lips touched as they kissed with my glans in between them. I felt my orgasm build. My eyes closing I focused on the sensations as they moaned, licking me over and over. My eyes looked up. Watching the trio go at my cock from the mirror above us. 

When I came I couldn’t help but yell out as a thick glob of cum shot out landing on my abs. The girls continued licking. Never slowing as shot after shot came out of me. Ropes of cum soon littered my stomach as they kissed. 

When I couldn’t take it anymore Toru moved and began to lick up the cum. Nejire joined her. Both moaning from the taste. 

“That was…stimulating,” Mei admitted with a sigh. “What else can you do with multiple partners?” 

“I’ll show you,” Toru said. “Why don’t you uh sit on his face.”

“I’ll take my seat,” Nejire said. Standing up she didn’t hesitate to line herself up with my dick. Moving down slowly she gasped as I began to coat my skin in chakra. 

“Fucking amazing every time. You’re dick is like soaked in-I don’t know some drug,” Nejire said. She began to cum as I humped up into her. As she dropped down the rest of the way Mei straddled my face. 

I didn’t hesitate to grab her thighs and begin to eat her out. My tongue moving along her slit I humped Nejire and the girls were cumming hard. I could sense Toru watching on the side of the bed. Her Haki practically leaking lust as she turned invisible and began playing with herself. 

I focused on the 2 overtop me. Mei and Nejire yelling out with each movement I channeled chakra everywhere. Causing them intense orgasms I was surprised when Mei pulled Nejire’s face to hers. Kissing her deeply. 

Nejire fought it for a moment but as she started to cum again Mei licked along her neck. Experimenting in every aspect of life. Toru couldn’t take it any longer as she watched. Moving to the 2 kissing girls she began to play with them. Still invisible I was sure it gave her some kind of anonymity as she squeezed their asses or licked them. 

The girls were a moaning mess on top of me. My hand moved to play with Nejire and the trio started cumming as one. Legs squeezing my head, a drenched cunt choking my cock, and my girlfriend’s hands wrapped around my forearm I came into Nejire with a groan. 

Filling her up she cried out as my chakra splashed her insides. Her nails digging into me she took it all. Soon she was moving off and Mei was taking a turn. 

Toru began to kiss me and lick off her juices as Mei began to ride me. The nerdy girl crying out she no longer tried to experiment as rocking back and forth took all of her effort. 

“I fucking love you,” Toru moaned in between kisses. 

“I love you,” I said. “I’m gonna need your ass.” 

She bit her lip, but as she looked into my eyes she nodded. I smiled wide and refocused on Mei. Fucking her hard she became a sputtering mess under my attention. Pulling at her own tits she squirted up my abs and stopped her mind thinking of new problems as pleasure filled her mental capacity. 

When I came in her she opted for a break as well. I rolled over onto Toru. My dick lining up with her pussy she bit her lip as I moved it down to her ass. She squealed but didn’t stop me. 

Pulling water chakra from me I moved some to my dick and her ass to help lube it up. Moving in slightly she grabbed onto my arm as her eyes closed. 

“I love you,” I said, kissing her lips as I moved in slowly. “Your personality. Your looks. Who you are when no one else is looking. Who only I get to see. I love every bit of you.” 

“So fucking deep,” she grunted when I was half way in. “Start making it feel good. Then you can tell me how much you love me.”  

I laughed loudly and poured chakra into her. She came almost instantly. Her mouth taking the shape of an O she tightened her ass around my dick as I started moving in and out. 

“Holy fuck I love you,” she moaned. “Your cock. It’s perfect. Your strength uhh other shit you said. I don’t know. I’m all yours Weston. Start-start playing with my pussy too.” 

I nodded, kissing her as my hand moved to her clit. Using my Tremor quirk I lightly hit her clit with it, making it vibrate. Her eyes rolling to the back of her head I could tell she was enjoying it as I made her cum harder. Moving in and out about 3 quarters of the way her tight ass felt heavenly as I sped up. 

Toru cried out. Pulling me to her as she dug her nails into my back. Her face next to my head she moaned with each thrust. 

“I want to marry you,” she rasped. “Every day could be this.” I pulled back locking eyes with her. “Not-not today. But someday I-”  

“Yes,” I said without hesitation. “We will get married someday.” A wide smile appeared on her face. Some tears in her eyes she pulled me back. Kissing me hard I started jackhammering into her harder. It wasn’t long until the sentimental moment had turned from words to actions. 

We fucked harder than I could ever remember. Loud slaps sounded as my dick slammed into her. Toru gasped and yelled as she came. I sped up and when I did cum I filled her ass up beyond full. My dick releasing a huge amount into the woman I loved. 

“Fucking amazing,” Toru said. “Go clean up and we can go again.” Mischief in her eyes I could tell she was serious. 

I looked over to Nejire and Mei. Mei had somehow talked the older girl into experimenting more. The girls kissed slowly. I guessed they hadn’t heard Toru and I. It wasn’t long until I was off to the shower to clean up. But the trio joined me and it became Mei’s turn to brag about what I did for her. Then they were all demanding I clean all of them. Either way I was starting to feel better about the world. I wasn’t sure I would stick to my plan. But I’d stick to the world and figure it out from there. That was my plan anyway, until I noticed a new notification. 

Challenge 3 will begin within 30 days


“Fuck,” I mumbled as I read it. Doing math in my head as I thought over it. 

“What’s wrong?” Toru asked. 

“Uh nothing,” I said. I was in limbo on quests at the moment. I was working on one as my Anti-Hero by killing Villains, but there was no way in hell to end the canon in that time. Not if I wanted to do what I planned in the world. 

“World Escape,” I mumbled. It all turned black. 

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