Canon Fodder



Despite Mei’s request for more company she was soon working again. I headed out of the workshop to use the rest of my Sunday. Things were calming down after I had ended Chisaki and his gang. It was time to check on Eri. 

Again the Search quirk proved invaluable. They had moved her to a hospital across town. I wasn’t too worried about anyone finding out about her. I was fairly certain I had killed everyone that knew about her. But she was under heavy guard. 

After a few Genjutsus I made it to her room carrying a huge teddy bear. “How’s it going Eri?” I asked in my Kakashi face. 

“Kakashi,” she said excitedly as I walked in. 

“Yes tis I. Look who wanted to come visit you,” I said, setting the large bear at the foot of her bed. 

“Is it for me?” She asked excitedly. 

“It is.” The small girl crawled over to it. Touching the 4 foot tall bear's face. “What are you going to name it?”

“I don’t know,” she said, wonder in her eyes. “Are you okay? You look tired.”

“I am a little tired,” I said sitting at the chair next to her bed. “I wanted to let you know, Chisaki will never bother you again.”

She stiffened with the mention of his name. “Are you sure?”

“I’m positive,” I said. “He and his crew decided to stop doing bad things. So you’re safe from now on.”

“Do you mean it?” She asked. A hopeful smile on her face. 

“Yep, but I’ll keep checking on you,” I said. “So don’t worry. How have the teachers been treating you?”

“Okay, I guess,” she said with a shrug. “They gave me a guardian. She seems nice.”

“Who is your guardian?” I asked. 

“A woman named Kaori. She said she would be back soon,” Eri said. I nodded, probably one of the people I put to sleep. 

“Well I’m gonna go have a talk with her. I’ll check on you now and then, okay?”

“You have to go?” She asked, a little nervous. 

“I do. I don’t have the best reputation around here. But I’ll be back, don’t worry,” I said. She slowly nodded and raised her hands up. Chuckling, I picked her up. 

“Thank you, Kakashi,” she said and I could feel the love from her. That warmth that any child would give to someone close to them. I couldn’t help but become a little choked up as she hugged me. Kissing the top of her head I squeezed her harder. 

“You’re welcome,” I mumbled. When the hug ended I reluctantly walked out. 

Waking up her supposed guardian the woman stared at me wide eyed. “Villain Slayer,” she whispered. 

“Yeah yeah, it’s me. Listen, I want you to take good care of that little girl,” I said. Pulling out a stack of money I handed it to her. “Nothing bad happens to her, you hear? If I stop by to see her again and she is happy, there will be more of that for you.”

She nodded numbly. A terrified look in her eyes. I decided it was best to walk away. Down the hall I was stopped as she yelled to me. “I asked for help,” she said. I turned back, locking eyes with her. “I um posted on the Red Street Support group wall,” she said. 

I understood. She was one of many affected by villains. “I’ll check it out,” I said with a nod to her. She gave me a quick smile but then noticed other people staring at her. Blushing she walked back into Eri’s room. 

Heading to the roof I made a clone and sent him off to check out her posting. If it was still there I’d begin work on getting her whatever vengeance she needed. 

Once outside I floated up into the air and flew off on my ice platform. Tired and ready for a little break, I got to Ryukyu Agency soon enough. Saying hello to the receptionist she was nice enough to let me in with little hubbub. Since I had interned there most everyone knew me. I received a simple badge and was off to the elevator. After some directions I was soon on the clothes manufacturing floor. 

People worked at standing desks. Drawing out certain designs or cutting fabric. The real action was happening at the back of the large room though. Ryuko herself was there. A tall woman with blonde hair, black bat-like wings mounted behind her head, and wearing a long jacket, jeans, and thin lace black shirt she stared at her interns. 

Lined up in front of her was Nejire, Momo, Tsuyu, and Toru. All wore a different pair of jeans. Dragon designs etched into the side I guessed they were part of Ryuko’s next line of clothing. Intricate designs on the shirts they wore as well, they all showed cleavage at different depths, or belly buttons. 

“Wow, I regret not becoming an intern this time,” I announced as I walked up. 

Ryuko side eyed me as the other girl’s jumped. “Weston,” Ryuko said as she went back to studying the girls. “I thought you weren’t available.” 

“I was not,” I admitted. “Some Kent work.” She turned back, studying me a moment then nodded. 

“Kent work?” Momo asked, her face flush since her shirt was somehow more revealing than her hero costume. 

“Doesn’t matter,” Ryuko said. “Weston, I need a man’s opinion. Which shirt is the best?” 

“Momo’s,” I said without hesitation. “It’s the most revealing.” 

“How dare you,” Toru said, annoyed. 

“Then turn visible,” I said. She stopped using her quirk as her body appeared. “Nope, still Momo’s shirt.”

“Fuck you,” Toru said, flipping me off. I smiled wide as Momo blushed more. 

“Men are hopeless,” Ryuko said. “You have to look at more than the skin. You wear clothes to draw out the beauty beyond the body. Each one of these sets of clothes has gone through dozens of revisions until we were brought to the final product.” 

“Thanks there Meryl Streep,” I said. 

“You say that every time I try to bring up fashion,” Ryuko said, annoyed. “What is it from?”

“An old American movie,” I said, moving past it. “When I interned here we did a lot of patrolling. How come they get to do fashion shows this time?” 

“Eh we had a joint operation planned with Nighteye, but that got messed up thanks to the Villain Slayer,” Ryuko said. Her eyes still focused on the girls I felt a little bad, but not too much. “What brought you by?”

“Just got back to town. Wanted to say hi. Maybe take the girls out to dinner,” I said, giving Toru a wink. She nodded quickly, liking the idea. 

“Works for me,” Ryuko said. “You lot are free if you want. Wear the clothes. I want to see how they hold up when going outside.” 

“Aren’t you worried about designs leaking or something?” Nejire asked. 

“No, this usually increases hype,” Ryuko admitted. She went off to continue on some other work and I was soon walking downtown with the girls. Nejire and Toru on either side I felt like the envy of every man we passed. 

“You all look amazing,” I couldn’t help but say. 

“Sorry we don’t have all monstrous cleavage,” Toru said, still hurt. I threw my arm over her shoulder, pulling her to me as I kissed her head. 

“It’s okay dear, you’re still gorgeous. Shit, where’d you go?” I asked. She smacked my junk causing me to let it happen since it would help her feel better. As I groaned and laughed we continued on. “How has the internship been going?” 

“Better than my last one,” Momo said. 

“Oh yeah? Thought you were a model during your last one too.”

“You caught us at a rare moment,” she said. “Ryuko has been teaching us quite a bit. We had been preparing for a raid, but it was stolen out from under us.”

“That’s too bad,” I said. “What should we do for dinner?” 

“Sushi,” Tsuyu said without hesitation. 

“Works for me,” I said and we headed off to a local place. Once seated we had a wide range of rolls ordered. 

“What was that Kent work you were talking about?” Nejire asked as we settled down. 

“As I am told, Kent work is stuff you aren’t supposed to talk about,” I said. I assumed it was some throwback to Clark Kent. He had been a comic book hero over 150 years ago, so most people didn’t remember him. But I was told to say that if anyone asked why I couldn’t do something. 

“What? Like what?” Momo asked. 

“Can’t talk about it,” I said. “It’s related to my internship.” 

“I thought you didn’t have one,” Tsuyu said. Nejire and Toru knew I was under Midnight of course, but the others didn’t. I was a terrible spy. Told not to say something, I couldn’t help but blab to women I was sleeping with. 

“No, I have a secret one. I doubt even Aizawa knows, so don’t go blabbing,” I said. “I only say something because I trust you lot.” 

“I feel so honored,” Momo said. “So what did you do?”

“Do you not understand what a secret means?” I asked. All 4 girls gave me the puppy dog look. “Alright fine. But don’t talk about it. Promise?” I got nods from all. I’d trusted them all with my secret about chakra, so I wasn’t too worried. “So there I was on a fire escape and I didn’t know who the hell I was…” I proceeded to tell them the story, changing names and genders where appropriate. 

“You fucking made that up,” Nejire said, laughing happily. 

“I did not,” I said, a wide smile on my face. 

“That sounds like a freaking movie,” Toru said, not really questioning it. 

“That’s what I said. We got back into town today.”

“Wait, so you thought you were married to a guy?” Tsuyu asked. 

“Uhh some genders may have been changed for those that wish to remain anonymous,” I said. “But yeah, it was fun.” 

“Now I have to know who it was,” Momo said. 

“Lips are sealed,” I said. “Time to talk about something else.” We had already eaten most of the sushi and were simply picking at the remaining pieces as we continued to talk. 

“Don’t we have school tomorrow?” I asked. “Why aren’t you all heading back to the dorms?” 

“Ryuko offered to fly us tomorrow,” Toru said excitedly. 

“What? She flipped out on me when she threw me off,” I said. 

“She said you jumped off,” Momo asked, a little scared. 

“Whatever, who doesn’t want to ride a dragon,” I grumbled. 

“Such a baby,” Toru teased. “Maybe you can talk her into taking you along? I mean, you could just sleep in your old room.” 

“Where did you sleep?” Momo asked. “Is there a boy’s set of rooms?” 

“Oh no, they’re all the same rooms,” I said, sharing a look with Toru. “Who knows, maybe I’ll get lucky.” 

“You 2 are so obvious,” Nejire said. “I have second hand embarrassment for you.” 

“What? We are very secretive,” I said, offended. “You can’t even see Toru. She’s the one with the worst poker face.” 

“I do not have a terrible poker face,” she spat back. “You’re the one that gets all pervy.” 

“I don’t get all pervy. Just because I can’t see you doesn’t mean I don’t know you’re sticking your tongue out at me.”

“I knew it. You’re reading my mind,” Toru said standing up. “Tell me what I’m thinking, right now.”

“Toru, there are children present in this establishment. How dare you be thinking that so loudly,” I said. 

“Your mind is way worse,” Toru retorted. Toru and I continued our back and forth as the other girls talked. 

“Is this normal for them?” Momo asked. “They’re pretty quiet during class.”

“So normal,” Nejire said. “I’ve been dealing with it for months now.” 

“But I thought you just shared an internship,” Tsuyu said. 

“Uh yeah, just that,” Nejire said, growing embarrassed. 

“I thought we were friends,” Toru said as we drew our attention back to her. 

“Yeah, how dare you, Nejire. Are you embarrassed of us?” I asked. 

“What? I’m not embarrassed,” she said quickly. 

“She totally is,” I said to Toru. 

“So heartbreaking,” Toru mumbled as she appeared to wipe her eyes. “I thought we had something special.” 

“We do, we do,” Nejire said, panicking. 

“I don’t know. She must be bored of us,” Toru said. 

“Us? No, bored of you. I am always a great time,” I said. 

“Psh, you’re a one trick horse,” Toru laughed. 

“So? It’s a great trick,” I said. “Right Nejire?” She blushed deeply. 

“Oh my god, you’re all dating,” Momo said. We stopped talking and turned to her. A long awkward silence followed. 

“Noooo,” I said slowly. 

“He’s right,” Toru piped in. “Just good friends. This sushi was so good.” She said sitting back down. 

“The best, right?” Nejire said, busying herself. I could feel the skepticism from Momo and Tsuyu. The meal ended rather quickly after that. Ryuko refused to give me a ride. I did sneak away for some fun with Toru and Nejire, but Momo’s suspicions were up. In my eyes it was a good thing. If she knew that Toru wasn’t the only one I was with then she might be more open to exploring where things went. Only time would tell though. 

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