Canon Fodder



I woke up as a knife tried to stab into me. Turning to the side I grabbed the arm and with hardly any effort I broke the wrist of the person holding the knife. They cried out waking Midnight as I kneed them in the face. Teeth breaking from the blow a man in the doorway pulled a gun out. 

I rolled off the bed as he aimed it at me. Acting on instinct I grabbed the night stand and threw it at him hard. His gun was knocked out of the way as the wood nightstand busted on him. The man with the knife recovered but I swept his feet out from under him. Rolling over him I made it to the guy with the gun as he aimed it at me once more. Hitting him hard in the gut he doubled over in pain as a shot rang out.

The bullet imbedded in the floor as I grabbed the man’s head and pulled it into my knee. His nose broke as he dropped to the ground. 

“What the fuck!” Midnight yelled. 

“Let’s go, dear,” I said, waving her over to me. She nodded and rushed over to me. Grabbing her hand she pulled away as she went for her blonde wig. 

“I was wearing it for a reason,” she noted. I nodded and we were running out of the hotel room hand in hand. Outside were 2 more guys, one I accidentally hit with the door. Then realizing it was a bad guy I really hit him with it. Knocking him back the other one pulled a gun but Midnight moved forward, twisting the man’s arm behind his back. Pressuring the arm the man dropped the gun. 

I grabbed the older man’s tie and pulled it up. Forcing him to struggle for air as I held him up by it. “Who the fuck are you? And what do you want with us!?”

“We just want her,” he said through choking breath. 

“Too bad,” I growled. Punching him in the diaphragm he struggled for air as I pulled him down the hall with us. “Take us to whoever wants us.”

“Honey,” Midnight said. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” I guessed she said honey since we still had no idea what our names were. 

“We are kicking their asses. Let’s figure it out, and have them fix whatever they did to us,” I said. Midnight didn’t say anything. Running ahead she hit the elevator button and we headed down. 

In the lobby I didn’t notice anyone out of place. “Car?” I asked the man struggling to breathe. 

He coughed, nudging his head forward. We came out to find a nice black Mercedes. Inside was a driver. I handed off our prisoner to Midnight and went to the driver’s side. Pulling the man out I lifted him by his neck easily. Then tossed him into a pillar that held up the rain guard over our heads. 

“Honey, maybe you should be more gentle,” Midnight said. 

“These guys tried to kill me,” I said. “They get what they get. You drive,” I ordered our hostage. From how easily I threw the other man this guy didn’t fight me much. I moved to sit behind him and Midnight moved next to me. 

“What’s the plan?” She asked, nervous. 

“No idea,” I mumbled. My hand moved to the hostage’s neck. Ready to squeeze if I needed to. His eyes widened as he looked back at me through the rearview. “Why did your guys try to kill me? Do you want just her?” 

“Uh she is the heir to Ishio,” he said nervously. “Just a kidnapping.” 

“Fuck,” Midnight said. “I’m a princess?”

“No, a you’re um dad owns a lot here. And that’s all I know,” he said. 

“You know a hell of a lot more than that. You were one of the guys chasing us earlier,” I said. My hand began to squeeze the back of his neck. “What happened to us?”

“It’s uh Highleer’s quirk,” he said quickly. “She can make people lose their memories.” Midnight and I let out a sigh. 

“Walk us through what happened yesterday, or I break your neck,” I said with as much vehemence as I could put into my voice. 

“Dear, calm down,” Midnight said, grabbing my arm. “You’re choking him.” I released my hand, realizing she was right. 

“Sorry,” I said to her. “Just so angry.” 

“I know, but we are heroes, right? We don’t kill,” she whispered in my ear. 

“You’re right,” I said, patting her hand on my arm. “But you’re still answering my question.”

“I uh work for the Killian family,” he said. “Yesterday we were told that you flew in to Bangkok. It was supposed to be a simple grab when you left a jewelry store. Then you 2 got away. Highleer was able to touch you. It takes a bit for the memories to wipe. You got away and you know the rest.” 

“This Highleer can reverse the effects, right?” I asked, growing annoyed again. The man nodded quickly. “Alright you take us there and you live,” I ordered. Leaning back in the seat, Midnight leaned into me once more.

“Calm it down,” she said, putting her hand on my heart. “We are fine.”

“We are not fine, dear. These guys have guns. I am apparently strong, but I don’t know my quirk or even if I have one. What are we going to do?” I asked. 

“I don’t know, but we will figure it out,” she said. Her big eyes staring up at me. She leaned forward, kissing me on the lips. “For luck.” 

“I could use some more,” I said, a wide smile on my lips. She laughed and gave me another, but was then resting back on my shoulder. I forced myself to relax a little. The driver took us to another part of town. As the traffic slowed and the streetlights dimmed I didn’t realize I had fallen asleep until the car crashed into a concrete building.  

The horn blaring, the front airbags went off as Midnight and I were jostled awake from the force of it. Lost for a moment I grabbed onto the door but it wouldn’t budge. Putting my shoulder into it the door creaked open as I pulled Midnight out with me. 

“What happened?” She asked, still in a daze. 

“No idea! We fell asleep again,” I said as I pulled us from the car. We must not have been going very fast because the driver began to groan. Looking around I was completely lost. Unsure where to go, 3 cars screeched to a halt around us. Men with guns and knives stepped out. 

“Don’t,” Midnight ordered, grabbing my arm. I had been ready to fight, but she stopped me. She took my hand and raised it with hers. Annoyed, I did the same as the men closed in on us. Treated very roughly they pulled Midnight away from me. Grumbling, I let them manhandle me into the back of a different car. Guns pointed at me at all times I didn’t know what to do. I settled on waiting.

The 2 cars with Midnight and I inside sped off. It wasn’t long until we were driving into a warehouse. I felt like this sort of situation was rather cliche, but I couldn’t remember why I thought that. Pulled out of the car they tried to be rough again, but the men felt weak to me. Going along with them we were taken to 2 chairs further in the warehouse. 

Cuffed to the chairs it wasn’t long before more men showed up. This time it was the big bosses. One was a tall man with a block body. His shoulders reminded me of someone I couldn’t place. Huge cubes covered in the black skin-tight suit he wore, he looked like a villain. Beside him was a short girl with a shaved head. She wore a red skin-tight outfit. Beside her was an Asian man in suit and tie. Black hair, tan skin, he smiled widely at us. 

“Finally, Nemuri, it is good to see you,” the Asian man said.

“I assume that’s me?” Midnight asked. 

“Oh right, Highleer,” the man said. The girl next to him stepped forward. Reaching out we didn’t fight as she touched our heads. I didn’t feel anything as she released us.

“How long does it take?” The man asked. 

“Couple of minutes,” she said with a shrug. “Am I good?” 

“Of course,” the small boss said. Highleer nodded and headed back the way she came. Her heels clacking as our attention was brought to the man. The huge villain with the block body didn’t make a move, simply staring at me as his supposed boss stepped forward.

“Quite the chase you put my men through,” the Asian man said. “All for nought. Now, you don’t know me just yet. But we have a mutual friend. I would like…” 

The man kept talking as memories began to flood into my mind. First my original life. Growing up in a large town. My friends and family. My wife and kids. Then my death. It was a simple death. I’d had a heart attack. Dead before I hit the ground. I had been out on a simple walk. 

I awoke in a dark room with 4 doors around me. Confused and scared I was more shocked when L appeared. He spoke and for the first time in my life I remembered some of the words. Not everything, but more than I had before. I picked 4 branches. Then 11 worlds for each door. Some other doors and rooms were picked as well. After that L bid me good day and I woke up in the Manga room. 

My most recent life flashed before my eyes. Those I loved. The pain and anguish I had suffered through. The hundreds of hours of training. All leading up to this point. After that was minor events. 

Midnight and I on the private jet. Landing, her walking me through the plan, arriving at the hotel. They got the reservation mixed up and thought we were husband and wife. It wasn’t worth the effort to try to fix it. We got to our room and gameplanned. We were supposed to visit a few jewelry stores. We had been to a few one day. No real leads, the next day we went to the seedier ones. Trying to find a lead on where the stolen diamonds were being sold to. We had received some help from local police, but not much. 

Finally a lead we walked out of the jewelry store only to be ambushed. I got us out of there but we didn’t know the Highleer girl was one of them. She touched us as we escaped, and I remembered the rest. 

“Goddammit,” I said, interrupting the man.

“My words exactly. Shin, pillow talk,” Midnight said. I nodded and held my breath. That was the signal for when she was going to use her quirk, Somnambulist. She was able to release an invisible gas that put people to sleep. It only took a few minutes. She expelled enough out to put an elephant to sleep. The lackeys and boss man dropped to the ground. The big guy noticed something off and moved for her. 

Melting through the cuffs holding me down I jumped forward hitting him hard in the face. My rage was built up enough and he went down. Not out, I was on him again. Kicking him for all I was worth. He flew a good 10 feet away and landed hard, finally out. 

“You put us to sleep so freaking much,” I grumbled as I walked over to her. 

“I didn’t mean to!” She yelled. “I didn’t know I had a quirk.” My fingers melted the locks for the cuffs at her wrists. “This maybe wouldn’t have happened if you just let them take us in the first place!” 

“They had guns!” I yelled. Midnight grumbled, searching the boss man for a cell phone. Punching in some numbers she gave me an annoyed look as I started piling the downed men together. 

“Yes, this is Ishio. We have a situation…” She was soon explaining where we were and it didn’t take long for the building to become surrounded. Midnight and I disappeared, catching one of the local police up with the situation. It took time but we were eventually let go. 

“Why did they want you, anyway?” I asked as a policeman drove us to our hotel. 

“Who knows. He did his big reveal when I was getting my memories back,” she said.

“That freaking sucked,” I said, letting out a sigh. I eyed her up and down. Further away in the seat I was a little disappointed. “You sure you don’t need another nap on me?” 

“Shut up,” she grumbled, her face blushing. “I can’t believe I thought you were my husband.” 

“What? I make a very good husband,” I assured. “We could keep playing house. Sounds like a fun time.”

“Fuck you,” she mumbled. “Don’t think I forgot you slept with my sister.” 

“True,” I said, laughing. “She slept with your boyfriend. Maybe you can get back at her with me.” 

Her head slowly turned to face me. “I will kill you if you breathe a word of this to anyone,” she said. 

“Oh come on, mistress,” I said. Risking it I grabbed her hand. Pulling her over to me she fought me for a moment, but I was strong. I released her when she was sitting next to me once more. My arm going over her shoulder she didn’t scratch or bite me, which I thought was a good enough sign. “I’m your ever faithful bodyguard. I won’t tell your secrets.” I pulled her a little closer. She fought for a moment but then leaned into me a little. Stiff but relaxing as we made our way through town once more. 

As she let out a sigh she nuzzled up to me. “What was that language thing, anyway? You really thought you were speaking English?”

“No idea, must have been part of her quirk,” I lied. We quieted and she repositioned her head becoming more comfortable. Eventually we made it to the hotel, but unfortunately she decided to sleep alone. Not that it wasn’t a bad thing. I was a shadow clone after all. The mind of Weston, but the sex drive of a eunuch, I knew my main body would appreciate the progress I made with her. 

We got on a plane the next day. Midnight didn’t fight laying next to me this time. A large private jet all to ourselves she opted to sleep next to me. Cuddling up to me I wondered how to move forward. I was sure she would get another mission for me in the future. Next time Weston wouldn’t be able to put a clone in to do the work. He might actually get lucky. 

When the plane landed, Midnight was quiet. Thanking me as she dropped me off at UA I turned around and ended my existence when she was far enough away. My memories going to the main body he had a lot of catching up to do. Maybe he could gleam more from the memories we got about when we arrived in the halls. 

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